• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교사 인식

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Elementary School Teachers' Perception of Digital Textbooks through Analysis of Perception of Digital Competence and Experience in Using Digital Textbooks (초등 교사의 디지털 교과서에 대한 인식 - 디지털 역량에 대한 인식과 디지털 교과서 활용 경험을 중심으로)

  • SooHyun Seo;Hyeseung Chung;Deul Roh
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.427-437
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine elementary school teachers' perceptions of digital textbooks to gain insight into the development of digital textbooks. To this end, first, eight functions of the digital textbook were set, and two to six detailed functions were set for each function. Afterwards, based on this function, 372 elementary school teachers across the country were asked to ask about their perception of digital competence, their experience of using digital textbooks after COVIE-19 and their perception of digital textbooks. A simple regression analysis was used to examine the perception of digital textbooks according to the perception of digital competence and a one-way distribution analysis method was used to analyze the perception of digital textbooks according to the experience of using digital textbooks. The analysis found that elementary school teachers' confidence in their digital competence had a positive effect on all components of digital textbooks. In particular, the teachers' higher confidence in digital competence led to the increased need for 'operation and management' functions. In addition, the teachers who frequently use digital textbooks perceived a higher need for digital textbook components except for 'searching' and 'Authoring Tools Support' than teachers who do not use them. This paper shows that it is necessary to positively induce elementary school teachers' perceptions of digital competence and encourage using digital textbooks to successfully increase the usage of digital textbooks in classes.

The Effects of Ego-resilience and Professionalism Awareness on Occupational Stress in Early Childhood Teachers (유아교사의 자아탄력성과 전문성인식이 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • You, Ji Yeon;Hwang, Hye Jung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of ego-resilience and professionalism awareness on occupational stress of early childhood teachers. The subjects of this study were 154 early childhood teachers working at day care centers and kindergartens. The data and information were collected through questionnaires. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed on the collected data with the SPSSWin 18.0 statistics program. The following results were shown: First, in regards to the relationship between ego-resilience, professionalism awareness and occupational stress, there were high correlations among them. Second, ego-resilience of early childhood teachers had a greater influence on occupational stress. Third, professionalism awareness of early childhood teachers had an influence on occupational stress. Forth, ego-resilience and professionalism awareness of early childhood teachers had influences on occupational stress, and their explained variance was 28%. These results imply that the support systems shoud be prepared to improve positive thoughts and attitudes of early childhood teachers.

An Analysis of Teacher Librarians' Role Recognition (사서 교사의 역할 인식 분석)

  • Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that hinder the role recognition and role performance of teacher librarians and suggest some improvement methods. For this purpose, a questionnaire was conducted among 41 persons who participated in the first-level qualification training for teachers librarians at K University Secondary Teacher Training Institute in 2019.The results showed that there was a difference between the expected role and the execution role of the teacher librarians. In other words, teacher librarians recognize that they should teach information literacy as instructors and operate library-based instruction and cooperative classes as teaching partners. However, the most frequently played roles are reading education and library use education. They recognizes the cause as institutional limitations, such as the absence of a national level curriculum and the ambiguity of the role of specialists in school libraries. And it is perceived as a real problem such as the lack of partnership and recognition of their peers. Among the variables of teacher librarians, the higher their educational level, the more they perceived their peers as teachers. Based on this, some suggestions for strengthening the role of the teacher librarians' instructor and teaching partner were proposed in terms of including cross-curricular subjects of information literacy education, analyzing jobs and establishing scholarship system for school libraries.

A Study on Teacher Librarian's Perception and Needs on Implement of High School Credit System (고교학점제 시행에 대한 사서교사의 인식과 요구에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Min
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.255-276
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the perceptions, demands, operation problems of teacher librarians for the implementation of the high school credit system. 153 teacher librarians working in high schools participated in the online survey, and statistical analysis was conducted Teacher librarians had a high understanding of the high school credit system, and the demand for elective courses management was high. In particular, teacher librarians working at research schools had a higher understanding of the high school credit system and the operating foundation than those in general schools. Lack of awareness of the educational role of students and teachers toward teacher librarians was recognized as the biggest problem in the elective course management and there was no difference according to the background variables of the teacher librarian as gender, region, experience. On the basis of this result, it is suggested and discussed that developing high school credit system training program for teacher librarians, opening of elective courses related to reading, media, and information literacy skills and developing textbook, and instituting mandatory completion courses related to reading, media, and information literacy skills in pre-teacher training course.

The Effects of Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers' Teaching Ethics and Empathy on Awareness of Children's Rights (예비유아교사의 교직윤리와 공감능력이 아동권리인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Seung Hwa Jwa;Se Jin Eom
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 2023
  • We aimed to find out how teaching ethics and empathy affect the perception of children's rights with 297 pre-service early childhood teachers enrolled in the Department of Early Childhood Education at universities located in Busan. Through this, the purpose of this study was to present basic data for the development of a character development program for a high-quality early childhood teacher training institution. We derived the following research results. First, as a result of examining the degree of recognition of pre-service early childhood teachers' teaching ethics, empathy, and awareness of children's rights, the average value was high in the order of teaching ethics, awareness of children's rights, and empathy. Second, there was a positive correlation between pre-service early childhood teachers' empathy ability, teaching ethics and awareness of children's rights, and empathy ability and awareness of children's rights. Third, as a result of examining the relative effects of teaching ethics and empathy of pre-service early childhood teachers on the recognition of children's rights, social ethics was found to be the strongest predictor among teaching ethics. In this study, we identified that teaching ethics and empathy are effective in various approaches to promote awareness of children's rights in pre-service early childhood teachers. And the results of this study provides the basic data for the character development of desirable teachers that pre-service early childhood teachers should have.

Comparative Analysis on Special Teachers' Perception toward Virtual Reality based Intervention Program for students with disabilities (장애학생을 위한 가상현실 기반 중재프로그램에 대한 특수교사의 인식 비교)

  • Lee, Tae-Su;Joo, Kyo-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze special teachers' perception on virtual reality based intervention program.(VRIP) for students with disabilities. The survey participants consisted of 364 special teachers who were working in special class or special school. Questionnaires with unfaithful responses were excluded, and a total of 324 questionnaires were analyzed. Data analysis was carried out through independent t-test and ANOVA. According to the results of study, Male special teachers' acceptance intention towards VRIP were higher than female special teachers. Special teachers with educational career within 10 years had more positive awareness than special teachers with educational career above 15 years. Special teachers in middle and high school teachers were higher than special teachers in kindergarten. In the aspects on another factors, special teachers with educational career within 10 years more positive awareness than special teachers with educational career above 15 years. Special teachers in middle and high school teachers were higher than special teachers in kindergarten.

Childcare Teacher's Perception of the Accreditation System Based on Accreditation Experience -Focused on the Second Accreditation Index of Childcare Centers- (보육교사의 평가인증 경험에 따른 평가인증제에 대한 인식비교 -2차 평가인증지표를 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ok;Choi, Inhwa
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.301-324
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of the childcare teachers regarding accreditation procedures and feasibility of the second accreditation index according their past participation in the accreditation process. The objects were 193 childcare teachers working at child care centers that were accredited using the initial accreditation index. The collected data was analyzed using frequency, percentile, $X^2$, and t-test. The major findings are as follows: First, childcare teachers without accreditation experience perceived 'continuing education of child care center directors and teachers' to be the most important for quality maintenance after successful accreditation. In contrast, childcare teachers with accreditation experience placed the most importance on 'childcare teachers' motivation and continuing enrollment'. Second, childcare teachers with accreditation experience perceived higher feasibility in the subcategories of 'art activity materials' in the category of child care environment, 'providing operation policies and information of child care teachers', 'care for children', and 'employment contract' in the operation & management category, 'sanitary management of food, cooking and feeding', 'care of sick or injured child', 'health management of children and childcare teachers', 'snacks for children' in the category of health and nutrition and 'safe procedures for handing over children' in the category of safety. In general, childcare teachers with accreditation experience perceived higher feasibility of the second accreditation index in all categories.

An Analysis of Kindergarten Teacher's Perception and Current Implementation toward Autonomy (유치원교사의 자율성에 대한 인식과 실천현황)

  • Lee, Eun-Ji;Bae, Jee-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.389-402
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine early childhood teacher's perception and current implementation toward autonomy and to provide basic data for related research. The survey was conducted with 121 public and private kindergarten teachers. The study results are as follows: First, as for teachers' perception of autonomy, the majority of the survey respondents answered that "I am very interested in the concept of autonomy and have tried to practice it." In terms of areas for which they expect to be given autonomy, "autonomy in developing and operating education plans" was most answered. Second, as for teachers' practice of autonomy, teacher autonomy was answered most for "work and operation" in the development and implementation of education plans among "institutional autonomy." In terms of communication between parents and the local community, "operation of the kindergarten website" and "operation of teachers' personal e-mail" were most answered. In addition, "participation in teacher training" was most answered for the development of teachers' expertise, and "interaction with infants" for "autonomy in educational activity." Lastly, it is expected for follow-up research to perform case studies to understand the context of the implementation of teacher autonomy.

Secondary School Science Teachers' Perception of Inquiry Learning (탐구 학습에 관한 중등 과학 교사들의 인식)

  • Park, Jeung-Hee;Park, Ye-Ri;Kim, Jeong-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.731-738
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    • 2004
  • Secondary school science teachers' preception on inquiry learning was investigated by using questionnaires. According to these results, science teachers, who are participants of the current Korea National Science Curriculum, responded that raising the 'interest in science' was the most important objective of science education, and using practical scientific subject matters in class will do such. More than 72% of science teachers have used reconstructed materials. When reconstructed textbook contents were used, teachers through that the most important object is the 'acquirement of scientific knowledge'. Most science teachers perceived inquiry leaning as a student centered open investigation. Among factors that disturb inquiry leaning, critical ones were 'entrance examination', 'lake of teaching-leaning materials', 'little understanding of inquiry leaning', and 'lake of student's will to inquiry'.

The Educational Perception on Artificial Intelligence by Elementary School Teachers (초등 교사들의 인공지능에 관한 교육적 인식)

  • Ryu, Miyoung;Han, SeonKwan
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes elementary school teachers' perception of Artificial Intelligence, educational effect, and necessity in education. To analyze teachers' perceptions, we developed questionnaires with expert advice. We collected questionnaires for 151 elementary school teachers. The collected data were analyzed by t-test and one-way ANOVA. As a result, AI' perceptions of female teachers were lower than those of male teachers and the necessity of education was less. Teachers with experience in leading schools recognized that AI education would help to improve creativity. Teachers who have a lot of teaching experience, many experience in SW education, the experience in SW education have a high interest in AI and understand the relevance of the subject. We expect that this study will help the direction of SW education.