• Title/Summary/Keyword: Textbook Development

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A Study on Comparison of 6th Curriculum and 7th Curriculum of Home Economics Textbooks in the Middle School (제 6차와 7차 교육과정에 따른 중학교 가정 교과서 비교 연구)

  • Yoon In Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate as to how much of changes has occurred in the newly revised Home Economics Textbooks required by the 7th Curriculum as compared to those by the former 6th Curriculum. and to seek future policy direction which can be improved even better. if any. for further revision. To implement this proposal, this study employed 8 different textbooks published among 12 textbooks developed for the 7th Curriculum for data base. The results of this study were as follows: It was covered such areas of change and develope in the composition of category and system in the Home Economics Textbooks required by the 7th Curriculum as compared to those by the former 6th Curriculum. The whole system of textbook was composed of cover page, the inside of a book cover. the title page, introduction. table of contents. appendices. It was same in the total pages with the exception of table of contents. appendices. the inside of a book cover and it was much alike in contents of introduction. In the aspect of the unit system of the textbooks. their whole flows were similar to each other. but the writers' intention and the stress on the focal points had appeared well in topic introduction and texts for the units of the textbooks. In addition. it can be said desirable that much more middle school teachers took a participation in the development of textbooks as textbook writers than before. In the organizational aspect of the sub-area organization of textbooks in the 7th Curriculum, it was not dispersed in grade 1, 2, and 3, but was centralized in a certain grade to increase its efficiency. The number of activity and experiment & practice that students could try to do actually were drastically increased compared to the 6th Curriculum. but it showed a wide difference between textbooks.

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A New Integrative Approach to Geography Education in the Social Studies Subject - with respect to Replacement of Geographical Contents in the Elementary-leveled Learning - (지리 교과의 통합교육적 접근방안 - 초등 사회과 학습 내용 조직을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2001
  • The curriculum of integrated social studies is not conceptually established, but various forms pursuing so-called perfect integrated subject have appeared from elementary school to high school. But we cannot find out desirable integration in the elementary school though the apparent goal is to integrate all kinds of social concepts into one unit. The current method of integration has some problems over advantages people initially expected by integration. It is problematic in that students learn fragmental knowledges of geography without capturing the whole geographical concept structure or obtaining their own geographical viewpoint. Therefore, we purpose to reinterpret integration of social studies and reorganize the current textbook into the right direction under the assumption that simple mixture of knowledges is far from our goal of true integration. For this purpose, we suggest a new method for social studies as an integrated subject. Instead of providing knowledges unrelated to each other into one bundle, it helps students to see the real world in his own knowledge framework equipped with geographical viewpoint. The text we claim will show students that geography consists of three key concepts: physical environment, man and environment, and spatial structure. With this text, they will have an easy access to the relationships between key concepts and details, and between geographical concepts and similar concepts from other disciplines. The proposal contributes to both upcoming textbook development and classroom teaching by eliminating problems in the current social studies teaching.

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Study on Comparison and Mutual Complementary Development between Sasang Constitutional Medicine and Syndrome Identification and Treatment Medicine (사상체질의학(四象體質醫學)과 증치의학(證治醫學)의 비교(比較) 및 상호(相互) 보완(補完) 방안(方案) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Myoung;Choi, Na-Rae;Oh, Seoung-Yun;Joo, Jong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Oriental Medical Informatics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : Through a comparative study between Sasang constitutional medicine and Syndrome identification and treatment medicine about the theory of diagnosis, the theory of herbal medicine, the theory of prescription, the theory of acupuncture and constitutional medicine to put forward a complementary perfect solution which has good clinical utility. Methods : We compared and sorted out the textbook of Korean Sasang constitutional medicine which named Sasang medicine, and also the textbook of Chinese TCM which was including Basic theory of TCM, Diagnostics of TCM, Science of Chinese materia medica, Pharmacology of traditional Chinese medical formulae, Science of acupuncture and moxibustion, Constitution of TCM, and also related papers. Results : (1) Through a comparative study between Sasang constitutional medicine and Syndrome identification and treatment medicine about diagnosis, herbal medicine, prescription and acupuncture, Sasang constitutional medicine is a medical system which gives priority to balance of organs, when Syndrome identification and treatment medicine is a medical system that gives priority to improve symptom. (2) The prescriptions of Sasang constitutional medicine are used for the treatment of basic pathogenesis in the chronic stage of the disease, which can recover vital qi, when Syndrome identification and treatment medicine are used for the treatment of stage pathogenesis in the acute stage of the disease, which can get rid of pathogenic factors. (3) There are two kind of complementary perfect solution between Sasang constitutional medicine and Syndrome identification and treatment medicine. One perfect complementary medicine is that Sasang constitutional medicine plays a major role when Syndrome identification and treatment medicine plays a supporting role. The other one is that Syndrome identification and treatment medicine plays a major role when Sasang constitutional medicine plays a supporting role. It determined by the usual symptoms and the symptoms now, vital qi and pathogenic factors, symptom and the root cause, acute stage and chronic stage, and the state of pathogenesis. Conclusion : A new perfect complementary medicine can be created which is based on the setting that Sasang constitutional medicine primarily treat the usual symptoms, vital qi, the root cause, chronic stage and basic pathogenesis when Syndrome identification and treatment medicine primarily treat the symptoms now, pathogenic factors, symptom, acute stage and stage pathogenesis.

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Analysis of Textbooks of Chemistry I, II and Survey of Chemistry Education Major Pre-service Teachers' Perception Related to the Electron Transfer Model (전자 이동 모델에 대한 화학 I, 화학 II 교과서 분석 및 화학 교육 전공 예비교사들의 이그노런스 인식 조사)

  • Ryu, Eun-Ju;Jeon, Eun-Sun;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.358-369
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the contents of the electron transfer model presented in the 4 chemistry I and the 4 chemistry II textbooks of 2009 revised curriculum and 9 chemistry I textbooks and 6 chemistry II textbooks of 2015 revised curriculum were analyzed in the viewpoint of model's Ignorance. In addition, 3 questions were developed to find out whether 24 pre-service teachers were perceived of the Ignorance of the electron transfer model. As a result, Most textbooks explain the redox reaction of covalent bond substances, which is an inconsistent context of the electron transfer model, with mixing oxidation number change and electron transfer or with electron transfer. In addition, the change to the development and use of the model emphasized in the 2015 revised curriculum was not clearly revealed in the curriculum comparison. Most pre-service teachers incompletely perceived or did not perceive Ignorance of the electron transfer model. Only 1 pre-service teacher perceived Ignorance of the model. In conclusion, the textbook description needs to be improved so that Ignorance of the model is revealed when the textbook describes the inconsistent situation of the electron transfer model. And through the education for pre-service teachers, it is necessary to provide an opportunity for pre-service teachers to perceive Ignorance of the electron transfer model.

Problems and Improvements in the Use of Grid Paper in Elementary Mathematics Textbooks (초등 수학 교과서에서 모눈종이 활용에 대한 문제점과 개선방향)

  • Ahn, Byoung Gon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2019
  • The use of grid paper in elementary mathematics textbooks is used in numbers and calculations, figures and measurement areas. Among them, it is used most in the figure area. In spite of this utilization, it is necessary to supplement it because it is difficult to revise or supplement the trial and error that often occurs in the course of the course, as the process of using the textbook paper in the actual class. The use of grid paper in elementary mathematics textbooks is used in numbers and calculations, figures and measurement areas. Among them, it is used most in the figure area. In spite of this utilization, it is necessary to supplement it because it is difficult to revise or supplement the trial and error that often occurs in the course of the course, as the process of using the textbook paper in the actual class. In this study, we tried to find out the usability of grid paper boards which can be used more effectively than the grid paper among the teaching aids presented in the 'Development of teaching aids standards for math class' of Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity(2017). A questionnaire survey was conducted on the use of grid paper and grid paper board for teachers who actually use grid paper in elementary mathematics. As a result, we found out the achievement criteria of grid paper board utilization and investigated the study subject which is effective to use grid paper board. In particular, we have identified specific learning topics that are effective in each area and presented specific activities.

Analysis for Triangles in Elementary School Curriculum and Textbook: Focusing on the Instructional Teaching and Learning Elements of 2-D Shapes (평면도형의 교수·학습 요소에 따른 삼각형에 관한 초등학교 교과서 분석)

  • Kwon, Misun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.233-246
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    • 2021
  • Two-dimensional shapes have a great influence on elementary school students' learning and are closely related to other content areas. Therefore, in this study, The Teaching and Learning Elements that should be taught in two-dimensional shapes were extracted from the literature. It also was analyzed that revised mathematics textbooks in the year 2015 were properly implemented with the teaching and learning elements. As a result of the analysis, in the case of Understanding The Concept, the activities in the textbooks are not able to recognize 2-D shapes which are focusing on shapes of the actual object. In the case of Classifying two-dimensional shapes according to the Criteria, the classification criteria were presented differently from what was learned in the previous course. In the aspect of Applying the Concept, the activities in order to Discuss two-dimensional shapes were not sufficient. Lastly, in view of the fact the 2015 revised curriculum is not considered with the relationship between two-dimensional shapes. For that reason, the following Knowing Relationships parts are insufficiently presented; Understanding the Relationship Between shapes through Definitions and Properties, Identifying the relationship between shapes throughout classification activities, and Discussing the relationship between shapes. Based on the analysis result of two-dimensional shapes, it is suggested that the finding of this research helps to enlarge the teaching methodology of triangles and provide educational perspectives for development in other shape areas.

Analyzing Tasks in the Statistics Area of Korean and Singaporean Textbooks from the Perspective of Mathematical Modeling: Focusing on 7th Grade (수학적 모델링 관점에 따른 한국과 싱가포르의 통계영역 과제 분석: 중학교 1학년 교과서를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Somin
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.283-308
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to analyze statistical tasks in Korean and Singaporean textbooks with the mathematical modeling perspective and compare the learning contents and experiences of students from both countries. I analyzed mathematical modeling tasks in the textbooks based on five aspects: (1) the mathematical modeling process, (2) the data type, (3) the expression type, (4) the context, and (5) the mathematical activity. The results of this study show that Korean and Singaporean textbooks provide the highest percentage of the "working-with-mathematics" task, the highest percentage of the "matching task," and the highest percentage of the "picture" task. The real-world context and mathematical activities used in Korean and Singaporean textbooks differed in percentage. This study provides implications for the development of textbook tasks to support future mathematical modeling activities. This includes providing a balanced experience in mathematical modeling processes and presenting tasks in various forms of expression to raise students' cognitive level and expand the opportunity to experience meaningful mathematizing. In addition, it is necessary to present a contextually realistic task for students' interest in mathematical modeling activities or motivation for learning.

Comparative Analysis of Mathematics Textbooks in Elementary Schools between Korea and Canada - Focusing on the Numbers and Operations in 5th and 6th Grade - (한국과 캐나다 초등학교 수학 교과서 비교 분석 - 초등학교 5, 6학년 수와 연산 영역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Aekyong;Ryu, Heuisu
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to find meaningful implications for the development of Korean elementary school math education courses and textbooks by comparing and analyzing the number and arithmetic areas of Korean and Canadian math textbooks in fifth and sixth grades. To this end, the textbook composition system of Korean and Canadian elementary schools was compared and analyzed, and the number and timing of introduction of math textbooks and math textbooks by grade, and the number in fifth and sixth grade and the learning contents of math textbooks were compared and analyzed. The following conclusions were obtained from this study: First, it is necessary to organize a textbook that can solve the problem in an integrated way by introducing the learned mathematical concepts and computations naturally in the context of problems closely related to real life, regardless of the type of private calculation or mathematics area. Second, it is necessary to organize questions using materials such as real photography and mathematics, science, technology, engineering, art, etc. and to organize textbooks that make people feel the necessity and usefulness of mathematics. Third, sufficient learning of the principles of mathematics through the use of various actual teaching aids and mathematical models, and the construction of textbooks focusing on problem-solving strategies using engineering tools are needed. Fourth, in-depth discussions are needed on the timing of learning guidance for fractions and minority learning or how to organize and develop learning content.

Analysis of Contents of Reorganization of Textbooks by Pre-Service Teachers' on 'Comparison of Distances from Solar System to Planets' in First Semester of Elementary Science 5th Grade (초등과학 5학년 1학기 '태양에서 행성까지 거리 비교'에 대한 초등예비교사들의 교재 재구성 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Hae-Ran;Lee, Yong-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.225-235
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain implications for the improvement direction of astronomical education methods and development of educational materials or software. In connection with the 5th grade 1st semester elementary science 'Solar System and Stars' unit, elementary pre-service teachers were given a reorganization task to compare the relative distances from the sun to the planets, and then this was analyzed. Pre-service teachers are 11 male and 19 female students in the second year of the music education department at the elementary school teacher training university in B city. The implications of the study results are as follows. First, the 'distance comparison activity using a roll of tissue paper' is suitable for simply comparing the distances from the sun to the planet, but it has limitations in allowing students to experience the vastness of the solar system or inducing student participation-centered classes. Second, it is necessary to develop software materials for elementary school students that can simultaneously reflect the size of the planet and the distance to the planet that can be applied indoors, and also experience the vastness of the solar system, as well as a wide learning space. Third, textbook materials for students have an important influence on the class design of pre-service teachers.

A Comparative Analysis on the Primary Mathematics Textbooks for Multiplication and Division of Decimals: Focusing on Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Finland (소수의 곱셈과 나눗셈에 대한 초등 수학교과서 비교 분석: 한국, 일본, 싱가포르, 핀란드를 중심으로)

  • Park, Mangoo;Park, Haemin;Choi, Eunmi;Pyo, Junghee
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.251-278
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain implications for mathematical education by analyzing how the multiplication and division of decimal numbers are presented in the elementary mathematics textbooks in Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Finland. Compared to the fact that students often have misconceptions about multiplication and division of decimal numbers, there have been not many comparative studies in recent elementary mathematics textbooks. For this study, we selected elementary mathematics textbooks those are widely used in Japan, Singapore, and Finland along with Korean elementary mathematics textbooks. We chose the textbooks because the students in the selected countries have scored high in international achievement studies such as TIMSS and PISA. The analysis was examined in terms of elementary mathematics curriculum related to multiplication and division of decimal numbers, introduction and content, real-life situations, use of visual models, and formalization methods of algorithms. As a result of the study, the mathematics curricula related to multiplication and division of decimal numbers includes estimation in Korea and Finland, while Japan and Singapore emphasize real-life connections more, and Finland completes the operations in secondary schools. The introduction and content are intensively provided in a short period of time or distributed in various grades and semesters. The real-life situations are presented in a simple sentence format in all countries, and the use of visual models or formalization of algorithms is linked to the operations of natural numbers in unit conversions. Suggestions were made for textbook development and teacher training programs.