Let n be a 2-step nilpotent Lie algebra which has an inner product <,> and has an orthogonal decomposition $n=\delta{\oplus}\varsigma$ for its center $\delta$ and the orthogonal complement $\varsigma\;of\;\delta$. Then Each element Z of $\delta$ defines a skew symmetric linear map $J_Z:\varsigma{\rightarrow}\varsigma$ given by $=$ for all $X,\;Y{\in}\varsigma$. Let $\gamma$ be a unit speed geodesic in a 2-step nilpotent Lie group H(2, 1) with its Lie algebra n(2, 1) and let its initial velocity ${\gamma}$(0) be given by ${\gamma}(0)=Z_0+X_0{\in}\delta{\oplus}\varsigma=n(2,\;1)$ with its center component $Z_0$ nonzero. Then we showed that $\gamma(0)$ is conjugate to $\gamma(\frac{2n{\pi}}{\theta})$, where n is a nonzero intger and $-{\theta}^2$ is a nonzero eigenvalue of $J^2_{Z_0}$, along $\gamma$ if and only if either $X_0$ is an eigenvector of $J^2_{Z_0}$ or $adX_0:\varsigma{\rightarrow}\delta$ is not surjective.