Regarding leisure and work as very important in residential life of old ages, this study analyzed their preference by leisure and work for senior congregate housing, which can provide proper work and leisure activities for older people who are able to manage their social activities with healthy condition. It conducted a survey of middle aged of the 50's who would face problems of senior housing in 2010, with stratified sampling by region, sex and housing structure type. Totally 556 Questionnaires were used for the final analysis. The research results showed that, first, the group which was positive toward their works mostly had spouse of the age of early 50' s and work for professional, technological, managerial positions with good health. Second, the more positive group towards their work showed high willingness to move in senior congregate housing, than a negative group towards their work, and put a weight on the openness of shared space and facilities as well as various alarming equipments, common space, common programs and the ability of managers. Third, according to the attitudes toward leisure activities, there were differences in each group by housing structure type, education of their own or their spouses, monthly income, property, economic ability, health condition, living together with spouse, housing tenureship, and usable area of houses. The fourth was that those who enjoy active leisure activities presented high willingness to move in senior congregate housing than those of negative attitude and also there was a difference in managerial ways. Throughout the results of the study, it appeared that a group of positive attitude toward work and leisure, than that of negative attitude, recognized the importance of senior congregate housing which social and leisure programs could support. It implied necessary to develop housing for the older people who have enough ability to manage their leisure activity as well as their work. The study is likely to have a contribution to suggest practical data for helping the development of housing for self-reliant seniors by analyzing their preference on senior congregate housing by their attitudes toward work. The research for the factors of various designs and managements by leisure and work may become the following research theme of the study.