• Title/Summary/Keyword: 번역 전략

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Validity and Reliability of a Korean version of Interpersonal Emotion Management Strategies Scale (한국어판 간호사의 대인관계 감정관리 전략 척도의 타당도와 신뢰도)

  • Woo, Hee-Yeong;Han, Jeong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.324-331
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    • 2017
  • This study consisted of methodological research verifying the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the interpersonal emotion management (IEM) strategies scale after translating and modifying the scale developed by Little et al. The study verified the content validity, construct validity, concurrent validity and reliability based on 189 nurses working at four hospitals in the Seoul and Gyeonggi region. In this study, the Korean version of the IEM strategies scale was comprised of four factors, with a total of 15 questions that included three regarding situation modification, three regarding attention deployment, four regarding cognitive change, and five on modifying emotional response. Furthermore, verification of concurrent validity revealed that the Korean version of the IEM strategies scale was a valid tool as the correlation of the emotional intelligence scale appeared as r=0.60 (p<0.001). The reliability verification showed four factors at Cronbach's ${\alpha}=0.84-90$, confirming that the Korean version of the tool in this study was very reliable.It is important to note that this study provided basic data for the development of educational programs that can effectively control the negative emotions of clinical nurses at the organization level.

Validity and Reliability of a Korean Version of Nurse Clinical Reasoning Competence Scale (한국어판 간호사 임상적 추론 역량 척도의 타당도와 신뢰도)

  • Joung, Jaewon;Han, Jeong Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.304-310
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    • 2017
  • This study is a methodological research study that tests the validity and reliability of the NCRC (Nurse Clinical Reasoning Competence scale), an instrument developed by Liou and his colleagues as the basic data for enhancing the clinical reasoning competence of nurses, by translating it into Korean and checking the similarity of the sentence structure and meaning (between the two versions?). This study verified its validity and reliability by examining 166 nurses working in four tertiary hospitals located in Seoul and Busan. An analysis of the content validity by experts showed that all of the items have a content validity higher than CVI 0.8. From the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, it was found that the instrument includes a total of 15 items consisting of one factor. In addition, the correlation with the Korean version of the Nurse Clinical Reasoning Competence scale is confirmed to test the concurrent validity, by using a measurement tool of nurses' critical thinking dispositions and clinical decision-making abilities (correlation coefficient =.55-.64(p<.001) and Cronbach's ${\alpha}=.93$). Thus, the Korean version of the NCRC may be a useful instrument for evaluating the clinical reasoning competence of Korean nurses and providing the basic data for assessing their clinical reasoning competence and developing their promotion strategies.

Levels of Barriers to Pain Management of Cancer Patients and their Nurses (암 환자와 간호사의 통증관리 장애정도)

  • Yoo, Yang-Sook;Lee, Won-Hee;Cho, Ok-Hee;Lee, So-Woo
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.224-233
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to provide basic data for developing an effective strategy for cancer pain management by comparing the levels of barriers to pain management of metastatic or advanced cancer patient and their nurses. Methods: The subject of this study were 155 patients who were treated for metastatic or advanced cancer at one of three hospitals in Seoul from January 2004 to January 2005, and 153 nurses who take care of those patients. The levels of barriers to pain management were measured using a tool developed by Gunnarsdottir et al. (2002), 27 questions on a six point scale. The levels of stresses were measured using a tool modified from a stress response measurement reported by Goh Gyung-bong et al. (2000), 27 questions on a five point scale. The levels of barriers in cancer patients were analyzed using t-test and ANOVA, while the data obtained from patients and nurses were compared by t-test. Results: Higher levels of barriers to pain management were found in three groups: 'less than middle school,' 'not treated with anti-cancer chemotherapy,' and 'ECOG of 2.' The level (2.55) of barriers to pain management in the patient group was higher than that (1.76) of the nurse group. Both of the two groups had high levels of barriers in two variables: 'There is a danger of becoming addicted to pain medicine.' and 'Using pain medicine blocks your ability to know if you have any new pain.' There was not a significant difference in the levels of stresses between the two groups. Conclusion: It was found that, for effective cancer pain management practices, it would be necessary to provide cancer patients and their nurses with education and training about pain management and related barriers.

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Strategy for English Translations of Journal Reference (참고문헌 영문화 작업에 있어 영어번역의 전략)

  • Song, Ho-Sueb
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : This study was to propose how to translate journal references into english for enhancing citation index of the journals published in the Korean Oriental Medical Society. Methods : Journal reference is mainly composed of author name, title or book name, journal name such as Index Medicus or publisher name, etc. In order to find the appropriate equivalents to the above major constituents, head words extracted from all the references of Journal of Korean Oriental Medical Society published in 2002 to 2009. A plan for English translation of the journal reference was formulated and the glossary was prepared. Plan for English translation of the journal reference : 1. Author: Author name was represented as capitalized last name and two initials of first name and listed up to six. If there are more, the first three or six authors were listed with 'et al'. 2. Terminology of traditional Korean medicine: Standard korean traditional medical terminology was one of the current representative dictionary with as much as 6040 headwords, which was needed to be translated into English in order to provide substantial equivalents available for English translation of journal reference. Therefor 4361 english equivalents were to be newly adopted except for 1679 overlapped with them in WHO-IST. Source oriented translation and target oriented translation were allowed to be appropriately selected depending on the condition. In addition, principle of English translation of acupoint,medicinal Herbs, Herbal formula and classical works were proposed. 3. Basically the names of journals should be set in italics and abbreviated according to the List of journals indexed for medline (formerly Index Medicus) published by the National Library of Medicine. however, abbreviation of korean oriental medical journals were not yet established. Thus establishment of tentative korean index medicus should be considered. Conclusions : For the enhancement of journal citation index of korean traditional medical journals, it was suggested that english translation of journal reference should be one of the alternatives enhancing citation rate.

The Entrepreneurship of Mayun and The Logistics Strategy of Alibaba Group (마윈(馬雲)의 기업가정신과 알리바바의 물류 전략)

  • Jo, Jin-Haeng
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.149-172
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    • 2017
  • The Alibaba Company, founded by Mayun in 1997, captured no.1 position in the global electronic commerce industry in 2016. Logistics strategy and paying system of the firm have greatly contributed to its success. The study aims not only to investigate the entrepreneurship of Mayun to inspire Korean youths with it, but also to help Korean E Commerce industry with logistics strategy of the Alibaba Group. The study adopts the management history approach through a literature survey on life time story, management philosophy of Mayun. Results from a study on Ma Yun's entrepreneurship style showed certain key characteristics: a global mindset, marketing and advertising proficiency, patriotism, a challenging spirit, and creativity. Alibaba's logistics system has greatly contributed to the success of the company's E commerce trade so far. However, some things are left to be desired in the following areas: logistics management system, logistics contract unit price, competitiveness in warehousing compared to rival Chinese companies, and last mile delivery.

ISO and OGC Standards for Geo-spatial Image Information and Suggestions for Their Applications (공간영상정보 관련 ISO와 OGC 표준현황과 활용을 위한 제언)

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Kang, Hae-Kyong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.451-464
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    • 2010
  • In these days, application cases of national or international standards in the field of geo-spatial information based on information technology are being increased. Especially, demands regarding distribution, dissemination and interoperability of contents using geo-spatial images and these information resources are also on the increasing stage, so that standards as core elements supporting these trends are getting to be emphasized. However, interests on standards of geo-spatial image information processing including remotely sensed images and efforts for development and application of these standards are not enough, domestically. In this study, international standards for geo-spatial image information in ISO and OGC as well as the domestic status were reviewed with the summaries concerned. Comparison with international and domestic standards shows that most national standards were partly modified and translated with international ones, but there are rare cases of application plans or studies concerned in this field. If these situations are continued, industrial stack or applications of technologies regarding standards are getting lesser. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze some problems and to study strategy to overcome them, and the result of this study could be used for the initial works.

The Tobacco Industry's Abuse of Scientific Evidence and Activities to Recruit Scientists During Tobacco Litigation (담배소송 중 담배회사의 과학적 근거 오용과 과학자 포섭 활동)

  • Lee, Sungkyu
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2016
  • South Korea's state health insurer, the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS), is in the process of a compensation suit against tobacco industry. The tobacco companies have habitually endeavored to ensure favorable outcomes in litigation by misusing scientific evidence or recruiting scientists to support its interests. This study analyzed strategies that tobacco companies have used during the NHIS litigation, which has been receiving world-wide attention. To understand the litigation strategies of tobacco companies, the present study reviewed the existing literature and carried out content analysis of petitions, preparatory documents, and supporting evidence submitted to the court by the NHIS and the tobacco companies during the suit. Tobacco companies misrepresented the World Health Organization (WHO) report's argument and misused scientific evidence, and removed the word "deadly" from the title of the citation. Tobacco companies submitted the research results of scientists who had worked as a consultant for the tobacco industry as evidence. Such litigation strategies employed by the tobacco companies internationally were applied similarly in Korean lawsuits. Results of tobacco litigation have a huge influence on tobacco control policies. For desirable outcomes of the suits, healthcare professionals need to pay a great deal of attention to the enormous volume of written opinions and supporting evidence that tobacco companies submit. They also need to face the fact that the companies engage in recruitment of scientists. Healthcare professionals should refuse to partner with tobacco industry, as recommended by Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

Investigating the Function of Backchannel Tokens, uh, um(uhm), and and hm as a Positive Influence in Second Language Learning (백채널 토큰 uh, um(uhm), and, hm 이 제2외국어 학습에서 미치는 순기능의 연구)

  • Kang, SungKwan;Chon, Hyong Joseph
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates non-native speakers(NNS) of English use of backchannels with beginner-intermediate learners' use of 'uh', 'um(uhm)', 'and' and 'hm' suggesting a view as a possible pedagogical implication. The initial aim of this study was to learn this phenomenon and observe their conversation patterns to compare with previous studies. Based on the previous findings, the analyzed data using conventional Conversation Analysis (CA) methods indicate the possible presence of L1 topic markers, '-un' and '-nun' in the form of L2 backchannel tokens when uttered by beginning and intermediate level speakers of English and the presences of L2 backchannel tokens appear only in front of noun phrases. Additionally, these same words with these tokens and when translated back to Korean also require topic markers of '-un' and '-nun.' Finally, This study discusses possible pedagogical implications with the initial analysis of backchannel tokens for Korean EFL learners. In addition, the ultimate goal of this study is to refine this analysis with follow up experiments to validate this investigation into a working hypothesis generating discussions of this backchannel phenomenon from being viewed as a hindrance to as an positive influence that needs to be understood.

The Facets of Korean Documentary Photography (한국 기록사진의 개념 형성과 전개)

  • Park, Ju Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.27
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    • pp.169-208
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    • 2011
  • In this thesis, I pursued how the concept of documentary photography in Korea was formed, and how Koreans perceive the current mix of some concepts and how they are tracked that. Korean photography society, directly or indirectly, accepted the concept and format of documentary photography of the United States in which information and discussion of the history and concept by examining the process of being transferred to Korea are examined. Giroksajin(記錄寫眞) is a translation word of documentary photography which was a part of documentary movements in the United States of the 1930s, and are all based on that concept. When we order Korean documentary photography and the subject matter must be distinct, attitude toward the things should be based on the exact perceptions of this age awareness, to be able to give enough information, and finally moved forward to move the human emotion must be. When this condition is equipped with the photographers and archivists perspective is revealed clearly the social and historical records that are meaningful. Documentary photography is the subject of the photographers and archivists that want to record the important things, but what you can get in the records and the question of how to use it is also important. Korean documentary photography, not only records the things, just to have a meaningful supplement to get done the exact context of information production and led to the conclusion that the strengthening of documentation strategies.

Influencing Factors of Nursing Performance for Life Care of Delirium Patients among Nursing Students (섬망환자의 라이프케어를 위한 간호학생의 섬망간호 수행 영향요인)

  • Oh, Hyo-Sook;Chang, Mi-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to identify factors affecting nursing performance of delirium among nursing students. A total of 252 fourth year students were recruited from nursing department in Gwangju. Structured questionnaire was self-administrated from April to September, 2017. The used statistical analysis were t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Knowledge of delirium 29.0±7.24, self-confidence in the care for delirium 71.65±28.55 and nursing performance level for patients with delirium was 41.16±8.97. Nursing performance of delirium had significant positive correlations with delirium knowledge, self-confidence of delirium care. In multiple regression analysis, nursing experience for delirium patients, self-confidence of delirium care, practice experience in intensive care unit, use of nursing diagnosis related to delirium, and satisfaction of clinical practice were significant factors of nursing performance of delirium explaining 29.8% of the variables. In conclusion, to enhance nursing performance of delirium, it is necessary to develop educational program for increasing nursing experience for delirium patients during clinical practice and self-confidence of delirium care.