Recently, demands on light weight, high strength, and low noise or vibration have led to the design of complicated structural systems. Although finite elements [1], mode synthesis [2], and statistical energy analysis [3] can be used to compute the dynamic response of such systems, the structural complexity has made the interpretation of the results of such analysis difficult. Many researchers in dynamic analysis have sought to further develop existing theories or develop alternate methods to obtain greater insight in the behavior of large massive primary systems (P systems) with connected light secondary systems (S systems). Some recent research includes work by Sackman and Kelly [4], Sackman et al.[5], Der Kiureghian et al.[6], and Igusa and Der Kiureghian [7-9] who have combined mode synthesis concepts, matrix algebraic theory, and perturbation methods for characterizing weakly-coupled structural systems. A major limitation of these works are that they are limited to lumped mass S systems. In this paper, the general ideas in the Refs.[4-9] are used to study continuous S systems and the method to reduce the complexity, studied in the works by Igusa, Achenbach, and Min [10,11], is developed into the frequency window method.