International conference on construction engineering and project management (국제학술발표논문집)
Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management
- 2년1회간
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- 2508-9048(eISSN)
This paper probes into safety leadership in construction and its impacts on site safety performance. A safety leadership model for construction is proposed. It contains two impacting paths of safety leadership, namely safety management and safety culture. By action research, safety improvement is achieved through leadership fulfillment on construction sites.
Owning to rapid infrastructure development, Asia is experiencing dramatic economic growth. There are not a few cases in which, however, economic growth is achieved by increasing the external diseconomy. Pursuit of sustainable development is one of the most important issues for mankind. Under the post-industrial capitalism society, however, there seems a big risk of increase in the external diseconomy worldwide. The objectives of this manuscript are to discuss importance of risk management of construction practice in present and future. Regarding the latter, a particular attempt is made to discuss how project risk communication should be done to reduce the external diseconomy. Presently, one of the important issues in implementation of infrastructure projects is practice of risk management to properly manage time, cost, quality, and safety: mainly maximization of internal economy. Multi-party risk and uncertainty management process (MRUMP) is one of tolls to assist it. The idea on MRUMP can be used to reduce the external diseconomy through identifying, sharing, and tuning people's rhythms.
Traditional project management theory is based on a three-dimensional life cycle approach where the project managerseeks to optimize the dimensions of cost-schedule-technical (quality or design). This paper reports the findings of a case study analysis of two complex mega-projects in Michigan which confirm the findings of previous research and illustrates the use of a framework for five-dimensional project management (5DPM) that is for conceptualizing a complex project's scope of work. The framework elevates the recognition that the project's social/political context and the financial arrangements create complexity adding two new dimensions. This paper also demonstrates a methodology to graphically display a project's complexity to better understand and prioritize the available resources. The result is a "complexity footprint" that may help a complex project manager identify the boundary between controllable and uncontrollable projects impacts. The paper finds that applying 5DPM to the two case study projects has given the project delivery team a tool which is actually adding value to the complex project management process.
Unsafe behavior is one of the major causes of construction accidents. Managing the behavior of workers in real-time is difficult and requires huge manpower. In this paper, a new real-time locating framework is proposed to improve safety management by collecting and analyzing data describing the behavior of workers to identify habits that may lead to accidents. The aim of the study is to identify working habits of workers based on their location history. Location data is used to compare with that of other workers and equipment. The results indicate that the reuse of real-time location data can provide extra safety information for safety management and that the proposed system has the potential to prevent struck-by accidents and caught-in between accidents by predicting unwanted interaction between workers and equipment. This adds to current research aimed at automating construction safety to the point where the continuous monitoring, managing and protection of site workers on site is possible.
Front end planning is arguably the most impactful process in the successful delivery of capital projects. Organizations expend substantial effort in this planning process, intending to minimize risk and promote project success. This process has been well documented, including critical technical components, as well as the importance of team collaborative components. As organizations continue to pursue large projects with multi-national participation from sponsors, designers, contractors and suppliers, the importance of collaboration on a global scale during front end planning becomes more important, not less. This paper will outline research performed over the past two decades giving the basic components of the process and the value of global collaboration. It will provide guidance to project participants in pursuing successful planning.
Since 2013, Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) has introduced big data initiatively in administration and put into practices in transportation, safety, welfare in order to overcome limited resources and conflicting interests. For establishing a new midnight bus service, SMG prepared optimized midnight bus routes by analyzing big data from mobile phone Call Data Record (CDR) through collaboration with a telecommunication company. Despite of limited budget and resources, newly identified routes can cover over 42% of the citizen with 9 routes and less than 1% of buses compare with day time operation. In addition to solve transportation problem, SMG utilizes big data to resolve location selection problem for choosing new facility locations such as life double cropping centers and senior citizen leisure centers. As results, SMG demonstrates big data as a good tool to make policies and to build smarter city by overcome space-time limitation of resources, mediation of conflicts, and maximizes benefit of the citizen.
Productivity has been a wide-ranging challenge for the construction industry, both in Australia and globally. Particularly in Western Australia's construction and resources sectors, continuously low productivity will potentially discourage future investments. The emergence of the global marketplace necessitates that the supply chain needs to focus on the concept of the holistic efficiency. The isolated geographical position of Australia only exacerbates this phenomenon. In recent years, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been suggested as an efficient way to help productivity improve and information management throughout supply chains. This keynote talk will focus on discussing ways of implementing BIM to enhance site productivity focusing on Western Australia's construction projects. It will show new trends of its applications to accomplish an innovative way in construction project management. The talk will also give an insightful summary of integrated methods with state-of-the-art technologies backboned by the BIM cases from construction and oil and gas industry projects.
To realize the global standard of the assembly facility, one of key point is an influence of local characteristic. The global standardized information could be a useful input, especially at the beginning stage of the project. The content should be carefully checked against local requirements, in order to develop an Assembly Facility design to meet local regulations & characteristics. The level of input information required in each step is different depend on regions & countries. At an execution stage of the project, the global standard input needs to be updated as customized final input for the construction. There will be many issues to be clarified and coordinated so that the Assembly facilities meet the final requirements for the production technology. As a result, it is important to understand the timing to use the global standard information and the contents what is needed to adapt to the local characteristics. And close collaboration between production technology team and facility team is always required.
In the trend of globalization and location transfer of existing production bases is still characterized by an extremely unstable status between different countries and different regions. The results are negative impacts on cost, quality and speed of project implementation, especially automobile industry which is one of the most complex manufacturing sectors. In order to overcome problems from Global Standardization of Production Line and its Localization, it is highly required comprehensive coordination among design of production equipment, production technology, space and interfaces. It is necessary to set up standard of production equipment and building for parallel progress, in order to complete production line in shortest time for launching product. In addition, this standard should keep flexibility with consideration of local situation which means "Glocalization."
The tire production facility is a large-scale construction with the complexity of a manufacturing process. The process utilities should be wide-ranging as an effective arrangement of them is highly important. All the necessary information should be clarified together with the manufacturer at the basic planning stage, and this design should be developed to comply with the local culture and regulations. It is important to carry out more advanced engineering in terms of process, cost and quality, even if it is difficult to standardize due to the cultural and geographical conditions and regulations. The key point is to reflect all the given conditions and make a clear design during the design stage, to eliminate the problems after the construction has begun. Another key point is the delivery system, which must be totally managed from the initial design stage until the construction stage by proven companies. Flexibility, quick action, and single responsibility will be the fundamental features in all the steps of the project.
PPPs in international development cooperation can be challenging due limited capacities in the country, weaknesses in terms of policy and legislative frameworks, differences in mindsets, values, work ethics and hierarchical structures as well as cultural issues. These can lead to misunderstandings and implementation problems. However, a careful assessment of the situation on the ground, stakeholder analysis and needs assessment can help to identify potential bottlenecks and address capacity constraints that could slowdown operations. A sound understanding of local power dynamics and work practices can help to put in place an exit strategy which will enhance the projects' sustainability. Making sure that goals and objectives are understood in the same way by all partners, establishing an ongoing and respectful dialogue between them, as well as transparent implementation and monitoring mechanisms can also contribute to the PPP's success and increase the likeliness to make a difference in the lives of those in needs.
This study explores the issue of program management consortia involving multinational participants. The aim of this research was to leverage advantages in program management (PM) skills and PM model improvement in product line construction in mega scale construction programs, typically funded by public funds. Such ventures involve multinational parties using dedicated partnering based on a program management consortium (PMC) to reduce confrontation between parties in complex circumstances, allowing an open and non-adversarial approach to project management. This research also seeks to implement an ongoing feedback program of best practices and lessons learned to minimize the repetition of mistakes and to reduce costs in sequenced construction. Recently, the Korean government has planned to undertake three large new projects: the Korean Peninsula major river maintenance, the reclamation of Se-Mangum, and the Science/Business City. This paper starts by providing a framework for the cost-reduction strategy for the United States Forces Korea (USFK) Relocation Program, which will be funded with public funds and a private fund investment (PFI) that combines programs executed by two governments as owners and multinational stakeholders, joined in the PMC. The establishment of project-oriented consortia is an innovative and non-adversarial approach to massive international construction projects. Such projects have used various tools effectively and skillfully. This experience may offer an opportunity to practice new and advanced program management delivery methods, and it is expected that Korea will gain a competitive advantage in the international construction market.
A number of documents containing important and useful knowledge have been generated over time in the construction industry. Such text-based knowledge plays an important role in the construction industry for decision-making and business strategy development by being used as best practice for upcoming projects, delivering lessons learned for better risk management and project control. Thus, practical and usable knowledge creation from construction documents is necessary to improve business efficiency. This study proposes a knowledge creating system from construction documents using text mining and the design comprises three main steps - text mining preprocessing, weight calculation of each term, and visualization. A system prototype was developed as a pilot study of the system design. This study is significant because it validates a knowledge creating system design based on text mining and visualization functionality through the developed system prototype. Automated visualization was found to significantly reduce unnecessary time consumption and energy for processing existing data and reading a range of documents to get to their core, and helped the system to provide an insight into the construction industry.
As international construction market increases, the importance of risk management in international construction project is emphasized. Unfortunately, current risk management practice does not sufficiently deal with project risks. Although a lot of risk analysis techniques have been introduced, most of them focus on project's external unexpected risks such as country conditions and owner's financial standing. However, because those external risks are difficult to manage and take preemptive action, we need to concentrate on project inherent risks. Based on this premise, this paper proposes a project-oriented risk mining approach which could detect and extract project risk factors automatically before they are materialized. This study presents a methodology regarding how to extract potential risks which exist in owner's project requirements and project tender documents using state of the art data analysis method such as text mining. The project-oriented risk mining approach is expected to effectively reflect project characteristics to the project risk management and could provide construction firms with valuable business intelligence.
Urban Informatics, the application of data science methodologies to the urban development and planning domain, has been increasingly adopted to improve the management and efficiency of cities. This paper introduces state of the art use cases in major cities including New York, London, Seoul and Amsterdam. It also introduces recent advances in using Big Data by multi-lateral institutions for poverty reduction, and startups utilizing open data initiatives to create new value and insights. Preliminary research performed on using Seoul's open data such as building permit data and health code violations are also introduced to demonstrate opportunities in this relatively new but promising area of research.
Housing price is a key indicator of housing demand. Actual Transaction Price Index of Apartment (ATPIA) released by Korea Appraisal Board is useful to understand the current level of housing price, but it does not forecast future prices. Big data such as the frequency of internet search queries is more accessible and faster than ever. Forecasting future housing demand through big data will be very helpful in housing market. The objective of this study is to develop a forecasting model of ATPIA as a part of forecasting housing demand. For forecasting, a concept of time shift was applied in the model. As a result, the forecasting model with the time shift of 5 months shows the highest coefficient of determination, thus selected as the optimal model. The mean error rate is 2.95% which is a quite promising result.
Since the mid-2000s, Korean large-sized construction companies have pursued in earnest to expand their business to global construction market in surroundings that domestic market have a continuous and long-term stagnation. However, during last a few years, they have experienced the serious financial loss from international projects. In the meantime, for the sound improvement of Korean construction industry, many stakeholders long for efficient early warning signals to generally monitor and track the potential risks of international projects. In this study, we introduce an International Project Risk Index (IPRI), which is derived from massive data provided by large-sized companies, and expect to provide the practitioners and decision makers as an aid to proactively cope with the change of the potential risks. The outcomes from the IPRI can be utilized to prepare a timely management strategy and to establish an appropriate government support regulation.
As abnormal climate phenomena occur more frequently due to climate change, damage which results from meteorological disaster increases accordingly and its scale and variety are becoming wider. This paper draws out planning and design elements and application techniques to build cities more adaptive to climate change from urban development cases in US and Europe. An urban model is suggested, that enables built environment to be more resilient to risks caused by climate change is applicable to urban development projects in practice.
Increase of impervious areas due to expansion of housing area, commercial and business building of urban is resulting in property change of stormwater runoff. Also, rapid urbanization and heavy rain due to climate change lead to urban flood and debris flow damage. In 2010 and 2011, Seoul had experienced shocking flooding damages by heavy rain. All these have led to increased interest in applying LID and decentralized rainwater management as a means of urban hydrologic cycle restoration and Natural Disaster Prevention such as flooding and so on. Urban development is a cause of expansion of impervious area. It reduces infiltration of rain water and may increase runoff volume from storms. Low Impact Development (LID) methods is to mimic the predevelopment site hydrology by using site design techniques that store, infiltrate, evaporate, detain runoff, and reduction flooding. Use of these techniques helps to reduce off-site runoff and ensure adequate groundwater recharge. The contents of this paper include a hydrologic analysis on a site and an evaluation of flooding reduction effect of LID practice facilities planned on the site. The region of this Case study is LID Rainwater Management Demonstration District in A-new town and P-new town, Korea. LID Practice facilities were designed on the area of rainwater management demonstration district in new town. We performed analysis of reduction effect about flood discharge. SWMM5 has been developed as a model to analyze the hydrologic impacts of LID facilities. For this study, we used weather data for around 38 years from January 1973 to August 2014 collected from the new town City Observatory near the district. Using the weather data, we performed continuous simulation of urban runoff in order to analyze impacts on the Stream from the development of the district and the installation of LID facilities. This is a new approach to stormwater management system which is different from existing end-of-pipe type management system. We suggest that LID should be discussed as a efficient method of urban disasters and climate change control in future land use, sewer and stormwater management planning.
This study is to review and re-establish LH disaster response and safety management system of the construction site and rental apartment complex in order to make an effective response and minimize damage in the face of disaster. I suggest directions for the improvement of disaster management systems. To achieve this, I reviewed the existing disaster response organization and accept opinions of the operating department in order to constitute effective organization which respond quickly and efficiently in emergency, and assigned new roles and responsibilities at each organization. Furthermore, I setup and suggested response manuals for each possible disasters.
As the business environment for construction enterprises has been worse, the level of their dependence on public projects increases. Under these circumstances, the public owners should pursue more efficient management process and make continuous efforts to establish strategic project-oriented organizations. There are growing concerns on owners' role with the recognition that the public owners are the key stakeholders to improve effectiveness in public sectors and reinforce competitiveness of entire industry. This study reviewed the characteristics of public construction projects with the concept of program, evaluated the current status of program management capabilities, and discussed the requirement for effective program management.
The BIM-based architectural design can be the optimal method to improve all sectors of construction industry and reduce environmental impact through digital technologies. The goals and effects of BIM needs in LH to be newly planned based on the experience of public sectors, which will ultimately contribute to maximization of effectiveness. Referring the excellent case in the UK, the current BIM standards according to maturity level 2 handle the contents related to modeling, collaborative data production, data management and assure BIM data have to be used from building construction to operation and maintenance of buildings. Therefore the strategy for the utilization of BIM for construction projects in LH consisted of three steps; first, the minimization of defects via BIM: second, strengthening the competitiveness of construction and asset management: third, upgrading the system of building production and maintenance control. After this trial, LH can accumulate know-how for building construction to be more costeffective and competitive.
The aim of this paper is to identify and rank the main causes of fall accidents from scaffolding according to their relative importance as perceived by project managers and site engineers in construction projects in the Gaza Strip. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to project managers and site engineers, 35 questionnaires were received yielding 70% response rate. A total of 33 factors that cause fall accidents in scaffolding were identified through a literature review and consolidated by a pilot study. These factors were categorized into six groups: factors related to erection, factors related to the staff (Scaffolders), factors related to loads, factors related to the personal safety, factors related to the workers behavior, factors related to the personal competencies. The results indicated that factors related to the workers behavior are the major factors that caused fall accidents from scaffolds. The results revealed that the top ranked factors which caused falls accidents from scaffolding were: absence of personal protective equipment (PPE), missing ladders, wind loads, disguised the design code, lack of proper assembly or inspection, overhead tools and materials, climbing and neglect using ladders, lack of guardrails, missing bracing and working during fatigue. These findings would help contractors to understand the top factors that caused fall accidents so that they can take them into consideration in safety planning in order to minimize the possibility of their occurrences.
Cost management always being the matters for project manager as well as other entities involved the construction projects. Vietnam is emerging country, many construction works were carried out and lot of construction projects will be developed in the near future with a huge investment capital come from outside and inside Vietnam. In recent years, international project management firms enter the Vietnam construction market, some issues emerged need to be solved. In which cost and schedule of the construction project was put in a thoroughly consider of not only project management team but also stakeholders. The research attempts to identify and assess the relationship of factors affecting the construction cost in construction phase in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Five main factor groups Owners/clients; Consultants; Contractors; Resource and Other were identified to propose the solution for cost management.
Capital project benchmarking requires an effective cost normalization process to compare cost performance of projects accomplished in different time and location. Existing cost normalization approaches have been established based on the assumption that all required information for cost normalization is fully identified once a project is completed. Cost normalization, however, is sometimes required to evaluate phase-level outcomes of an ongoing project where the required information is not fully available. This paper aims to provide a cost normalization procedure for phase-based performance assessment. The procedure consists of three normalization steps: currency conversion, location adjustment, and time adjustment considering various scenarios where the required information is not fully identified. This paper also presents how the cost normalization procedure has been applied to the 10-10 Performance Assessment Program, which is a phase-based performance assessment system developed by the Construction Industry Institute (CII). Both researchers and industrial professionals can apply the cost normalization procedure to studies and practices regarding to cost estimation, feasibility analysis, and performance assessment.
The unit price contracting is the standard contracting method for highway projects in the U.S. As a result, state highway agencies have collected a large amount of historical bid data that they can use to determine engineer's estimates for future projects. The estimator must carefully consider various characteristics of a new project such as its location to determine an engineer's estimate as accurate as possible before bid letting. Higher cost estimates can result in the loss of the available budget and lower cost estimates may lead to deferral and delay of projects. The study uses the historical bid data obtained from Iowa Department of Transportation and develops a Geographic Information System (GIS) tool to visually show the variation of unit prices over the map using a spatial interpolation technique. The interpolation map can be used to estimate the unit price of the item at any location across Iowa. This noble method allows the estimator to effectively and fully utilize the historical bid data in a very time efficient manner and determine more accurate cost estimation.
Construction delay is a common problem worldwide, which is considered as one of the main reasons for project failure. Bangladesh construction industry is no exception. This study investigated the main causes of delay in large building construction projects in Bangladesh. A questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the causes of delay from owners, consultants, and contractors of large building construction projects. About 70 respondents participated in the survey. Using the importance index analysis, the study identified 10 most important causes of delay from a list of 30 different causes. Ten most important causes were: (1) lack of experienced construction manager, (2) lowest bidder selection, (3) funding shortage by owner, (4) lack of proper management, (5) improper planning and scheduling, (6) lack of skilled workers, (7) site constraints, (8) contractors' cash flow problems during construction, (9) escalation of resources price, and (10) contractors' excessive workload. Furthermore, Kruskal-Wallis test indicates that there is no significant variation exists among the three group of respondents, ie owners, consultants and contractors.
For construction projects it is imperative that site management gives the highest priority to planning safe site evacuation for all foreseeable emergencies, including earthquakes and typhoons which are often experienced in Japan. This is especially important and even more critical for high risk projects involving underground works, such as Tunneling & Pneumatic Caissons. Based on the safety regulation of underground works, a back-up power supply system must be provided during the construction period at all times. Often, fluorescent lamps with re-chargeable batteries are provided for infrequent emergency cases, however these have a questionable useable life span and thus need careful maintenance and periodical replacement. In this paper we focused on using the phosphorescence materials to indicate the evacuation direction. As a result, it was confirmed that the phosphorescence materials were considered useful in reducing panic and facilitating a controlled evacuation in the event of a total black-out due to power failure.
Due to unique characteristics of small construction companies, safety management is comprised of complex problems (e.g., resources constraints, a lack of formalized management structures, low level of management safety commitment etc.). In order to understand causal interdependencies between safety factors at different system levels (regulation, organization, technical and individual), this paper aims to develop a system dynamics (SD) model of safety management in small construction companies. The purpose of the SD model is to better understand why small construction companies have low level of safety performance. A causal loop diagram (CLD) was developed based on literature, with an attempt to map causal relationships between variables. The CLD was then converted into stock and flow diagram for simulation. Various tests were conducted to build confidence in the model's ability to represent the reality. A number of policies were analyzed by changing the value of parameters. The value of a system dynamics approach to safety management in small construction companies is its ability to address joint effects of multiple safety risk factors on safety performance with a systems thinking perspective. By taking into account feedback loops and non-linear relationships, such a system dynamics model provides insights into the complex causes of relatively poor safety performance of small construction companies and improvement strategies.
Analysis of construction tender documents in overseas projects is a very important issue from a risk management point of view. Unfortunately, majority of construction firms are biased by winning contracts without in-depth analysis of tender documents. As a result, many contractors have incurred loss in overseas projects. Although a lot of risk analysis techniques have been introduced, most of them focus project's external unexpected risks such as country conditions and owner's financial standing. However, because those external risks are difficult to control and take preemptive action, we need to concentrate on project inherent risks. Based on this premise, this paper proposes a project-oriented risk mining approach which could detect and extract project risk factors automatically before they are materialized and assess them. This study presents a methodology regarding how to extract potential risks which exist in owner's project requirements and project tender documents using state of the art data analysis method such as text mining, data mining, and information visualization. The project-oriented risk mining approach is expected to effectively reflect project characteristics to the project risk management and could provide construction firms with valuable business intelligence.
Scientific methods that measure the physical demand requirements of a construction operation have not been arrived at maturity in construction community. It is attributed to the difficulty involved in performing controlled experiments on the operation and its' volatile jobsite environment. This paper presents a method that measures the physical demand requirement of the waterproofing activity and verifies the differences between various operations (e.g., a primer painting and a polyurethane coating) consisting of the activity. Two hypotheses, which are involved in the operations, are summarized as follows: [Hypothesis 1] when one performs the same amount of work; the one's average heart rate required for the polyurethane coating operation is higher than that required for the primer painting operation. [Hypothesis 2] when one performs the same amount of work, the one's break time required for the polyurethane coating operation is longer than that required for the primer painting operation.
Delay on State-Funded Construction Projects (SFCPs) in Dong Thap - a province in Mekong Delta of Vietnam, as many provinces of Vietnam, have caused budget overrun through many recent years. The budget-overrun situations, in turn, have deepened the delay. Identifying critical factors affecting delay SFCPs plays a key role to mitigate negative impact of delay. 134/160 questionnaires were collected from personals working for project owners, consultants, supervisors and contractors in Dong Thap Province. Convenient sampling method was used. EFA was resulted in critical 04 factors with 20 variables caused delay in SFCPs, including: "Project technic, contractor's financial capacity and adjustment role of the government", "Regulation and Policy", "Mutual benefit support and concern between the government and residents", and "Disadvantage of construction site and weather season". Reliable measures to reduce delay on SFCPs are discussed to establish legal corridors to strictly controlling the process, consider mutual benefit between the government and its residents, and evaluating construction conditions. Those measures are considered could be applied in not only Dong Thap province, but most provinces of Vietnam as well.
This paper presents a computational method that identifies an exact set of optimal overlap rates between critical activities to meet job site specific needs by using rework cost-slope. The procedures to compute the exact solution are provided in peudocode algorithm. The method is coded into Exact Concurrent Construction Scheduling system that allows practitioners to make more informed decision in accordance with the site-specific condition involved in the overlapping of critical activities. Test cases verify the validity of the computational method and the usability of the system.
Floats are used by the parties involved in a construction project. The owner may use float by changing order(s) or by executing risk avoidance plan; the contractor may use it for leveling resources or substituting activities' construction methods to reduce costs. Floats are accepted either just as by-product obtained by critical path method(CPM) scheduling or as asset having significant value. Succinctly, existing studies involved in float value does not consider its' changes on project time domain. It is important to identify float ownership and to quantify its' corresponding values. This paper presents a method that quantifies float value of money that changes over project execution. The method which accurately computes the monetary value of float may contributes to resolve conflicts relative to float ownership and/or delay issues among project participants. It compares the difference between the monetary value of total float - on non-critical path in each and every schedule update. It makes use of critical path method (CPM) and commercial software with which practitioners are already familiar.
This paper presents a Stochastic Time-Cost Tradeoff analysis system (STCT) that identifies optimal construction methods for activities, hence reducing the project completion time and cost simultaneously. It makes use of schedule information obtained from critical path method (CPM), applies alternative construction methods data obtained from estimators to respective activities, computes an optimal set of genetic algorithm (GA) parameters, executes simulation based GA experiments, and identifies near optimal solution(s). A test case verifies the usability of STCT.
Construction managers use scheduling methods to improve the outcome of their project. Despite the many obvious advantages of the critical path method (CPM), its use in construction has been limited. Understanding the reasons why CPM is not used as extensively as expected could improve its level of acceptance in the construction industry. The link between construction scheduling methods and the tasks expected to be performed by schedulers has been an on-going concern in the construction industry. This study proposes a task-technology fit model to understand why CPM is not used as extensively as expected in construction scheduling. A task-technology fit model that aims to measure the extent to which a construction scheduling method functionally matches the tasks expected to be performed by the scheduling staff. The model that is proposed is an answer to the lack of proper instruments for evaluating the extent to which scheduling methods are used in the industry.
Credit enhancement is absolutely essential for financing Independent Power Producer (IPP) projects in Asia particularly for countries whose sovereign credit rating is on non-investment grade and foreign investment is difficult to achieve. Due to nexus of agreements among varies parties in IPP project, it is hard to clearly visualize the roles of these agreements. Examples are: What credit enhancement factors are most influential to minimize the associated risks of IPP projects? Why are they powerful? What are their roles? Who are less powerful and what are the obstacles that causes them less powerful? A research is conducted to identify the credit enhancement factors for IPP projects in Asia. IPP professionals validated 27 out of 28 identified credit enhancement factors, and five factor groupings were made through factor analysis. Afterwards, network theory is applied to find the unanswered questions, which by graphical and mathematical representations show that the host government's credit enhancement, MDBs, ECAs and other parties' credit enhancement are prominent and of great importance to handle the associated risks of IPP projects in Asia
In spite of the socio-economic benefits of the construction industry, it accounts for many deaths, injuries and illnesses in many countries. In developing countries like Vietnam, the situation is even worse. Health and safety (H&S) management plays a crucial role in the efforts to improve H&S performance as it contributes to mitigating the risks of occupational injuries and illnesses. However, within the wider H&S literature in Vietnam, there is no insight into the current state of affairs of H&S management, particularly in terms of the management practices that need attention in order to improve H&S management across the construction sector. This study therefore presents the findings of an inquiry into the H&S management practices of contractors in Vietnam. The study employed a questionnaire survey which yielded 58 responses from contractors, particularly those operating in Southern Vietnam. Some commonly implemented H&S management practices by the contractors are: provision of personal protective equipment (94%), allocation of H&S supervisor on site (90%), and displaying of company H&S policy on construction sites, company website, and head/branch offices (86%). Some of the less implemented practices are: networking/engaging with other companies/institutions (e.g. government offices) about H&S issues (39%), rewarding workers for safe work behaviour (39%), reviewing and updating H&S plans (48%), and displaying regulatory H&S posters on site (45%). The findings have provided some insight into the current state of affairs of the H&S management practices of contractors in Southern Vietnam and could thus inform efforts by industry stakeholders to improve the aspects of H&S management that are lagging.
A modular construction method includes factory-prefabricated room-sized volumetric units. Although low-rise buildings have been constructed worldwide using this method for more than 30 years, it is a relatively new technology in high-rise construction. There are three basic methods of constructing high-rise buildings using modular construction: the core method, the core-and-podium combination method, and the modular in-fill method. While the first two have been used in the USA and in several European countries, the third method, introduced in 2011 by an international cruise ship development firm, is a rather new approach for which there are few case histories. Therefore, its applicability and construction feasibility should be verified. As a pilot study to test the applicability of the modular in-fill method, a 12-story residential building was built in Korea. This paper describes a case study of the pilot project. The advantages and disadvantages of the method and its applicability in terms of cost effectiveness and construction schedule management were evaluated.
The South Korean construction industry has shown a high proportion of industrial accidents (approximately 28% of whole injuries) and the continuously increasing accident rate. Although many safety research emphasized that the 3E (Enforcement, Education, and Engineering) approach is a potential solution to enhance workplace safety, there should be benefits to consider psychological (i.e., Emotional) effects on the safety performance since most construction works are human-oriented. Thus, understanding construction workers' psychological conditions can be a priority. This research studied the relationships between psychological conditions-which cover stress, personal temperament, emotional disturbance, and drinking habit-and specific safety-related factors including safety motivation and knowledge, and safety performance of individual workers at a construction site. This study conducted a survey of 430 respondents and analyzed the data with the multiple linear regressions. The results imply persistence, trait anxiety, and problem-focused coping style are the critical factors that should be controlled for enhancing jobsite safety. Finally, the research outcomes could be applied to build a strategic safety management plan for a construction manager.
Human resources development is considered a critical issue for improving productivity of workers in construction industry. The aim of this study is to identify and rank the key motivating factors that impact skilled workers productivity according to their relative importance. A total of 27 factors were identified through a literature review, which were categorized into 2 group financial and un-financial motivators. A questionnaire instrument was adopted in this study. The study revealed that the most significant group which affected skilled workers' productivity in construction projects was financial group with the recognition of the un-financial group importance. The results emphasized that the financial group has an edge over the un-financial group which reflect the priority of need for the respondents. The results indicated that the un-financial group represents a backbone in its importance after the financial group which reflects that un-financial factors can improve productivity. The findings showed that the provision of companies to safety conditions factor such as protective safety clothing and protective equipment was ranked very low by the respondents. This is due to the dominant culture of the workers as well as the lack of their awareness regarding their own safety and lack of companies' interest in safety and health for workers. Construction companies are advised to take the key motivating factors obtained from the results of this study into serious consideration in order to improve the satisfaction of their workers and improve their productivity.
A nuclear power plant construction project normally involves a large construction work of which the total project cost is over 5 trillion Won, Such a large-scale construction project has the risks of schedule delay and quality degradation due to increase in project cost, because designs are changed due to design errors. The reasons for design changes during installation are 1) insufficient engineering capability of the owner, 2) information discontinuance due to the multiple package method, and 3) inefficient constructability review processes. Accordingly, this study proposes, through problem analysis, a method of developing a constructability review system that utilizes constructability review processes and a data-based technology (3D modeling) that are optimized for nuclear power plant construction projects. It also presents a method of establishing a system for reviewing constructability in which constructability review processes and a Database (3D model, Schedule, Design change Items) are linked each other.
The construction industry is an integral part of any nation's economy, whether measured by dollar volume or workforce size. In spite of its strong influence, there has been very little specifically aimed at evaluating the current industry performance. This research investigates the macroeconomic performance of the construction industry by accounting for crucial performance affecting factors such as labor productivity and gross margin. A clustering analysis, followed by a series of statistical analyses, yielded a notable finding that labor productivity is the most important factor that affects industry's profitability. The results of the analysis also revealed that the states with the strongest labor productivity show the highest level of profitability in terms of gross margin. This study should be of value to decision-makers when plotting a roadmap for future growth and rendering a strategic business decision.
Construction industry still requires a lot of laborers to perform a project despite of advance in technologies, and improving labor productivity is an important strategy for successful project management. Since repetitive construction works exhibits learning effect, understanding laborers' learning phenomenon therefore allows managers to have improved labor productivity. In this context, previous research efforts quantified individual laborer's learning effect, though numerous construction works are performed in group. In other words, previous research about labor learning assumed that sum of individual's productivity is same as group productivity. Also, managers in construction sites need understanding about group learning behavior for dealing with labor performance problem. To address these issues, the authors investigate what variables affect laborers' group level learning process and develop conceptual model as a basic tool of productivity estimation regarding group learning. Based on the result of this research, it is possible to understand forming mechanism of learning within the group level. Further, this research may contribute to maximizing laborers' productivity in construction sites.
Efficient scheduling and resource management are the key factor to reduce construction project budget (e.g., labor cost, equipment cost, material cost, etc.). Resource-based line of balance (LOB) technique has been used to complement the limitations of existing time-driven scheduling techniques (e.g., critical-path method). Optimizing construction alternatives contributes to cost savings while honoring the project deadline. However, existing LOB scheduling is lack of identifying optimal resource combination. This study presents a method which identifies the optimal construction alternatives, hence achieving resource minimization in a repetitive construction by using genetic algorithm (GA). The method provides efficient planning tool that enhances the usability of the system.
The delay in construction is the challenge often faced in the course of executing construction projects. To the government projects, the delays become very serious. This problem directly affects the lives, social welfare of the people, and the other negative social impacts. However, the government projects have not been much interest. The questionnaire surveys in Vietnam were conducted to determine the causes of the delay and to find solutions for dealing with the delay. The average index was used to rank the delay factors and the solutions. This study identified the 5 most highly ranked delay factors and the 8 best solutions from a list of 31 delay factors and 19 solutions for the delay. The five most highly ranked delay factors were: information delays and lack of information exchange between the parties; incompetent owner; incompetent supervision consultant; incompetent contractor; and difficulties in financing project by owner. The findings of the study can help the parties involved the government construction projects and practitioners to give appropriate strategies for countering the delay in their projects.
Line of Balance (LOB) method is suitable to schedule construction projects composed of repetitive activities. Since existing LOB based repetitive project scheduling methods are deterministic, they do not lend themselves to handle uncertainties involved in repetitive construction process. Indeed, existing LOB scheduling dose not handle variability of project performance indicators. In order to bridge the gap between reality and estimation, this study provides a stochastic LOB based scheduling method that allows schedulers for effectively dealing with the uncertainties of a construction project performance. The proposed method retrieves an appropriate probability distribution function (PDF) concerning project completion times, and determines favorable start times of activities. A case study is demonstrated to verify and validate the capability of the proposed method in a repetitive construction project planning.
The linear scheduling method or line-of-balance (LOB) is a popular choice for projects that involve repetitive tasks during project execution. The method, however, produces deterministic schedule that does not convey a range of potential project outcomes under uncertainty. This results from the fact the basic scheduling parameters such as crew production rates are estimated to be deterministic based on single-point value inputs. The current linear scheduling technique, therefore, lacks the capability of reflecting the fluctuating nature of the project operation. In this paper the authors address the issue of how the variability of operation and production rates affects schedule outcomes and show a more realistic description of what might be a realistic picture of typical projects. The authors provide a solution by providing a more effective and comprehensive way of incorporating the crew performance variability using a Monte Carlo simulation technique. The simulation outcomes are discussed in terms of how this stochastic approach can overcome the shortcomings of the conventional linear scheduling technique and provide optimum schedule solutions.
This paper presents a new method for forecasting construction project cost and time at completion or at any intermediate time horizon of the project duration. The method is designed to overcome identified limitations of current applications of earned value method in forecasting project cost and time. The proposed method usesfuzzy set theory to model uncertainties associated with project performance and it integrates the earned value technique and the contractors' judgement. The fuzzy set theory is applied as an alternative approach to deterministic and probabilistic methods. Using fuzzy set theory allows contractors to: (1) perform risk analysis for different scenarios of project performance indices, and (2) perform different scenarios expressing vagueness and imprecision of forecasted project cost and time using a set of measures and indices. Unlike the current applications of Earned Value Method(EVM), The proposed method has a numberof interesting features: (1) integrating contractors' judgement in forecasting project performance; (2) enabling contractors to evaluate the risk associated with cost overrun in much simpler method comparing with that of simulation, and (3) accounting for uncertainties involved in the forecasting project cost.
Detecting and assessing human-related risks is critical to improve the on-site safety condition and reduce the loss in lives, time and budget for construction industry. Recent research in neural science and psychology suggest inattentional blindness that caused by overload in working memory is the major cause of unexpected human related accidents. Due to the limitation of human mental workload, laborers are vulnerable to unexpected hazards while focusing on complicated and dangerous construction tasks. Therefore, detecting the risk perception abilities of workers could help to identify vulnerable individuals and reduce unexpected injuries. However, there are no available measurement approaches or devices capable of monitoring construction workers' mental conditions. The research proposed in this paper aims to develop such a measurement framework to evaluate hazards through monitoring electroencephalogram of labors. The research team developed a wearable safety monitoring helmet, which can collect the brain waves of users for analysis. A bispectrum approach has been developed in this paper to enrich the data source and improve accuracy.
The Risk Management (RM) is applied for managing uncertainty of project. In this circumstance, the competences of RM have a direct effect on the performance of its application. Especially, as the RM, one of the project management areas, is a peopleoriented management field, the individual behavioral competences are significant for a risk manager. Therefore, this paper describes the development of individual behavioral competences for construction project risk manager. For this, the research classifies the individual behavioral competences of RM. And, the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) are applied to verify a validity of the competences. Likewise, a reliability analysis using Cronbach's alpha values is performed to test internal consistency. Based on the results, the authors carry out the Focus Group Interview (FGI) on expert panels of construction RM to confirm the hierarchical model of the individual behavioral competences. It is concluded that the proposed hierarchical model of individual behavioral competences helps construction companies to diagnose the competences of their project risk manager for progressing.
This study is based on the data of velocity actually measured at varied the heights in the last 3 years. As mentioned in the World Meteorological Monitoring Plan(World Weather Watch: WWW), using the meteorological data by radiosonde can calculate the probability of velocity greater than 10m/s which is the standard beginning point of non-working condition by wind. The height is divided into sections, with 100m for each section starting from the ocean surface up to 700m high. The data measured at each section could be used for estimating and predicting the probability of non-working days for the construction nearby. For example, the data of Osan region is expected to be applicable for the project located in Seoul which has similar geographical conditions. As comparing the velocity varied with height, non-working days calculated basing on the measured data shows a variation of from -0.3 to +64 days. However, this study use Weibull distribution which considered more reliable, the result is expected to be more useful, as the data was all actually measured in the real conditions.
The growing size and complex process in construction project recently leads to increase risk and the losses as well. Even though researchers have identified the major risk indicators, there is lack of comprehensive and quantitative research for identifying the relationship between the risk indicators and economic losses associated with construction projects. To address this shortage of research, this study defines risk indicators and create a framework to assess the influence of economic losses from the indicators. An insurance company's claim payout record was accepted as the dependent variable to reflect the real economic losses. Based on the claims, we categorized the causes and results of accidents. To establish framework, built environment vulnerability indicators and geographical vulnerability indicators were employed as the risk indicators. A Pearson correlation analysis was adopted to validate the relationship with loss ratio and risk indicators. Consequently, this framework and its results may offer significant references for under writers of insurance companies and loss prevention activities.
Many conventional management methods have emphasized the minimization of required resources along the supply chain. Accordingly, this paper presents a proposed method called the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)-aided system. It is based on object-oriented resource control, in order to accomplish a feed-forward control monitoring supply chain logistics. The system is supported by two main parts: (1) IT-based Technologies; and (2) VDC Models. They enable the system to convey proactive information from the detection technology to its linked visualization. The paper includes a field study as the system's pre-test: the Scaffolding Works in a LNG Mega Project. The study demonstrates a system of real-time productivity monitoring by use of the RFIDbased Mobile Information Hub. The on-line 'productivity dashboard' provides an opportunity to display the continuing processes for each work-package. This research project offers the observed opportunities created by the developed system. Future work will entail research experiments aimed towards system validation.
This paper presents 10 input measures influencing project outcomes. Construction Industry Institute (CII), a consortium of more than 130 project owner and contractor companies, has collected project-level data for over 20 years. Recently, CII has developed a new system measuring project-level performance and factors presumably influencing project performance. The system, called 10-10, collects data for 10 input and 10 output measures for capital projects. The input measures include planning, organizing, leading, controlling, design efficiency, human resources, quality, sustainability, supply chain, and safety. This paper provides theoretical background for these measures. Although the input measures have been known to impact on project outcomes such as cost and schedule, there has been no study quantitatively evaluating how they are operated in the construction industry. This study contributes to revealing the current status of their uses, which will be helpful in establishing strategies improving construction project performance.
A significant amount of data including ongoing construction activities, work quantities, resources utilized by contractors, and site conditions is collected in highway construction sites on a daily basis by resident engineers. This data is commonly known as daily work reports (DWRs) in the U.S. Although a lot of time and effort is invested in collecting the DWR data, its utilization has been very limited. This paper discusses current practices of collecting and utilizing DWR data among various Departments of Transportation in the U.S., and discusses the challenges and opportunities for better collection and utilization of the data. An extensive literature review and two nationwide surveys in the U.S. were conducted as a part of this study. Finally, it provides a set of recommendations to effectively address the challenges identified and maximize the benefits of utilizing DWR data such as supporting various decisions for highway project development process. The findings of this study are implementable ideas that can aid DOTs in making data-driven decisions throughout the project development processes in the future.
The growth-share matrix is a portfolio planning tool developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to assist competitive positioning in the international market including those in the construction industry. This matrix is helpful in balancing the firm's cash-flow, and it can suggest strategic directions for each business unit. However, its effectiveness and applicability have long been debated in the academic field due to the complex and unique industrial context of construction. To solve the dispute, this research clarifies the applicability of theories underlying the growth-share matrix to the construction industry. Empirical research based on actual financial data of Korean construction firms is adopted for the statistical analysis including one-way analysis of variance and correlation analysis. The results of this research show that empirical findings on the relationship between performance variables. In this context, this research can provide important insights on the concept of portfolio management in the construction industry.
Despite the significant increase of Korean contractors in the international construction market, many SMCCs (Small & Medium Construction Companies) have suffered in the global financial crisis, and some of them have been kicked out of the international market after experiencing huge losses on projects. SMCCs face obstacles in the international market, such as an insufficient ability to gather information and inappropriate management of associated risks, which lead to difficulties in establishing effective business strategies. In other words, making immature decisions without an effective business strategy may cause not only the failure of one project but also the bankruptcy of the SMCC. To overcome this, the research presented herein aims to propose a decision support system for SMCCs, which would screen projects and make a go/no-go decision at the early stages of international projects. The proposed system comprises a double axis: (1) a profit prediction model, which evaluates 10 project properties using an objective methodology based on a historical project performance database and roughly suggests expected profit rate, and (2) a feasibility assessment model, which evaluates 17 project environment factors in a subjective and quantitative methodology based on experience and supervision. Finally, a web-based system is established to enhance the practical usability, which is expected to be a good reference for inexperienced SMCCs to make proper decisions and establish effective business strategies.
Because of the recession of the Korean construction market, many construction companies are expediting overseas business. Despite the rapid growth of international markets, the polarization of profit with SMCCs (Small and Medium Construction Companies) and large construction companies in the international construction market has become more serious. This problem causes competition to provide the lowest prices, which makes the future of overseas business for the SMCCs uncertain. Thus, the SMCCs require a reasonable capability evaluation system for overseas business. However, the existing evaluation methods focus on large construction companies. To address this problem, this study proposes a system to evaluate the overseas business capabilities. The 27 indicators to evaluate the overseas business capabilities are derived from a literature review and are verified through expert interviews. The indicators are classified into 4 large categories, and a questionnaire-based survey of 50 Korean SMCCs is conducted to analyze the correlation between overseas business capability and the indicators. The system expects to provide the effect of the indicators on the overseas business capability and the chance to evaluate the capability for overseas business.
To hoist construction workers to their working space is directly related to the productivity of building construction since hoisting tasks are carried out during the working time. In order to reduce hoisting time in the condition that the number of construction lift-cars is limited, various types of the lift-cars group operation plans such as zoning and sky-lobby have been applied. However, previous researches on them cannot be compared in the performance due to their methodological limitation, discrete-event simulation methods, and cannot be find better solution to increase the performance. Therefore, this research proposed the simulation-based optimization model combining the agent-based simulation method to the scatter search optimization methods. Using the proposed model, this paper carried out the comparison analysis on the performance of typical operation plans and also optimize an operation plans by controlling the service range of lift-cars, the size and number of service zones. In this case study, it is verified that better alternatives than typical operation plans can be exists and it is possible to increase the productivity of building construction.
The focus of this study is on the accuracy in quantity estimates made by BIM for materials needed during construction. BIM-Revit Architecture 2014 is utilized to establish the information for an actual case to conduct estimates for the amount of reinforced concrete and formwork needed. The actual case is with a total construction area of 5,438 square meters and a total floor area of 31,623 square meters. The building commenced in December 2012 and the major structure has been completed in 2014. It is a RC structure with 4 stories underground, 12 stories above and 3 roof floors. The result shows that both of the quantity estimates of reinforced concrete and formwork are higher than that of actual use in the case. The estimate of reinforced concrete is higher than that of actual use by 2.18%, while the estimate of formwork is higher than that of the actual use by 13.04%. The results indicate that the estimate of reinforced concrete made by BIM has high accuracy, but the accuracy of the formwork estimate still needs improvement.
Defect data contains experiential knowledge about specific work conditions. And the number of projects performed by a company is too limited for an individual to experience the various defects under the current complex construction environment. Therefore, in order to manage and prevent a reoccurrence of defects, a proper data feedback mechanism is required. However, most defect data are stored in unstructured ways, resulting in the fundamental problem of data utilization. In this paper, a new framework is proposed by using linked data technologies to improve defect data utilization. The target of this framework is to convert defect data to the ontology-based linked data format for sharing defect data from different data sources. To demonstrate it, some technical solutions are implemented by using real cases. The proposed approach can reduce data search time and improve the accuracy of search results as well. Moreover, the proposed approach can be applied to other domains that need to refer to external sources such as safety, specification, product, and regulation.
The accelerating adoption of BIM (Building Information Modeling) is challenging collaboration practices established in the construction industry. The implementation of BIM involves changes in participants work, organization, processes and collaboration methods. Therefore there is a need to be able to measure effectively and accurately collaboration, in order to analyze and determine current practices and their performances in organizations (company, team project) as well as changes required. Previous researches scope from evaluating BIM maturity of an organization to BIM collaboration requirements but lack of proper tools and methods to analyze collaboration performances. This is especially true when it comes to evaluate the efficiency and collaboration performances of processes rather than systems or organizations. Thus this research aims to analyze systematically and comprehensively previous researches proposing diversified methods to evaluate BIM performances and collaboration. Furthermore it aims to suggest key indicators to evaluate collaboration performances of processes and project organizations. This research may contribute to better understanding of collaboration performances within organizations using BIM and further development of evaluation method for analyzing BIM design project.
Within the building industry, building information modelling has been widely applied among different organizations, disciplines and project phases. In order to achieve coordination and synergy collaborative effort, it demands organized information flow and communication for effective implementation of project management through the construction process. Although many BIM researches provides solutions for project management, few efforts have involved the whole life-cycle process of project. In this article, BIM-based project management relying on a series of applications of BIM technology was introduced by coupling management requirement of a project with BIM. Through adopting BIM to the life-cycle management of the project and incorporating BIM applications to project management practice, we have developed a BIM-based project management approach that specialize in integrated BIM chain and interface-supporting system. At the end, the developing process of BIM-based project management approach is concluded.
The Building Information Model (BIM) is gaining wide popularity in the construction industry. This attempt is, however, limited to a predefined operation of structural facilities. The application of BIM can be extended to include undefined operations in earthwork construction. The objective of this paper is to introduce the concept of an earthwork BIM environment that is currently under development in the Construction System Laboratory at Pusan National University. First, this paper defines the concept of earthwork BIM. Second, it discusses the key aspects of earthwork BIM, including 1) geographical information, 2) equipment configuration, and 3) equipment position. In the future, the 3D BIM environment will be tested at an actual construction site to determine its applicability, and it will be extended to include construction equipment such as bull dozers and pay loaders.
High injury and fatality rates remain a serious problem in the construction industry. Many construction injuries and fatalities can be prevented if workers can recognize potential hazards and take actions in time. Many efforts have been devoted in improving workers' ability of hazard recognition through various safety training and education methods. However, a reliable approach for evaluating this ability is missing. Previous studies in the field of human behavior and phycology indicate that the visual focus of attention (VFOA) is a good indicator of worker's actual focus. Towards this direction, this study introduces an automated approach for estimating the VFOA of equipment operators using a head orientation-based VFOA estimation method. The proposed method is validated in a virtual reality scenario using an immersive head mounted display. Results show that the proposed method can effectively estimate the VFOA of test subjects in different test scenarios. The findings in this study broaden the knowledge of detecting the visual focus and distraction of construction workers, and envision the future work in improving work's ability of hazard recognition.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) encourages effective information share and utilization among project participants during entire life cycle of facility. This paper presents a method that keeps track of the historical quality records involved in construction operations and facilitates using BIM. The method is coded into BIM based Quality Record Traceability (BIM-QRT) System that makes use of historical records obtained from database administrating construction operations. This study is of value to practitioners because the method makes clear the project participants' responsibility relative to the quality of each and every element of the facility. The main objective of this research is to develop an accurate, fully automated method for construction Quality Record Tracking by using a BIM along with construction operations data obtained by information technology. Test cases verify the usability and validity of the methods implemented in the system.
Scaffolds are frequently used in construction projects. Despite the impact on the entire safety, scaffolds are rarely analyzed as part of the safety planning. While recent advances in BIM (Building Information Modeling) provides opportunity to address potential safety issues in the early planning stages, it is still labor-intensive and challenging to incorporate scaffolds into current manual jobsite safety analysis which is time-consuming and error-prone. Consequently, potential safety hazards related to scaffolds are identified and presented during the construction phase. The objective of this research is to integrate scaffolds into automated safety analysis using BIM. A safety checking system was created to simulate the movements of scaffolds along the paths of crews using the scaffolds. Algorithms in the system automatically identify safety hazards related to activities working on scaffolds. Then, the system was implemented in a commercially available BIM software program for case studies. The results show that the algorithms successfully identified safety hazards that were not noticed by project managers of the projects. The results were visualized in BIM to facilitate early safety communications.
Due to the labor-intensiveness, high investment cost, long execution time, frequent change orders, and many stakeholders in a BIM project, a BIM manager is bound to face a lot of risks to make decisions in cost managing process. Since the productivity of a BIM team will affect the execution cost, this study investigates a simple method of assessing the productivity of a BIM team using the working timesheet records of the team. In this research, the productivity of a BIM team is defined as the effective working floor area (in square meters) of BIM uses per labor-time (in man-months) spent by the team. After the applicability of this method is tested by regression analysis using data from 5 real BIM projects in the construction phase, it is found that the simple productivity definition adopted in the method, although easy-to-implement, does not produce a statistically constant productivity value. More research is therefore needed in the future to devise better indicator(s) for assessing the productivity of a BIM team.
Stakeholders of a construction project expect cost savings through fast and accurate cost analysis by performing BIM-based quantity take-off (BQT). However, authors have observed that there can be discrepancies in the results of BQT depending on the level of development (LOD) and modeling methods. In addition, since quantity take-off methods are different depending on the construction work items, the combination of LOD, modeling methods of BIM, features of construction work items can cause serious overestimate or underestimate in BQT results. It is necessary to identify what kind of problems can happen and how those problems can be avoided in various construction work items, since the discrepancy of quantity take-off results has great impact on not only cost analysis but also the determination of contract amount and it can cause claims, poor construction quality, cost overruns, and many others later in the construction project. Therefore, this paper focuses the identification of issues and problems of BQT at each construction work item level based on two categorizations of structural works and interior works.
Overseas countries' government and facility management industries make efforts to ensure precise and fluent data from building information modeling (BIM). In facility management, a large amount of data and information are necessary to continue the process activities. Facility condition assessment, which is performed to make budget plan for the maintenance and operation requires the related facilities' documentation and information. However, it depends on the owner and the user of the facility to provide accurate and complete information to consultant. The problems as follows: (1) owner and user should provide documents and information, and (2) the consultant cannot verify the provided information. To solve these problems, we suggest a methodology to produce the information for FCA through BIM. First, all of the essential documentation and assessment elements are listed. Next, the documents and elements are separated out, whether they are able to be extracted from BIM or not. Then, the list indicates only the data that is linked with BIM. The suggestion is expected to provide the required information through the connection to BIM with accuracy and completeness and to present another BIM application use for facility management.
A variety of evaluation application and initiatives on the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) have been introduced in recent years. Most of which however, focused mainly on evaluating design to construction phase-processes, or BIM utilization performances. Through studying existing publications, it is found that continuous utilization of BIM data throughout the building's life cycle is comparatively less explored or documented. Therefore, this study looks at improving this incomplete life cycle condition with the concept that accumulated BIM data should be carried forward and statistically quantified for cross comparison, in order to facilitate practitioners to better improve the projects the future. Based on this conceptual theory of moving towards a closedloop BIM building life cycle, this study explores, through existing literature, the use of cloud based computing as the means to quantify and adaptively utilize BIM data. Categorization of BIM data relations in adaptive utilization of BIM data is then suggested as a initial step for enhancing cross comparison of BIM data in a cloud environment.
Along with the increase of the quantity of data in various industries, the construction industry has also developed various systems focusing on collecting data related to the construction performance such as productivity and costs achieved in construction job sites. Numerous researchers worldwide have been focusing on developing efficient methodologies to analyze such data. However, applications of such methodologies have shown serious limitations on practical applications due to lack of data and difficulty in finding appropriate analytic methodologies which were capable of implementing significant insights. With development of information technology, the new trend in analytic methodologies has been introduced and steeply developed with the new name of "big data analysis" in various fields in academia and industry. The new concept of big data can be applied for significant analysis on various formats of construction data such as structured, semi-structured, or non-structured formats. This study investigates preliminary application methods based on data collected from actual construction site. This preliminary investigation in this study expects to assess fundamental feasibility of big data analytic applications in construction.
Many construction projects have used the building information modeling (BIM) extensively considering data interoperability throughout the projects' lifecycles. However, the current approach, which is to collect the data required to support facility maintenance system (FMS) has a significant shortcoming in that there are various individual pieces of information to represent the performance of the facility and the condition of each of the elements of the facility. Since a heterogeneous external database could be used to manage a construction project, all of the conditions related to the building cannot be included in an integrated BIM-based building model for data exchange. In this paper, we proposed an ontology-based facility maintenance information model to integrate multiple, related pieces of information on the construction project using industry foundation classesbased (IFC-based) BIM data. The proposed process will enable the engineers who are responsible for facility management to use a BIM-based model directly in the FMS-based work process without having to do additional data input. The proposed process can help ensure that the management of FMS information is more accurate and reliable.
Recently, the mandate on utilizing BIM implemented by public institutions of many countries has great impact on the significantly increasing practices of BIM. The improvement of work efficiency and productivity, which is occurred by BIM adoption, depends on the consistency and accuracy of data. To maximize the benefit of BIM, the interests in BIM data quality have been enlarging all over the world. The BIM data quality pre-check, which is conducted by designer in the design phase, offers opportunities for quality improvement by continuously assessing BIM data. However, BIM quality pre-check is being conducted under arbitrary interpretation of users because of the absence of specific review factors and assessment methods for checking BIM quality. The purpose of this study is to establish an automated BIM quality pre-checking system to improve BIM design quality effectively and efficiently. It could be expected to meet the owner's requirements and to minimize the cost and time occurred additionally from revising and reproducing data by constructing consistency and accuracy of it.
The construction industry has been evolving with the development of information technology. According to this trend, the current industry changes from 2d drawings to Building Information Modeling(BIM). Current studies on the BIM-based estimation have problems such as Quantity Take-Off(QTO) specificity toward a particular software, the uncertainty of the amount in accordance with the model quality. These studies focus on QTO based on BIM rather than schematic estimation. In addition, studies on the connection with the QTO and unit cost for schematic estimation are insufficient. The purpose of this study is to propose schematic estimation process by utilizing construction codes and QTO in architectural object BIM libraries. Construction codes are classified in detail in order to input codes inside each. This study has connected unit cost and construction classification codes that obtain from BIM model. The results of this study will be helpful in decision-making and communication for schematic estimation of the design phase. It will improve the efficiency and reliability problems of existing schematic estimation.
In the United States, the completion of Construction Work Zone (CWZ) impact assessments for all federally-funded highway infrastructure improvement projects is mandated, yet it is regarded as a daunting task for state transportation agencies, due to a lack of standardized analytical methods for developing sounder Transportation Management Plans (TMPs). To circumvent these issues, this study aims to create a spatiotemporal modeling framework, dubbed "SWAT" (Spatiotemporal Work zone Assessment for TMPs). This study drew a total of 43,795 traffic sensor reading data collected from heavily trafficked highways in U.S. metropolitan areas. A multilevel-cluster-driven analysis characterized traffic patterns, while being verified using a measurement system analysis. An artificial neural networks model was created to predict potential 24/7 traffic demand automatically, and its predictive power was statistically validated. It is proposed that the predicted traffic patterns will be then incorporated into a what-if scenario analysis that evaluates the impact of numerous alternative construction plans. This study will yield a breakthrough in automating CWZ impact assessments with the first view of a systematic estimation method.
Flexible space is an adaptable space that has been increasingly used in many office and academic buildings as it increases the use of the space available and reduces the unnecessary building area. However, the architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry lacks a formalized method that helps architects predict and update the space utilization of flexible space during the project development, as such prediction aims to maximize the use of the building space available without exceeding the target utilization policy. Consequently, current manual utilization prediction results in lower accuracy level and limits the maximized use of the flexible space, which has multiple space-use types that affect the prediction of utilization. To address this problem, we identified eight space-use type differentiators (SUTDs) based on the literature review and observations and discussed the use of them in automated space-use analysis (SUA), which can predict the utilization of flexible space via a computer program. This research builds on SUA and contributes to flexible space planning by providing a means of a more comprehensive and accurate SUA.
On construction sites, it is important to monitor the performance of construction equipment and workers to achieve successful construction project management; especially, vision-based detection methods have advantages for the real-time site data collection for safety and productivity analyses. Although many researchers developed vision-based detection methods with acceptable performance, there are still limitations to be addressed: 1) sensitiveness to the shape and appearance changes of moving objects in difference working postures, and 2) high computation time. To deal with the limitations, this paper proposes a detection algorithm of construction equipment based on Integral Channel Features. For validation, 16,850 frames of video streams were recorded and analyzed. The results showed that the proposed method worked in high performance in terms of accuracy and processing time. In conclusion, the developed method can help to understand useful site information including working pattern, working time and input manpower analyses.
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS) have been gaining a special attention in the U.S. recently because it is capable of getting aerial footages conveniently and cost effectively, but also because of its potential threat to the safety of our society. Regarding the benefits, one can easily find successful cases. For example, remote controlled or pre-programmed unmanned aircraft help ranch owners monitor their livestocks or crop harvesting status cost-effectively without having to hire human pilots. The professionals in the construction industry also acknowledge the benefits they could gain from using SUAS. Some firms already use a small unmanned aircraft for monitoring their construction activities, which may help project managers figure out construction progress, resolve disputes in real time, and make proactive decisions for quality control. However, there are many technical challenges that my hinder the use of small unmanned aircraft in the construction industry. This paper explores opportunities and challenges in using unmanned aircraft to monitor concrete cracks on the surface of containment building in the nuclear power plant.
Construction is one of the most dangerous job sectors, which reports tens of thousands of time-loss injuries and deaths every year. These disasters incur delays and additional costs to the projects. The safety management needs to be on the top primary tasks throughout the construction to avoid fatal accidents and to foster safe working environments. One of the safety regulations that are frequently violated is the wearing of personal protection equipment (PPE). In order to facilitate monitoring of the compliance of the PPE wearing regulations, this paper proposes a vision based method that automatically identifies whether workers wear hard hats and safety vests. The method involves three modules - human body detection, identification of safety vest wearing, and hard hat detection. First, human bodies are detected in the video frames captured by real-time on-site construction cameras. The detected human bodies are classified into with/without wearing safety vests based on the color features of their upper parts. Finally, hard hats are detected on the nearby regions of the detected human bodies and the locations of the detected hard hats and human bodies are correlated to reveal their corresponding matches. In this way, the proposed method provides any appearance of the workers without wearing hard hats or safety vests. The method has been tested on onsite videos and the results signify its potential to facilitate site safety monitoring.
Documenting work-in-progress on construction sites using images captured with smartphones, point-and-shoot cameras, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has gained significant popularity among practitioners. The spatial and temporal density of these large-scale site image collections and the availability of 4D Building Information Models (BIM) provide a unique opportunity to develop BIM-driven visual analytics that can quickly and easily detect and visualize construction progress deviations. Building on these emerging sources of information this paper presents a pipeline for model-driven visual analytics of construction progress. It particularly focuses on the following key steps: 1) capturing, transferring, and storing images; 2) BIM-driven analytics to identify performance deviations, and 3) visualizations that enable root-cause assessments on performance deviations. The information requirements, and the challenges and opportunities for improvements in data collection, plan preparations, progress deviation analysis particularly under limited visibility, and transforming identified deviations into performance metrics to enable root-cause assessments are discussed using several real world case studies.
Monitoring crane motion in real time is the first step to identifying and mitigating crane-related hazards on construction sites. However, no accurate and reliable crane motion capturing technique is available to serve this purpose. The objective of this research is to explore a method for real-time crane motion capturing and investigate an approach for assisting hazard detection. To achieve this goal, this research employed various techniques including: 1) a sensor-based method that accurately, reliably, and comprehensively captures crane motions in real-time; 2) computationally efficient algorithms for fusing and processing sensing data (e.g., distance, angle, acceleration) from different types of sensors; 3) an approach that integrates crane motion data with known as-is environment data to detect hazards associated with lifting tasks; and 4) a strategy that effectively presents crane operator with crane motion information and warn them with potential hazards. A prototype system was developed and tested on a real crane in a field environment. The results show that the system is able to continuously and accurately monitor crane motion in real-time.
Scaffold is the most commonly used equipment in various types of construction works. Since various types of construction works use the same scaffold equipment, it becomes more difficult to be controlled and managed, thus resulting hazard frequently. According to the information announced in July 2012 by Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yan, the site collapse or incomplete anti-falling protection has led the site to accident frequently, and this is the main reason that causes construction industry occupational disasters. The labor death occupational hazard ratio rises up to 13% in scaffold activity, and the Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yan has showed that the death ratio is higher when using the scaffold in construction site, the total number of death has reached to 139 from 2005 to 2010. In order to ensure the safety of scaffold user, this study tends to build a wireless sensor monitoring system to detect the reliability and safety of the scaffold. The wireless sensor technique applies in this study is different with the traditional monitoring technique which is limited with wired monitoring. Wireless sensor technique does not need wire, it just needs to consider the power supply for establishing the network and receiving stable information, and it can become a monitoring system. In addition, this study also integrates strain gauge technique in this scaffold monitoring system, to develop a real-time monitoring data transfer mechanism and replace the traditional wired single project monitoring equipment. This study hopes to build a scaffold collapse monitoring system to effectively monitor the safety of the scaffold as well as provide the timesaving installation, low-cost and portable features.
By logging position data from GPS-equipped construction machines, we re-create daily activities as 3D animations to analyze performance and facilitate look-ahead scheduling. The 3D animation enables going back to any point in time and space to observe the activities as they took place. By segmenting data into a set of activities, it is possible to obtain actual measures of performance such as cycle times, production, speed profiles and idle times. The measures of performance can then be compared to those expected (e.g., theoretical speed profiles vs. observed profiles), and instances of significant difference can be flagged for further investigation. Idle times and queues that exceed prescribed thresholds can also be identified. In general, many of the traditional real-time performance analyses can be performed after the fact. Situations of interest can be identified automatically and the events in this manner enhances effective performance improvement in construction. The proposed research is explained and demonstrated using a real push-loaded earthmoving operation.
A computer vision-based scene recognition algorithm is proposed for monitoring construction sites. The system analyzes images acquired from a surveillance camera to separate regions and classify them as building, ground, and hole. Mean shift image segmentation algorithm is tested for separating meaningful regions of construction site images. The system would benefit current monitoring practices in that information extracted from images could embrace an environmental context.
This research is to propose an applicable framework for real-time health surveillance and safety monitoring at construction sites. First this study aims at finding (1) a framework for health surveillance that is likely to benefit employers and employees in the industry, (2) a valid way to identify factors or conditions with potential health concerns that can occur under particular work conditions, (3) An effective way to apply wireless/mobile sensors to construction workers using real-time/live data transmission methods, and (4) A relationship between a worker's vital signs and job site environment. Biosensors for physiological response and devices for weather/work related data are to collect real-time data. Relationships between jobs and physiological responses are analyzed and factors that touched particularly contributing to certain responses are identified. When data are incorporated with tasks, factors affecting tasks can be identified to estimate the magnitude of the factors. By comparing work and normal responses possible precautionary actions can be considered. In addition, the study would be lead to improving (1) trade-specific dynamic work schedules for workers which would be based on various factors affecting worker health level and (2) reevaluating worker productivity with health status and work schedule, thereby seeking ways to maximize worker productivity. Through a study, the paper presents expected benefits of implementing health monitoring.
To rapidly recover ceased functionality of a facility after a catastrophic seismic event, critical decisions on facility repair works are made within a limited period of time. However, prolonged damage assessment of facilities, due to massive damage in the surrounding region and the complicated damage judgment procedures, may impede restoration planning. To assist reliable structural damage estimation without a deep knowledge and rapid interactive analysis among facility damage and restoration operations during the approximate restoration project planning phase, we developed a prototype of distributed facility restoration simulations through the use of high-level architecture (HLA) (IEEE 1516). The simulation prototype, in which three different simulations (including a seismic data retrieval technique, a structural response simulator, and a restoration simulation module) interact with each other, enables immediate damage estimation by promptly detecting earthquake intensity and the restoration operation analysis according to estimated damage. By conducting case simulations and experiments, research outcomes provide key insights into post-disaster restoration planning, including the extent to which facility damage varies according to disaster severity, facility location, and structures. Additional insights arise regarding the extent to which different facility damage patterns impact a project's performance, especially when facility damage is hard to estimate by observation. In particular, an understanding of required type and amount of repair activities (e.g., demolition works, structural reinforcement, frame installation, or finishing works) is expected to support project managers in approximate work scheduling or resource procurement plans.
The image data of the web camera is used to identify the construction status of the site in a remote office and it can be used for safety management. This study develops a construction schedule simulation system based on the active nD object linked with real image data of web camera from the construction site. The progress control method by 4D object uses a method that the progress of each activity is represented with different colors by progress status. Since this method is still based on a virtual reality object, it is less realistic description for practical engineers. Therefore, in order to take advantage of BIM more realistic, the real image of actual construction status and 4D object of planned schedule in a data date should be compared in a screen simultaneously. Those methodologies and developed system are verified in a case project where a web camera is installed for the verification of the system.
Size of building has a direct relationship with building cost, energy use and space maintenance cost. Therefore, minimizing building size during a project development is of paramount importance against such wastes. However, incautious reduction of building size may result in crowded space, and therefore harms the functionality despite the fact that building is supposed to satisfactorily support users' activity. A well-balanced design solution is, therefore, needed at an optimum level that minimizes building size in tandem with providing sufficient space to maintain functionality. For such design, architects and engineers need to be informed accurate and reliable space-use information. We present in this paper a conceptual framework of an agent-based space-use prediction simulation system that provides individual level space-use information over time in a building in consideration of project specific user information and activity schedules, space preference, ad beavioural rules. The information will accordingly assist architects and engineers to optimize space of the building as appropriate.
As domestic recession has had an adverse impact on many Korean companies in Korea, financial soundness has become a critical issues. It is essential to identify financial risk factors to prevent workout as well as to improve the financial condition of domestic construction companies. Therefore, this study derived important management indicators and the financial ratios that belong to each indicator through a comparative analysis between healthy companies and workout companies with financial statement. As a consequence, key financial ratios are derived into 3 of 25 ratios; Equity Ratio in stability indicator, Total Asset Turnover Ratio in activity indicator, and Labor Equipment Ratio in productivity indicator. So, Korean construction firms are required close monitoring these critical financial ratios indicating variation between construction companies which have opposing statuses in finance in order to keep sound financial condition and increase productivity.
For the last 40 years, the Korean government has built and supplied diverse public facilities. The Korean government, which has supplied diverse public facilities for the last 40 years, has maintained these public facilities as breakdown maintenance under limited budget. Because of increase of aging of public facilities and insufficient budget, it needs the total public facility maintenance. Especially, as Japan has also experienced similar issues and solved these, they are the introduction of P-FM theory and see successful examples. In this study, by comparison Analysis on the Merits and Demerits for Public Facility management (P-FM) between domestic and abroad, it would find a future direction to public facility management P-FM is to go.
The objective of this paper was to establish the attributes that determines neighbourhood satisfaction in South Africa lowincome housing subsidy scheme ultilising the Delphi approach. This is because the perception and housing satisfaction of lowincome housing beneficiaries toward their housing condition can be studied by examining their satisfaction toward s the neighbourhood factors. The Delphi method was used where the views of housing experts were solicited on 26 potential attributes as identified from li terature. Consensus was achieved after three iterative rounds. The expert"s scored each attributes on a 10-point ordinal scale of impact significance, where 1-2=No impact and 9-10= very high impact. The scales adapted for consensus were: strong consensus, median 9-10, inter quartile deviation (IQD) ≤1; good consensus, median 7 ≤ 6.99and IQD≥2.1≤3. The key findings indicate that there was a good to strong consensus of 19 attributes which were key attributes that the experts perceived as determinants of neighbourhood satisfaction; while 6 other attributes had weak consensus, as they were considered to have a le sser impact in determining residents" neighbourhood satisfaction. However, attributes with weak consensus were the attributes that are highly regarded as core neighbourhood factors in other housing settings. The study contributes to the body of knowledge on th e subject where no consensus has been reached pertaining to indicators for measuring neighbourhood satisfaction in subsidised low-income housing in South Africa.
Building deterioration reflects the degradation of basic building performance including structural performance, energy performance, durability, and safety, and it also includes perceived deterioration, which considers a user-based perspective. More than 50% of the existing buildings in Korea are over 15 years old and public buildings compose 2.5% of all buildings domestically. Therefore, there are several different problems, such as poor energy efficiency, structural performance, and safety. To address the challenges of increasing stock in deteriorated buildings, it is necessary to make decisions about reconstruction or renovation. In this study, we propose a new method to evaluate public building value with a contingent valuation method (CVM). By estimating willing-to-pay (WTP) from users of private buildings in similar situation with the public building, it is possible to compare market prices and calculate a correction factor to adjust the WTP data. Finally, we apply the correction factor to the WTP of a public building and estimate market price, willingness to pay (WTP). Finally, we apply the correction factor to willing to pay (WTP) of public building and estimate market price.
Design-Build (DB) has gained in popularity in roadway projects due to its defining advantage to improve communication and fast-track project delivery. However, very little is known about the impact of change order frequency and occurrence timing pertaining to DB projects. The study analyzes their impacts on project time and cost performance by conducting a rigorous numerical analysis drawing on 530 3R (rehabilitation, reconstruction, and resurfacing) projects completed between 2002 and 2011 in Florida by using a multiple linear regression. The results indicate that DB outperformed Design-Bid-Build in project cost as well as time. Critically, the regression analysis signifies that earlier change order occurrence caused more unfavorable impacts on schedule and cost. The proposed analyses and models will lead to the improved ability of agencies to quickly and more reliably estimate the potential change order impacts on schedule and cost.
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for highway projects is known as an effective analytical technique that uses economic principles to evaluate long-term alternative investment options, especially for comparing the values of alternative pavement design structures and construction strategies. In the Unites States, the 2012 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) amended the United States Code to mandate that the United States Government Accountability Office (GOA) conducts a study of the best practices for calculating life-cycle costs and benefits for the federally funded highway projects in 2013. The RealCost 2.5CA program was developed and adapted as an official LCCA tool to comply with regulatory requirements for California state highway projects in 2013. Utilization of this California-customized LCCA software helps Caltrans to achieve substantial economic benefits (agency cost and road user cost savings) for highway projects. Proper implementation of LCCA for roadway construction and rehabilitation would deliver noticeable savings of agency's roadway maintenance cost especially in developing counties where financial difficulties exist.
This research aims to investigate critical factors of the government's role in achieving success in Public Private Partnership (PPP) toll road projects in Indonesia according to government and private sectors' perceptions. A preliminary interview Subsequently a questionnaire survey was also conducted involving 143 respondents across the two sectors from eight operating toll were five critical factors of the government's roles in achieving success in PPP toll road projects, namely; "Active involvement in overall project stage activities", "Establishment of good bureaucracy", "Provision of conducive environment", "Appropriate project planning and competitive tendering" and "Provision of appropriate government support and supervision". This research finding is expected to assist the government in defining clear roles and underlying responsibilities in development of PPP toll roads in Indonesia.
Currently, there is insufficient research on the construction management performance since the CM system was introduced in Korea. For successful completion of construction projects, active use of construction mangers on projects is necessary by introducing construction management to the projects. In view of this, this study analyzed the annual CM performance from 1996 to 2013 but for the past 5 years from 2009 to 2013, a detailed analysis was carried out. For different sectors, CM performances were divided into public and private sectors, for project types, construction, civil and others, for project phases, pre-design, design, construction and post-construction phases, for contract types, sole and joint contract types, for project scale, the amount of the projects was taken into consideration and they were divided into large, medium and small scales and for the types of projects, they were divided into, shops, department stores, shopping centers, hospitals, government buildings, hotels, accommodation facilities, factories, buildings for workshops, office buildings, stadiums, playgrounds, schools and other construction types and all the data divided into such categories was analyzed. The results in this study can be used as a basic reference for studies in analysing construction management performances.
This study analyzes critical factors that affect issues of resolving time in BIM-based coordination using a case study. According to recent buildings that are meant to be more complex, BIM-based design coordination is regarded as an essential stage of the project delivery process. In the design coordination phase, a relocation of architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical elements is conducted to avoid interference. In addition, the procedure of the development of each element in detail for the actual construction is carried out. Delays in coordination can affect delays in the entire delivery schedule of the project, and therefore many researches have focused on efficient coordination methods and how to shorten the period. In this study, we conducted a detailed analysis of the issue-resolving process using a case study, and found out that the participation of decision-makers for issue-resolving and the physical combination of trades affect delays in coordination time. In particular, we proposed the concept of organizational relation, indicating the level of decision-makers for issue-resolving, and the concept of physical relation, indicating the physical complexity of the issue, and we analyzed the effects of coordination delays.
The Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) (the NSW Act) is a unique form of statutory regulation for the building and construction industry, which gives virtually all industry participants a statutory right to, and a means of recovering, payments for work done under a construction contract. The research aim is to examine current trends in adjudication applications and determinations under the NSW Act. The data used for this study was the collected by the NSW Office of Finance & Services as part of a regular reporting regime for the period from 1 July 2013 and ending on 30 June 2014. With just over 817 adjudication applications having been made over the 2013/14 period, the data indicates that adjudication is being frequently utilized by stakeholders in the NSW building and construction industry as a means of progress payment recovery. Adjudication is proving to be a popular choice for those making claims of less than AU$250,000. Claimants were awarded about 36% of the total of claimed amounts and claimants are generally successful at adjudication in terms of the proportion of the claimed amounts determined in their favour. This is particularly so in relation to claims of less than $100,000, which represents about 70% of the total applications made over the reporting period. The data indicates that adjudication fees are generally modest enough to conclude that adjudication provides claimants across all claim ranges with a relatively inexpensive means of having disputed progress payments determined by an independent adjudicator.
Demand on free-form buildings is gradually increasing, yet owing to the difficulty of production-installation work, several problems occur in the construction phase upon construction of a building, including the increased cost and construction duration, and reduced constructibility. To solve these problems, a techonology to produce FCP using a CNC(Computerized Numeric Control) machine is developed. The technology is that the information of designed free-form buildings to the CNC machine is transferred, and the transferred information is used for RTM(Rod-Type Mold, the mold shaped by back-up rods) and PCM(Phase Change Material) shaping, and the shaped RTM and PCM have the role of molds to produce FCP. Construction duration and project cost are limited in building sites, so the efficiency of processes like production-installation of FCP for application of the technology is significant. Since it is almost impossible to change the production-installation process at the construction phase when they are established, process should be deliberately decided. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to propose a production-installation simulation model of free-form concrete panels, in aspect of PCM. This paper is establishing the process for production-installation of FCP, estimating time required by each construction type and proposing a time simulation model that changes according to various constraints based on the analyses. With the time simulation model, it will be possible to build a cost model and to review the optimal construction duration and project cost.
Today, the booming construction in Ethiopia is leading to an increased demolition of concrete structures whereby these demolished structures are disposed at landfills. The current practice is creating a huge amount of waste which is environmentally unfriendly and is becoming the main source of pollution in communities. This paper discusses the potential use of demolished concrete from site tested specimens as a recycled aggregate material for new structural concrete. The mechanical, physical and chemical properties of RCA are studied to understand the suitability in the production of recycled concrete. Tests including gradation, unit weight, soundness, density, and abrasion will be conducted to assess RCA properties. Since the percentage of RCA govern the strength of concrete, a C25 concrete is mixed by the ratio of 25%, 50% & 100% RCA with and without water reducing admixture and a control mixture composed of natural aggregate. The output of this study will highly impact the growing construction industry and communities in Ethiopia thereby reducing waste, saving cost, conserving natural aggregates, building capacity and setting quality standards.
The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis between Korea and the United States of the supply process of unit modular housing at both the factory production phase and the transportation and lifting phase, as part of an attempt to invigorate the unit modular housing market in Korea. Unlike the practice in the United States, one of Korea's unique characteristics is that the floor is constructed with reinforced concrete and hot water heating system. To do this, the wet method in Korea is used that includes concrete placement, curing and constructing hot water floor heating system at the factory production phase, which results in a longer production time and also requires the lifting of heavier loads. In the United States, interior and exterior finishing works of modular housing are performed by different companies, and the distance between the unit module factory and the construction site is quite far. This kind of dualized production structure may cause confusion when it comes to schedule management, procurement management, and stock management. Moreover, problems caused by external environmental factors such as wind and rainfall were reported in the course of long-distance transportation. The results of this case comparison are expected to provide fundamental data that will reduce the amount of trial and error in the unit module production, transportation and lifting work in Korea, which has a comparatively small number of unit modular housing cases.
Engineering is a value-adding process applying knowledge and skills in the construction industry that includes the planning, feasibility study, project management (PM), front end engineering and design (FEED), detail design, procurement, construction, supervision, and operation. Among these engineering activities, FEED is defined as a comprehensive design practice in the early design phase focused on conceptual design and basic design. It is a particularly influencing area that determines the competitiveness of procurement and construction capability of construction firms (KNIN 2013). Nevertheless, previous studies in FEED have been limited to the design process, deliverable, or particular management technique (e.g. system engineering, collaboration, information etc.). In this context, the purpose of this study is to propose a comprehensive FEED business process structure for project management of thermal power plant construction projects encompassing the entire project life cycle. And an assessment methodology for FEED functions was developed. It is expected that the proposed structure of FEED functions and FEED evaluation methodology will contribute to improvement of competitive capability of engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies.
The luffing-tower crane (T/C) is a key facility used in the vertical and horizontal transportation of materials in a tall building construction. Locating the crane in an optimal position is an essential task in the initial stages of construction planning. This paper proposes a new optimization model to locate the luffing T/C in the optimal position to minimize the transportation time. An optimization algorithm, the Harmony Search (HS) algorithm, was used and the results show that HS has high performance characteristics to solve the optimization problem in a short period of time. In a case study, the proposed model offered a better position for T/C than the previous heuristic approach.
New technologies using a CNC machine are being developed to reduce the production cost of free-form buildings. For production of free-form members using such technologies, vast free-form buildings should be first split into multiple panels that are productible. Taking into consideration of the curved surface of free-form members, the segmented free-form panels may vary in shape and size, which may cause a lot of errors. In addition, it is time-consuming for the work. However, the current panelizing work is completed with the trials and errors of engineers and architectural designers even in large-scale projects, which results in increased construction duration and cost. Thus, it is necessary to develop a technology for panelizing free-form panels so as to maximize the economic feasibility of production technologies for free-form concrete members. The study intends to develeop automatic panelizing algorithms of free-form buildings considering the curved surface and size of free-form panels and the production conditions. The developed algorithms will be useful in applying the production technologies of free-form buildings using CNC machine and reducing the cost.
Safety education at the tertiary level prepares students to enter construction industry with adequate safety knowledge; then accidents can be prevented proactively. However, safety subject has not been paid adequate attention in universities and most institutional safety programs consider safety matters in isolation. Meanwhile, anatomical theory in the medicine field has been successfully adopted and proved potential advantageous in various scientific disciplines. With this regard, this study proposes a visualization based Building Anatomy Model (BAM) for construction safety education, which utilizes the anatomical theory in order to improve student's safety knowledge and practical skill. This BAM consists of two modules: 1) Knowledge Acquisition Module (KAM) aims to deliver safety knowledge to students through building anatomy models; 2) Practical Experience Module (PEM) where students safely perform construction activities by using the system to improve safety skill. The system trial is validated with virtual scenarios derived from real accidents cases. This study emphasizes the visualization based building anatomy model would be a powerful pedagogical method to provide effectively safety knowledge and practical skill for students, as a result, safety competence of students would be enhanced.
It is important for Singaporean companies to manage the multifaceted risks when forming international construction joint ventures (ICJVs) with developing countries. The objectives of this study are to assess the risks associated with Singaporean ICJVs with developing countries, and investigate the risk allocation preferences in these ICJVs. To fulfill these objectives, a literature review was carried out and a questionnaire survey was performed with 38 professionals. The survey results reported "political instability" as the most critical risk, and market level risks were less critical than country and project level risks. Additionally, the results showed agreement on the risk ranking between building and infrastructure ICJVs, despite significant differences in the criticalities of five risks. Furthermore, five risks were preferably allocated to host and foreign partners, respectively, while 13 risks could be shared among partners. As few studies have explored the risk allocation preferences in ICJVs, this study expands the literature. Also, the identification of the risks allows other companies to customize their own lists of critical risks, while the preferred risk allocation provides valuable information for companies from various countries that intend to form ICJVs with developing countries. Thus, this study contributes to the global body of knowledge relating to ICJVs.
As domestic construction investment has been gradually reduced, expanding overseas construction is one of the most important issues for Korean construction companies. Among these issues, strategies for overseas CM services have widely been discussed, because the CM services have features of high growth potential and value-added area when compared with other construction sectors. Therefore, recent efforts focus on further development in advanced CM capabilities and expansion to overseas market. However, there has been lack of quantitative research to investigate current status and future direction of CM industry. In this sense, this research investigated what CM has achieved for the past 17years (between 1997 and 2013) and what CM should accomplish for future strategies. The purpose of this research is to statistically analyze total of 2,983 CM service contracts over the past 17 years published in KISCON (Knowledge Information System of Construction Industry) in order to examine current status of CM industry in terms of market type, contract size, commodity type, and owner's type. Based on this research, it is expected to suggest for future strategies and development directions from the CM industry perspective that could provide quantitative analyses, improve current CM statistics systems and strengthen the competitiveness in international CM market.
Construction industry is one of the most significant sector in national economic, but the portion of construction has been falling regularly with the regional development. In spite of decrease in economic portion, role of construction industry does not changed irrespective of development, as the foundation of development. To distinguish each state of the maturity, countries are grouped on GDP per capita, than compared with variance of GVA in construction and GFCF per GDP as level of construction industry. GVAc% and GFCF% shows corn-shaped plotting in increase of GDP per capita, and each value converge to around 20% and 5% as GDP per capita increase. The definition of maturity is consist of 4 stages; pre-developing, ascending, stabilization, and maturement. Maturity of construction industry is a term of broad sense of construction industry that is easily to figure current state of regional construction and shows what normal condition of construction is in regional economy.
The Construction Engineering Industry (CEI) is construction field based on professional knowledge, staff and information service, and is distinguished by construction activity. The contemporary CEI market has extended globally and diversified construction work classifications. International construction engineering companies now have an important economic and social effect. Over the last five years (2009 to 2013), the top-200 global engineering firms reported global revenue that grew from 54.4 billion to 71.5 billion, about 27% growth (ENR, 2014). Countries such as the U.S.A., Canada, those in Europe (Several developed countries, i.e., United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Spain, France, Italy, and Spain), Australia, Japan, China, and Korea comprise the bulk of world construction engineering revenue. Although the construction engineering market continues to grow, much of the work is limited to Europe, mid-Asia, and Asia. Additionally, specific construction types are focused on building projects, industrial plants, and refining plants. As such, there are imbalances in the construction engineering market and some market saturation. Further, there is heavy competition and the construction engineering market may shrink in the future. This paper analyzed various factors affecting the construction engineering market, specifically looking at construction classifications and factors related to a global market. To accomplish this, we collected to data from Engineering News Record (ENR) and recast each variable. And we used nonparametric statistics because the number of cases were small, making it difficult to assume a case's population parameter. Then we tested with the Kruskal-Wallis test and drew results. The results indicate that concentration in particular construction types and extending global regional markets will be have a positive effect on the overall global construction engineering market..
A number of practices for sharing knowledge has been recommended in the literature. These practices, however, are considered to be applicable, universally. This assumption is challenged by this paper which empirically explores the relationship between national culture and knowledge sharing practices in the context of procuring educational buildings in Saudi Arabia. The paper reports on a research study with the aim to identify whether national culture dimensions could be significant variables that impact upon staff preferences in relation to project knowledge sharing practices. The paper critically reviews the literature to identify appropriate measures for knowledge sharing practices. It explores the means by which public sectors professional exchange project knowledge; evaluates policies and level of technical support needed to facilitate knowledge sharing, then proceeds to how employees perceive the benefits they will gain by practicing project knowledge sharing, and their role in this process. The paper tests the relationships among the research constructs based on data collected from 115 project managers responsible for the procurement of educational buildings in Saudi Arabia. The paper provides empirical evidence that the national culture has a significant influence on staff preferences. In light of the research findings the paper concludes with practical recommendations for project knowledge sharing practices that are in line with staff preferences and their cultural orientation. The recommendations should facilitate a more effective application of knowledge sharing practices.
Korean construction industry made a huge growth over several decades. However, domestic construction market has shrunk in recent years due to the domestic political environments and global economic crisis. Today, the international construction markets become more important to be investigated, and demands for international construction study have risen. The purpose of this study is to search for measures to compare the potential of Southeast Asian countries' construction markets and select strategic target countries where the Korean construction companies pursue to explore for future investments. The research team investigated a range of selection factors which can represent the construction market condition of each country. These factors included the size of the construction industry, economic growth potential, current relationship with Korea, the level of infrastructure development, political situation, etc. After collecting data, each selection factor was scored by experts' analyses and the total score was given to each country. As a result, the rating identified attractive countries for future investments: Myanmar, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka. For the target countries, analytical methods were used for in-depth market analysis that can provide comprehensive insight and strategic clue for development of short-/mid-/long-term roadmap and action plans. The research findings would be used to support rational decision making of construction investment advancing to the Southeast Asian economic growth.
Mega-shock means a sporadic event such as the earning shock, which occurred by sudden market changes, and it can cause serious problems of profit loss of international construction projects. Therefore, the early response and prevention by analyzing and predicting the Mega-shock is critical for successful project delivery. This research is preliminary study to develop a prediction model that supports market condition analysis and Mega-shock forecasting. To avoid disadvantages of classic statistical approaches that assume the market factors are linear and independent and thus have limitations to explain complex interrelationship among a range of international market factors, the research team explored the Fractal Theory that can explain self-similarity and recursiveness of construction market changes. The research first found out correlation of the major market factors by statistically analyzing time-series data. The research then conducted a base of the Fractal analysis to distinguish features of fractal from data. The outcome will have potential to contribute to building up a foundation of the early shock warning system for the strategic international project management.
The study aims to identify the degree and types of spatial decline in Eup/Myun units within Chungcheong region in South Korea to contribute to the efforts being made to diagnose the rural decline and the potentials. To this end, we analyzed 27 Sis and Guns to identify the degree of decline and potentials of rural areas in Chungcheong region. We also carried out the diagnosis and K-Means Clustering on 274 Eups and Myuns, the smallest administrative units, to figure out the types and characteristics of the rural recessions. According to the results of the clustering analysis carried out on the 166 Eups and Myuns, there were five outstanding clusters. They were; areas with housing deterioration (29), areas with poor economic foundation (16), areas with poor accessibility to central areas (42), areas with poor residential environment (51) and areas with aged population (28). The findings and results of the present study are likely to serve as a basis for the design and enforcement of forthcoming rural area activation policies. Also, it would be highly recommended that a more comprehensive diagnosis is taken from a community-level perspective and policy suggestions and strategies tailored for rural communities are further discussed.
The purpose of this study is to fully understand the present state of the domestic construction companies, and to analyze phased business types and construction management techniques in order to initiate overseas expansion. Because of the recession in the domestic construction market, a thorough and strategic perspective to constantly develop inroads into overseas market is required. So we carried out a questionnaire survey targeting the experts of the overseas construction and researcher, and consulted them in depth. The questionnaire survey was divided into three sections. The first section is the necessity of overseas construction and the reason. The second is the overseas business types classified into the way of advance in short-term and long-term phase possibility of expansion. Lastly, the importance of the phased construction management techniques and the current capacity of the domestic and the foreign business trends were scrutinized. On the basis of the consultation and surveys, we analyzed the overseas business types and the construction management types in the short-term and long-term phase.
Construction projects are high-risk activities. When undertaking such projects in an international setting, it can be complicated by foreign exchange (FOREX) fluctuation risk. This affects the construction business performance in various ways, namely its progress due to delays, which in turn create further problems, specifically cost overruns as a result of price increase in raw materials, disputes, arbitration, litigation and even, total abandonment. Thus, the effective management of FOREX fluctuations is crucial. Previous studies have focused on the need for contract safeguards, adequate insurance, careful planning and management, as well as foreign exchange futures hedging to address some of the risks triggered by FOREX fluctuations. An analysis of FOREX fluctuations in the international construction industry revealed that more often it was focused on project-specific issues. Currently, there is a relative lack of awareness on Organizational Capabilities (OC), the abilities that owned by the organization, which is essential in managing the impact of FOREX fluctuations. Where research has focused on OC, these are viewed in isolation. Therefore, this study attempts to close the gap by proposing a framework on managing the impact of FOREX fluctuations in the international construction industry, employing the OC perspective.
Indonesian construction companies are currently facing high competition both among themselves and with global construction companies. In order to address this issue, the Government of Indonesia has enacted specific regulations and policies relating to the development and implementation of quality management systems (QMSs) ISO 9001 based in construction, acknowledging that the consistency of construction project quality requires a formal quality system as a guarantee to raise quality standards at all project stages. The research has been undertaken to examine the effectiveness of the regulations and policies against several key performance indicators (KPIs) of the ISO 9001 Indonesian construction companies. A comprehensive review of the relevant regulations and policies together with interviews with the Government and National Construction Services Development Board recommend possible additional guidelines and supporting quality system, which intends to measure contractors' project output against defined standards as well as to assess their performance among other similar service providers. The outcomes of the research contribute to the development of the Indonesian own construction industry quality measurement and assessment system.
SWOT model was used to develop strategies for the Korean construction firms in entering the global construction market. Literature review, official statistics survey and other research methods were utilized in order to extract internal and external environmental factors of both the firm and local area. By extracting strength, weakness, opportunity and threat factors, a total of 12 strategies were produced: SO (Strengths-Opportunities), ST (Strengths-Threats), WT (Weaknesses-Threats), and WO (Weaknesses-Opportunities). The result of the study can be utilized as a basic data in developing a strategy for the Korean construction firms to penetrate into the global construction market.
This paper aims to provide some unique insights into the verification of organisational innovation diffusion through empirically identifying the major factors determining the level of organisational innovation diffusion. The paper presents a two-stage sequential mixed method analysis: structural equation modelling analysis and regression analysis. A questionnaire survey was administrated to a sample of 223 organisations operating in Saudi Arabia. The results suggest that participative culture and, technology availability and implementation would intensify organisational climate for innovation. The results revealed compelling evidence in support of the moderating role of technology on the relationship between country socio-culture and organisational climate for innovation. Equally important, organisational innovation characteristics could play a crucial role in the intention to adopt a particular innovation. Specifically, maintaining Saudi Arabian top management's status quo is an obstacle to organisational innovation diffusion. This paper expands and improves upon the current understanding of how organisational innovation diffusion, in particular the Project Management Office (PMO), can be accelerated. By focusing on the critical factors within the conceptual model, the paper depicts the crucial role of certain factors that could leverage improved organisational innovation diffusion outcomes.
International construction projects are inherently more risky than domestic projects with multi-dimensional uncertainties that require complementary risk management at both the country and project levels. However, despite a growing need for systematic country evaluations, most studies have focused on project-level decisions and lack country-based approaches for firms in the construction industry. Accordingly, this study suggests data-driven approaches for evaluating countries using two quantitative models. The first is a two-stage country segmentation model that not only screens negative countries based on country attractiveness (macro-segmentation) but also identifies promising countries based on the level of past project performance in a given country (micro-segmentation). The second is a multi-criteria country segmentation model that combines a firm's business objective with the country evaluation process based on Kraljic's matrix and fuzzy preference relations (FPR). These models utilize not only secondary data from internationally reputable institutions but also performance data on Korean firms from 1990 to 2014 to evaluate 29 countries. The proposed approaches enable firms to enhance their decision-making capacity for evaluating and selecting countries at the early stage of corporate strategy development.
Construction Standard Specifications, part of contract documents, has been improved through various amendments since their first enactment in 1967 up to the latest 2013 version. However, complaints about inconvenience and low availability have been continuously made in their structure and contents. Therefore, an improvement is needed based on the experts' opinions both from industrial and academic fields. This basic study is to compare the Korean specifications to those from the developed countries and derive the suggestions on their improvement. Furthermore, it aims to delve into the experts' opinion on the subject and identify the direction and priority for the improvement of the specifications. Through this study, user friendliness and efficiency are expected to be obtained in using the specifications.
Sustainability continues to gain traction in all industry sectors as people become aware of the advantages of green products. The voluntary use of green products in buildings in the United States continues to grow due to long-term cost saving and the ecological benefit to nature. The voluntary installation of green products is associated with end-users' expectations and perceptions including cost saving, sustainable behavior, and social responsibility. Although involuntary use of green products has similar expectations and perceptions, the installation decision is not based on the goodwill from end-users. This paper surveys college students to capture current experience levels, expectations, and perceptions in regard to green products and/or sustainability and to understand their attitudes about involuntary use of a green product. The installation of low water pressure showerheads in a dormitory provides data to support perception, expectation, and future direction of adoption of green products in public buildings. This information may be used to facilitate sustainable behaviors among involuntary groups regarding to the adoption of green products. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the college students' perception of a green product, particularly when the students are involuntarily exposed to the green products. As a secondary objective, the paper also attempts to address the college students' general understanding on sustainability and green products. The findings of this study could support the growing importance of sustainable behavior among higher education beyond social responsibility and provide a benchmark against which to improve future change while fostering sustainable behaviors over time among the public.
Carbon emission calculation guidelines provided by the Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (MOLIT) and existing environmental load assessment studies have suggested a method for estimating based on the volume determined after the design development. Therefore they are not being helpful in the decision making of the environmental economics of road facilities in the planning stage in which specific information on construction output volume is lacking. Based on literature analysis of existing studies and consultation from a group of construction environmental professionals, 12 types of property information considered to be related to environmental load were selected from an inventory of information that will be available in the road planning stage. In addition, multiple regression analysis was performed based on the environmental load computed through the life cycle assessment (LCA) of 40 national highway project cases of Korea to deduce five impact factors of environmental load in the road facilities planning stage.
Green construction has increasingly become a popular concept and standardization in the world. This paper presents an overview of a Vietnamese green building rating tool named LOTUS. This paper also presents some major similarities and differences between LOTUS and other well-known green rating tools. The interviews with some experts and practitioners about Green buildings in Vietnam have twofold aims. One is to help better understand the causes of the differences under practitioners' viewpoints. The second aim is to uncover the opportunities and the difficulties that the project stakeholders may encounter upon the implementation of Green Building construction projects in Vietnam.
Assessing Awareness, Understanding, Construction Practices and Innovation towards Green ConstructionGreen Construction is the construction activities that conserved energy, land, water and material to reduce the negative effect to the environment while assuring essential demand on quality and safety during project construction. This paper critically examine the contribution of awareness and understanding, green construction practices and green construction innovation with the green construction benefits. A measurement model based on the theoretical framework and exploratory factor analysis was developed and tested using structural equation modelling technique. This study employs a survey research methodology involving a total of 346 respondents among construction contractors, developers, clients and consultants in the construction industry. The findings indicate that the awareness and understanding, green construction practices and green construction innovation are significant predictors of the green construction benefits. From the practical perspective, the findings should alert the construction participants on the need of awareness and understanding, green construction practices and green construction innovation towards the green construction benefits. In addition, the findings can be used as diagnostic tool for continuous improvements in the Malaysian construction industry.
In recent years, building commissioning has often been part of a standard delivery practice in construction, particularly in the high-performance green building market, to ensure the building is designed and constructed per owner's requirements. Commissioning, therefore, intends to provide quality assurance that buildings perform as intended by the design and often helps achieve energy savings. Commissioning, however, is not as widely adopted as its potential benefits are perceived. Owners are still skeptical of the cost-effectiveness claims by energy management and commissioning professionals. One of the issues in the current commissioning practice is that not every project is guaranteed to benefit from the commissioning services. This, coupled with its added cost, the commissioning service is not acquired with great acceptance and confidence by building owners. To overcome this issue, this paper presents a unique methodology to enhance owner's predicting capability of the degree of success of commissioning service using the Bayesian theorem. The paper analyzes a situation where a future building owner wants to use a pre-commissioning in an attempt to refine the success rate of the future commissioned building performance. The author proposes the Bayesian theorem based framework to improve the current commissioning practice where building owners are not given accurate information how much successful their projects are going to be in terms of energy savings from the commissioning service. What should be provided to the building owners who consider their buildings to be commissioned is that they need some indicators how likely their projects benefit from the commissioning process. Based on this, the owners can make better informed decisions whether or not they acquire a commissioning service.
With the mounting concerns over environmental issues, green construction is gaining a place in the global construction industry. However, rare research has been conducted to analyze green construction projects, especially in the aspect of project schedule performance. As a result, this study aims to investigate the degree of project delay in green building construction, analyze the factors affecting schedule delay of green building projects, and finally provide recommendations to improve schedule performance of green building project. To achieve the objectives, a comprehensive literature review was carried out, followed by a survey conducted with 30 companies that provided data from 220 traditional and 96 green building projects. The analysis of the responses identified that 15.9% of the traditional building projects were delayed while 32.3% of the green building projects were completed behind schedule. Furthermore, the amount of the delays in green building projects was an average of 4.8% of their planned schedule. The top 5 critical factors that can cause delay in green building projects were identified as: (1) speed of decision-making by clients; (2) speed of decision-making involving all project teams; (3) communication/coordination between key parties; (4) level of experience of consultants; and (5) difficulties in contractors' project financing. Lastly, a list of recommendations was introduced, aiming to reduce schedule delay in green building construction projects based on the observations. This study will serve as s a base for further research on the enhancement of green building project schedule performance.
This paper presents an automated computer vision-based system to update BIM data by leveraging multi-modal visual data collected from existing buildings under inspection. Currently, visual inspections are conducted for building envelopes or mechanical systems, and auditors analyze energy-related contextual information to examine if their performance is maintained as expected by the design. By translating 3D surface thermal profiles into energy performance metrics such as actual R-values at point-level and by mapping such properties to the associated BIM elements using XML Document Object Model (DOM), the proposed method shortens the energy performance modeling gap between the architectural information in the as-designed BIM and the as-is building condition, which improve the reliability of building energy analysis. The experimental results on existing buildings show that (1) the point-level thermography-based thermal resistance measurement can be automatically matched with the associated BIM elements; and (2) their corresponding thermal properties are automatically updated in gbXML schema. This paper provides practitioners with insight to uncover the fundamentals of how multi-modal visual data can be used to improve the accuracy of building energy modeling for retrofit analysis. Open research challenges and lessons learned from real-world case studies are discussed in detail.
considerate operation is a major issue in the equipment-intensive operation. Identifying an optimal equipment combination is important to achieve low-energy operations. An Earthwork operation planning system, which measures the energy consumption of construction operations by taking into account construction equipments' engineering attributes (e.g., weight, capacity, energy consumption rate, etc.) and operation conditions (e.g., road condition, attributes of materials to be moved, geometric information, etc.), is essential to achieve the low-energy consumption. This study develops an automated computerized system which identifies an optimal earthmoving equipment fleet minimizing the energy consumption. The system imports a standard template of earthmoving operation model and compares numerous scenarios using alternative equipment allocation plans. It finds the fleet that minimizes the energy consumption by enumerating all cases using sensitivity analysis. A case study is presented to verify the validity of the system.
Solar energy is one of the most important alternative energy sources which have been shown to meet high levels of heating and cooling demands in buildings. However, the efficiencies to satisfy these demands using solar energy significantly vary based on the characteristics of individual building. Therefore, this paper is focused on developing the methodology which can help to design optimal solar system for heating and cooling to be in cooperated within the existing buildings according to their load profiles. This research has established the Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) system which is composed of collectors, absorption chiller, boiler and heat storage tank. Each component of SHC system is analyzed and made by means of Modelica Language and Pistache tool is verified the results. Sequential approximate optimization (SAO) and meta-models determined to 15 design parameters to optimize SHC system. Finally, total coefficient of performance (COP) of the entire SHC system is improved approximately 7.3% points compared to total COP of the base model of the SHC system.
As urbanization increases in UAE, the demand for housing and infrastructures also grows. The challenge is to continue to build but in a different way considering more energy-efficient sustainable buildings. Producing a sustainable design is highly dependent upon effective participation among the diverse parties involved. In the construction industry in the UAE, these parties are fragmented due to the multistage nature of construction projects and multidisciplinary participants, particularly during the design stage. The decisions made during this stage have an extensive impact on subsequent stages of a project's life cycle. Having a sustainability expert during the design stage is important and the awareness of sustainability requirements by all design participants is of equal importance. In this research, recent advances in information technology are used to develop an information model that will improve the sustainability of building during the design stage. An information framework for storing design information and sustainability performance criteria is developed, allowing design participants to collaborate in an integrated environment. This research is expected to help designers produce sustainable designs for building projects.
For successful outcome of real estate development projects, it is important to understand the potential tenants as they drive the demand for properties. The aim of this study is to investigate tenant characteristics of the Australian green office building sector. The specific objectives are to; (1) compare and contrast the increment trend of green buildings within the green office building sector; (2) identify the tenancy profile of green buildings; (3) ascertain the possible industry concentrations within the current green building sector; and (4) explore the relationship between green building occupants' characteristics and their tenancy. Descriptive statistics shows that Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) industries along with government owned companies are the major tenants of green office buildings in the NSW State of Australia. In particular, real estate companies occupy more than half of the NSW based green office buildings whilst one third of them are the tenants of the 6-star rated buildings - the highest rated building in the current form of Australian Green Star accreditation scheme.
With the increasing movement towards sustainable construct on, environmental rating systems (ERSs) came into use in the Middle Eastern (ME) region as similar to many other regions. ERSs were first developed to assess buildings and many ERSs have tended related ERSs. Despite the vast infrastructure development in the ME region and in the United Arab Emirates in particular, there is no understand the regional-specific requirements to attain sustainable construction and infrastructure. Tis research addresses these pags and study the theoretical underpinnings of sustainable infrastructure in the region, to propose a regional-specific, infrastructure-related ERS. This paper examines the underpinning factors of sustainable infrastructure in the UAE through a literature review in order to provide insights to determine criteria and subcriteria for the ERS.
Identification of energy use patterns in buildings has a great opportunity for energy saving. To find what energy use patterns exist, clustering analysis has been commonly used such as K-means and hierarchical clustering method. In case of high dimensional data such as energy use time-series, data reduction should be considered to avoid the curse of dimensionality. Principle Component Analysis, Autocorrelation Function, Discrete Fourier Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transform have been widely used to map the original data into the lower dimensional spaces. However, there still remains an ongoing issue since the performance of clustering analysis is dependent on data type, purpose and application. Therefore, we need to understand which data reduction techniques are suitable for energy use management. This research aims find the best clustering method using energy use data obtained from Seoul National University campus. The results of this research show that most experiments with data reduction techniques have a better performance. Also, the results obtained helps facility managers optimally control energy systems such as HVAC to reduce energy use in buildings.
The incorporation of sustainability principles into the structural engineering design of buildings is increasingly important. Historically the focus of improvements to the environmental performance of structures has been operational energy considerations. Current research has highlighted the requirement for changing the approach by increasing the consideration of embodied energy in structures. This research was conducted to build on previous research by the authors in quantifying the contribution of column optimization to the embodied energy performance of concrete framed buildings. Ultimately, the authors intend to develop mechanisms through which sustainable design can be quantified, enabling alleviation prior to construction. Columns are a key structural element to consider as part of this development process. The outcomes of this assessment reinforced previous findings, observing that reduced structural weight as a result of other sustainable design measures carries manifold benefits include column design savings. Through the quantification of the embodied energy outcomes during this research phase, the columns were shown to contribute up to 19.71% of the total embodied energy of the structural system dependent upon construction technique used.
Traditional procurement methods have revealed many disadvantages in construction fields such as the adversarial relationships between stakeholders. After several decades of application, partnering has shown to be an innovative arrangement that helped to reduce many problems existing in the traditional arrangement. In Vietnam, partnering has been applied for construction projects since the construction industry was facing many new challenges emanated from the global integration and economic booming. Partnering is rather new, so it needs to gain a better understanding of the new concept. This paper has identified twenty eight success factors for partnering in the Vietnamese construction industry. Five factors are considered critical to partnering success including financial security, commitment from top management, mutual trust between parties, adequate resources and effective communication. The findings could help construction practitioners to deploy the innovative procurement type and would also contribute to the global knowledge.
Safety is paramount for construction industry throughout the world. Human errors which contribute to more than half of construction accidents, could be proactively prevented through effective education and training methods. Although Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have gained much attention in various disciplines, few studies applied them for construction safety education. This research presents a new approach in construction safety education by utilizing VR and AR. The vision of aligning teaching & learning strategies is examined in order to ensure the potential benefits of the new method. This innovative approach shifts safety education from "Listen, and I will forget. See, and I may remember" towards "Practice, and I understand".
Lack of client involvement in construction of public projects has been identified as the main cause of many operational problems. Clients need to perform their roles and responsibilities effectively and efficiently at the right time and through the use of correct methods in order to have the optimum involvement required during all the construction project phases, namely, the planning, design, construction, handover, and operation and maintenance phase. This paper investigates the influence of clients' individual factors on their involvement in construction project delivery. A questionnaire survey was distributed to various government agencies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Explanatory Factory Analysis was performed to group nineteen individual factors. The factor analysis result suggests that the individual factors that can involve clients' involvement in construction projects can be grouped into five, which are: adequacy of knowledge and experience for decision making in the early stage of design; ability to communicate clearly; job satisfaction; personal skills; and expertise in design and construction.
Scenario-based learning (SBL) has been used in a variety of training situations across different disciplines. Despite its seemly widespread use in construction management discipline, very few attempts have been made to explore its effectiveness and the respective students' learning experience. Using a survey research design, this study aims to investigate students' perceptions on SBL approach in construction management courses. The specific objectives are: (i) to identify the characteristics of a favourable SBL environment, and (ii) to explore the students' learning experience and effectiveness of the SBL approach. The results show that the four characteristics of a favourable SBL environment are: effective team formulation, constant engagement with lecturer, working in a group, and incorporation of motivational incentive for participation. The students really appreciated the opportunities to apply concepts learnt in the lectures in their SBL group work. Also, they perceived that the SBL approach is effective in developing their reflective and critical thinking skills, analytic and problem-solving skills and their ability to work as a team. These findings should facilitate more critical approaches to similar form of teaching methods.
Many studies have affirmed a negative influence of fragmentation on learning and knowledge sharing in construction projects. However, the literature overlooked enablers of learning within this context. The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors that facilitate project learning and ways to negate any unbecoming effects of fragmentation. Qualitative study used to explore the enablers through interviews administered to 11 top management individuals working in different construction projects in Malaysia. The findings revealed the following factors: participation, relationships, togetherness, and roles of project leader and coordinator. The role of boundary objects was also highlighted including information technology (IT), contract and procedures, drawings, specifications, and reports. The outcome of this paper initiates the development of a model for better knowledge creation and sharing in construction projects. The significance of this model stems from its ability to connection both the characteristics of construction project and project learning theories using the enablers. It is envisaged that future work will be to confirm the model in a quantitative study.
Growing demand for traditional Korean housing, modernized Korean traditional housing (Hanok) was developed as a way of providing Hanok for the public. However, the standard cost data for Hanok has limitations, as it was developed based on single mock-up project actually constructed and verified by another mock-up Hanok. In order to meet these research objectives, daily report composition which is easy-to-use for on-site workers and managers and also easy-to-accumulate standard cost data was developed first. Secondly, access to the system was made easy through a web server. Finally, an automated calculation formula was inserted to allow the last inputted data to be automatically included for adjustment of standard costs. This system was designed from an industry perspective so that any unspecified and nonprofessional users can easily use. For the users, it has an advantage that on-site workers are provided with a daily report system through web server and also they are able to complete such reports through simple input and output without any additional forms.
Ahn, Joseph;Park, Moonseo;Lee, Hyun-Soo;Ahn, Sung Jin;Ji, Sae-Hyun;Kim, Sooyoung;Song, Kwonsik;Lee, Jeong Hoon 597
In order to improve the reliability of cost estimation results using CBR, there has been a continuous issue on similarity measurement to accurately compute the distance among attributes and cases to retrieve the most similar singular or plural cases. However, these existing similarity measures have limitations in taking the covariance among attributes into consideration and reflecting the effects of covariance in computation of distances among attributes. To deal with this challenging issue, this research examines the weighted Mahalanobis distance based similarity measure applied to CBR cost estimation and carries out the comparative study on the existing distance measurement methods of CBR. To validate the suggest CBR cost model, leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) using two different sets of simulation data are carried out. Consequently, this research is expected to provide an analysis of covariance effects in similarity measurement and a basis for further research on the fundamentals of case retrieval. -
This research attempts to resolve the construction delay issues of indirect delays by developing the "Delay Responsibility Determination Model" (DRM) based on probabilistic risk analysis. DRM is envisioned to provide a way of quantitatively analyzing impacts of delayed activities while considering both direct and indirect influences. With the successful development of DRM, it would be possible to present relative probabilistic measures to all the related stakeholders in terms of their contributions to schedule delays. Upon the development completion of DRM, "Korean Construction Delay Claim/Dispute Resolution Protocols" will also be prepared to facilitate the effective use of DRM.
Both the importance and process of estimating Nuclear-power plant construction time and cost have increased in significance as energy user costs themselves have become more significant. In estimating construction time, few parameters are more significant than work item production rates and factors significantly affecting the rates. A standardized data collection tool was used to acquire a total of 401 data points from a S Nuclear-power plant project, for selected critical works: form-work, rebar-work, and concrete-pouring. With the data, several hypothesized drivers of the man-hour production rates and crew-day production rates were also analyzed. Findings from this study will enable industry professionals to enhance accuracy of time and cost estimation for nuclear power plant construction.
Despite all efforts to reduce construction disaster, construction site accident rate has steadily increased in Korea since 2008. As a different approach from traditional research, there is a growing issue about design for safety concept to prevent construction disaster. The notion is that construction worker's safety need to be considered at design phase, not only at construction phase. Globally, the notion has been noted that to improve the safety of the worker and used in practice. However, in Korea, most of safety management guidelines are limited to construction phase. From recent statistics, only 1.4 percent of designer feel responsible for safety accident at construction site. In this circumstance, this research find out safety guidelines through literatures reviews and practical experience of safety management in other country which apply design for safety concept. Selected guidelines are verified by survey which is evaluated with risk, function, cost, time and aesthetic view categories. Through the survey, define guidelines which could be effectively applied in Korea. By using proposed safety guidelines for design phase, preventing construction accident and improving designer's recognition of safety issue at design phase are expected.
To secure quality of dam construction needs appropriate construction duration. Tight construction schedule may have negative influence on infrastructure quality, work safety and maintenance cost. It is necessary to reflect proper construction duration in the planning phase. There have been standards for estimating construction duration of building and industrial complex development but dam construction have not. In order to estimate construction duration of CFRD, feasible study reports and design reports were analyzed to acquire available information. After that, considering on construction duration methods such as comparison with similar cases, approximate estimating formula, approximate quantity assumption were adapted to Critical Path items. Hence, this study present framework for construction duration estimating of CFRD in the planning phase. This framework can be applied other types of dam along the same line.
The traffic volume on the road shows various trends reflecting regional characteristics for monthly and hourly, and economic loss affecting users varies according to the selected period for the maintenance of road pavements. Therefore, in this study, the user cost (or delay cost) for monthly and hourly on the work zone near the Maesang Bridge Section on Poseung-Gu, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do was calculated using the time series models and VISSIM, and based on the result, the effect of user cost reduction according to the selection of best maintenance period was examined. The analysis result showed that the month of the lowest user cost occurred due to the maintenance of target section was January (10,293,258 KRW/Day×1km) and the month of the greatest user cost occurred was November (13,337,495 KRW/Day×1km).
The objectives of this research are 1) control of schedule or improvement of management for aerial environment, 2) distribution of responsibility to the parties concerned (factory, material company, construction company, design and engineering, occupancy). The results show the relative priority of the four major items in wall-based apartment buildings and in column-based apartment buildings. An analysis of the parties responsible for improvement based on the IAQ results shows more efforts to improve IAQ are needed in material factories and engineering/design companies.
As a construction project is recently becoming large-scaled and complex, construction process plan and management for successful performance of a construction project has become more important. Especially a reasonable estimation plan of activity duration is required because the activity duration is directly related to the determination of the entire project duration and budget. However, the activity duration is used to estimate by the experience of a construction manager and past construction records. Furthermore, the prediction of activity duration is more difficult because there is some uncertainty caused by various influencing factors in a construction project. This study suggests an estimation model of construction activity duration using neural network theory for a more systematic and objective estimation of each activity duration. Because suggested model estimates the activity duration by a reasonable schedule plan, it is expected to reduce the error between planning duration and actual duration in a construction project. And it can be a more systematic estimation method of activity duration comparing to the estimation method by experience of project manager.
In these days, global construction market is speedily increasing and domestic construction companies have a chance of new contracts. In the meantime, international projects have been increasingly forced to cope with potential risks, which seriously impacted achieving the targeted time and cost. In this study, we introduce a computerized risk management system for international EPCS projects, which is constructed on the needs of practitioners and decision makers as an aid to proactively control the potential risks and to monitor continuously their status and variation. The system is called the Project Risk Management System (PRiMS) is useful for furnishing project managers with warning signals as a project is progressing and helpful for producing the total risk score and tracking risk variation.
Demand is increasing for large, high-rise, and complex buildings, which is leading to advances in the development of high-performance structural systems. In this context, precast concrete (PC) technology has received a large amount of attention owing to its benefits in terms of schedule reduction, high quality, and easy installation. In addition, advanced methodologies that improve the PC performance by the addition of various materials have recently been reported. Research on analyzing the effects of such high-performance PC on the construction process and productivity is very limited. This makes it difficult for decision-makers to apply PC to particular projects. Thus, the aim of this research was to analyze the work productivity of the high-performance PC slab installation process by using a construction simulation tool to resolve critical issues. In this study, a real construction project that adopted PC slab installation work was analyzed, and a sensitivity analysis was performed to confirm the reliability of the analysis results.
The costs due to the maintenance and its method of national road have increased every year, and the maintenance costs have become higher due to the maintenance method without considering the characteristics of each region. This study is a preliminary study regarding the determination of maintenance method according to the characteristics of each region by applying variables (e.g. serviced time, traffic volume, average temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall, and snowfall) to decide the maintenance and its method through the correlation analysis of road maintenance and repair period for each regional agency using the maintenance history data of national road management agency.
In this study, the multi-criteria decision-making model based on Quality Function Deployment Method is proposed. Multicriteria decision-making is an attempt to link QFD method with the TOPSIS. By this effort, a model that makes client's decision-making more rational and objective in design phase is suggested. The multi-criteria decisionmaking model confirming to the Owner's requirements will improve the productivity of the construction industry and the satisfaction of the customer. Further study extending the range of the requirements, not only the Owner's requirement will be necessary to cover the various factors as much as possible. And then, finally as a flexible platform to achieve a sustainable quality management, web-based multi-criteria decision-making model can be utilized by the relevant stakeholders simultaneously with the feed-back and sharing the necessary informations.
As uncertain factors are latent in a construction project by nature, a change order occurs frequently. The occurrence of change orders in construction projects conducted during construction phase is known to cause unexpected negative impacts such as cost overrun, schedule delay, quality problem, and claims in the post-process. Thus, an efficient management method is necessary to prevent and minimize change orders during construction phase when they occur frequently. This paper analyzed the causes of change orders and the impact factors that occur during the construction phase of a construction project and suggested a direction for change order database building.
The purpose of this study is to present a cost classification system that can be used in gas plant construction projects. Towards this end, it examined the detailed statements of the construction companies which had experience in carrying out plant construction projects. Based on the above, it also presented a life-cycle (i.e., EPCC) cost classification system for the gas plant construction projects by conducting the Delphi analysis through the expert opinions.
Construction defect which can causes economic damage such as schedule delay, cost overrun is a considerably important factor in construction industry. In general, a construction defect features a difficulty to find out causes precisely because it occurs when several interrelated causes combine. Yet, studies have tried to understand the interrelationships between factors are limited. In addition, despite of a tremendous amount of construction data, it's not still enough to analyze them, but tends to depend on experience or know-how of practitioners. Thus, it is necessary to identify underlying causes in influential factors by utilizing related data. This paper analyses Interrelationships between causal factors using Association Rule Mining to discover root causes of construction defects. Confidence and Lift that can be used for presenting the interrelationships of the causes were extracted from 1241 cases in 30 projects in Korea. It is expected that this paper allows the construction managers to discover key factors and make right decisions to reduce occurrence of construction defects. Furthermore, analysis of interrelationships can improve understanding of structural patterns of construction defects.
'Sabine Pass Liquefaction Project (SPL Project)', a case study in this report, is the first construction project of a U.S. liquefaction facility for shale gas export overseas. This study analyzes the SPL Project to give understanding and a guideline to Korean EPC companies by benchmarking about effective risk-sharing strategies on EPC contracts. This study consists of three parts. The first summarizes the liquefaction process adopted on the SPL Project, named the 'ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade Process', and compares it with other competitive liquefaction processes. The second introduces the unique features of the SPL EPC contract by comparing it with two other EPC forms of contracts: a FIDIC Silver Book for onshore plant projects and a contract of an offshore oil production (FPSO) project. The third focuses on the complexity of project financing (PF), especially lenders control and impact on the EPC contract such as covenant provisions to constrain variations and changes on the EPC Contract. From these conclusions, it is anticipated that this case study can provide a guideline for successful performance of Korean EPC contractors overseas.
Construction managers use scheduling methods to improve the outcome of their project. In spite of the many obvious advantages of the critical path method (CPM), its use in construction has been limited. Understanding the reasons why CPM is not used as extensively as expected could improve its level of acceptance in the construction industry. The link between construction scheduling methods and the capabilities of the scheduling staff has been an on-going concern in the construction industry. This study proposes a staffing-technology fit model to understand why CPM is not used as extensively as expected in construction scheduling. A staffing-technology fit model that aims to measure the extent to which a construction scheduling method matches the staff's experience, know-how and capabilities. The model that is proposed is an answer to the lack of proper instruments for evaluating the extent to which scheduling methods are used in the industry.
There has been growing interests in life-cycle project management in the construction industry. A lot of attention is given to Building Information Modeling (BIM) which stores and uses a variety of construction information for the life cycle of project management. However, due to the additional workload arising from BIM, its expected effects versus its input costs are still under discussion in practice. As an attempt to address this issue, one of previous studies suggested an automated linking process by developing Standard Classification Numbering System (SCNS) and Geometry Breakdown Structure (GBS) to enhance the efficiency of integration process of BIM objects, cost, and schedule. Though SCNS and GBS facilitates identifying all different dataset, making object sets and linking schedule activities still needs to be manually done without having an automated tool. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to develop and validate a fully automated integration system for 3D-objects, cost, and schedule. A prototype system for single family homes (Hanok) was developed and tested in order to verify its efficiency.
Traditional construction planning based on historical data and heuristic adjustment can no longer incorporate all the operational details and guarantee the expected performance. The variation between the expected and the actual production leads to cost overruns or delay. Although predicting reliable productivity on construction site is getting more important, the difficulty of this increases. In this regard, this paper suggested to develop BIM-integrated simulation framework. This framework could predict productivity dynamics by considering factors affecting on construction productivity at operational phase. We developed the following processes; 1) enabling a BIM model to produce input data for simulation; 2) developing the construction operation simulation; 3) running simulation using BIM data and obtaining productivity results. The BIM-integrated simulation framework was tested with structural steel erection model because steel erection work is one of the most critical process influencing on the whole construction budget and duration. We could improve to predict more dynamic productivity from this framework, and this reliable productivity helps construction managers to optimize resource allocation, increase schedule reliability, save storage cost, and reduce material loss.
Unlike for other building processes, BIM for earthwork does not need a large variety of 3D model shapes; however, it requires a 3D model that can efficiently reflect the changing features of the ground shape and provide soil type-dependent workload calculation and information on equipment for optimal management. Objects for earthwork have not yet been defined because the current BIM system does not provide them. The BIM technology commonly applied in the manufacturing center uses real-object data obtained through 3D scanning to generate 3D parametric solid models. 3D scanning, which is used when there are no existing 3D models, has the advantage of being able to rapidly generate parametric solid models. In this study, A method to generate 3D models for earthwork operations using reverse engineering is suggested. 3D scanning is used to create a point cloud of a construction site and the point cloud data are used to generate a surface model, which was then converted into a parametric model with 3D objects for earthwork
This study is designating the scope, in order to establish the information management system of performance assessment for remodeling buildings, to analyze the current status of performance assessment, and to identify technologies and concepts applicable to performance assessment model.
Green building information used by the AEC industry is diverse and extensive), causing difficulties for personnel regarding the collection and utilization of information in the form of inaccurate searches about related laws, inefficient management of searched information and overlapping works. Therefore, this research aims to propose a law search system utilizing metadata for more accurate and efficient searches of green building information. The proposed system is expected to contribute to improve productivity of construction projects by reinforcing the accuracy and efficiency of searches for the collection and utilization of green building information.
BIM could be used for integrating project information through life cycle of building facilities. Also it could improve the accuracy and work efficiency through data interoperability with other disciplines. However, these benefits from adopting BIM could not be attained easily in real project cases. In order to make the most use of BIM and get the maximum benefits from it, the environments such as standards, guidelines and the related technologies are also could be supported. Therefore many countries are developing or already developed the technology roadmap for BIM. In this study, we tried to analyze the BIM technology status and develop the strategy for improve usability of BIM in Korea.
Value Engineering has been recognized as one of the construction management techniques for improving the value and benefits of whole project. However, due to the lack of the past data and inefficient free-thinking techniques, the idea generation during VE workshop is still inefficient and ineffective. Even though various studies related to theoretical methodology and technical systems relevant to database were conducted, VE team still mainly rely on their experience for idea generation. With this regard, this study suggests an approach of BIM-based idea bank and assesses its effectiveness by interviewing 20 VE experts in the industry. This approach covers the three steps of idea generation, consisting of 1) Developing BIM based VE database, 2) Generating VE ideas, 3) Updating VE ideas. The result showed that the proposed approach has great potentials to support VE team and improve the quality of VE ideas during creativity phase.
This study investigates the effect of real-time traffic information on the traffic flows in Korea. Recently, the development of smartphones has made it easier to use the route guidance service based on real-time traffic information. By the Big Data analysis in the study, it was found that the number of postings on the web community sites increased sharply in 2010 and 2011 when the smartphones spread widely. In the analysis of the traffic speeds by time, the average traffic speeds for morning and evening rush hours on weekdays from 2009 to 2014 of the 142 sections in the 6 national highways in Gyeonggi-do, Korea were used. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the percentage of the number of sections with the improved traffic flows increased greatly in 2012 compared to 2011. The findings of the study indicate the effect of the real-time traffic information on improving traffic flows.
In construction industry, while requiring advanced knowledge of technicians through a long experience, there is a problem with the tacit knowledge is not carried on the inner organization. Recent technological developments allow sharing and application of the tacit knowledge while technology tools use the CoP(Community of Practice) that mainly interacts between people. Clearly, the most consideration in stimulating CoP is the circulation of knowledge, namely the willingness to share and use knowledge with others. It is then important to explain why individuals factors to share and use knowledge with others when they have a choice. In this paper, we would like to report to find out about factors whether people are actually sharing and using the knowledge obtained in CoP. The results help to analyze which factors are influenced to be a successful CoP in construction industry. The implications for theory and future research direction are discussed.
Recently, Multi-Objective Optimization of design elements is an important issue in building design. Design variables that considering the specificities of the different environments should use the appropriate algorithm on optimization process. The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the optimal solution using three evolutionary algorithms and energy modeling simulation. This paper consists of three steps: i)Developing three evolutionary algorithm model for optimization of design elements ; ii) Conducting Multi-Objective Optimization based on the developed model ; iii) Conducting comparative analysis of the optimal solution from each of the algorithms. Including Non-dominated Sorted Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II), Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) and Random Search were used for optimization. Each algorithm showed similar range of result data. However, the execution speed of the optimization using the algorithm was shown a difference. NSGA-II showed the fastest execution speed. Moreover, the most optimal solution distribution is derived from NSGA-II.
GCM and scenario uncertainties are first investigated for 5 major watersheds (Han River, Paldang dam, Namhan River, Bukhan River and Imjin River watersheds). As a result of this study, it is found that CCSM3-based annual precipitation increases linearly with respect to the 10-year moving average values while CSIRO-based precipitation does not show much of trend. The results from annual DJF mean precipitation show a similar trend with respect to their 10-year moving average values. Both CCSM3- and CSIRO-based annual JJA mean precipitation do not show much of trend toward 21st century. In general, CCSM3-based precipitation values are slightly higher than CSIRO-based values with respect to their annual and annual JJA mean precipitation values, but CSIRO-based annual DJF mean precipitation values are slightly higher than CCSM3-based values. In case of mean air temperature between CCSM3 and CSIRO during 21st century, all of results show a clear trend in warming with the passage of time for 5 watersheds. However the upward trends from CCSM3-based values slow down toward end of 21stcentury while CSRIO-based values increases almost linearly.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a nascent technology in Korea, and currently lacks formal guidelines to assist Architectural and Engineering (AE) firms in estimating BIM service fees, while also allowing government agencies to allocate budgets for the rendered BIM services. This research provides a method to estimate costs for BIM services based on the cost-plus pricing framework. The approach requires a generalized estimate of the man hour per floor area data to calculate the direct labor costs. Man-hour data were collected from forty five projects that have implemented BIM. Interpolation of the man-hours was performed to develop a general reference table for 'Type 2' (i.e., public schools and office buildings, etc.) projects. By providing an objective approach for estimating the costs of BIM services, it allows clients and AE firms to agree upon a fair cost for BIM related services, and thus expedite its adoption in Korea.
Despite the improvement of productivity and cost, the operating of such equipments yet has been recognized as a 3D business which is a low wage and poor working environment business field. Accordingly, the number of such operators has been decreasing by time. Especially, construction equipment demands higher controlling skills and occasionally involved in critical accidents. Therefore, this study aims to suggest a conceptual design for an construction equipment Around View Monitoring system that visually assists the operator for more efficient operating. It is expected that the application of such technology for a construction equipment highly improves the productivity and work quality, moreover, prevents disastrous accidents that occur to labors.
Advanced countries have mandated applying BIM in construction projects. Also, Public Procurement Service has planned to mandate applying BIM to all construction project that ordered in PPS from 2016 in KOREA. However, now Seumter that is building administration system is not supported BIM based construction license BIM information from Seumter. Thus, despite the applicant is preparing a BIM model, they do not take advantage of BIM information in Seumter. In previous studies. We developed a BIM based building approval submission system. In this study, we verified the system that developed in previous research. As a result, requirement information input time reduction in Seumter system showed high satisfaction. But there was as low usability because building approval submission system cannot support some information for building approval in seumter. If the system will do utilization and management with the building approval system, the applicant can be using BIM base design document information and saving the time that takes at building approval submission. Study about the system improvement is required for application to building approval system.
Recently BIM technology has been expanded for using in construction project. However its spread has been delayed than the initial expectations, due to the high-cost of BIM infrastructure development, the lack of regulations, the lack of process and so forth. In construction site phase, especially the analysis of current research trend about IT technologies, virtualization and BIM service, data exchange such as drawing, 3D model, object data, properties using cloud computing and virtual server system is defined as a most successful solution. The purpose of this study is enable the cloud computing BIM server to provide several main function such as edit a model, 3D model viewer and checker, mark-up, snapshot in high-performance quality by proper design of VDI system. Concurrent client connection performance is a main technical index of VDI. Through test-bed server client, developed VDI system's multi-connect control will be evaluated. The performance-test result of BIM server VDI will effect to development direction of cloud computing BIM service for commercialization.
While the plant projects grow bigger and global attention to the plant is increasing, efficient space arrangement is not working in plant project because of the complex structure in installing the equipment unlike the construction project. In addition to this, presently, problem in installation process caused by the disagreement between floor plan and real spot is rising. Therefore the target of this research is to solve the problems and reaction differences, caused by changing the space arrangement in installing the equipment of plant construction. And this research suggests the equipment arrangement method for construction and related processes. To solve the problem, 3D cloud point data of space and equipment is collected by 3D laser scanning and the space matching is operated. In processing the space matching, data is simplified by applying the octree algorithm. This research simplifies the 3D configuration data acquired by 3D scanner equipment through the octree algorithm, and by comparing this data, identifies the space for target equipment, and finally suggests the algorithm that makes the auto space arrangement of equipment possible in construction site and also suggests the process to actualize this algorithm.
Efficient management of the construction heavy equipment is required to reduce the rate of carbon emissions and on-site accidents. The intelligent excavation system (IES) will improve the construction quality and productivity through information technologies and efficient equipment operation, especially in large earthwork projects. Three-dimensional digitized ground data should be required for identifying the path of heavy equipment and work-site environment. Rapid development of terrain laser scanners (TLS) is more readily to acquire the digital data. This study suggests the '3D ground terrain processing platform (3DGTPP)' including data manipulating module and analyzing module of the scanned data for intelligent earthmoving equipment operation. The processing platform consists of six modules, including scanning, registering, manipulating, analyzing, transmitting, and storing. 3D ground terrain processing platform presented in this study will provide fundamental information for intelligent excavation system (IES), which will increase the efficiency of earthworks and safety of workers in significant.
Due to harsh conditions of disaster areas, understanding of current feature of collapsed buildings, terrain, and other infrastructures is critical issue for disaster managers. However, because of difficulties in acquiring the geographical information of the disaster site such as large disaster site and limited capability of rescue workers, comprehensive site investigation of current location of survivors buried under the remains of the building is not an easy task for disaster managers. To overcome these circumstances of disaster site, this study makes use of an unmanned aerial vehicle, commonly known as a drone to effectively acquire current image data from the large disaster areas. The framework of 3D model reconstruction of disaster site using aerial imagery acquired by drones was also presented. The proposed methodology is expected to assist rescue workers and disaster managers in achieving a rapid and accurate identification of survivors under the collapsed building.
Earthwork is an operation that provides space for structures, and it takes up a large portion of the construction costs in a construction project. In large-scale earthwork, numerous types of construction equipment are used in the operation. The types of equipment should be selected based on the field conditions and the construction methods. These construction vehicles are constantly changing positions during the earthwork operation. Therefore, the equipment operators require effective communication to ensure the efficiency of the earthwork operation. All equipment operators should exchange information with the other equipment operators. Information should be exchanged continuously to support decision making and increase productivity during the earthwork operation at the construction site. This paper investigates the attributes required for an information interface between construction vehicles during an earthwork operation. This paper 1) discusses the importance of an information interface for construction vehicles in order to increase productivity during an earthwork operation, 2) analyses the types of attributes that need to be communicated between construction vehicles, and 3) provides a database that has been built for attribute control. The database built for the information interface between construction vehicles will enhance communication between vehicle operators. Table I shows the typical attributes that should be shared between the excavator operator and the dump truck operator. This information needs to be shared among the operators, as it helps them to plan the earthwork operation in a more efficient manner. A database has been developed to store this information in an entity relation diagram. A user-interface display environment is also developed to provide this information to the operators in the construction vehicles. The proposed interface can help exchange information effectively and facilitate a common understanding during the earthwork operation. For example, the vehicle operators will be aware of the planned volume, excavated volume, transportation time, and transportation numbers. As a part of this study, mobile devices, such as mobile phones and google glasses, will be used as hands-on communication tools.
A 3D indoor model becomes an indiscernible component of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and GIS (Geographic Information System). However, a huge amount of time and human resources are inevitable for collecting spatial measurements and creating such a 3D indoor model. Also, a varied forms of 3D indoor models exist depending on their purpose of use. Thus, in this study, three different 3D indoor models are defined as 1) omnidirectional images, 2) a 3D realistic model, and 3) 3D indoor as-built model. A series of reconstruction methods is then introduced to construct each type of 3D indoor models: they are an omnidirectional image acquisition method, a hybrid surveying method, and a terrestrial LiDAR-based method. The reconstruction methods are applied to a large and complex atrium, and their 3D modeling results are compared and analyzed.
In Korea, NSDI(National Spatial Data Infrastructure) was implemented for integrating and sharing the nationally generated spatial data. One of the main roles of implementing NSDI is providing spatial data to public agencies. And now, the establishment plan for NSDI with the technical advancement should be needed. This paper deals with the technical aspects of adopting cloud service in the NSDI. First, we propose the concept for target system, which shows the current and future NSDI. In the future NSDI model, GIS cloud and governance systems are included. Service functions for cloud system and infrastructure implementation design directions are derived. Finally, governance system implementation plan is described. This research will contribute to the implementation of NSDI cloud service system.
Recently, safety accidents in construction sites are increasing. Accordingly, in this study, development of 'Big-Data Analysis Modeling' can collect articles from last 10 years which came from the Internet News and draw the cause of accidents that happening per season. In order to apply this study, Web Crawling Modeling that can collect 98% of desired information from the internet by using 'Xml', 'tm', "Rcurl' from the library of R, a statistical analysis program has been developed, and Datamining Model, which can draw useful information by using 'Principal Component Analysis' on the result of Work Frequency of 'Textmining.' Through Web Crawling Modeling, 7,384 out of 7,534 Internet News articles that have been posted from the past 10 years regarding "safety Accidents in construction sites", and recognized the characteristics of safety accidents that happening per season. The result showed that accidents caused by abnormal temperature and localized heavy rain, occurred frequently in spring and winter, and accidents caused by violation of safety regulations and breakdown of structures occurred frequently in spring and fall. Plus, the fact that accidents happening from collision of heavy equipment happens constantly every season was acknowledgeable. The result, which has been obtained from "Big-Data Analysis Modeling" corresponds with prior studies. Thus, the study is reliable and able to be applied to not only construction sites but also in the overall industry.
This study develops an algorithm that automatically performs reverse engineering on three-dimensional (3D) sweeping shapes using a user's pre-defined feature templates and 3D point cloud data (PCD) of sweeping shapes. Existing methods extract 3D sweeping shapes by extracting points on a PCD cross section together with the center point in order to perform curve fitting and connect the center points. However, a drawback of existing methods is the difficulty of creating a 3D sweeping shape in which the user's preferred feature center points and parameters are applied. This study extracts shape features from cross-sectional points extracted automatically from the PCD and compared with pre-defined feature templates for similarities, thereby acquiring the most similar template cross-section. Fitting the most similar template cross-section to sweeping shape modeling makes the reverse engineering process automatic.
Project Financing (PF) is the long-term financing of infrastructure and industrial projects based upon the projected cash flows of the project rather than the balance sheets of its sponsors. However, the financial institution, the subject of financing in the case of PF in Korea, the lack of validation system of business, rather than to assess the feasibility of the project, requested a credit reinforcement to the construction company, the fact is Construction Company on loans of the employer is the guarantor or debt argument commitments accordingly. As a result, PF contingent liabilities, which are indirect debt, are triggered in the construction company, not included in the financial statements, along with the disclosure standards established according to 2009 PF contingent liabilities, and major can be a management item. In this study, PF contingent liabilities is of Pearson of the index and the PF debt ratio showing the main financial ratios and risk by classifying the credit rating and contractors Ranking of construction companies in order to analyze the impact on the financial condition of the company was performed correlation analyzes, through the Pearson correlation coefficient analysis indicated quantitative or negative relationship to derive the explicit indication.
The world is currently undergoing an intense urbanization process. The percentage of urban dwellers has never been so high. In 2010, and for the first time, urban population surpassed the rural one, accounting for 51% of global population, and this trend will continue in the forthcoming years. This increment in concentration of population and supporting assets in cities, make their performance a critical issue for world population. Recent events such as Fukushima tsunami and the hurricane Katrina have shown how fragile built environments are and the unpredictability of occurrence and magnitude of the hazards. Such an expansion of the world's urban population, together with an increase in severity and number of hazards and catastrophes, has put under the spotlight the necessity to build cities not only sustainable, but resilient. Decision makers should acknowledge failure as an option, and the importance of developing city resilience. This paper will provide an initial review on urban resilience, definitions and assessment approaches as a first step for decision makers to account for resilience in their decision making process.
The objective of identifying the cause of inconsistency in determining priority of educational facility maintenance, any related factors were thoroughly identified and tested, to see if it has any effect on decision-making process in resource allocation for educational facilities. On the assumption that 'the more there are to be repaired/maintained and deferred, the higher the relevant cost will be, this will lead to a significant social loss. Accordingly, this study established a framework of determining resource allocation priority based on deferred maintenance and its related expenses. For doing so, it was required to determine relative ranking in terms of resource allocation within a pre-assigned school district, in consideration of the criticality of each deferred maintenance attribute/variable.
The remodeling of multi-family houses (MFH) has emerged as a significant issue in the construction industry. Many decision makers struggle with the decision to remodel because of insufficient information including standards or methods for projecting the price of their structure after remodeling. In this context, this research analyzed the change in price of MFHs after remodeling. To achieve this research goal, (i) the price data from 14 groups (i.e., MFH renovation cases and equivalent MFH cases without remodeling) were collected, and (ii) the trend of price variation among each group was analyzed. Finally, this research suggests price variations of each group in terms of three different time points (i.e., before remodeling, after remodeling, and the present), which shows the effects of remodeling on the price of MFHs. This research offers a framework for the development of a model that will predict the price of an MFH after remodeling.
Several scholars in South Korea have predicted that maintenance costs of social infrastructure will sharply increase from the mid-2020s, and cause budgetary deficits among facilities management agencies. Interest in infrastructure asset management (IAM) is rising as a solution to such problem. In this study, an information system for asset valuation that reflects the salvage value and deferred cost of social infrastructure based on WBS (work breakdown structure) was developed in consideration of IAM. To reuse the construction cost information such as the acquisition cost, the interconnection between CBS (cost breakdown structure) and WBS was considered. Furthermore, asset valuation information was developed with XML schema to facilitate the exchange and reuse of the information among project participants.
While urban regeneration projects are currently under active execution in several old cities in Korea, there are few projects to improve the quality of life of rural communities. Considering the decline of the SOC system, deterioration of housing, and degeneration of economic feasibility, the purpose of this study is to provide solutions to realize an improved economic and social environment of rural communities through an integrated management system for traffic safety and water management systems. Therefore, this research used an Entity-Relationship Diagram to construct an integrated system for traffic safety and water management systems for Chungcheong rural communities. The ERD is prepared by depicting 7 relationships for 13 entities, including traffic accidents and agricultural products, and 26 attributes, including soil moisture and underflow storage. Consequently, it will be possible to set up a decision-making support system that can analyze and evaluate the regeneration index, technology, and management of the systems for Chungcheong rural communities, based on supplier and user perspectives
Cost, schedule, and quality are the three major performance indicators for any construction project. Under the globalized competition in the nuclear industry, researchers and practitioners have also explored a systemized and integrated management system for cost, schedule, and quality. In order to address this issue, the concept of earned value management system (EVMS) has been often utilized. However, implementing EVMS for a mega-project of nuclear power plant (NPP) construction requires extensive overhead efforts. Though previous studies proposed structures and methods for effective NPP EVMS, there has been no legitimate study for data collection strategy for practical implementation. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to develop an effective data collection strategy for NPP EVMS. Firstly, the barriers to practical NPP EVMS were identified based on literature review and expert interviews. Strategies for data collection were then developed based on different phases of project life cycle. This study focuses on the 'life-cycle integrated progress management system' for NPP construction from an owner's perspective Therefore, results of this study can be used as a guide for preparing request for proposals (RFP) of an NPP owner organization.
For last three years, our research team have conducted the project named "Development of construction project management technology based on BIM/GIS platform. "We developed construction cost estimation system as well as 3D modeling engine at the first two year and established a web-system which could estimate the benefits of the project and further analyze the economic and financial feasibility of the project. This paper mainly focused on the functions and specifications of web-system. The system was composed of two modules: economic feasibility estimation module and financial feasibility estimation module. While the economic feasibility estimation module determines economic feasibility of the project based on traffic demand forecasting from the public's perspective, the financial feasibility estimation module determine financial viability of the project using toll fee of the road from private entity's perspective. Compared with traditional feasibility study, the proposed system provide users with better flexibility which can make users easily to validate the project upon the change of project environments. The system was also verified with an already accomplished project. The verification showed that proposed system could provide satisfactory accurate results with reduced time and resources.
Nuclear power plant construction project can be called essential to establish a systematic project management system compared to other construction projects, taking into account the size and complexity and safety. To develop into a project management system for the Korea situation with the ongoing construction of the nuclear power plant was directed to promote nuclear power project management. In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive project management system for nuclear power projects. Currently considering the nuclear life cycle design, construction, and was developed by considering the flow of information to operate, and test each step linkage. The systems in English were developed to meet owner's requirements for advancing into overseas projects. Another point is that the systems were developed by management module, so that functions of each area can be selectively applied. It is expected that the system will establish itself as one that can be used for the entire lifecycle of nuclear power plants through gradual and systematic establishment of necessary data.
Currently, according to the climate change, serious damage by Typhoon has been occurred in the world. In this respect, the research on the damage prediction model to minimize the damage from various natural disaster has been conducted in several developed countries. In the case of U.S, various damage prediction models of buildings from natural disasters have been used widely in many organizations such as insurance companies and governments. In South Korea, although studies regarding damage prediction model of hurricane have been conducted, the scope has been only limited to consider the property of hurricane. However, it is necessary to consider various factors such as socio-economic, physical, geographical, and built environmental factors to predict the damages. Therefore, to address this issue, correlation analysis is conducted between various variables based on the data of hurricane from 2003 to 2012. The findings of this study can be utilized to develop for predicting the damage of hurricane on buildings.
Recent research has been ongoing for modular buildings in the country, and interest increases. However, in accordance with legal restrictions in the country with regard to Project Delivery system of Modular Building, the activation of modular buildings industry is obstructed. In Korea, in accordance with national contract law, the construction contract is apply to the project delivery system of modular buildings, and in accordance with Framework Act on the Construction Industry, The project delivery system of modular buildings has to be a separate order. The definition of separate order in contract as defined in the law is that the electric work and Communication work and digestion facility work has to be separate each contract in order to be ensured professionalism. In accordance with law, the project delivery system of modular buildings is that the contract for construction is concluded with the Owner and the Construction Contractor and the contract for goods is concluded with the construction Contractor and modular manufacturer. Due to these project delivery system, the domestic factory production rate when making a modular unit is significantly reduced compared to the rate of factory production abroad and the domestic factory production rate is estimated to 10-20%. Due to the factory production rate is also low, despite what can be done at the factory the workload in construction field increases. According to the workload in field increases, the effect of the schedule reduction can be reduced. It resolved to form a consortium with a modular manufacturer and construction companies or the contract is concluded with Owner, modular manufacturer and construction companies in each. In this paper, we propose a specific project delivery system for modular building to solve the problem of the low factory production rate and the problem of schedule reduction. Through this paper, due to the variety of project delivery system on modular buildings is expected to contribute to the activation of modular buildings.
Our country is aiming at 30% reductions in building energy consumption accounting for 39% of the total energy consumption by 2020[1]. For this purpose, the government is developing and applying the Building Energy Management System (hereinafter, referred to as "BEMS", Smart plug, etc.) while the researches on new renewable energy development. BEMS, which is applied with focus on large buildings, is inducing energy management of the entire building through energy measurement and data management, but considering its economic efficiency, it's very difficult to apply BEMS to small & medium-size buildings. Hereupon, this study intends to implement the case analysis of deterioration and economic efficiency of major equipment in buildings on the basis of electricity consumption which has been measured targeting small & medium-size buildings for a certain period by taking into account that equipment deterioration is a contributor to the increase in energy consumption.
Development of the Selection of Optimal Conceptual Design for the Noise-reduced Aluminum System FormIn Korea, a series of noise-reduced aluminum forms are being recently used in apartment housing construction. However, their complicated and time-consuming work processes, and the noise which is still generated due to the inherent property of aluminum when especially installing and dismantling them are have been pointed out as a problem to be certainly solved for increasing their practical use in construction sites. The primary objectives of this study are to propose a conceptual design of a newly designed noise-reduced aluminum form in which the noise can be enormously decreased during form works. The conceptual design in this study improved problems of conventional system aluminum forms, and, later, a system aluminum form developed based on this conceptual design will be able to ensure noise-reduction and safety as well as excellent applicability.
A nuclear power plant construction is a complex form of construction which comprises various stakeholders and contractors. Therefore, contract disputes will occur due to conflicting interests of contracting parties and unpredictable factors which arise during construction work. Even if the contract is well prepared, it cannot fully prepare for future situations in actuality. Claims management is very important in carrying out construction management. This study intends to define claim, and delve into development of claims management processes from the viewpoint of owners and contractor through consideration on international contract terms on claims management and the details of the claims management of the Construction Extension to the PMBOK. In addition, it is needed to accumulate and manage data on claims that have occurred so that they can be referenced in the future. As information should be accumulated so that type classification can be carried out and that lessons can be learned on claims that have occurred in each business site, study on establishing data-based systems relating to claims processes will be needed in the future.
In recent years, the bid-rigging in public construction markets has been treated as a critical issue in Fair Trade Commission. The investigation revealed that the collusion was implemented extensively in every area from the material supply to the construction service of general contractors. This study reviewed the causes of the bid-rigging in public construction projects, and proposed the improvement plan to eradicate bad practices. Firstly, the causes and purposes of bid-rigging were categorized into two types of internal factors from construction companies and external environment factors influencing business activities. Secondly, the system development method was explained to detect the signs of bid-rigging based on the technical proposal documents in open tender. The detection systems of repetitive public owner also provide the function of sharing data on the companies and cases to violate the fair trade regulation. In addition, the problems and improvement direction of public procurement policies were discussed.
Drill and blast method has been most widely used in tunnel excavation, after NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method) was introduced in 1983. The NATM method utilized mass of shotcrete to secure the bearing capacity of tunnels. Overbreak defined how much larger the actual excavation was than the planned. When it became larger, more shotcrete was required to fill in it Here, payline fixed allowable overbreak, referring to payable amounts of shotcrete. Since owner was not responsible for shotcrete exceeding payline, it was important to properly establish the standards for payline. Although the standards were provided in 'Poom-sam'(standardized quantity per unit), they did not properly reflect the actual conditions for excavation. Thus, this study reviewed existing domestic and foreign standards for overbreak, and estimated overbreak for each type of support using survey data, and finally provided the improvements on the current standards.
A construction temporary work is main process and importance trade section. A technology system of construction temporary has very low availability of field works and needs improvements in Korea as construction site has a quick response about new requirements. This study reviews literature researches and can verify that changes to a comprehensive technology system for construction site. In addition, it suggests a breakdown structure of new standards for temporary construction technology based on views of construction site managers. Meanwhile, temporary construction technology in Korea has changed with a specification of construction temporary work which had been revised in 2014. However, the revision is merely dividing the design and building off of construction temporary technology. It is lacking in many ways to change this in a new standard system for temporary construction technology. Henceforth, it needs to develop a standard system for temporary construction technology and a professional system that is appropriate for different purposes by detail trade sections.
As a recent global trend, the majority of plant projects are delivered through EPC or EPC-turnkey contracts, where a contractor's liability is more complicated because of the mega size scale and financing method. Previous researches have been lacking a practical usability for project members for liabilities of contracts. Those were focused on solving the claims or schedule calculation issues only. The objective of the present study was to develop a validation process for LDs (liquidated damages) in contractor's liabilities with various case studies and expert judgments. As summarized in this paper, the processes and tools were developed with project life cycle process. The project preparation phase includes 3 step check lists to determine the Go or No-go for projects. In progress phase, contractors should focus on the response strategies for claims with liabilities. The study concludes that those developed processes and tools will help to manage risk of LDs for the contractors in the overseas projects.
The aim of this research is to provide a direction to benchmark advanced construction companies from Spain and France by deriving business strategies through SWOT analysis in order to strengthen overseas expansion and competitiveness of domestic construction companies.
Building energy use estimation relies on building characteristics, its energy systems, occupants, and weather. Energy estimation of new buildings is considerably an easy task when compared to modeling existing buildings as they require calibration with actual data. Particularly, when energy estimation of existing building stock is warranted at a city-scale, the problem is exacerbated owing to lack of construction drawings and other engineering specifications. However, as collection of buildings and other infrastructure constitute cities, such predictions are a necessary component of developing and maintaining sustainable cities. This paper uses Artificial Neural Network techniques to predict electricity consumption for residential buildings situated in the City of Gainesville, Florida. With the use of 32,813 samples of data vectors that comprise of building floor area, built year, number of stories, and range of monthly energy consumption, this paper extends the prediction to environmental impact assessment of electricity usage at the urban-scale. Among others, one of the applications of the proposed model discussed in this paper is the study of urban scale Life Cycle Assessment, and other decisions related to creating sustainable cities.
As environmental issues have been increased globally, eco-friendliness in the construction area, which accounts for more than 30% of total GHG gas emission has being urged. In response, the Korean government has implemented G-SEED(Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design) certification from 2002. However, total number of certified apartment buildings is only around 1% of total number of approved apartment buildings. As a basic research to find out reasons of low rate of the certification, this paper analyzes consumers' decision-making process in G-SEED certified apartment building market comparing to non G-SEED certified one and draw System Dynamics modeling based on causal relationship. As a result, consumers' demand for the certified one is increased by 'Perceived Relative Utility' which is resulted from comparison process with non-certified one. The 'Perceived Relative Utility' is ascended upward steadily by 'Relative Perceived Price' considered as relatively short-term effect and 'Favorable Image of Certified Housing' referred to long-term effect.
This study aims at giving the framework to estimate the environmental load at planning and schematic phase. With increasing awareness of environmental issues, the effort to reduce the environmental impacts caused by human activity has been increasingly enlarged. So far most of researches estimating CO2 emissions have analyzed energy consumption based on BOQ (Bills of Quantity) acquired after detailed design. There is also lack of reliability in the estimated environmental impact using the basic unit of a facility at the planning stage, because it uses a limited specific section of historical data. Thus, this study is targeted at developing framework to assess reliable environmental loads based on information available at project early phases by making case-bases from historical design information on PSC Beam Bridge. Historical database is built on the basis of the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and in order to set input information for estimating model, the literature about information in an early project phase are reviewed. Using the information available in the planning and schematic design stage, the Framework is presented to estimate the environmental load in an early stage in the project. Developing an environmental load estimation model in accordance with the Framework presented in this study, it is expected that the environmental load in the initial project phase can be estimated more quickly and accurately.
Currently, since the total energy amount has been increased continuously, the effort for energy efficiency of apartment building is necessary. Although the previous studies have been focused on the issue. Almost studies are about the simulation by applying the energy analysis tools and a lack of studies have been conducted the data analysis about real city gas amount of apartment building. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the city gas consumption difference according to the exclusive dwelling in apartment building. To address this issue, the descriptive, correlation, analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistics are used in this study. As a result, in the case of annual total amount, the city gas is increased as the size of the exclusive dwelling area is increased. In the future, the findings of this study can be used as a basic material to develop the prediction model of city gas in apartment building.
Currently, effective energy management of buildings is necessary because of accelerated global climate change and resource crisis. Especially, in the case of South Korea, city gas consumption occupies 11.8% of the total energy and 39.6% is residential use among them. Therefore, for reducing the city gas consumption, the effectiveness of residential use is needed. To address this issue, the objective of this study is to analyze the difference of the city gas consumption according to the space arrangement in the apartment building. To achieve this objective, an apartment complex having over 1,000 households was selected then, according to the space arrangement such as south-east and south-west, the data of 59.97m2 and 84.96m2 were analyzed by using statistics method. As a result, in 59.97m2 and 84.96m2, the total city gas amount in 2012 showed that 9.2% and 8.4% were more increased at south-west than southeast respectively. In the future, the findings of this study can be used to develop the prediction model of city gas consumption in apartment building.
In these days, international construction market including construction companies has much grown due to globalization and economic boom in the mid 2000's. The size of international construction market, measured with overseas revenue of 225 construction firms, has expanded 2.7 times from 2003 to 2008 according to the ENR. However, after the global financial crisis of 2008 it has faced condition of low growth. In this research, major changes of international construction market and top contractors have been studied. In this study, changes of international construction market have been analyzed in the aspect of region and product including general buildings, transportation, petroleum, etc. Then, in order to find the changes of top contractors which obtained good accomplishment, business performance of companies have been examined by the compound annual growth rate, profit margin and international revenue by comparing the data before 2008 and after. The purpose of the study is to understand major changes of international construction market. Also, strategy changes of top contractors against market stagnation, profit depreciation, high competition have been inferred through the study. The result of the study would contribute to analyzing the strategies of construction companies in international market.
The main objective of this study, "Spatial Downscaling of Precipitation from GCMs for Assessing Climate Change over Han River and Imjin River Watersheds", is to carry out over Han River and Imjin River watersheds. To this end, a statistical regression method with MOS (Model Output Statistics) corrections at every downscaling step was developed and applied for downscaling the spatially-coarse Global Climate Model Projections (GCMPs) from CCSM3 and CSIRO with respect to precipitation into 0.1 degree (about 11 km) spatial grid over study regions. The spatially archived hydro-climate data sets such as Willmott, GsMap and APHRODITE datasets were used for MOS corrections by means of monthly climatology between observations and downscaled values. Precipitation values downscaled in this study were validated against ground observations and then future climate simulation results on precipitation were evaluated for the projections.
the downscaled air temperature data over study region for the projected 2001 - 2099 period were then ensemble averaged, and the ensemble averages of 6 realizations were compared against the corresponding historical downscaled data for the 1961 - 2000 period in order to assess the impact of climate change on air temperature over study region by graphical, spatial and statistical methods. In order to evaluate the seasonal trends under future climate change conditions, the simulated annual, annual DJF (December-January-February), and annual JJA (June-July-August) mean air temperature for 5 watersheds during historical and future periods were evaluated. From the results, it is clear that there is a rising trend in the projected air temperature and future air temperature would be warmer by about 3 degrees Celsius toward the end of 21st century if the ensemble projections of air temperature become true. Spatial comparison of 30-year average annual mean air temperature between historical period (1970 - 1999) and ensemble average of 6-realization shows that air temperature is warmer toward end of 21st century compared to historical period.
Korean construction industry has developed with national economy growth for a couple of decades. However, because of slump of real estate, the domestic construction industry was intimidated. In this situation, many construction company has no choice but to go abroad to find construction projects. However, almost small or medium-sized construction companies are very hard to operate their business because they have small funding ability and weak labor power. Therefore, this study aims to propose an assessment tool through analyzing risk factors of overseas construction projects for small or medium-sized companies by examining preceding research and interviewing industry experts. Weights of the risk factors are determined through the surveys of the industry practitioners. All of the data is configured into the assessment tool and this converts the quantitative information which leads to the optimal of strategies choice. This paper provides a quantitative measurement of possible performance and detailed assessment of each itemized risk factors. This assessment tool is qualified for industry experts so that it can safely be applied to the future projects. Ultimately, many small or medium sized construction companies will benefit from the tool proposed in this study to examine the potential of the overseas market expansion.
Since the G20 summit in 2011, South Korea who was dependent on foreign energy needs of 97% receives natural gas from Russia from 2015 to 30 years, but South Korea is a situation of scarce experience and skills of pipeline project in permafrost area. In this study, we kept the target for analyzing the data and information flow of the pipeline projects in permafrost area, and the ultimate goal is set to developing the hierarchy structure of design and construction data for an efficient administration of the project. In order to develop that structure, Configuration Management was introduced and through this method, it is expected to be used to build the overall information management system in O&M phase.
Recently, Korea has achieved accumulated total value of orders of six hundred billion dollars in international construction market, and it is facing a new turning point by entering the overseas construction market. However, according to the statistics on the current internal construction market, the accumulated value of orders has been mainly obtained by plant projects in the Middle-East area. To improve international competitiveness of Korean construction industry, it is required to expand and diversify the target areas and construction business sectors. To expand markets, each construction firm should establish the expansion strategy and assess the capability which includes the strength and weakness of their firm. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the capability of the Korean construction firms for overseas expansion. Through the research, Korean construction industry is expected to strengthen competitiveness toward the overseas markets. Furthermore, this research contributes to expanding and diversifying markets for domestic construction firms.
Recently Korean construction companies have started launching into the world beyond the Middle East to Southeast Asia. Launching into Central Africa has emerged as the blue chips; therefore, it is needed to study the local people and culture of Central Africa. However, launching Korean construction companies into Central Africa may cause some problems between Korean and African construction laborers' thinking. Therefore this comparative analysis of Korean and Central African construction laborers' job consciousness can provide to Korean companies a minimum understanding of these kinds of problems to expect while launching into Central Africa and so using this analysis as a basic data to supply them.
The continuing trend of built environment set forth by the rise of modernization and industrialization has led every country in achieving their respective economic development. Along side this trend is an issue that needs to be addressed - the environmental impacts of the built industry. Construction and maintenance of buildings are said to consume 40% of the world's energy, 65% of electricity, and 40% of raw materials, creating drastic pollutants harmful not only to the environment but also to human. Figures have been released and analyzed proving the contributions of built environment with environmental depreciation. Said figures earned concerns not just from different private and non-profit organizations but also the governments of every country, thus, steps towards sustainable development are being implemented. As a response, the "green" was added in the built environment. Later on, the now emerging concept of "National Green Building Code" found its role in the policy of various states in protecting the people in accord with the nature. This paper appreciates the initiatives of various countries and non-profit organizations in their drive to pursue sustainable green built environment in general, and specifically proposes an establishment of an "incentives grant framework" as an additional legislative policy to be included in the draft of the National Green Building Code of the Philippines.
In this research, moisture contents and roof deflection of two test-bed Korean traditional timber houses, Hanoks, were monitored. The monitored houses are consisted of two types of Hanoks. One is a one-story traditional Hanok built by traditional construction method, and the other is a two-storied new-styled Hanok built by modernized construction method. The monitoring has been carried out for about thirty months. The moisture contents and roof deflections were analyzed and compared. The moisture contents of the traditional Hanok built by raw wood were somewhat higher than that of the new-styled Hanok built by glued structural wood. The mean vertical deflection of angle rafters of traditional Hanok is about twice more than that of the new-styled Hanok.