Let $F_n$, $n{\in}{\mathbb{N}}$ be the n - th Fibonacci number, and let (p, q) be one of ordered pairs ($F_{n+2}$, $F_n$) or ($F_{n+1}$, $F_n$). Then we show that the multiplicative inverse of q mod p as well as that of p mod q are again Fibonacci numbers. For proof of our claim we make use of well-known Cassini, Catlan and dOcagne identities. As an application, we determine the number $N_{p,q}$ of nonzero term of a polynomial ${\Delta}_{p,q}(t)=\frac{(t^{pq}-1)(t-1)}{(t^p-1)(t^q-1)}$ through the Carlitz's formula.