Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference (한국윤활학회:학술대회논문집)
Korean Tribology Society (KTS)
- Semi Annual
- Chemical Engineering > Fine-chemical Process
With respect to the increasing social demands on environmental protection and technological advancement, collaboration between universities, technical societies, industrial associations and governmental agencies are become more and more important in recent years. Particularly during the last decade, interdisciplinary and inter-industrial cooperation appeared to be significant for making Japanese industries more global and effective to cope with those social requirements whereas the individual companies could not achieve comprehensive solutions. The author will review the current movements on the inter-organizational cooperation activities and future directions in Japan.
This study assesses the wear process of particle impingement erosion which is a major source of erosion among fluid power components. First, Bitter's theory was modified to simplify engineering calculations. Second, actual experiments were conducted to validate the modified equation. And the effect of concentration and size distribution of impinging particles was tested. Little deviation from the prediction of the modified equation was observed. To develop an analytical approach to the erosion mechanism, further experimental data are required to establish a correlation with other engineering parameters.
Plasma-sprayed coatings were prepared using by spray-dried Cr
$_2$ O$_3$ powder with and without MoO$_3$ addition. A reciprocal type tribe-tester was employed to examine friction and wear behavior of the specimens at room temperature. The worn surfaces of plasma spray coated specimens were observed by SEM. The results showed that friction coefficient of the MoO$_3$ -added coatings were lower than those without MoO3 addition. However pure Cr$_2$ O$_3$ coating showed the lowest wear loss at the self-mated test. The larger protecting layers were observed at the worn surface of plasma spray coated specimens with MoO$_3$ addition. -
The morphological analysis of wear particle is a very effective means for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis. In order to describe morphology of various wear particle, the wear test was carried oui under friction experimental conditions. And fractal descriptors was applied to boundary and surface of wear particle with image processing system. These descriptors to analyze shape and surface wear particle are share fractal dimension and surface fractal dimension. The boundry fractal dimension can be derived from the boundary profile and surface fractal dimension can be determined b)r sum of intensity difference of surface pixel. The morphology of wear particles can be effectively obtained by two fractal dimensions.
In this work, the changes in the friction force(lateral force) with respect to nanoscale geometric variation were investigated using an Atomic Force Microscope and a Lateral Force Microscope. It could be concluded that the changes in the friction force correspond well to the slope change rather than the surface slope itself, and that the influence of slope change on the frictional behavior is dependent on the magnitude of the slope and the torsional stiffness of the cantilever. Also, the nominal friction force is found to be more significantly affected by the material and the physical-chemical state of the surface rather than by nanoscale geometric steps. However, the change in nanoscale geometric details of the surface cause instantaneous change and slight variation in the friction signal.
Chromium carbides have the excellent wear properties as transition metal carbides. Their tribological applications were studied recently. The nano-sized ceramic could enhance the mechanical and electronical properties of materials. In this study, it was observed to test the wear of the coated surface of nano-sized chromium carbides. The nano-sized chromium carbides were produced by sol-gel processing. Coating surface of produced powders was obtained front plasma spraying. Wear test of coating surface was held increasing temperature. The friction coefficient and the wear loss were testified in dry environment. And the worn surfaces were analyzed by XRD and SEM.
Monolayers such as self-assembled monolayer (SAM) have received considerable attention to reduce stiction and friction in micro-devices and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Various organic molecular films were investigated to obtain better understanding of their tribological behaviors and adhesion property. The organic molecular films studied in this work are: epoxysilane SAMs, octadecyltricholosilane (OST), multi-layers composed of epoxysilane SAMs, poly〔styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butylene)-b-styrene〕(SEBS) and compound of epoxy resin and poly (paraphenylene) (EP/PPP). The pull-off forces of these films were also obtained from force-distance curves measured in static mode of operation of atomic force microscope (AFM). Tribological tests were conducted with a ball-on-flat reciprocating friction tester. The OST showed the lowest pull-off force, indicating its low adhesion property. It was revealed that, the OST, EP/PPP and the multi-layer of epoxysilane SAMs, SEBS and EP/PPP exhibited good tribological properties at the lower load (0.3 N) whereas the OST showed best performance at the higher load (1.8 N).
Friction and wear properties of brake friction materials containing different metal fibers (Al, Cu or Steel fibers) were investigated using a pad-on-disk type friction tester. Two different materials(gray iron and Al-MMC)) were used for disks rubbing against the friction materials. Results from ambient temperature tests revealed that the friction material containing Cu fibers sliding against cast iron disk showed a distinct negative
${\mu}$ -ν (friction coefficient vs. sliding velocity) relation implying possible stick-slip generation at low speed. The negative${\mu}$ -ν relation was not observed when the Cu-containing friction materials were rubbed against the. Al-MMC counter surface. As applied loads increased, friction materials showed higher friction coefficients comparatively. Friction materials slid against cast iron disks exhibited higher friction coefficients than Al-MMC disks during high temperature tests. On the other hand, high temperature test results suggested that copper fibers in the friction material improved fade resistance and the steel fibers were not compatible with Al-MMC disks showing severe material transfer and erratic friction behavior during sliding at elevated temperatures. -
In this paper the ball-on-disk type sliding tests with boundary lubricated steels were carried out to verify the relation between surface profiles and wear as well as scuffing. Three kinds of surface roughness and asperity radius were produced on AISI 1045 steels using the different processes of grinding and polishing. Frictional forces and time to scuffing were measured. Also, the shape and amount of wear particles were analyzed to compare with original profiles. From the tests, it was confirmed that the size of wear particles are very related to original surface profile. The time to failures and wear amounts were sensitive to the surface spacing. The large surface spacing shows much longer sliding life and smaller wear amount than the others. Time to scuffing was increased with increasing surface profile spacing. The size of wear particles was increased and the amount was decreased with increasing surface profile spacing. Wear volume and wear rate K were decreased with increasing surface profile spacing. And after sliding tests, surface cracks of inner parts of the wear track occurred scuffing were observed and compared the differences about each specimen having the different surface profile spacing.
An experimental investigation was conducted to examine the tribological behavior of NAO (non-asbestos organic) type brake linings containing different volume ratios of graphite and antimony trisulfide (Sb
$_2$ S$_3$ ). In order to investigate the effect of the solid lubricants on brake performance, three different friction tests (pressure, speed, and temperature sensitive tests) were carried out using a scale dynamometer. The test results showed that the friction characteristics were strongly affected by the type and the amount of solid lubricants in the brake lining. It was found that the brake linings with both solid lubricants were better in friction stability due to the complementary role of the two disparate lubricating properties at various pressure and speed conditions. In particular, the brake lining containing higher concentrations of graphite showed better fade resistance than others during high temperature friction test. -
To study the influence of the shape of contacting bodies (especially the end profile) on slip regime, wear test is conducted in the case of the contact between tube and support. Two different end profiles of the support are used such as truncated wedge and rounded punch. During the test, 10, 30 and 50 N are applied as normal force and slip displacement varies between 10-200
$\mu\textrm{m}$ . The tube and the support specimens are made of Zircaloy-4 and a specially designed wear tester is used. Tests are carried out in air at room temperature. Wear on the tube is examined by measuring microscope. Partial and gross slip regimes are classified from the observed wear shape. Surface roughness tester is also used to measure the wear depth and contour, from which wear volume is evaluated. The transition from partial to gross slip is also investigated by investigating the considerable increase of wear volume. From the result, the boundary between the partial and the gross slip is newly determined in the conventional fretting map for the present specific contact configuration. Since the transition is related with the amount of energy dissipation from the contact surface so is wear, it is regarded that wear can be restrained by designing a proper shape of support. -
The fretting wear characteristics of Zircaloy-4 tube at room and high temperature were Investigated experimentally. In this study, the number of cycles, slip amplitude and temperature were selected as main factors of fretting wear. The results of this research showed that the wear volume Increased with the Increase of slip amplitudes and the number of cycles but decreased with temperature and the coefficient of friction were observed different tendency between room and high temperature. According to SEM(EDS) only gross slip were observed on the surface of both specimens and compacted oxide were on worn surfaces. XRO patterns showed that the crystallization of ZrO
$_2$ were observed on the worn surface at high temperature. The fretting wear were Investigated due to oxidation and accumulation of plastic flow. -
The fatigue life of support bearings is one of the most critical factors for the performance of a control rod driving mechanism. They are operated at high temperature and high pressure and especially lubricated with dramatically low viscosity water. The support bearing is made of standardized 440C stainless steel, and it supports thrust load including the weight of the driving system and external force. Friction and wear characteristics of this material operating under severe lubrication condition is not well known yet, although it is expected to be changed with respect to temperature and boundary pressure. So the friction characteristics are investigated in sliding conditions using the reciprocating tribometer which can simulate the operating conditions. Highly purified water is used as lubricant, and the water is heated up and pressurized. Friction farce on the reciprocating specimens is monitored by the load cells. The results of the experiments are presented in this paper.
The effects of contact configuration and kinematic motion on the wear of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) were investigated. Two different contact configurations were adopted for wear testing under the two different kinematic motions with un-irradiated UHMWPE specimens. Wear of UHMWPE pins against the linear reciprocating stainless steel disks was 8% higher than that against the uni-directional repeat pass rotating disks. Wear of UHMWPE disks moving in the linear reciprocating motion against stainless steel ball was 37% higher than that moving in the uni-directional repeat pass rotating motion. The results in this study show that the contact configuration and kinematic motion of sliding definitely affect the wear of UHMWPE through the differences in the contact stress states of UHMWPE.
The effect of silver particle introduction on the rolling friction of AISI 52100 steel pairs has been investigated. Experiments were performed in dry conditions using a thrust bearing-type rolling test rig at a load range of 12 - 960 N and a sliding velocity range of 8 - 785 mm/sec with pure(99.99%) silver particles. Results showed that the introduced silver particles formed transfer layer, which protected virgin bearing surfaces and resulted in low rolling friction. By changing the quantity of silver particles, transitions in the rolling friction wear found. Results also showed that the variations in normal load and rolling speed also affected the rolling friction behavior. Analyses using SEM and EPMA showed that tile formation of transfer layer was mainly governed by the silver particle quantity, normal load and rolling speed, and this resulted in the different behavior of rolling friction. In this study, it was found that the low and stable rolling friction was resulted from the shakedown phenomena occurred at the silver transfer layer.
The thermal and friction characteristics of phenolic resin and model friction materials were investigated with the content of acrylonitrilebutadienerubber(NBR). The thermal characteristics of material was performed by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The friction and wear characteristics of the material were determined by using friction material testing machine. The results show that with the more content of rubber, the loss modulus of friction material was increased. The friction coefficient and the specific wear rate with various NBR contents were reported.
The wear test has been performed to evaluate the wear mechanism of steam generator (SG) tube materials against ferritic stainless steel in water environment. The wear rates of SG tube materials depend on the change of mechanical properties between contact surfaces during wear test. From the subsurface hardness test, Inconel 690 is more work-hardened than Inconel 600 even though these materials have similar hardness values before the wear test. Main cause is due to the difference of stacking fault energy with the chromium content. In water environment, wear mechanism is closely related with the continuous formation and fracture of deformation layers at the contact surfaces.
Magnetic hard disk drive is continually being pushed to reduce head-disk spacing for higher recording densities. The current minimum spacing between the air-bearing slider and disk has been reduced to under 15 nm. In this work, it was investigated if flying height could be lowered under the height of laser bumps. With the reduction of the spinning speed, the flying height was decreased under the height of laser bumps. When a head swept between landing zone and data zone, the head-disk impact was monitored using AE and friction signals. It is demonstrated that magnetic hard disk drive could be operated without tribological failures under the height of laser bumps.
Nano adhesion and friction between a Sj
$_3$ N$_4$ AFM tip and thin silver films were experimentally studied. Tests were performed to measure the nano adhesion and friction in both AFM(atomic force microscope) and LFM(lateral force microscope) modes in various ranges of normal load. Thin silver films deposited by IBAD (ion beam assisted deposition) on Si-wafer (100) and Si-wafer of different surface roughness were used. Results showed that nano adhesion and friction decreased as the surface roughness increased. When the Si surfaces were coated by pure silver, the adhesion and friction decreased. But the adhesion and friction were not affected by the thickness of IBAD silver coating. As the normal force increased, the adhesion forces of bare Si-wafer and IBAD silver coating film remained constant, but the friction forces increased linearly. Test results suggested that the friction was mainly governed by the adhesion as long as the normal load was low. -
In metal cutting at the tool-chip interface, friction generates considerable amount of heat. Thus, tile .knowledge of wear properties or the cutting tool material in high temperature has been known as one of tile important factors in need of clarification. The authors presented the wear properties of 5%V-5%Co-1%Nb high speed steel, fabricated by powder metallurgy, in room temperature in a previous article. The objective of this paper is to clarify tile effects of temperature ell its wear properties. Wear tests in sliding conditions under various temperatures have been conducted. The results indicate that tile wear properties of tile tool material in high temperature as well as in room temperature are excellent. It may be deduced that the oxide layer formed on the vol-n surface at high temperature is stable enough to prevent wear due to tile high temperature strength of its matrix.
ILSAC GF 3/API SL specification will be adopted in July 2001. The background and characteristics of GF3 specification is reviewed. GF3 specification consists of five new engine tests, two new bench tests and new limits on three bench tests currently used to define ILSAC GF-2. GF 3 engine oil shows good performance compared to GF2 engine oil in fuel efficiency, protecting ability the emission catalyst and high temperature oxidation stability.
New semi-fluorinated polyol esters were synthesized by condensation reaction of polyols (NPG and TMP) and carboxylic acids such as 2-ethylhexanoic acid, stearic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid. The structures of polyol esters were confirmed by FT-IR and H-NMR etc. And, the fluorinated polyol esters were insoluble in several oils, however, the semi-fluorinated polyol esters were soluble in several oils depended on the structure of polyol esters. The physical properties such as 4-ball wear property and extreme-pressure (EP) properties were characterized by measuring wear scar diameter through ASTM D2266 and by determining the load-carrying through ASTM D2783 method, respectively. As the results, wear scar diameters of oils in which the semi-fluorinated polyol esters were added were not changed compared to those of not added oils. While extreme-pressure properties remarkably Increased with fluorine contents of the esters depended on the structure of acid moiety and polyol moiety. Also, the extreme-pressure property of semi-fluorinated NPG polyol ester in gasoline engine oil was better than that of commercial Teflon coating additive.
분자구조가 서로 다른 7종의 폴리올에스터 오일에 대한 가수분해속도가 측정되었다. 사용된 폴리올에스터는 2가 및 4가의 다가알콜과 서로 다른 탄소수의 직쇄 흑은 분기지방산으로 합성된 다가에스터 화합물이며, 이들의 가수분해반응은 p-톨루엔설폰산을 촉매로 사용하는 온건한 산성조건하에서 수행되었다 폴리올에스터 오일의 가수분해과정에서 생성되 는 부분에스터와 다가알콜 및 지방산 등의 구조가 확인되었고 반응시간의 경과에 따른 가수분해 생성물들의 농도가 측정되었다. 각 반응단계의 속도상수는 속도식과 실험적으로 얻은 각 화합물들의 농도로부터 최소제곱법에 의해 구하였고, 얻어진 가수분해 속도상수가 서로 비교되었다. 폴리올에스터 오일의 가수분해 속도는 지방산의 분자구조에 가장 크게 영향을 받는다. 즉, 직쇄지방산에 의한 폴리올에스터 오일은 분기지방산에 의한 폴리올에스터 오일보다 가수분해속도가 매우 마르며, 분기지방산에 의한 폴리을에스터 오일 중에서는 가지사슬의 모양과 위치가 가수분해속도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 본연구에서 사용된 7종의 폴리올에스터 오일에 대한 가수분해속도는 물분자가 폴리올에스터 오일의 카르보닐 탄소를 공격할 때 인접한 가지사슬에 의한 입체장애효과를 비교함으로써 효과적으로 설명할 수 있다.
Tribological conditions and additive chemistry between frictional Interfaces were discussed in the present paper. The principles of the tribochemical surface modification were drawn on the basis of data of literatures and experiments. Results of gear tests proved experimentally that the principles would have potential applications in industry.
Performance requirements for automatic transmission fluids have been changing to reflect the design changes of automatic transmission. The major purpose for these design changes is to improve fuel economy and drivability. The use of special base oils like API Group III and IV base oils has increased in order to formulate high performance ATF. In this study. the effect of base oils characteristics on ATF performance is investigated, mainly regarding differences in frictional characteristics with deterioration. Moreover, low-temperature fluidity. oxidation stability. and seal compatibility are also compared for four different ATFs. From the investigation, it was found that the use of Group III and IV base oils in ATF has several benefits in low temperature viscosity. oxidation stability and SAE No.2 friction characteristics.
The influence of aerated oil on high-speed journal bearing is examined by classical thermohydrodynamic lubrication theory coupled with analytical models for viscosity and density of aerated oil in fluid-film bearing. Convection to the walls, mixing with supply oil and re-circulating oil, and some degree of journal misalignment are considered. The considered Parameters for the study of bubbly lubrication are oil aeration level, air bubble size, shaft misalignment and shaft speed. The results show that deliberate oil aeration can more clearly bring on the increasing load capacity under high-speed operation of plain journal hearing than previous normal speed operation. And the load capacity may be increased more by oil aeration under the conditions of shaft misalignment and the increasing speed.
This paper presents the stability characteristics of a rotor-bearing system supported by actively controlled hydrodynamic journal bearing. The proportional and derivative controls including coupled motion are adopted for the control algorithm to control the hydrodynamic journal bearing with a circumferentially groove. Also, the cavitation algorithm implementing the Jakobsson-Floberg-Olsson boundary condition is adopted to predict cavitation regions in the fluid film more accurately than conventional analysis which uses the Reynolds condition. The stability characteristics are investigated with the Routh-Hurwitz criteria using the linear dynamic coefficients which are obtained from the perturbation method. The stability characteristics of the rotor-bearing system supported by active controlled hydrodynamic journal bearing are investigated for various control gain. It is found that the speed at onset of instability is increased for both proportional and derivative control of the bearing, and the proportional and derivative control of coupled motion is more effective than proportional and derivative control of uncoupled motion.
Many research of elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) has been performed under the condition of steady state loding. However, mechanical elements undergo severe high loads that are fluctuating in general. Conventional numerical method for the circular contact of EHL study has a difficulty in converging the film pressure and thickness especially in high load of steady state. In this work, multigrid multilevel method expels the convergence problem under the condition of high load and very stable convergence is obtained under the dynamic loading condition over 1.0GPa. Several results of dynamic loading condition are shown and compared with those of steady state condition.
A numerical analysis for the gas lubricated flexure-pivot tilting pad journal bearing has been accomplished. The film pressure are obtained by Newton-Raphson method and the dynamic coefficients are evaluated by the pad assembly method. The effects of the pivot position of the pad on the static and dynamic characteristics are presented for three pads journal bearing with LBP. The optimum pivot positions for the static performance is different from that of the dynamic performance.
This paper has been presented the dynamic effect by the journal speed. eccentricity and source positions in order to overcome the defects of air bearing such as low stiffness and damping coefficient. Choosing the two row source position of air bearing is different from previous investigations in the side of pressure distribution of air film by the wedge effects. These optimal chooses of the two row source positions enable us to improve the performance of the film reaction force and loading force as making the high speed spindle. The results of investigated characteristics may be applied to precision devices like ultra-precision grinding machine and ultra high speed milling.
In this paper the effect of bump compliance, load, and the number of pad on the lift-off speed is studied. When the load is greater and bump compliance lower, the shaft is lifted off at higher rotating speed. And when the load is applied near the center of pad, lift-off speed is lower. When the number of pad increases, the lift-off speed is higher. The lift-off characteristics can be used to lengthen the life time of the coating and design the rotating machinery supported by bump bearings.
As a means to reduce stiction in the landing zone padded sliders can be used. In this work the performance of padded slider was investigated using a commercial spin stand. The friction and acoustic emission signals were measured during the experiment. It is shown that padded slider show superior friction and AE characteristics. However, the wear properties of the pads should be further Improved.
Capacities of screw are pumping, steady flow of polymer melts, volumetric efficiency, steady volumetric throughout etc. they are affected by geometry of screw, heat flux, pressure on inside barrel, rotating velocity, friction coefficient at screw surface etc. Also the temperature of polymer melts by heating pad and injection pressure play a very important role in the injection molding machine. by computation volumetric efficiency increases as rotating velocity increases, flight number increses, and decreases as friction coefficient increases. but volumetric throughout is different :s flight number increases with helix angle variability. so in this paper we analyze thermal distortion and stress of screw includes pressure and temperature distributions by finite element analysis to understand what design factors influence on thermo-mechanical characteristics of screw.
A numerical analysis is undertaken to show tile influence of bearing design parameters on tile load capacity of air lubricated spiral grooved thrust bearing. The governing equation derived from the mass balance is solved by the finite difference method. Optimal values for various design parameters are obtained to maximize the load capacity. The design parameters are the groove angle, the groove width ratio, the groove height ratio, arid the seal ratio.
Hip joint simulator which Is an essential device for evaluating the wear of biomaterials (ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene, Co-Cr alloy, alumina, etc.) used in total hip joint replacement was developed. This hip joint simulator mimics the joint motion and joint loading of human gait by adapting the 4 degree of freedom in kinematic motion (flexing/extension, adduction/abduction, Internal rotation/external rotation) and axial loading, Four stations are operated by 8 servo-motors and harmony drives. Joint leading was imposed by displacement control from a ball screw, LM guide, and spring system. Each kinematic link system operates separately or coupled modes. A heater and a thermocouple were installed for keeping the body temperature in each station.
The Changes of Transfer film and friction Characteristics with the Relative Amounts of Raw MaterialsAn NAO friction material (low-steel type) containing 15 ingredients was investigated to study the role of transfer film on the friction characteristics. The friction material specimens with extra 100% of each ingredient were tested using a pad-on-disk type tribotester. A non-destructive method of measuring the transfer film was developed by considering the electric resistance of the transfer film. Results showed that solid lubricants and iron powder assisted transfer film formation on the rotor surface. Average friction coefficient was independent of transfer film thickness in this experiment. On the other hand, the thick transfer film on the rotor surface reduced the amplitude of friction oscillation under temperature conditions ( 250
$^{\circ}C$ ) that transfer film forms. -
TiAIN was deposited onto ISO P2O Cutting Insert Tip substrate by FVAS at the substrate temperature of 80
$^{\circ}C$ . Cutting and wear test have been performed with TiAIN coated and uncoated WC cutting tools, respectively. Uncoated WC cutting tool has been tested under similar cutting condition for comparison. Cutting force and tool wear of coated and uncoated carbide cutting tools were investigated by cutting length. In cutting test, cutting force of the coated insert tip was larger than the uncoated insert tip by tool wear. Configuration and wear of the coated tool were more stable and resistant than the uncoated. In tool life by the tool wear, the coated cutting tool life was rather longer than the uncoated when tested at high speed (V=250 m/min) than low speed (V=200 m/min), Cutting force, tool wear and life were analysised by tool dynamometer amp(3ch) and oscilloscope. -
Change in light transmission characteristics caused by various types of oil contaminations was experimentally measured with a built-in type wear monitoring device. Three kinds of iron powders of different size distribution, carbon dust, two kinds of solutions and grease were used for the lest contaminants in this work. Light intensity of the transmitted light was treasured with the contamination level. Results showed that the transmitted light intensity decreased linearly with the contamination concentration in the oil and the slope was affected by the size distribution. Light attenuation was also caused greatly by carbon dust, water contamination and polymeric fibers mainly due to the light absorption. As a result, it was proved that the optical measurement device could be applicable effectively for detecting any significant change iii lubricating oils.
Tribofilms formed on worn surface protect the DLC coating surface and decrease the friction coefficient. However it is very difficult to evaluate their micromechanical properties due to their small thickness, inhomogeneity and discontinuity. The phase contrast images in tapping mode atomic force microscopy allow an estimation of inhomogeneity in micromechanical properties of the sample surface. The purpose of this investigation is to demonstrate how the phase contrast images contribute to the characterization of thin tribofilms.
Antioxidation synergism between ZnDTC and ZnDTP in a kind of mineral base oil was investigated by RBOT. The results indicate that there is antioxidation synergism between the two additives. FTIR analysis show that the oxidation products in the tested oils containing the two additives are much less than those in the tested oils containing the single additive alone.
The sliding wear behavior of Plasma-Sprayed Al
$_2$ O$_3$ -TiO$_2$ Coating against Cemented Carbide were Investigated using a pin on disk type tester. The experiment was conducted using Al$_2$ O$_3$ -TiO$_2$ Coaling as pin material and Cemented Carbide as disk material and different operating conditions, at room temperature under a dry conditions. The results showed that the type B(250kw power) appeared average wear rate Is lowed than type A(80kw power). The specific wear rate of Specimen A1 Increased with normal load. But The specific wear rate of Specimen B1 decreased with normal load. Average wear rate of specimen A3, B3 are lowed than other but the sliding wear mechanism of edge were rough. -
The sliding wear characteristics of carbon steel castings were Investigated using a ball on disk type tester. The experiment was conducted using high carbon steel wire rods as ball material and carbon steel castings as disk material and different operating conditions, at room temperature under a lubrication and dry conditions. The results showed that the carbon steel castings appeared average wear volume Is lowed after annealing under a lubrication conditions and wear curve linear Increased. The specific wear rate of carbon steel castings Increased with wire diameter lubrication and dry also Increased 125 times In Ory. The sliding wear mechanism were Investigated due to fatigue wear lubrications and abrasive wear dries also wire Included fatigue and abrasive wear by plastic flow.
DLC films due to their extreme properties have attracted a lot of attention. In this study, the films were prepared on High Speed Steel (SKH2) by microwave plasma assisted CVD method using CH4. Every friction test under the normal load 2,5N and sliding velocity of 20,25mm/s in high vacuum (5
${\times}$ 10$\^$ -5/ Torr). The films were analyzed with Raman spectroscopy. The films failed immediately in vacuum due to high friction. Wear volume of DLC coated disks decreased more than that of non-DLC coated disks. Also, hardness of the films is about 600HV. -
The nonlinear vibration characteristics of hydrodynamic journal bearings with a circumferentially groove are analyzed numerically when the external sinusoidal disturbances are given to the rotor-bearing system continuously. Also, the cavitation algorithm implementing the Jakobsson-Floberg-Olsson boundary condition is adopted to predict cavitation regions in the fluid film more accurately than conventional analysis which uses the Reynolds condition. It is found that the difference between linear and nonlinear analysis is much more remarkable as the amplitude of external disturbance increases, and it depends upon the excitation frequency of external disturbance. It is also shown that the cavity region in the fluid film is increased as the amplitude or excitation frequency of external disturbance increases. The whirling center of the steady state orbit moves closer to the bearing center as the amplitude or the excitation frequency of the external disturbance increases because of smaller range of full film region.
Surface hardness is one of the major sources on wear in the oil hydraulic axial piston pump. To increase the performance of the oil hydraulic axial piston pump, it is need to know the surface layer characteristics in the sliding contact parts of them. This paper reports an experimental study on surface treatment characteristics in the piston of the oil hydraulic axial piston pump. We investigated surface wear with not only surface hardness and surface roughness but also material of the piston. We obviously observed that the surface hardness of piston in the oil hydraulic axial piston pump plays an important role to high power density and remain long life.
Zirconia powder containing 3 mol% yttria(3Y-PSZ) with and with out Fe
$_2$ O$_3$ addition was coated on tile cast iron substrate by plasma spraying method. The erosion experiments were performed at temperatures from$25^{\circ}C$ to$600^{\circ}C$ . A gas blast type erosion tester was used to examine erosion behavior of the specimens. The results of 3Y-PSZ coatings showed that tile erosion rate had maximum value at 40$0^{\circ}C$ . It coincided with tile results of phase transformation tetragonal phase to monoclinic phase caused by low temperature thermal degradation. The tensile stress relaxation and the micro-hardness improvement significantly influenced on the erosion rate at$600^{\circ}C$ . In the case of Fe$_2$ O$_3$ added 3Y-PSZ coatings, the erosion rate of tested at$25^{\circ}C$ showed maximum value at 5.0 mol% Fe$_2$ O$_3$ added coating. This tendency is caused by the improvement of mechanical properties and the tensile residual stress. The erosion rate at 200'c and 400'L showed significantly decrease by Fe203 addition. This decrease is believed to be the stabilization of the tetragonal phase and the increase of micro-hardness. -
CNTs were added to Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) to improve the tribological properties of UHMWPE. CNTs which have a diameter of about 10-50nm, while their length is about 3-5nm were produced by the catalytic decomposition of tile C
$_2$ H$_2$ using a tube furnace. UHMWPE/CNTs composites were fabricated by hot pressing method. It is shown that friction coefficient was increased and wear resistance was improved as CNTs were added to UHMWPE because of excellent mechanical properties of CNTs located on UHMWPE surface. -
This paper show the designing, manufacturing and performance test procedure of a high speed, fixed ratio planetary roller type traction drive as a speed reducer. The arrangement and size design for sun roller, planetary rollers and ring roller are carried out and a proper pre-load mechanism are adopted. To improve transmitting power capacity and endurance limit, nitro-carburized bearing steel and a synthetic traction oil are used. The manufactured and assembled traction drive operated successfully under unloaded conditions. Further tests for various load and speed conditions are executing now to improve the performance of the traction drive.
The effect of characteristic of surface roughness and roughness patterns on friction and sliding wear was studied experimentally under reciprocating boundary lubricant sliding conditions. The test was conducted with specimens which have various arithmetic mean value and roughness pattern under the condition of different normal load. The experimental results show that the friction coefficient is decreased because of oxidation mass and valley effect as the normal loads increasing It was found that the specimens with surface roughness with a transverally oriented pattern have a smaller firction coefficient than the other two roughness patterns under the condition of the roughness values of Ra=0.5 and Ra=0.2 .
Surface roughness plays a significant role in friction, wear, and lubrication in machine components. Most engineering surfaces have tile nogaussian height distrubution. So, in this study, elastic-plastic contact simulations are conducted for not only gaussian surfaces but also nongaussian surfaces. Nongaussian rough surface considering the kurtosis is generated numerically. The contact simulation model takes into account the plastic deformation behaviors of asperities by setting a celing on their contact pressure at material hardness value. It will be shown that the performace variables such as real contact area fraction, plastic area fraction and average gap are sensitive to the characteristics of surface geometry according to kurtosis.
This paper presents tribological results of the screw materials, which include the conventional screw and newly developed one. The tribotreated screw is manufactured by applying the polymer power to the heat treated surface of the screw. The injection pressure which is developed between the screw and the cylinder has been applied to the rubbing surface of the specimen in a pin-on-disk wear tester. The measured results show that the friction coefficient and wear rate of a tribotreated screw are low compared to the conventional one.
The sealing performance of an elastomeric O-ring seal using bi-materials has been analyzed for the contact stress behaviors that develop between the O-ring seal and the surfaces with which it comes into contact. The leakage of an O-ring seal will occur when the pressure differential across the seal just exceeds the initial (or static) peak contact stress. The contact stress behaviors that develop in compressed O-rings, in common case of restrained geometry(grooved), are investigated using the finite element method. The analysis includes material hyperelasticity and axisymmetry. The computed FEM results show that the contact stress behaviors are related to a ratio of length between NBR and FFKM and temperature of vaccum chamber.
The effects of oxide layer formed on TiN coated ball and counter-body have been investigated from the frictional point of view during sliding tests. AISI52100 steel ball was used for the substrate of coated specimens. Two types of coated specimens were prepared by depositing TiN coating with 1 and 4
$\mu\textrm{m}$ in coating thickness. AISI1045 steel was used for the disk type counter-body. To investigate the effect of oxide layer on the contact parts of two materials, the tests were performed both in ambient for forming oxide layer on the contact parts and in nitrogen environment to avoid oxidation. -
This paper shows the failure(wear) phenomena of automotive transmission bearings and investigate their characteristics. It was found that the wear mechanism was mainly abrasive wear by the presence of particles in the gear box and the balls was weared more severely than the other tribological contacting parts. The wear of balls alter the bearing contact angle and load ratings, and finally it cause the bearing failure. With close examination of the failed bearing, various countermeasures could be suggested.