Let E be a uniformly convex Banach space and K be a nonempty closed convex subset of E. Let ${\{T_i\}}^N_{i=1}$ be N nonexpansive self-mappings of K with $F\;=\;{\cap}^N_{i=1}F(T_i)\;{\neq}\;{\theta}$ (here $F(T_i)$ denotes the set of fixed points of $T_i$). Suppose that one of the mappings in ${\{T_i\}}^N_{i=1}$ is semi-compact. Let $\{{\alpha}_n\}\;{\subset}\;[{\delta},\;1-{\delta}]$ for some ${\delta}\;{\in}\;(0,\;1)$ and $\{{\beta}_n\}\;{\subset}\;[\tau,\;1]$ for some ${\tau}\;{\in}\;(0,\;1]$. For arbitrary $x_0\;{\in}\;K$, let the sequence {$x_n$} be defined iteratively by $\{{x_n\;=\;{\alpha}_nx_{n-1}\;+\;(1-{\alpha}_n)T_ny_n,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \atop {y_n\;=\;{\beta}nx_{n-1}\;+\;(1-{\beta}_n)T_nx_n},\;{\forall}_n{\geq}1,}$, where $T_n\;=\;T_{n(modN)}$. Then {$x_n$} convergence strongly to a common fixed point of the mappings family ${\{T_i\}}^N_{i=1}$. The result presented in this paper generalized and improve the corresponding results of Chidume and Shahzad [C. E. Chidume, N. Shahzad, Strong convergence of an implicit iteration process for a finite family of nonexpansive mappings, Nonlinear Anal. 62(2005), 1149-1156] even in the case of ${\beta}_n\;{\equiv}\;1$ or N=1 are also new.