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An Analysis of Kindergarten Teacher's Perception and Current Implementation toward Autonomy  

Lee, Eun-Ji (성결대학교부속유치원)
Bae, Jee-Hyun (성결대학교 유아교육과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to examine early childhood teacher's perception and current implementation toward autonomy and to provide basic data for related research. The survey was conducted with 121 public and private kindergarten teachers. The study results are as follows: First, as for teachers' perception of autonomy, the majority of the survey respondents answered that "I am very interested in the concept of autonomy and have tried to practice it." In terms of areas for which they expect to be given autonomy, "autonomy in developing and operating education plans" was most answered. Second, as for teachers' practice of autonomy, teacher autonomy was answered most for "work and operation" in the development and implementation of education plans among "institutional autonomy." In terms of communication between parents and the local community, "operation of the kindergarten website" and "operation of teachers' personal e-mail" were most answered. In addition, "participation in teacher training" was most answered for the development of teachers' expertise, and "interaction with infants" for "autonomy in educational activity." Lastly, it is expected for follow-up research to perform case studies to understand the context of the implementation of teacher autonomy.
Teacher's Autonomy; Autonomy Perception; Autonomy Implementation;
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  • Reference
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