• Title/Summary/Keyword: Scaling 특성

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Scaling theory to minimize the roll-off of threshold voltage for nano scale MOSFET (나노 구조 MOSFET의 문턱전압 변화를 최소화하기 위한 스케일링 이론)

  • 김영동;김재홍;정학기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.494-497
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we have presented the simulation results about threshold voltage of nano scale lightly doped drain (LDD) MOSFET with halo doping profile. Device size is scaled down from 100nm to 40nm using generalized scaling. We have investigated the threshold voltage for constant field scaling and constant voltage scaling using the Van Dort Quantum Correction Model(QM) and direct tunneling current for each gate oxide thickness. We know that threshold voltage is decreasing in the constant field scaling and increasing in the constant voltage scaling when gate length is reducing, and direct tunneling current is increasing when gate oxide thickness is reducing. To minimize the roll-off characteristics for threshold voltage of MOSFET with decreasing channel length, we know u value must be nearly 1 in the generalized scaling.

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Study on Scaling Exponent for Classification of Regions using Scaling Property (스케일 성질을 이용한 군집 지역에서의 스케일 인자에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Younghun;Kim, Sunghun;Ahn, Hyunjun;Heo, Jun-Haeng
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.504-504
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    • 2015
  • 수공구조물을 설계하기 위해서는 설계수문량을 빈도해석을 통해 산정할 수 있다. 빈도해석 중 지점빈도해석을 보완한 지역빈도해석을 적용하기 위해서는 군집분석을 통한 지역구분이 무엇보다 중요하다. 또한 스케일 성질(scaling property)은 강우의 시 공간적 특성을 지속기간별 관측된 강우자료를 이용하여 재현기간에 대한 지속기간의 함수로 강우의 IDF곡선을 제시할 수 있는 방법이다. 따라서 스케일 성질을 통해 군집된 지역에서의 강우자료에 적용하여 스케일 인자(scaling exponent)를 추정한 후 수문학적 동질성을 통계적 특성으로 설명하고자 한다. 본 연구를 수행하기에 앞서 군집 분석은 4개의 군집방법(평균연결법, Ward방법, Two-Step방법, K-means방법)을 적용하였고, 한강유역에 위치한 104개의 강우지점은 4개의 지역으로 구분하는 것이 적절하다고 판단되어 비계층적 방법인 k-means방법을 이용하여 지역을 구분하였다. 본 연구에서는 군집된 결과를 바탕으로 4개의 지역으로 구분된 지역에 포함된 강우지점을 대상으로 스케일 인자를 추정하고 수문학적 동질성을 통계적 방법으로 제시하고자 한다.

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Analysis of Subthreshold Characteristics for Double Gate MOSFET using Impact Factor based on Scaling Theory (스켈링이론에 가중치를 적용한 DGMOSFET의 문턱전압이하 특성 분석)

  • Jung, Hak-Kee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.2015-2020
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    • 2012
  • The subthreshold characteristics has been analyzed to investigate the effect of two gate in Double Gate MOSFET using impact factor based on scaling theory. The charge distribution of Gaussian function validated in previous researches has been used to obtain potential distribution in Poisson equation. The potential distribution was used to investigate the short channel effects such as threshold voltage roll-off, subthreshold swings and drain induced barrier lowering by varying impact factor for scaling factor. The impact factor of 0.1~1.0 for channel length and 1.0~2.0 for channel thickness are used to fit structural feature of DGMOSFET. The simulation result showed that the subthreshold swings are mostly effected by impact factor but are nearly constant for scaling factors. And threshold voltage roll-off and drain induced barrier lowering are also effected by both impact factor and scaling factor.

A study on data scaling and feature selection techniques for XGBoost-based intrusion detection model (XGBoost 기반 침입탐지모델을 위한 데이터 스케일링 및 특성선택 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Won;Lee, Soo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.07a
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    • pp.251-254
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문은 XGBoost 알고리즘 기반의 침입탐지모델의 성능을 향상하기 위한 스케일링(scaling) 및 특성선택(feature selection) 기법을 제안한다. 머신러닝 모델 개발 중 전처리 단계에서 스케일링 및 특성선택을 수행하면 데이터세트의 조건수가 감소하여 모델의 성능을 향상할 수 있다. 각 과정별로 다양한 기법이 있지만 기존의 연구에서는 이러한 기법들을 적용한 결과를 비교·분석하지 않고 특정 기법을 적용한 결과만을 나열하였고 스케일링 및 특성선택에 대해 최적의 조합은 제시하지 못하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 다양한 전처리 기법들의 적용결과를 비교하고 최적의 조합을 제안한다. 또한 기존의 연구들이 특정 데이터세트에만 적용 가능한 전처리 기법을 제안하는데 비해 본 논문은 다양한 데이터세트에 대해 공통적으로 적용 가능한 전처리 기법을 제안함으로써 제안 기법의 범용성과 실세계 적용 가능성을 증명한다.

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Surface Scaling Resistance of Latex-Modified Concretes (라텍스개질 콘크리트 종류에 따른 표면 박리 저항 특성)

  • 이훈재;김성환;홍창우;윤경구
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.757-762
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    • 2002
  • This study focused on the investigation of durability of latex modified concrete in the points of surface scaling resistance as cement types variated and latex content variated such as 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. An increasing the amount of latex produced concrete with increased flexural strength, but with slightly lower compressive strength. The increase in flexural strength might be attributed to the latex films between the hydrated cement and aggregates, and the decrease in compressive strength to the flexibility of the latex component named by Butadiene. The surface scaling resistance test was used to evaluate the durability of latex-modified concretes and rapid setting latex-modified concretes. The surface scaling resistance of LMC was quite good comparing to conventional concrete. Further, surface scaling resistance of RSLMC was improved with increasing the latex content.

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Analysis on the Scaling of MOSFET using TCAD (TCAD를 이용한 MOSFET의 Scaling에 대한 특성 분석)

  • 장광균;심성택;정정수;정학기;이종인
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.442-446
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    • 2000
  • The metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor(MOSFET) has undergone many changes in the last decade in response to the constant demand for increased speed, decreased power, and increased parking density. Therefore, it was interested in scaling theory, and full-band Monte Carlo device simulator has been used to study the effects of device scaling on hot carriers in different MOSFET structures. MOSFET structures investigated in this study include a conventional MOSFET with a single source/drain, implant a lightly-doped drain(LDD) MOSFET, and a MOSFET built on an epitaxial layer(EPI) of a heavily-doped ground plane, and those are analyzed using TCAD(Technology Computer Aided Design) for scaling and simulation. The scaling has used a constant-voltage scaling method, and we have presented MOSFET´s characteristics such as I-V characteristic, impact ionization, electric field and recognized usefulness of TCAD, providing a physical basis for understanding how they relate to scaling.

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Influence of Mechanical Properties and Pore Structure on the Scaling Resistance of Concretes (콘크리트의 역학적 성능 및 공극구조가 스케일링 저항성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2016
  • The scaling of concrete caused by the combined effects of frost and deicing salt is one of the principle causes of damage to transportation infrastructure in cold-climate regions. In this study, to evaluate the factors affecting scaling resistance of concrete, the relationship between the properties of concrete, such as the mechanical properties and pore structure, and scaling resistance was examined experimentally. The test results showed that the scaling resistance was strongly dependent on the absorption properties of concrete, but not on the compressive strength. Furthermore, it is believed that both the spacing factor and specific surface of the air voids was not a good parameter for evaluating the scaling resistance of concrete. SGC concrete was less durable than OPC and SFC concrete with respect to the scaling resistance in the scope of the present study.

Rainfall Quantile Estimation using Scaling IDF Curve and Frequency Analysis (스케일링 IDF곡선과 빈도해석을 이용한 확률강우량 추정)

  • Jung, Younghun;Kim, Sunghun;Kim, Hanbeen;Heo, Jun-Haeng
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.436-436
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    • 2017
  • IDF(intensity-duration-frequency) 곡선은 재현기간을 고려하여 수공구조물 설계에 필요한 설계강우량을 산정하는데 사용되고 있다. 국내의 경우 IDF 곡선은 지점빈도해석으로부터 지속기간별로 산정되고 있으며 지속기간별 분포형 선택과 같은 많은 가정으로 인해 불확실성을 내포하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 극한 강우량의 스케일 특성을 통해 서로 다른 기간에 걸쳐 통계적으로 접근하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 지속기간 24시간의 강우자료로부터 연최대강우량을 추출하여 스케일 특성을 통해 지속기간 24시간 이하 또는 이상의 스케일링(scaling) IDF 곡선을 유도하였다. 본 연구를 위해 k-means 방법으로부터 지역을 구분하여 지역빈도해석을 실시하였고, 기상청 산하의 강우 지점을 미계측 지점으로 가정한 후 하향스케일링(down-scaling)과 상향스케일링(up-scaling)을 적용한 후 지속기간 24시간 이외의 확률강우량을 추정하였으며, 빈도해석 결과와의 비교를 통해 스케일링 IDF 곡선의 적용성을 판단하였다.

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Scaling theory to minimize the roll-off of threshold voltage for ultra fine MOSFET (미세 구조 MOSFET에서 문턱전압 변화를 최소화하기 위한 최적의 스켈링 이론)

  • 정학기;김재홍;고석웅
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.719-724
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we have presented the simulation results about threshold voltage of nano scale lightly doped drain (LDD) MOSFET with halo doping profile. Device size is scaled down from 100nm to 40nm using generalized scaling. We have investigated the threshold voltage for constant field scaling and constant voltage scaling using the Van Dort Quantum Correction Model (QM) and direct tunneling current for each gate oxide thickness. We know that threshold voltage is decreasing in the constant field scaling and increasing in the constant voltage scaling when gate length is reducing, and direct tunneling current is increasing when gate oxide thickness is reducing. To minimize the roll off characteristics for threshold voltage of MOSFET with decreasing channel length, we know $\alpha$ value must be nearly 1 in the generalized scaling.

Analysis of Subthreshold Swings Based on Scaling Theory for Double Gate MOSFET (이중게이트 MOSFET의 스켈링 이론에 대한 문턱전압이하 스윙분석)

  • Jung, Hakkee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.2267-2272
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    • 2012
  • This study has presented the analysis of subthreshold swings based on scaling theory for double gate MOSFET. To solve the analytical potential distribution of Poisson's equation, we use Gaussian function to charge distribution. The scaling theory has been used to analyze short channel effect such as subthreshold swing degradation. These scaling factors for gate length, oxide thickness and channel thickness has been modified with the general scaling theory to include effects of double gates. We know subthreshold swing degradation is rapidly reduced when scaling factor of gate length is half of general scaling factor, and parameters such as projected range and standard projected deviation have greatly influenced on subthreshold swings.