• Title/Summary/Keyword: teacher concept

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The Persuit of Rationality and the Mathematics Education (합리성의 추구와 수학교육)

  • Kang Wan
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 1986
  • For any thought and knowledge, its growth and development has close relation with the society where it is developed and grow. As Feuerbach says, the birth of spirit needs an existence of two human beings, i. e. the social background, as well as the birth of body does. But, at the educational viewpoint, the spread and the growth of such a thought or knowledge that influence favorably the development of a society must be also considered. We would discuss the goal and the function of mathematics education in relation with the prosperity of a technological civilization. But, the goal and the function are not unrelated with the spiritual culture which is basis of the technological civilization. Most societies of today can be called open democratic societies or societies which are at least standing such. The concept of rationality in such societies is a methodological principle which completes the democratic society. At the same time, it is asserted as an educational value concept which explains comprehensively the standpoint and the attitude of one who is educated in such a society. Especially, we can considered the cultivation of a mathematical thinking or a logical thinking in the goal of mathematics education as a concept which is included in such an educational value concept. The use of the concept of rationality depends on various viewpoints and criterions. We can analyze the concept of rationality at two aspects, one is the aspect of human behavior and the other is that of human belief or knowledge. Generally speaking, the rationality in human behavior means a problem solving power or a reasoning power as an instrument, i. e. the human economical cast of mind. But, the conceptual condition like this cannot include value concept. On the other hand, the rationality in human knowledge is related with the problem of rationality in human belief. For any statement which represents a certain sort of knowledge, its universal validity cannot be assured. The statements of value judgment which represent the philosophical knowledge cannot but relate to the argument on the rationality in human belief, because their finality do not easily turn out to be true or false. The positive statements in science also relate to the argument on the rationality in human belief, because there are no necessary relations between the proposition which states the all-pervasive rule and the proposition which is induced from the results of observation. Especially, the logical statement in logic or mathematics resolves itself into a question of the rationality in human belief after all, because all the logical proposition have their logical propriety in a certain deductive system which must start from some axioms, and the selection and construction of an axiomatic system cannot but depend on the belief of a man himself. Thus, we can conclude that a question of the rationality in knowledge or belief is a question of the rationality both in the content of belief or knowledge and in the process where one holds his own belief. And the rationality of both the content and the process is namely an deal form of a human ability and attitude in one's rational behavior. Considering the advancement of mathematical knowledge, we can say that mathematics is a good example which reflects such a human rationality, i. e. the human ability and attitude. By this property of mathematics itself, mathematics is deeply rooted as a good. subject which as needed in moulding the ability and attitude of a rational person who contributes to the development of the open democratic society he belongs to. But, it is needed to analyze the practicing and pursuing the rationality especially in mathematics education. Mathematics teacher must aim the rationality of process where the mathematical belief is maintained. In fact, there is no problem in the rationality of content as long the mathematics teacher does not draw mathematical conclusions without bases. But, in the mathematical activities he presents in his class, mathematics teacher must be able to show hem together with what even his own belief on the efficiency and propriety of mathematical activites can be altered and advanced by a new thinking or new experiences.

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The Effects of Perceived Daily Stress on the Adjustment of Elementary School Children: The Moderating Effects of Social Support (아동이 지각한 일상적 스트레스가 아동의 적응에 미치는 영향 : 사회적 지지의 중재효과)

  • Kim, Soo-Bin;Lee, Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of perceived daily stress on the adjustment of children and to examine whether social support has a moderating effect on the relationship between daily stress and adjustment. The results are summarized as follows. First, it was found that stress caused by school, family environments and friends had significant effects on the self-concept of children. In addition, it was found that stress caused by teachers/school and family environments had significant effects on achievement motivation and social behavior. Second, the interaction between daily stress and support from family and friends affected self-concept. Furthermore, achievement motivation was positively affected by the interactions between daily stress and family support, between daily stress and teacher support and between daily stress and friend support.

A Study of Pre-service Chemistry Teacher's Understanding on Entropy

  • Seo, Young-Jin;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.415-427
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we conducted preliminary survey, diagnostic test and in-depth interview in order to study Korean pre-service chemistry teachers' understanding on entropy and investigate how Korean pre-service chemistry teachers deal with the natural phenomenon which is related to entropy conceptions. Firstly, as a result of the preliminary survey, it was found that pre-service chemistry teachers strongly recognized entropy as the degree of disorder. Secondly, the diagnostic test showed pre-service chemistry teachers were mostly confused about whether the entropy of the universe increases during a spontaneous change, and they had a tendency to interpret the natural phenomenon related to entropy change as the change of disorder. Finally, during in-depth interview, after we explained entropy change in all diagnostic test questions with the concept of microstate, pre-service chemistry teachers revealed a better understanding about entropy. Through this research, pre-service chemistry teachers had an opportunity to reflect on their deficiencies of entropy conceptions, which will ultimately help students to approach the concept of entropy more correctly.

Object-oriented Concept Learning using Reverse-engineering Method Based on XNA Game Development Environment (XNA기반 게임 개발 환경에서 역공학 방법을 이용한 객체지향 개념 학습)

  • Choi, Young-Mee;Choo, Moon-Won;Yoon, Tae-Bok
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes object-oriented learning method of using reverse-engineering based on game development environment. The game has advantages such as interest and enjoyment. Also, the reverse analysis of game help us understand the technique to be used in game. Through this process, we introduce learning method enabling us to actively understand object-oriented concept. Thus, the proposed method describes case learning based on XNA game development environment, and presents a scenario according to role of teacher and learner.

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The Differences between Physicists' Expectations and Teachers' Representations about the Primary Physics Concepts in Elementary Schools (학문과 학자가 요구하는 초등학교 수준의 물리분야 기본개념과 교과와 교사가 인지하고 표현하는 기본개념의 일치도 연구)

  • Kwon, Nan-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.535-550
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was the identifying differences between physicists' expectations and teachers' representations about the primary physics concepts in elementary schools. For this, the material subjects analyzed were the 7th curriculum, the textbooks of elementary school and the texts using at the department of physics in many universities. The primary physics concepts extracted from the texts were to be fundamental and basic. Also, they were restricted to the domain of dynamics. And besides, the human subjects were physicists, professors and students majoring physics of the graduate school, researchers of institutes or laboratories and elementary school teachers. At the result of this study showed the scholars and teachers have the different opinions.

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The Effect of Student-led Assessment on Students' Achievement Emotions and Science Concept Understanding in Middle School Science Class (중학교 과학 수업에서 학생주도평가가 성취정서와 과학개념이해에 미치는 영향)

  • Dajeong Yun;Jihun Park;Jeonghee Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.67 no.4
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    • pp.253-270
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of student-led assessment on achievement emotions and science concept understanding in middle school science classes. For this purpose, 4 of the 7 classes in the third grade of mid- dle school in small and medium-sized cities were selected as the experimental group and conducted student-led assessment, while the comparative group (3 classes) conducted teacher-led assessment. The student-led assessment consisted of 4 stages in which learners took initiative to set learning goals and develop assessment criteria, conduct self assessment and peer assess- ment, and carry out seven assessment activities. Student-led assessment was effective in improving positive achievement emotions and relieving negative achievement emotions and increasing students' science concept understanding in middle school students. Students perform student-led assessment, grasp their reach, and repeatedly go through reflective thinking to compensate for deficiencies in the learning process. Therefore, student-led assessment can be used as a tool to increase science concept understanding by continuously checking the level of science concept understanding.

The Pre-Service Teachers' Concept of Uncertainty Revealed in Physics Inquiry Activity (예비교사의 물리 탐구 과정에서 드러난 불확실도의 개념)

  • Lee, Jae-Bong;Lee, Sung-Muk
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.826-834
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the pre-service teachers' concept of measurement uncertainty. The subject of this study were 27 pre-service middle-school teachers in Seoul. They carried out open-ended inquiry tasks and surveyed two kinds of open questionnaires, and interviewed several persons. We analysed their behavior and responses. Through the analysis, we summarize pre-service teachers' concept about measurement uncertainty with representation data, precision and accuracy, error analysis, propagation of uncertainty. The results show that the teachers' concept is different from scientists' concept. They make a mistake in using term of precision and accuracy and pay no attention to measure precisely. Also they only point out sources of error but don't consider how the error affects the results of experiment. The results of study will give! 1 some implications for the curriculum and teaching material developers in order that pre-service teacher and student gain scientific concept.

The Processes of Developing Mathematical Concepts Based on the Vygotsky′s Theory (함수의 그래프에서 학생의 개념 발달과정에 대한 특성)

  • 고호경
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2003
  • The research was aimed to find a special quality to the mathematical concept development using a graphing calculator in the collaborative learning. I could observe the process in which the students had formed the generalized and abstract mathematical concepts after they were given different concepts. I \ulcorner-Iso observed the characteristics of how they started with a vague syncretic conglomeration and approached to the complicated thoughts and genuine concepts. The advance of the collection type was achieved in the process of teacher's confirming of what the students had observed with a calculator. The language and the instrument were used in order for students to control the partial process. Also, they were given similar types of problems to make them clear when the students confronted 'the crisis of thoughts' at the level of pseudo-concept.

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The Effect of Learning Cycle Model in Solution Concept on the Cognitive Development for Primary Student (용액 개념의 순환학습이 초등학생의 인지수준발달에 미치는 영향)

  • 최영주;김세경;고영신
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2004
  • According to Piaget, children aged 11 are in the middle of concrete operation period and formal operation period. So, it is necessary to adopt the Learning Cycle Model (LCM) which helps students improve their cognitive development. After determining the test for the Science Concept of Matter (SCOM), the experimental group showed higher average than the comparative group in the post-test. In the sound understanding, the experimental group showed higher ratio than the comparative group. And in the ratio of imperfect, wrong understanding and no response, the experimental group was lower than the comparative group. On the questions that were needed the complicated inquiry, many students of both groups still couldn't find the fundamental cause. In forming the scientific conceptualization, there was a meaningful difference (p < .001) after post-test Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with pre-test result. After determining the test for the Test Inquiry Science Process (TISP), the experimental group showed higher average than the comparative group in the post-test. In the category of basic inquiry process which is needed in concrete operation, there was a meaningful difference (p < .05). In the category of unified inquiry process which is needed in formal operation, they showed no meaningful difference (p > .05). Therefore, applying the LCM to the chapter of 'Solution and Dissolving' is more effective on improving the scientific conceptualization and on helping the concrete operation abilities than the teacher centered learning.

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A Study on the Family Concept and Values among Pre-service Home Economics Teachers (예비 가정과 교사의 가족 개념 및 가치관에 관한 연구)

  • Cheon Hyejung;Lee Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 2005
  • This study examines the family concept and family-related values among pre-service home economics teachers. Questionnaires are completed by 242 pre-service home economics teachers. The results indicate that the respondents defined the family as a blood ties, a resting place, affection, and warmth. They tend to regard divorced, remarried, and adopted members as families, while classifying homosexual couples, members living together in a communal fashion, and great-great grandparents into nonfamily groups. Majority of them agree that it had better to get married or it depends on personal circumstances. In terms of cohabitation, they think it can be an opportunity to check the compatibility before marriage. Also, they perceive parenthood as a personal lifestyles, statement of social maturation, sound mind, and realization of morality. They agreed to divorce relatively high in case of unfaithfulness and relative troubles, but agreement of divorce was relatively low because of instrumental reason and psychological factors, The group majoring clothing and textile perceives the most negatively the influence of divorce to children. Further discussion and implications are discussed.

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