Let M be a connected n-dimensional submanifold of a Euclidean space $E^{n+k}$ equipped with the induced metric and ${\Delta}$ its Laplacian. If the position vector x of M is decomposed as a sum of three vectors $x=x_1+x_2+x_0$ where two vectors $x_1$ and $x_2$ are non-constant eigenvectors of the Laplacian, i.e., ${\Delta}x_i={\lambda}_ix_i$, i = 1, 2 (${\lambda}_i{\in}R$) and $x_0$ is a constant vector, then, M is called a 2-type submanifold. In this paper we proved that a connected 2-type hypersurface M in $E^{n+1}$ whose postion vector x satisfies ${\langle}{\Delta}x,x-x_0{\rangle}=c$ for a constant c, where ${\langle}$, ${\rangle}$ is the usual inner product in $E^{n+1}$, is of null 2-type and has constant mean curvature and scalar curvature.