• Title/Summary/Keyword: Education program

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A study of teenager's perceptions of health behavior and health status (청소년들의 건강상태와 건강행위 인지에 관한 연구)

  • 조원정;김모임
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 1987
  • This research attempted to identify basic data related to the nursing of teenagers that would aid in the establishment of nursing care that would meet their health needs, and further to identify which health related activities, are carried out by teenagers, so that appropriate nursing service and health care can be planned for them. The subjects of the study were students at one seoul boys high school and one seoul girls high school. Data was collected between December 16 and. December 19, 1986. The tool used in the study was a questionnaire about the health needs and concerns of teenagers developed at John's Hopkins University and translated and standardized for Korean students. The date was coded fer analysis using' the SPSS program and percentages, mean scores' with standard deviations, Chi square test, and ANOVA, were used for analysis. The following results were obtained : 1. The health status of teenagers : Looking at the health status of teenagers, it can be seen from this study that over half of the teenagers questioned replied that they do not get enough sleep, further that even though they are feeling sick they go to school. However, when asked what they thought of their health, the majority replied that they were healthy, and although they thought about their bea1th was not a concern when they were planning other activities. With regard to health status, there was a significant difference between male and female students concerning whether they were handicapped with regard to sleep, their opinion about their own health, and the amount of time lost from school for illness over the past month, whether in comparison with those of the same age they had more sickeness of not, and whether they had to think about their health when planning other activities. There was also a significant difference according to the age of the students as to whether they worried more about being sick than other members of their age group. 2. Health Realted Activeties of Teenagers : Most of the students in the study reported that they did not get regular physical examinations of health check ups, nor did they get legular examinations when they were sick. Few students reported that they smoked. Most of the students reported taking part in activities that promoted health but about half also reported that they were involved in activities that they knew were detrimental to their health. Further on statistical analysis, there was a significant difference between male and female students regarding health related activities and problems of teenagers and whether they were examined by a medical person when they were sick. 3. The degree of interest and responsibility of teenagers for their own Health: In the section on responsibility for health, the teenagers replies were highest, 4. 5, for the statements, "My health is dependent how much I pay attention to it" and "My health is responsibility" and lowest, 3. 9, for the statement "I am healthy because I have cared for my health so far." With regard to interest in their own health, the majority of the teenagers in the study were more concerned about their studies, high score of 4. 4, than in matters directly related to health. The use of drugs, birth control and masturbation were low on the interest scale. The more involvement in health related activities, the higher the score was for responsibility and this difference was significant, but this did not apply to interest in health. Similarly there was also a significant difference regarding participation in activities known to be detrimental to health and responsiblity for health, but not for interest in health.

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General Population's View on Euthanasia (안락사에 대한 일반인들의 인식도)

  • Kim, Sun-Hyun;Lee, Hye-Ree
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Amont the various issues concerning bio-ethics, the concern on euthanasia has increased along with the development of medical technology. Thus, the general public tends to have more liberal opinion. They have detail research data and real practices in US, Europe and Australia, but we lack such studies in our country. This study was undertaken to address the need of studies on the recognition of euthanasia among the public because the existing studies have been focused on the medical staff. Methods : Survey 413 people the age of 17 or more, from May to July 2000. Testify the data on the variation of demography and the recognition of euthanasia by using SAS 6.12, the statistic program. Results : 304 people (73.6%) think that euthanasia should be legislated, 156 people (37.8%) permit euthanasia to the rage of voluntary one, and 234 people (56.6%) permit passive euthanasia. When the subject of voluntary euthanasia was himself, more people whose age is 35 or more (P=0.001) responded that they will undertake euthanasia. And, on issues related to the passive euthanasia, one's educational background (P=0.046) and economic power (P=0.040) arrangement showed significant differences. When the subject of voluntary euthanasia is other people, more people whose age is 35 or more than 35 (P=0.001), whose sex is male (P=0.001), and married people (P=0.002) were for allowing the matter. For the subject of passive euthanasia, survey participant's occupation (P=0.016) created meaningful difference. More people whose age is 35 or more than 35 responded that they want voluntary euthanasia for themselves (P=0.001), and in the case when euthanasia is legislated, marital status (P=0.002) also shows meaningful difference. Passive euthanasia is permitted by the more people whose age is less than 35 for respondents other people (P=0.001), marital status show meaningful difference in case for respondent himself. In the case of legal euthanasia is more people whose age is 35 or more than 35 (P=0.001), sex is male (P=0.004) and more married people (P=0.001) responded that they want voluntary euthanasia for other people. And, age (P=0.002), sex (P=0.001), education (P=0.025) and economic power (P=0.001) show meaningful difference for case the subject of passive euthanasia. Conclusion : Most of general public responded that the legislation on euthanasia is required; and, age, education and economic power seem to have an influence on their decisions on euthanasia. Not only such a study of demographic and sociological correlation; but, various basic data on the legislation of euthanasia are needed.

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The Severity and Variables Influencing Depression in Cancer Patients with Pain (통증이 있는 암환자의 우울 정도 및 우울에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sook;Yun, Young-Ho;Lee, So-Woo;Heo, Dae-Seog;Son, Haeng-Mi;Huh, Bong-Yul
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : Surveying the rates, severity, and variables influencing depression and their correlation between pain and depression in Korean cancer patients, we attempted to provide a basic database for the effective depression management program. Methods : The results of survey were colleted from 10 patients who were hospitalized at Seoul National University Hospital for cancer treatment from February to June of 1999. Factors of depression and the level of pain were examined by self-reported survey employing Korean version of Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) and an abridged version of Brief pain Inventory respectively. The purpose of this study and guidelines for the questionnaires were clearly explained to participating patients by Resgitered Nurses before answering the survey. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients were compiled by reviewing their medical records in corporation with a family physician. The difference in the level of depression among patient groups was analyzed with the t-test and ANOVA, and the correlation between variables with Pearson correlation coefficient. Results : 1) 142 subjects comprised 79 male and 63 female, and their mean age was 51.86. 2) The mean scores of the worst pain for last 24-hours was 6.08(SD 2.23), the average pain for last 24-hours 4.44(SD 1.85), and the mean scores of pain at the time of survey 3.48(SD 2.25), while the mean scores of the least pain for last 24-hours 2.25(SD 1.83). 3) The mean BDI scores were 23.73(SD 0.99), and 55.6% of patients were evaluated to be in depression(cutting point 21). Scores of depression for cancer patients were higher than normal population. 4) The correlation between worst pain for last 24-hours and depression(r=0.252, P=0.002), average pain for last 24-hours and depression(r=0.225, P=0.007), present pain and depression(r=0.291, P=0.000) were significant. 5) Significant differences were found among groups of cancer patients with pain with respect to gender(t=3.59, p=0.000), level of education(F=4.063, P=0.009), ECOG(F=3.352, P=0.021). There was significant positive correlation between depression and pain(r=0.171, P=0.042). Conclusions : More than 50% of cancer patients with pain are suffering from depression. We have shown that the variables like the degree of pain, gender, level of education, ECOG, and age are significantly related to the depression in cancer patients. The findings of this study may be used for assessing high-risk patients in need of intervention and for planning effective therapeutic strategies for them after the routine assessment. Further study is necessary to investigate the cultural differences and the variables influencing on depression in Korean cancer patients.

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The Improvement Measures for the Establishment of Emergency Management System in Private Security (위험사회의 전개에 따른 민간경비 산업의 대응과제 - 위기관리를 중심으로)

  • Park, Dong-Kyun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.10
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    • pp.103-125
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    • 2005
  • Hazard are defined here as threat to life, well-being, material goods and environmental from the extremes of natural processes or technology. The challenges of natural and technology in increasing the exposure of people and property to risk pose a dilemma for any government seeking the fullest protection for its people and their property. As society progresses and as technology improves and becomes ever more intricate and far reaching, the human species is confronted with increasingly diverse and numerous catastrophic events. Not so infrequently, unfortunately, the impact of either a man-made or natural disaster is compounded by the fact that policy makers have neither prepared themselves or the public to respond appropriately to a disaster once the tragedy has struck. Many concerns have been raised for importance of emergency management after 1990's numerous urban disasters in Korea. Emergency management is the discipline and profession of applying science, technology, planning, and management to deal with extreme events that can injure or kill large numbers of people, cause extensive damage to property, and disrupt community life. When the primary function of private security is to protect lives and property of clients, emergency management should be included in the security service and many countermeasures should be carried out for that purpose. The purpose of this study is to establish ways and means needed to improve the private security emergency management system in Korea. This study is spilt into four chapters. Chapter I is the introduction part. Chapter II introduces the reader to a private security and emergency management theory, and Chapter III deals with the establishment of an effective emergency management system in Korea private security, Chapter IV is a conclusion. Policy makers and private security industry employers in Korea has not concerned with the importance of training and education by lack of recognition and has been passive about qualified guards. And the authorities supervising and the administrating the guards has not recognized the importance of private security and has neglected the training of the guards. In theses contexts, private security should develop and maintain a educational program of emergency management to meet their responsibilities to provide the protection and safety of the clients. Today's modern corporate security director, is, first of all, a competent, well-rounded business executive and, second, a 'service expert'. And, emergency management personnel in private security industry need continuous training.

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Comparison of Perception on Science Teacher Preparation Courses by Beginner and Experienced Science Teachers (과학교사양성과정에 대한 심층면담을 통한 경력과학교사들과 초임과학교사들의 인식 비교)

  • Kim, Young-Min;Mun, Ji-Seon;Park, Jung-Suk;Lim, Gil-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.1002-1016
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate beginner and experienced Korean science teachers' perceptions about the science teacher preparation courses from which they graduated, and to compare them. The study was conducted as a qualitative study using in-depth interviews. For the study, interview questions were developed by the authors based on the questionnaire of 'The IMPPACT project' that was being conducted in America. The interview tool includes questions about their experience of science subject matter content knowledge, science pedagogical content knowledge, and general pedagogical content knowledge in their preparation courses. For the interview, seven beginning science teachers, less than five years of teaching experience, and five experienced science teachers, more than five years of teaching experience, were sampled from secondary schools in Korea. The research results are as follows: First, most of the beginner and experienced science teachers perceived that the teaching methods in the classes of science subject matter were not good model for teaching science in their secondary school, because they were not diverse enough and entailed mostly knowledge transfer just through lecture without teacher-student interaction. Second, most of the beginner science teachers perceived that they were affected positively by the teaching strategies and evaluation methods in the classes for science pedagogical subject matter and they could apply those strategies and methods in their current science teaching. Lastly, most of the beginner and experienced science teachers perceived that general pedagogical subject matter is important and prerequisite for science teaching in their schools, but the courses that they experienced at their university were not appropriate for their current teaching.

Study on Frequently Consumed Dishes and Menu Patterns of Middle-aged Housewives for 1 Year (중년 주부의 연중 음식 섭취 및 식단 패턴 조사)

  • Choe, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.764-778
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate the dishes and menu patterns consumed frequently for 1 year, using estimated record method with 30 housewives. The purpose of this study was to suggest the dishes and menu pattern for the basis data of the nutrition education program and menu development project. The results were following : cooked rice and kimchi had the highest number of frequencies. The dish group (classified by the cooking method) consumed in largest quantities per capita per meal is the rice group (146.5g). Most frequently consumed dish group were the rice (72.7%), kimchi (60.6%), beverages (33.6%), fruits and juice (26.2%), soup (25.1%), stew and casserole (25.1%) in the order. Some dishes in several dish groups had small number of frequencies. Thus they were not included in the frequently consumed dishes list although they are in the top list of their own dish group. The menu had traditional menu pattern based on cooked rice, Korean soup, and kimchi. Most frequently used menu patterns were rice+soup+kimchi, rice+noodle (or Mandu)+kimchi, rice+kimchi, rice+soup+kimchi+seasoned-vegetable in the order. These were very simple menu patterns with only 1~2 kinds of side dish. Therefore, it is necessary for middle-aged housewives to consume menu that the composition of main dish and side dish are adequate. This result can be used as basic data for nutrition education programs in middle-aged housewives.

Science Teachers' Diagnoses of Cooperative Learning in the Field (과학교사들이 진단한 과학과 협동학습의 실태)

  • Kwak, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.360-376
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    • 2001
  • This qualitative research investigated in-service science teachers' perceptions about cooperative learning and their perceived barriers in implementing cooperative learning in their classrooms. The underlying premise for cooperative learning is founded in constructivist epistemology. Cooperative learning (CL) is presented as an alternative frame to the current educational system which emphasizes content memorization and individual student performance through competition. An in-depth interview was conducted with 18 in-service science teachers who enrolled in the first-class teacher certification program during 2001 summer vacation. These secondary school teachers's interview data were analyzed and categorized into three areas: teachers' definition of cooperative learning, issues with implementing cooperative learning in classrooms, and teachers' and students' responses towards cooperative learning. Each of these areas are further subdivided into 10 themes: teachers' perceived meaning of cooperative learning, the importance of talk in learning, when to use cooperative learning, how to end a cooperative class, how to group students for cooperative learning, obstacles to implementing cooperative learning, students' reactions to cooperative learning, teachers' reasons for choosing (not choosing) student-centered approaches to learning/teaching, characteristics of teachers who use cooperative learning methods, and teachers' reasons for resisting cooperative learning. Detailed descriptions of the teachers' responses and discussion on each category are provided. For the development and implementation of CL in more classrooms, there should be changes and supports in the following five areas: (1) teachers have to examine their pedagogical beliefs toward constructivist perspectives, (2) teacher (re)education programs have to provide teachers with cooperative learning opportunities in methods courses, (3) students' understanding of their changed roles (4) supports in light of curriculum materials and instructional resources, (5) supports in terms of facilities and administrators. It's important to remember that cooperative learning is not a panacea for all instructional problems. It's only one way of teaching and learning, useful for specific kinds of teaching goals and especially relevant for classrooms with a wide mix of student academic skills. Suggestions for further research are also provided.

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Effect of Music activitics using audition on Music Aptitude development for Kindergarten Children (오디에이션 음악활동이 유치원 아동의 음악소질 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Rho, Joohee
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.11-32
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    • 2004
  • According to Edwin Gordon(1987, 1997, 2003), music aptitude is a product of interaction of innate potential and early environmental experiences. He referred to music aptitude of children up to nine years of age as developmental music aptitude which fluctuates due to musical environment. Music aptitude stabilizes at age nine, and the music aptitude after age nine is called "stabilized music aptitude". This research is to examine Gorden's hypothesis that the younger a child receives music education, the higher music aptitude. Also, this research is to experiment the effect of Audiation activities developed in Audie Music Curriculum on music aptitude. The researcher and another Audie teacher as a co-teacher guided children together for 30 minutes once a week. The pedagogy guidelines for informal guidance in music learning theory were kept throughout the classes. Also, Audie's teaching method which had been developed for Korean Kindergarten educational environment was also applied. Five-year-old subjects in Experimental group 1 experienced the Audie Music Curriculum of one year; five-year-old subjects in Experimental group 2 experienced it for two years. Primary Measures of Music Audiation was administered three times during their last year of Kindergarten. Subjects in the Control groups, one examined at the beginning and the other at the end of their last year in Kindergarten, received no Audie instruction. There was no significant difference in tonal aptitude, but there was significant difference in rhythmic aptitude(p< .05) among the experiemental groups. Because both Experimental groups showed statistical significance (p< .001) in the music aptitude increase during their academic years, the significant differences of the year-end music aptitude between control group and experimental groups were the expected result.

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Study on Life Style of Health Promotion for the Elderly - Centering on farming villages in Jeollabuk-do Province - (노인들의 건강증진생활양식에 관한 연구 - 전북 농어촌지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Jin-Woo;Chong Myung-Soo;Lee Chun-Woo;Kwon So-Hee;Ko Kwang-Jae;Jeoung Jae-Yeal;Jahng Doo-Sub;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.8-28
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    • 2001
  • This investigation grasps the level and relevant elements of performance of health promotional activities for the elderly in Korea. It provides fundamental data on health promoting projects targeting the elderly population from farming villages. Hence, this study gropes for an effective approach and measures of health promoting programs. The program needs to be developed with a focus on elderly people from farming villages. In addition, it was carried out in order to provide basic data for development of health projects for local communities. Data gathering was based on survey data targeting patients from the free clinic service. Service was rendered for the residents of farming villages, and conducted at the Offices of CheonBuk Province from October 2000 to December 2000. Analytical results were used to examine the health promotional method for the elderly in the aspect of Oriental Medicine. SPSS 9.0 version as well as T-test and ANOVA were used for survey data analysis. Piersons correlation coefficient was utilized for the relationship for each area, obtaining the following analytical results. 1. The average score for the activities of health promotion was 2.28. Looking at each subcategory, stress management was the highest at 3.65; interpersonal relationship, 3.00; nutrition, 2.55; health responsibility, 2.15; self-realization, 2.03; and exercise was the lowest at 1.89. 2. With respect to lifestyle of the health promotion secondary to general features of elderly people from farming villages, the level of activities of health promoting lifestyle was shown to be higher for males than that of females. Self-realization area was high among males in detailed particulars while the level of execution was high as age decreases in the stress area. 3. Regarding health promoting life style secondary to socioeconomic characteristics, the level of execution was higher for the individuals with a higher level of education and further utilization of spare time. With respect to occupation, the level was highest for people from the fishery. The level decreased in the order of other occupations such as trade, unemployed and agriculture, which was shown to be the lowest. In detailed particulars, it revealed that higher the individuals educational level, the higher the self-realization and stress management areas. The level of interpersonal relationship was the highest among people with little or no education. With respect to self-realization area, the level was highest among the cases where one paid living expenses along with their children. The lowest level of living expenses was seen in the cases where an individual pays for living expenses by himself/herself. There were significant results in all areas except for nutrition areas depending on occupation. The fishery was shown to be the highest. The level of activities was higher as one utilizes more spare time in all areas except for the area of interpersonal relationship.

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A study of quality of working life to dental hygienist's (치과위생사의 근로생활의 질(QWL)에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Hye-Seung;Kim, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.375-392
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : Dental hygienist's work satisfaction and stress affect the overall quality of work life(QWL). Therefore, this research is intended to suggest fundamental data to improve QWL by finding out characteristics of each work satisfaction and stress element. To this end, a total of 327 dental hygienists working at general hospitals, university hospitals, dental hospitals and dental clinics across Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon were surveyed. Results of survey are as follows. Methods : The collected data were analyzed by using an SPSS 12.0 statistical program, obtaining the following results. The collected data conducted a questionnaire survey for 327 dental hygienists who work at the hospitals, university hospitals, dental hospitals, and dental clinics located at Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon district from January until March, 2009, and drew the conclusions as follows. Result : 1. Demographic characteristics, income from 1.5 to 1.99 million were the whole lot, more than 2 million to less than 1.5 million was similar. Marital status Married Unmarried higher than the atheist religion, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and other, respectively. Classification by level of education in the college graduate, university graduate, graduate diploma, respectively. 2. Are working in a job-related characteristics of dentistry, dental hospital, general and university hospital, respectively. The making in position, Mount, contractor, responsible, senior, was an intern in the order. The five-day workweek whether working at night and is not going to care whether the conduct was similar. Classification of working hours and 8 hours, 8 hours, 8 hours or less orderly, and total of less than 1-3 years of clinical experience, 5 years, less than one year, less than 3-5 years, respectively. 3. There comes out a significant difference according to age, income, position, gross clinical experience, and whether to put night shift into practice in job stability in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 4. There comes out a significant difference according to marital status, one's place of work, position, whether to put a five-day workweek into practice in work environment and benefits package in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics (p<.05). 5. There comes out a significant difference according to age, marital status, income, position, and gross clinical experience in education & training and benefits packages in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 6. There comes out a significant difference according to whether to put night medical treatment into practice in social usefulness in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 7. There comes out a significant difference according to marital status, income, one's place of work, gross clinical experience, work hours, and whether to put a five-day workweek into practice in leisure activity in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 8. There comes out a significant difference according to income, one's place of work, and position in wage level in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p<.05). 9. There was no significant difference in all items related to human relations and free communication in terms of the quality subsequent to general characteristics(p>.05). Conclusions : It is necessary to analyze factors related to work satisfaction and stress in order to improve dental hygienist's quality of work life. Hospitals must support them systematically and institutionally and related organizations must conduct practical research.