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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: dual control problem

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Design of a 32-Bit eFuse OTP Memory for PMICs (PMIC용 32bit eFuse OTP 설계)

  • Kim, Min-Sung;Yoon, Keon-Soo;Jang, Ji-Hye;Jin, Liyan;Ha, Pan-Bong;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.2209-2216
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we design a 32-bit eFuse OTP memory for PMICs using MagnaChip's 0.18μm process. We solve a problem of an electrical shortage between an eFuse link and the VSS of a p-substrate in programming by placing an n-well under the eFuse link. Also, we propose a WL driver circuit which activates the RWL (read word-line) or WWL (write word-line) of a dual-port eFuse OTP memory cell selectively when a decoded WERP (WL enable for read or program) signal is inputted to the eFuse OTP memory directly. Furthermore, we reduce the layout area of the control circuit by removing a delay chain in the BL precharging circuit. We'can obtain an yield of 100% at a program voltage of 5.5V on 94 manufactured sample dies when measured with memory tester equipment.

Evaluation of Airflow Control Capability of Natural Ventilators with Various Dampers (자연환기 벤틸레이터의 댐퍼 형태별 환기량 조절능력 평가)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyeong;Ha, Hyun-Chul;Park, Seung-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.364-374
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    • 2006
  • Natural ventilation technique could be the substitute for or the complement to the local exhaust ventilation system in the sense of protecting work environment. Moreover, it has many strong points ; almost no mechanical parts, no energy use and no noise. If applied appropriately, it could have the very high ventilation rate and save a lot of energy expense. But, it depends on the outdoor environment, especially temperature and wind speed/direction. Predicting the capacity of natural ventilation is not an easy job because it comes from both buoyancy and wind effect. Another problem is too much flow through the ventilator especially in winter time due to too much difference between indoor and outdoor temperature. Thus some ventilators in industries are sealed by door or plastic sheet, resulting in bad work environment. Various types of dampers are used to control the flow rate through ventilators. The capabilities of flow control by damper has not been estimated. In addition, it was not tested whether the damper could obstruct the flow through ventilator when fully opened. To answer these questions, 4 types of dampers were tested by using computational fluid dynamics. 10 different configurations includes no damper, full open and half open. Flow rates were estimated and airflow fields were analysed to clarify the before-mentioned questions. The dual type damper was the best choice for controling the capability of ventilator. In addition, the upward grill type damper was the best for not obstructing the air flow when fully opened.

Hardware Implementation of Motor Controller Based on Zynq EPP(Extensible Processing Platform) (Zynq EPP를 이용한 모터 제어기의 하드웨어 구현)

  • Moon, Yong-Seon;Lim, Seung-Woo;Lee, Young-Pil;Bae, Young-Chul
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.1707-1712
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we implement a hardware for motor control based on FPGA + embedded processor using Zynq EPP which is All Programmable SoC in order to improve a structural problem of motion control based on such as DSP, MCU and FPGA previously. The implemented motor controller that is fused controller with advantage of FPGA and embedded processor. The signal processing part of high velocity motor control is performed by motor controller based on FPGA. A motion profile and kinematic calculation that are required algorithm process such as operation of a complicate decimal point has processed in an embedded processor based on dual core. As a result of a hardware implementation, it has an advantage that has can be realized an effect of distribution process in one chip. It has also an advantage that is able to organize as a multi-axis motor controller through adding the IP core of motor control implemented on FPGA.

Research on the deformation characteristics and support methods of the cross-mining roadway floor influence by right-angle trapezoidal stope

  • Zhaoyi Zhang;Wei Zhang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.293-306
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    • 2024
  • Influenced by the alternating effects of dynamic and static pressure during the mining process of close range coal seams, the surrounding rock support of cross mining roadway is difficult and the deformation mechanism is complex, which has become an important problem affecting the safe and efficient production of coal mines. The paper takes the inclined longwall mining of the 10304 working face of Zhongheng coal mine as the engineering background, analyzes the key strata fracture mechanism of the large inclined right-angle trapezoidal mining field, explores the stress distribution characteristics and transmission law of the surrounding rock of the roadway affected by the mining of the inclined coal seam, and proposes a segmented and hierarchical support method for the cross mining roadway affected by the mining of the close range coal seam group. The research results indicate that based on the derived expressions for shear and tensile fracture of key strata, the ultimate pushing distance and ultimate suspended area of a right angle trapezoidal mining area can be calculated and obtained. Within the cross mining section, along the horizontal direction of the coal wall of the working face, the peak shear stress is located near the middle of the boundary. The cracks on the floor of the cross mining roadway gradually develop in an elliptical funnel shape from the shallow to the deep. The dual coupling support system composed of active anchor rod support and passive U-shaped steel shed support proposed in this article achieves effective control of the stability of cross mining roadways, which achieves effective control of floor by coupling active support and preventive passive support to improve the strength of the surrounding rock itself. The research results are of great significance for guiding the layout, support control, and safe mining of cross mining roadways, and to some extent, can further enrich and improve the relevant theories of roof movement and control.

Knowledge-based Approach for Solving Short-term Power Scheduling in Extended Power Systems (확장된 발전시스템에서 지식기반 해법을 이용한 단기운영계획 수립에 관한 연구)

  • 김철수
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.187-200
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents an original approach for solving short-term power scheduling in extended power system with two fuels in a unit and a limited fuel using Lagrangian relaxations. The underlying model incorporates the full set of costs and constraints including setup, production, ramping, and operational status, and takes the form of a mixed integer nonlinear control problem. Moreover, the mathematical model developed includes two fuels in a unit and a limited fuel, regulation reserve requirements of prespecified group of units. Lagrangian relaxation is used to disaggregate the model by generator into separate subproblems which are then solved with a nested dynamic program including empirical knowledges. The strength of the methodology lies partially in its ability to construct good feasible solutions from information provided by the dual. Thus, the need for branch-and-bound is eliminated. In addition, the inclusion of two fuels in a unit and a limited fuel provides new insight into the limitations of current techniques. Computational experience with the proposed algorithm indicates that Problems containing up to 23 units including 8 unit used two fuels and 24 time periods can be readily solved in reasonable times. Duality gaps of less than 4% were achieved.

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Long Range and High Axial Load Capacity Nanopositioner Using Single Piezoelectric Actuator and Translating Supports

  • Juluri, Bala Krishna;Lin, Wu;Lim, Lennie E N
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2007
  • Existing long range piezoelectric motors with friction based transmission mechanisms are limited by the axial load capacity. To overcome this problem, a new linear piezoelectric motor using one piezoelectric actuator combined with a novel stepping mechanism is reported in this paper. To obtain both long range and fine accuracy, dual positioning control strategy consisting of coarse positioning and fine positioning is used. Coarse positioning is used for long travel range by accumulating motion steps obtained by piezoelectric actuator. This is followed by fine positioning where required accuracy is obtained by fine motion displacement of piezoelectric actuator. This prototype is able to provide resolution of 20 nanometers and withstand a maximum axial load of 300N. At maximum load condition, the positioner can move forward to a travel distance of 5mm at a maximum speed of 0.4 mm/sec. This design of nanopositioner can be used in applications for ultra precision positioning and grinding operations where high axial force capacity is required.

An Integrated Control Problem of Secondary Sourcing and Inventory in A Supply Chain (공급체인에 있어서 이차원천과 재고의 통합적 통제에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2007
  • We consider a supply chain where products are shipped to warehouse from manufacturing system to customers. Products are supplied from either in-house regular manufacturing or the secondary source such as subcontractor. The inventory in warehouse is controlled by base-stock policy, that is, whenever a demand arrives from customer, an order is released to the manufacturing system. Unsatisfied demand is backlogged. The manufacturing system is modeled as M/M/s+1/c queueing system, and the orders exceeding the given limit care blocked and lost. The steady state distribution of the outstanding orders and the throughput of the manufacturing system are functions of the level of engagement In the secondary source. There is a profit obtained from throughput and cost not only due to the engagement of the secondary source in the manufacturing system but also inventory positions. We want to maximize the total production profit minus the total cost of the production system by simultaneously determining the optimal level of engagement of the secondary source and the optimal base-stock level of the inventory. We develop two algorithms : one without guarantee of the optimal solution but with the small number of computations, the other optimal but with more computations.

Improvement for Response Delays of Displacement Magnifier in Jetting Dispenser (젯팅 디스펜서 변위확대장치의 응답지연 개선 연구)

  • Ha, Myeong-Woo;Lee, Kwang-Hee;Hong, Seung-Min;Lee, Chul-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.546-551
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the response delays between piezo-stack actuator and the displacement magnifier of jetting dispenser and to reduce its falling time in terms of displacement optimization. The dispenser is driven by the dual piezo-stack actuators with a hinge lever mechanism to precisely control flow rate of the working fluid (3000 cP). It is commonly found that piezo actuator-driven jetting dispensers involving viscous working fluids have displacement optimization problem for ideal performance. The response delay of the system is caused by the phenomenon that the displacement magnifier cannot exactly follow the motion of the piezo actuators. The response delay may lower the performance of the system due to the inaccurate discharge of working fluid or even damages to the system itself due to inharmonious motion of piezo actuators with lever system. To reduce its response delay, a new displacement profile obtained from displacement optimization is suggested; its performance is tested through finite element analysis; and experiments are carried out to verify the performance of the obtained displacement profile.

Antimicrobial test of Antagonistic Microbes for Biological Control of Large patch of Zoysiagrass (잔디 Large patch의 생물학적 방제를 위한 길항 미생물의 선발과 항균력 검정)

  • Ma, Gi-Yoon;Lee, Geung-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Turfgrass Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.35-35
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    • 2011
  • A large patch disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2(IV) is a serious problem in turfgrass sites including golf courses and sports fields in Korea. The objectives of this study were to isolate some antagonistic microorganisms and to explain some involving mechanisms. Initially single colonies which were formed from the filtrates of various soil samples were obtained from LB culture and then co-cultured with R.solani AG2-2(IV) on PDA plate to explore some antagonistic microbes against for large patch fungus, Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2(IV). Out of total 82 antagonistic isolates which commonly had inhibition effect on Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2(IV) mycelial growth, one candidate (YPIN22) showed the most antifungal effect, which was confirmed by the longest distance from the edge of bacterial colony to the mycelial edge of the Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2(IV) in the dual culture. A succeeding investigation was to test any potential effect of the isolate on growth inhibition of 5 other turfgrass pathogens including R. solani solani AG2-2(IIIB), P. ultimum, C. caudatum, C. lunata, and F.oxysporum. Preliminary result indicated that the new isolate YPIN22 was also found to have antagonistic potential on the growth inhibition of those turfgrass pathogenic fungi, which was explained by inhibition zones ranging from 8 to 22mm. A further explanation of some characteristics of the isolate YPIN22 will be discussed in detail.

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Numerical Investigation of Dual Mode Ramjet Combustor Using Quasi 1-Dimensional Solver (근사 1차원 솔버를 이용한 이중모드 램제트 연소실 해석)

  • Yang, Jaehoon;Nam, Jaehyun;Kang, Sanghun;Yoh, Jai-ick
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.49 no.11
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    • pp.909-917
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    • 2021
  • In this work, a one-dimensional combustor solver was constructed for the scramjet control m odel. The governing equations for fluid flow, Arrhenius based combustion kinetics, and the inje ction model were implemented into the solver. In order to validate the solver, the zero-dimensi onal ignition delay problem and one-dimensional scramjet combustion problem were considered and showed that the solver successfully reproduced the results from the literature. Subsequentl y, a ramjet analysis algorithm under subsonic speed conditions was constructed, and a study o n the inlet Mach number of the combustor was carried out through the thermal choking locatio ns at ram conditions. In such conditions, a model for precombustion shock train analysis was i mplemented, and the algorithm for transition section analysis was introduced. In addition, in or der to determine the appropriateness of the ram mode analysis in the code, the occurrence of a n unstart was studied through the length of the pseudo-shock in the isolator. A performance a nalysis study was carried out according to the geometry of the combustor.