Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference (한국윤활학회:학술대회논문집)
Korean Tribology Society (KTS)
- Semi Annual
- Chemical Engineering > Fine-chemical Process
Mainachievements of tribology research in China during the past 25 years were summarized, and several promising research fields are suggested accordingly.
Surrface texturing of tribological application is another attractive technology of friction reducing. Also, reduction of friction is therefore considered to be a necessary requirement for improved efficiency of machine. In this paper attempts to investigate the effect of density for micro-scale dimple pattern using photolithography on bearing steel flat mated with pin-on-disk. We demonstrated the lubrication mechanism for a Stribeck curve, which has a relationship between the friction coefficient and a dimensionless parameter for lubrication condition. It is found that friction coefficient is depended on the density of surface pattern. It was thus verified that micro-scale dimple could affect the friction reduction considerably under mixed and hydrodynamic lubrication conditions from based on friction map. Lubrication condition regime has an influence on the friction coefficient induced the density of micro dimple.
In this paper, fretting wear tests were conducted in air at room temperature (RT) and in water at high temperature and high pressure (HTHP) environment to analyze the wear characteristic. As for the supporting condition between the tube and spring/dimple, the gap of 0.2 mm in air at RT and the normal force of 10 N and the slip of
$50\;{\mu}\;m$ in water at HTHP were applied. Four different shapes of spring/dimple specimen (type A, B, C, D) were used. Detail eaxamination of wear scar was also performed using SEM micrographs. As a result, in the case of the spring of truncated wedge, severer wear occurs than the others. Protrusion part was found and larger in air at RT. It is thought that the difference in the wear volume and the protrusion is caused by the different wear mechanism corresponding to the different environment. -
The impact/sliding wear tests have been performed in high temperature high pressure water in order to evaluate the effect of spring shape on the wear behavior of a spring supported tube for nuclear fuel fretting study. The results indicate that the tube wear volume and the size of the wear scar are closely related to each spring shape. From the analysis of the wear scar, it is possible to extract the real worn area (Aw) from the size of the wear scar (At). In addition, we found that the wear volume has a linear relation with the real worm area rather than the size of wear scar and this was only determined by each spring shape in the high temperature and pressure water condition. From the above results, it is possible to evaluate the wear resistant spring using the correlation between the variation of the real worn area and the wear behavior at each spring.
This study deals with the friction and wear characteristics of C-N coated spur gear. The PSII apparatus was built and a SCM415 test piece and test gear with steel substrate was treated with carbon nitrogen by this apparatus. The composition and structure of the surface layer were analyzed and compared with that of PVD coated TiN layer. It was found that both of friction coefficients of C-N coating and TiN coaling decreased with increasing load, however, C-N coating showed relatively lower friction coefficient than that of TiN coating. We was investigated the effect of C-N coating on hardness, friction and wear. The TiN coated gear showed more serious friction phenomena than that of C-N coated gear. It was considered that coating of TiN, which was conducted at a vacuum chamber at about
$500^{\circ}C$ results in a tempering of base material that causes microstructure change, which in turn resulted in decreasing of hardness. The C-N coated gear and pinion had higher wear resistance that of TiN coated gear and pinion. C-N coating significantly improved the friction and wear resistance of the gear. -
The purpose of this study is to investigate the friction characteristics of brake pads according to different ratios of
$BaSO_4/CaCO_3$ . Four brake pads with different ratios of$BaSO_4/CaCO_3$ were manufactured. The friction characteristics of brake pads were tested using 1/5 reduced scale tester. With increasing of the amount of$BaSO_4$ density and shear strength of brake pads were increased and hardness of brake pads were decreased. In effectiveness, the friction coefficient of brake pad was higher and the stability of friction coefficient was better as the ratio of$BaSO_4$ increased. In fade test, friction coefficient of B3 sample used only$CaCO_3$ was decreased rapidly. B1 sample showed a good noise performance without noise generation. The wear resistance of samples were decreased with increasing of the ratio of$CaCO_3$ . -
Rough surfaces are taking into account to estimate the contact fatigue life. A computational methodology and the theoretical basis in this case is presented in this paper. Displacement solution technique by Cho and Love is applied to calculate the stress history beneath the surface subjected to loading. Mesoscopic multiaxial fatigue criterion is then applied to predict fatigue life. This fatigue criterion yields satisfactory results for non-proportional loading and can satisfactorily describe the physical mechanisms of crack initiation as well. As a result of analysis the relation between the life and the roughness as well as the most probable depth of the crack nucleation is discussed.
$MoS_2S$ ] is a well-known metal sulfide applied as solid lubricants and an additive to prolong the life of sintered bearings under severe conditions. However, the high price of$MoS_2S$ limited its wide application. This study is aimed to investigated the possibility for application to solid lubricants for$Cu_2S$ as a substitute of v. Bronzes added$Cu_2S$ and$MoS_2S$ are produced by powder metallurgy in this study, and then evaluated their friction and wear properties. The sliding wear test using pin-on-disc type machine, was conducted at several sliding speeds for three type test pieces, bronze and bronzes added$Cu_2S/MoS_2$ . Addition of$Cu_2S$ to bronze leads to relatively good friction and wear properties, although it is not so good as addition of$MoS_2S$ . But the properties of bronze added$Cu_2S/MoS_2$ would be not suitable for the condition under the high sliding speed. -
The sliding wear behavior of
$ZrO_2-22wt\%MgO\;(MZ)\;and\;ZrO_2-8wt\%Y_2O_3\;(YZ)$ deposited on a casting aluminum alloy with bond layer (NiCrCoAlY) by plasma spray against an SiC ball was investigated under dry test conditions at room temperature. At all load conditions, the wear mechanisms of the MZ and the YZ coatings were almost the same. The wear mechanisms involved the forming of a smooth film by material transferred on the sliding surface and pullout. The wear rate of the MZ coating was less than that of the YZ coating. With an increase normal load the wear rate of the studied coatings increased. The SEM was used to examine the sliding surfaces and elucidate likely wear mechanisms. The EDX analysis of the worn surface indicated that material transfer was occurred from the SiC ball to the disk. It was suggested that the material transfer played an important role in the wear performance. -
Engine power cylinder parts are faced with more severe wear and friction environment. For instance, emission gas recirculation (EGR), one of the most valid technologies related to emission legislation, is known to accelerate wear of piston ring and cylinder liner. Therefore, advanced materials and surface treatments have been developed and adopted successively so that a need exists for an accurate and repeatable friction and wear bench test for various combination of piston ring and cylinder liner that more closely relates to engine test result. This paper introduces accelerative bench wear test method for piston ring and cylinder liner, presents the experimental result of friction and wear properties of piston ring surface treatments that noticed in substitution for hard chrome plating.
In this paper, molecular dynamics simulations are performed to analyze the adhesion between a diamond mould and a copper substrate in diamond nanoimprint lithography. The diamond nanoimprint lithography process is simplified as punch-type nanoindentation. The copper substrates are assumed to monocrystalline and defect free and consist of
$22500\~80000$ atoms depending on their dimension. The diamond moulds consist of 916 or 2414 atoms, which is assumed to be rigid. The consistent results lot the maximum normal force and the adhesion force are obtained regardless of the size of substrates and the adhesion hysteresis is shown in all cases. It is found that the friction acting on the sidewalls of the mould affects the adhesion significantly when the mould is released from the substrate. -
Nano/micro-scale studies on friction properties were conducted on Si (100) and three self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) (PFOTC, DMDM, DPDM) coated on Si-wafer by chemical vapor deposition technique. Experiments were conducted at ambient temperature
$(24{\pm}1^{\circ}C)$ and humidity$(45{\pm}5\%)$ . Nano-friction was evaluated using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in the range of 0-40nN normal loads. In both Si-wafer and SAMs, friction increased linearly as a function of applied normal load. Results showed that friction was affected by the inherent adhesion in Si-wafer, and in the case of SAMs the physical/chemical structures had a major influence. Coefficient of friction of these test samples was also evaluated at the micro-scale using a micro-tribotester. It was observed that SAMs had superior frictional property due to their low interfacial energies. In order to study of the effect of contact area on friction coefficient at the micro-scale, friction was measured for Si-wafer and DPDM against Soda Lime balls (Duke Scientific Corporation) of different radii 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm and 1 mm at different applied normal loads$(1500,\;3000\;and\;4800{\mu}N)$ . Results showed that Si-wafer had higher friction coefficient than DPDM. Furthermore, unlike that in the case of DPDM, friction was severely influenced by wear in the case of Si-wafer. SEM evidences showed that solid-solid adhesion to be the wear mechanism in Si-wafer. -
Lubrication characteristics between a cylinder block and a valve plate for high speed bent-axis type hydraulic pump play an important role in volumetric efficiency and durability of pump. In this paper, a finite element method is presented for the computation of the pressure distribution between a cylinder block and a valve plate for high speed bent-axis type hydraulic pump. Also, a Runge-Kutta method is applied to simulate the cylinder block dynamics of three-degrees of freedom motion. From the results of computation, we can draw two major conclusions. One is related to the fluid film characteristics between a cylinder block and a valve plate and the other is related to the average leakage that is determined by the pressure gradient and the clearance near the discharge port. The numerical results of cylinder block dynamics were compared with the experimental results using eddy-current type gap sensors those are fixed at a pump housing.
Li-complex and urea type greases (each 10 species) which were furnished by Chang-Am LS, analyzed anti-wear performance into fretting wear tester & four-bail wear tester. from the results of fretting wear test, the wear volume of Li-complex greases are
$4.6\~8.9mg\;and\;8.3\~14.4mg$ with the test of urea greases. The anti-wear performance for 4-ball wear test of greases produced results around 0.5mm at the value of WSD. The grease life performance were evaluated by SKF-ROF Grease Tester and wheel bearing life tester. From the results of SKF-ROF tester, the life performance evaluated by whole working time produced results$50\~300hr$ with the Li-complex greases and 100-1000hr with the urea greases. That is to say, in spite of severe condition at the higher of$10^{\circ}C$ reaction temp, the life performance with Urea type greases are much superior to Li-complex type greases. Prior to wheel bearing life tester, the grease selected performance evaluation(=anti-wear test) are tested by wheel bearing tester. In this results, we can confirm results those are similar with SKF-ROF tester. In this study, we can draw two major conclusions, one is that Li-complex greases are superior to urea greases with anti-wear properties and the other is that urea greases are much superior to Li-complex greases with life performance. -
In order to improve the fuel economy by design change of automatic transmission, various technologies such as increased shift stages, slip control of lock-up clutch and compact and low-weight design have been developed. And also many OEMs have developed their own ATFs as a part of these automatic transmissions. In this study. to investigate the effects of ATF characteristics on fuel economy, we got the worldwide OEM ATFs and made some reference fluids. And physical properties, frictional characteristics and fuel economy using dynamometer test for these fluids were evaluated. From the investigation, it was found that viscosities of ATFs are correlated with fuel economy in dynamometer test and reducing the viscosities made it possible to obtain fuel economy.
Rolling bearings are assorted one of the most important machine elements. The various functions of bearings are greatly influenced by grease, and higher performance of rolling bearing greases is required to improve rolling bearing lubrication. The two conditions for optimum grease synthesis were selected by SSRED (Six Sigma Robust Engineering Design) program by using dropping points and OIT values respectively. And the optimized two urea/ether oil greases were synthesized to compare the performance. The typical physical properties of grease were investigated. And life test of these greases was conducted by rolling bearing grease life tester The characteristics of the greases before and after life test were investigated using FTIR, microscope, SEM, TG/DSC, OIT and TAN meter The optimized two greases showed longer life time than typical urea/ether oil grease. The optimized grease by means of OIT value showed higher performance such as long life time. low TAN value and high oil bleeding amount in comparison with the optimized grease using dropping point.
Presence of water in the lubricating oils could be one of the first indicators of potentially expensive and possibly catastrophic failure of the machine as it may cause displace the oil films to prevent the lubrication function of the oil or chemically react with many oil additives resulting in the oil degradation. In order to detect water content quantitatively in lubricating oils many methods and sensors has been developed. Among these, capacitive sensors including sensitive layer, whose dielectric factor changes according to the water content absorbed in the layer, are proposed mainly in the market. But these sensors are not sensitive to a high water content. Besides, the absorbing layer soils in time. In this work, an evaporation of water moisture from oil into air volume above lubricant surface and condensation of water vapor at a cooling surface was used to measure water content quantitatively in an lubricating oil. Laboratory test results of a prototype sensor were presented. Test results showed that the proposed method could be avaliable to measure a low levels of oil moisture.
The object of the present work is the acoustic emission energy analysis of subambient pressure tri-pad slider. Head/disk interaction during start/stop and constant speed were detected by using acoustic emission (AE) test system The frequency spectrum analysis is performed using the AE signal obtained during the head/disk interaction Natural frequency analysis was performed using Ansys program. Acoustic emission energy was calculated for the slider modes.
The numerical analysis of the hard disk drive slider is presented. The pressure distribution was calculated using the finite element method. The generalized Reynolds equation was applied in order to include the gas rarefaction effect. The balance of the air bearing force and preload force was considered. The characteristics of the small vibrations near the equilibrium were studied using the perturbation method. Triangular mesh with variable element size was employed to model the two-rail slider. The flying height, pitching angle, rolling angle, stiffness and damping of the two-rail slider were calculated for radial position changing from the inner radius to the outer radius and for a wide range of the slider crown values. It was found that the flying height, pitching angle and rolling angle were increased with radial position while the stiffness and damping coefficients were decreased. The higher values of crown resulted in increased flying height, pitching angle and damping and decreased stiffness.
A Piston assembly is very important because it directly receives the energy generated during combustion process. Surely, the friction and lubrication of piston ring pack do an important role in the performance and fuel economy of an engine. in fact, the friction loss in piston ring pack is the biggest portion to the whole engine friction. Therefore, the improvement of lubrication quality and friction loss in piston ring pack will be directly related with the improvement in the performance and fuel economy of an engine. Meanwhile, the oil consumption and blow-by gas through piston-cylinder-ring crevices have to be controlled as less as possible. In these two aspects, the study on the optimized design of piston ring pack has to be carried out. In this study, for the efficient design of piston ring pack, it is focused to develop a basic computer program that predicts the inter-ring pressure, the motion of ring and the blow-by gas through a crevice volume model between adjacent rings, and the oil film thickness and the friction computed by lubrication theories.
Lee Il Kwon;Chun Yoon Soo;Kim Chung Kyun;Cho Seung hyun;Kim Han Goo;Kim Young Gyu;Moon Hak Hoon 158
In recent, the automotive number of korea has risen above 14millions vehicles. The automotive was settled down goods haying to live. In a flood of this automotive the accuracy diagnosis for the vehicle certainly need for people referencing car. To do this diagnosis, the researcher has to experience many example in the field and need to system them. Expecially, the study for failure of the engine nearly research in the korea. When moving parts of engine no problem. In order to work, the engine must operate normality state. In this paper the purpose study the failure for the tribological example of engine. -
A kinetic theory analysis is used to study the ultra-thin gas flow field in gas slider hearings. The Boltzmann equation simplified by a collision model is solved by means of a finite difference approximation with the discrete ordinate method. Calculations are made for the flow field inside stepped and straight slider bearings. The results are compared well with those from the DSMC method. Special attention has been paid to the effect of the pressure build-up in front of a hearing, which has never been assessed before. It has been shown that the pressure build-up at the inlet is about
$4.5\%$ of the operating pressure and the resulting load capacity is about$25\%$ higher for the case considered in the present study. -
A method of lubrication analysis of thrust bearings in scroll compressors is proposed. A thrust bearing of typical scroll compressor is analyzed to investigate effects of bearing surface deformation.
Rotating disks are used in various machines such as data storage device, gyroscope, circular saw, etc. Transverse vibration of a rotating disk is very important for the performance of these machines. This work proposes a method to suppress transverse vibration of a very flexible rotating disk in non-contacting manner. A system considered in this study is a very flexible rotating disk with a thrust bearing pad which is located underneath the rotating disk. The pressure force generated in the gap between the rotating disk and the thrust pad pushes the rotating disk in the direction of axis of rotation while the centrifugal force and the elastic recovery force push the rotating disk in reverse direction. The balance between these forces suppresses the transverse vibration of the rotating disk. A coupled disk-fluid system is analyzed numerically. The finite element method is used to compute the pressure distribution between the thrust pad and the rotating disk while the finite difference method is used to compute the transverse vibration of a rotating disk. Results show that the transverse vibration of the rotating disk can be suppressed effectively for certain combination of air bearing and operating parameters.
Experiments were conducted to determine the structural static and dynamic characteristics of air foil bearings. The housing of the bearing on the journal was driven by an impact hammer which was used to simulate dynamic forces acting on the bump loll with various leading condition. Two different bump foils (Cu-coated bump and viscoelastic bump) were tested and the static and dynamic coefficients of two bump foils compared, based on the experimental measurements for a wide range of operating conditions. The static and dynamic characteristics of air foil bearings were extracted 0rpm the frequency response function by least square method and IV(Instrumental Variable) method. The experiment was tested at 0rpm and
$10,000\~16,000rpm$ , and loaded on$50\~150N$ . From the test results, the possibility of the application of high load and high speed condition is suggested. -
To avoid an unexpected explosion occurring from a mixture of LOx and fuel, Inter-Propellant Seal (IPS) is used in a Turbopump. This paper presents a brief theoretical backgrounds of IPS and also reports preliminary test results. Tests were performed up to 1.5 MPa and 20,000 rpm and leakage performance of IPS was evaluated. As a result it was verified that leakage flow rate of IPS satisfied its design requirement.
In this study a general Galerkin FE lubrication analysis method was utilized to analyze the complex lubrication performance of a spiral groove seal having an additional inner circular groove, which was designed for a chemical process mixer operating at a low speed of the maximum 500 rpm. Equilibrium seal clearance analyses under varying outer pressure revealed that the seal maintains a certain levitation seal clearance under the outer pressure of more than about 1.5 bar, regardless of a rotating speed. Also, under the normal outer pressure of 11 bar, the axial stiffness of the seal was predicted to have a high value of more than 7.0e+07 N/m, regardless of a rotating speed and thereby, the seal is expected to maintain a stable thickness of lubrication film under a certain external excitation acting.
The O-ring seal is a usual component part in various mechanical apparatuses for sealing that makes efficient performance of the equipments. The sealing performance of 0-ring is effected in environments of the O-ring seal, like that applied pressures, working temperatures, interferences and materials. In this paper, an pressurized, NBR O-ring is calculated by experimental methods and analysed numerically using the MARC finite element program. The calculated experimental and FEM results showed that the Contact force O-ring decreases as a function of temperature.
Molecular Dynamics(MD) method was used to investigate the change of friction force due to interaction between dislocations and a grain boundary when a Ni tip was scratched on a Cu bicrystal. The substrate comprised a Cu bicrystal containing a vertical
$\Sigma=5(210)$ grain boundary. The moving tip for scratching simulation was consisted of fixed Ni atoms emulating a rigid tip. The indentation depth was$3.6\AA$ and the scratching was performed along <110>direction in the first grain. As the scratching was continued, nucleation and propagation of dislocations were observed. In the early stage, the grain boundary played as a barrier to moving dislocations and interrupting further dislocation movement with no dislocation resulting in no propagation across the grain boundary. As the Ni tip approached the grain boundary, dislocations were nucleated at the grain boundary and propagated to the second grain. However, stick-slip phenomena that were observed on a single crystal scratching were not observed in the bicrystal. And, instead, irregular oscillation of friction force was observed during the scratching due to the presence of a grain boundary. -
A kinetic theory analysis is made of low-speed gas flows in a microfluidic system consisted of three microchannels in series. The Boitzmann equation simplified by a collision model is solved by means of a finite difference approximation with the discrete ordinate method. For the evaluation of the present method results are compared with those from the DSMC method and an analytical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions. Calculations are made for flows at various Knudsen numbers and pressure ratios across the channel. The results compared well with those from the DSMC method. It is shown that the analytical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions which is suited fur fully developed flows can give relatively good results. In predicting the geometrically complex flows up to a Knudsen number of about 0.06. It is also shown that the present method can be used to analyze extremely low-speed flow fields for which the DSMC method is Impractical.
An experimental study was conducted to evaluate characteristic variation of diluted engine oil by diesel fuel and its effects on engine components. Especially, engine oil was made to have
$15\%$ fuel content. To predict existing diesel fuel content in engine oil after test was used the viscosity calibration curve. About$54\%$ percent of diesel fuel in diluted engine oil was distillated by various paths related to reciprocating motion of piston and the rest diesel fuel plays an important role for decreasing engine oil viscosity. Test results show that lowered engine ell viscosity by diesel fuel dilution become a reason of increasing engine elements wear, Therefore, this caused the quantity of blow-by gas to increase and main gallery pressure to decrease. -
Sulfur Hexafluoride, SF6 is widely used for leak detection and as a gaseous dielectric in transformers, condensers and circuit breakers. SF6 gas is also effective as a cleanser in the semiconductor industry. This paper presents a numerical study of the sealing force of disk type seal in SF6 gas safety valve. The sealing force on the disk seal is analyzed by the FEM method based on the Taguch's experimental design technique. Disk seals in SF6 gas safety valve are designed with 9 design models based on 3 different contact length, compressive ratio and gas pressure. The calculated results of Cauchy stress and strain showed that the sealing characteristics of Teflon PTFE is more effective compared to that of FKM(Viton), which is related to the stiffness of the materials. And also, the contact length of the disk seal is important design parameter for sealing the SF6 gas leakage in the safety valve.
In this paper wear ratio, hardness and microstructure were experimented for study of friction wear characteristic of automotive disk brake considering running distance. In this work.4 specimens were employed for test of the friction&wear tester as a function running distance. Despite the fact that brakes must operate under a variety of environmental conditions. most research has worked in laboratory with ideal condition.
The press cutter is productive equipment that practically manufactures materials such as fabrics, papers, films, leathers, rubbers etc. into the desired shapes using cutting method. Plate cutting process is one of the primary energy absorbing mechanisms in a grounding or collision event. The cutting mechanism is complicated and involves plastic flow of plate in the vicinity of the tip, friction between wedge and plate, deformation of plate. In this paper, we studied the effect of friction between cutter and plastic sheet for producing precise and superior products. The press cutter is analyzed numerically using MARC finite element program according to the variation of friction coefficients. The FEM results showed that normal stress, equivalent cauchy stress, normal total strain, equivalent total strain are good when friction coefficient is 0.0 and shear stress, shear total strain are good when friction coefficient is 0.8.
The pressing of car body parts is one of the most important sheet metal drawing processes. The corrosion protection oil applied by the steel mills plays a part in every sheet metal forming operation and also makes up the largest proportion of lubricants used. The idea to combine the corrosion protection properties of a corrosion preventive oil with the lubricity of a drawing oil lead to the development of the Anticorit prelubes. Applied at the finishing lines of the steel mills, they finally serve as lubricant in the press shops. A prerequisite for the suitability of a prelube-type oil is the absolute compatibility with all single processes from the coil to the Body in White. The use of prelubes in steel mills reduces the number and quantity of spot lubricants for additional press shop oiling dramatically. But their true benefits can only be fully achieved if the compatibility principle is applied throughout the manufacturing chain. Therefore, modem prelubes systems are modular, even different viscosities can be part of the same concept. This results in a far-reaching multifunctionality of the Anticorit prelube system for all applications.
Recently, the technologies related to the swash plate type oil hydraulic piston pump are requiring extreme technologies to overcome the limit of high efficiency in cope with high speed and pressure, and are devoted to compact the unit, to gain low noise level, and to adopt electronic technologies, and the question regarding to maximize the mechanical efficiency, that is, to minimize the torque loss by minimizing the leakage loss in the relative sliding region but these are in trade-off relation that tribological responding is very difficult. Cylinder block-valve pate in high speed relative sliding motion has the characteristics that should be extremely controlled for the optimization of these leakage loss and mechanical efficiency, and pressure resistance designing of them is important for high pressure performance. But, studies on the stress analysis of these parts have not been performed briskly, so in this paper the stress distribution and the region where the highest displacement appears are described through the static stress analysis using CATIA V5. Through the future studies on these theme, it has the purpose of finding the suitable materials for the other parts as well as cylinder block and valve plate, in cope with high pressure operation through the stress analysis with the most similar conditions for the practical operation.
For cam and roller-follower contacting surfaces, the effect of tangential loading on the subsurface stress field at an elaso-hydrodynamic lubrication condition has been studied numerically. As tangential load increases, the subsurface stress field extended more widely to the direction of the tangential load. The positions of the maximum shear stress and the maximum effective stress are getting closer to the surface with the increasing tangential load. The tangential load at the elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication condition is of little consequence to the subsurface stress field.
It is important to decide the minimum film thickness and viscosity variations of a multigrade lubricant in the contact surface under the high pressure conditions. By carrying out acceleration, deceleration, and various sliding-rolling ratio movement between two contact bodies, it is experimented that film formation variations in the contact surface are captured with multigrade lubricants in order to exactly investigate the variations of film formations. Optical interference images are continuously captured with high resolution CCD camera during the captured period of acceleration, deceleration. The friction forces between the contacting bodies are also measured simultaneously with the film formation.
The engine bearing transmits the powers from cylinder to crankshaft with small clearance between con-rod and crankpin. The minimum oil film thickness is a significant parameter in the operation of bearing. The contact pressure of bearing should be considered for the reason that elastic deformation of bearing be caused by contact pressure of bearing. There are important factors which are maintaining of minimum oil film thickness expecting of the length of maximum and minimum oil film thickness with changing of the loads to keep running normally. Furthermore, this study is very crucial to develop the design of engine bearing and crankshaft system.
The measurement of ultra low aspect ratio fluid film thickness is very crucial technique both for the verification of lubrication media characteristics and for the clearance design in many precision components such as MEMS, precision bearings and other slideways. Many technologies are applied to the measurement of ultra low aspect ratio fluid film thickness (i.e. elastohydrodynamic lubrication film thickness). In particular, in-situ optical interferometric method has many advantages in making the actual contact behaviors realized with the experimental apparatus. This measurement method also does the monitoring of the surface defects and fractures happening during the contact behavior, which are delicately influenced by the surface conditions such as load, velocity, lubricant media as well as surface roughness. Careful selection of incident lights greatly enhances the fringe resolutions up to
$\~1.0$ nanometer scale with digital image processing technology. In this work, it is found that coaxial aligning trichromatic incident light filtering system developed by the author can provide much finer resolution of ultra low aspect ratio fluid film thickness than monochromatic or dichromatic incident lights, because it has much more spectrums of color components to be discriminated according the variations of film thickness. For the measured interferometric images of ultra low aspect ratio fluid film thickness it is shown how the film thickness is finely digitalized and measured in nanometer scale with digital image processing technology and space layer method. The developed measurement system can make it possible to visualize the contact deformations and possible fractures of contacting surface under the repeated loading condition. -
The relationship between friction characteristics and iron oxides at the sliding interface was investigated. Three friction materials containing iron, magnetite
$(Fe_3O_4)$ or hematite$(Fe_2O_3)$ were manufactured and friction tests were performed on gray cast iron disks to evaluate the friction coefficient as a function of sliding speed$\mu-\nu$ . In-situ noise spectrum analyzer was employed to compare noise propensity during friction tests. Results show that the specimens with magnetite are more sensitive to velocity than those with iron or hematite. The specimens containing magnetite and hematite generated noise with different peaks in the spectrum. The difference in the peak frequency seems attributed to the different surface aggressiveness of iron oxides and intermittent changes of real contact area at the sliding interface during sliding. Surface morphology and roughness of the counter disc after the tests are also consistent with the aggressiveness of iron oxides. -
현재 구조용 세라믹에 대한 연구는 여려 가지 작동 조건에 의해 도출된 마멸 데이터를 정량적으로 제시하고 이들의 마멸기구의 변화가 일어나는 사용 조건의 시점을 파악하였다. 이전의 연구들은 주로 동질 재료끼리 마찰 마멸 실험으로 제한되었다. 그러나 상대 운동하는 세라믹 재료들의 특성 상 기계적, 화학적 물성차이에 의해 마멸 기구와 트라이볼로지적 거동(마찰계수, 마멸율)등 이 다르게 나타날 확률이 높다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 볼 온 디스크 마멸 실험을 통해 여러 가지 작동환경에 따라 서로 상대 운동하는 세라믹의 재료를 달리하여 실험하여 다른 세라믹 재료간의 트라이볼로지적 특성을 고찰하였다. 지르코니아 시편에 대해 지르코니아, 알루미나, 실리콘카바이드 3종의 상대재를 사용하여 속도와 하중조건을 변화하여 마멸실험을 수행한 결과, 지르코니아-실리콘카바이드 조합의 실험에서 저마찰 저마멸 특성이 나타났다.
Effects of ion implantation on the adhesion strength of DLC film as a function of ion doses and implanted energies were investigated. Ti ions were implanted on the Si-wafer substrates followed by DLC coating using ion beam deposition method. Adhesion strength of DLC films were determined by scratch adhesion tester. Morphologies and compositional variations at the different ion energies and doses were observer by Laser Microscope and Auger Electron Spectroscopy, respectively. From results of scratch test, the adhesion strength of films was improved as increasing ion implanted energy, however there was no significant evidence with ion dose.
The sliding wear characteristics of the crane sheave were investigated using a pin-on-disk rig tester The experiment was conducted using a high carbon steel wire that was upper material, also carbon steel castings and carbon steel for machine structural use that was disk material. There are various operating conditions in this work. At the room temperature, we carried out the wear test under a grease lubrication. The results of wear test showed that carbon steel for machine structural use have lower wear volume, also the wear curves are linearly increased with increasing of sliding velocity The wear mechanism of a disk is the abrasive, adhesion, and fatigue wear under lubrication.
A lubricated state of an automobile transmission can not be inspected directly with eyes. Thus, it needs to develop a more general method. Wear debris can be collected from the lubricants of operating transmission of an automobile and its morphology is directly related to the fiction condition of the interacting materials from which the wear particles originated in lubricated transmission. In this paper, to identify the friction condition for transmission gear by neural network, the wear test of ball-on-disk type and the analysis of friction state were carried out for carburized SCM420 and nitrocarburized NT100 under different experimental conditions. The four shape parameters(
$50\%$ volumetric diameter, aspect, roundness and reflectivity) of wear debris were calculated by the image processing system. They were used as input values to identify the moving condition of transmission gear by the neural network. -
Wear volume was used generally to analyze the moving state of lubricated machine. But It is difficult of getting the correct wear volume because wear volume of it is progressed always unstably with a large amplitude on working condition. If correct analysis of wear volume on working condition for lubricated machine can be possible, it can be effect on diagnosis of failure condition. The purpose of this study is carried out to analysis friction factors affecting on wear volume for prediction of failure condition of alloy steel for machine structural use by design of experiment. The results show that the most important friction factors affecting on wear volume was applied load, neat sliding distance, sliding speed and materials.
The electrical and rheological properties pertaining to the electrorheological (ER) behavior of chitosan derivatives, chitosan, chitosan ammonium salt and chitosan phosphate suspensions in silicone oil were investigated. Chitosan derivative suspensions showed a typical ER response (Bingham flow behavior) upon application of an electric field. However, chitosan phosphate suspension exhibited an excellent shear yield stress compared with chitosan and chitosan ammonium salt suspensions. The difference in behavior results from the difference in the conductivity of the disperse phases due to the difference of their polarizability. The shear stress for the chitosan, chitosan ammonium salt and chitosan phosphate suspensions exhibited a linear dependence on the volume fraction of particles and 1.18 ,1.41 and 1.67 powers of the electric field. On the basis of the experimental results, the newly synthesized chitosan derivative suspensions found to be an ER fluid.
We present a three-dimensional average flow model considering elastic deformation of pad asperities for chemical mechanical planarization. To consider the contact deformation of pad asperities in the calculation of the flow factor, three-dimensional contact analysis of a semi-infinite solid based on the use of influence functions is conducted from computer generated three dimensional roughness data. The average Reynolds equation and the boundary condition of both force and momentum balance are used to investigate the effect of pad roughness and external pressure conditions on film thickness and wafer position angle.
The method for fatigue life prediction of ball bearing is proposed applying the algorithm of contact fatigue prediction based on stress analysis. In order to do this, a series of simulation such as initial surface stress analysis, EHL analysis, subsurface stress analysis and fatigue analysis are conducted from the loading at each ball location calculated for a bearing subjected to external bearing load and contact shape function. And uniaxial fatigue tests are performed to obtain fatigue parameter of AISI 52100 steel. It was found that since stress is usually higher at the inner raceway contact than at the outer raceway contact, fatigue failure occurs on the inner raceway first. When the fatigue life calculated in the stress-based method are compared with
$L_{50}$ life of L-P model, Crossland criterion for the radial load increment is similar to$L_{50}$ life and Dang Van criterion for the axial load increment is similar. In the case of EHL contact. there is no difference of fatigue life between dry contact and EHL contact, when maximum Hertz pressure exceeds 2.5GPa. -
In this study, the wear characteristics of five different dental composite resins cured by conventional halogen light and LED light sources were investigated. Five different dental composite resins of Surefil, Z100, Dyract AP, Fuji II LC and Compoglass were worn against a zirconia ceramic ball using a pin-on-disk type wear tester with 15 N contact force in a reciprocal sliding motion of sliding distance of 10 mm/cycle at 1Hz under the room temperature dry condition. The wear variations of dental composite resins were linearly increased as the number of cycles increased. It was observed that the wear resistances of these specimens were in the order of Dyract AP > Surefil > Compoglass > Z100 > Fuji II LC. On the morphological observations by SEM, the large crack formation on the sliding track of Fuji ?LC specimen was the greatest among all resin composites. Dyract AP showed less wear with few surface damage. There is no significant difference in wear performance between conventional halogen light curing and light emitting diodes curing sources. It indicates that a light emitting diodes (LED) source can replace a halogen light source as curing unit for composite resin restorations.
Ceramic femoral heads in the total hip replacement have been developed to reduce the polyethylene liner wear, Alumina and zirconia (3Y-TZP) having the excellent tribological properties are coupled against acetabular cups of polyethylene and are used in clinical application worldwide. However, alumina has a risk of catastrophic failure, and zirconia has the low temperature degradation in spite of enhanced fracture toughness. Recently, novel zirconia/alumina composite is very attractive due to the low temperature degradation (LTD)-free character and high fracture toughness. In the present study, we focus on the wear of ceramic on ceramic, which are able to be used as femoral heads and acetabular cups. Therefore, LTD-free zirconia/alumina composites with three compositions are made in a form of disk and cylinder, and the wear of the composites is performed on pin-on-disk type wear tester. The wear is conducted with or without lubricant. All the composites fabricated with the different composition show the good wear resistance.
Quantitative evaluation of substrates for cells is essential to understanding cell-material adhesive interaction and it is also necessary for the development of new biomaterials. Many cells on adhesive molecules will form an organization of actin into bundles and production of the large, highly organized structures termed focal adhesions. To better understand adhesion formations between cells and substrata, we have quantified the force required to displace attached cell. we allowed rabbit knee chondrocyte to attach on a substratum of microscope slide glass. Our results demonstrate that a force is required to detach cells is changed according to detachment time variation.
Bio-degradable hydraulic oil using polyolester base oil is formulated for the applications of heavy duty hydraulic machineries. It has proved quality and market price competitiveness by assessment of reliability test in vehicle manufacturer and specific vehicle related institute. Contribution of bio-degradable oil keep the working environment clean and increase export competitiveness in European market. Leakage or waste of mineral types of hydraulic oils in heavy duty machineries causes pollution of river, ocean, underground water. Drinkable-water pollution is serious problem in Europe. In some European countries, using bio-degradable hydraulic oils become an obligation in heavy duty machineries. New product of bio-degradable oils satisfy the European regulations(OECD 302B) and shows excellent performance in compare with European products.