• Title/Summary/Keyword: Yaw drive

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A Study on Improvement of the Stick-slip Induced an Effect Decrease of the Table Weight (테이블 중량 감소 효과에 따른 스틱슬립 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 홍성오;조규재
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2002
  • In order to achieve high precision machine tools, the research for performance enhancement of feed drive systems is required. Development of the high speed feed drive system has been a major issue for the past few decades in machine tool indestries. Because table levitation system decrease the table weight, an effect of reaction by weight is minimized and lost motion can be removed at maximum. In case fled system is designed with drive motor, ball screw and support bearing load capacity selection, an effect of decrease of the table weight exist. So, the table weight through an effect of decrease call it into the realization of cost down. Stick-slip friction has a great influence on the contouring accuracy of CNC machine tools. In this paper table levitation system has been developed for the stick-slip in a fled drive systems.

A Study on Integrated Control System Design of Active Rear Wheel Steering and Yaw-Moment Control Systems (능동 후륜조타와 요우 모멘트의 협조제어에 관한 연구)

  • Park, J.H.;Pak, J.W.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2004
  • Conventionally, 2WS is used for vehicle steering, which can only steering front wheel. In case of trying to high speed lane change or cornering through this kind of vehicle equipped 2WS, it may occur much of Yaw moment. On the other hand, 4WS makes decreasing of Yawing Moment, outstandingly, so it is possible to support vehicle movement stable. And conventional ABS and TCS can only possible to control the longitudinal movement of braking equipment and drive which can only available to control of longitudinal direction. There after new braking system ESP was developed, which controls both of longitudinal and lateral, with adding of the function of controlling Active Yaw Moment. On this paper, we show about not only designing of improved braking and steering system through establishing of the integrated control system design of 4WS and ESP but also designing of the system contribute to precautious for advanced vehicle stability problem.

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이송계에서 이송중량이 동적정도에 미치는 영향

  • 홍성오;김홍배;조규재
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.528-535
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    • 2002
  • In order to achieve high precision machine tools, the research for performance enhancement of feed drive systems is required. Development of the high speed feed drive system has been a major issue for the past few decades in machine tool industries. The reduction of the tool change time as well as rapid travel time can enhance the productivity. However, the high speed feed drive system generates more heat in nature, which leads thermal expansion that has adverse effects on the accuracy of machined parts. Stick-slip friction has a great influence on the contouring accuracy of CNC machine tools. In this paper table levitation system has been developed for the stick-slip in a feed drive systems. And also, the driving position is set near the center of the main slideway. From the results, it is confirmed that yaw error and straightness can be improved.

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Attitude and Direction Control of the Unicycle Robot Using Fuzzy-Sliding Mode Control (퍼지-슬라이딩모드 제어기를 이용한 외바퀴 로봇의 자세제어 및 방향제어)

  • Lee, Jae-Oh;Han, Seong-Ik;Han, In-Woo;Lee, Seok-In;Lee, Jang-Myung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes an attitude and direction control of a single wheel balanced robot. A unicycle robot is controlled by two independent control laws: the mobile inverted pendulum control method for pitch axis and the reaction wheel pendulum control method for roll axis. It is assumed that both roll dynamics and pitch dynamics are decoupled. Therefore the roll and pitch dynamics are obtained independently considering the interaction as disturbances to each other. Each control law is implemented by a controller separately. The unicycle robot has two DC motors to drive the disk for roll and to drive the wheel for pitch. Since there is no force to change the yaw direction, the present paper proposes a method for changing the yaw direction. The angle data are obtained by a fusion of a gyro sensor and an accelerometer. Experimental results show the performance of the controller and verify the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm.

Development of Driving Control Algorithm for Vehicle Maneuverability Performance and Lateral Stability of 4WD Electric Vehicle (4WD 전기 차량의 선회 성능 및 횡방향 안정성 향상을 위한 주행 제어 알고리즘 개발)

  • Seo, Jongsang;Yi, Kyongsu;Kang, Juyong
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2013
  • This paper describes development of 4 Wheel Drive (4WD) Electric Vehicle (EV) based driving control algorithm for severe driving situation such as icy road or disturbance. The proposed control algorithm consists three parts : a supervisory controller, an upper-level controller and optimal torque vectoring controller. The supervisory controller determines desired dynamics with cornering stiffness estimator using recursive least square. The upper-level controller determines longitudinal force and yaw moment using sliding mode control. The yaw moment, particularly, is calculated by integration of a side-slip angle and yaw rate for the performance and robustness benefits. The optimal torque vectoring controller determines the optimal torques each wheel using control allocation method. The numerical simulation studies have been conducted to evaluated the proposed driving control algorithm. It has been shown from simulation studies that vehicle maneuverability and lateral stability performance can be significantly improved by the proposed driving controller in severe driving situations.

A Basic Study on Road Safety Assessment through an Analysis of Drivers' Driving Characteristics (운전자 주행특성 분석을 통한 도로 안전성 평가에 관한 기초연구)

  • Lim, Joon-Bum;Lee, Soo-Beom;Park, Jun-Tae;Park, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.136-140
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    • 2011
  • In this study, to investigate the dangerous driving on the curves, a driving test was performed in 10 km from Jinan and to Jeonju(Bugui Gas Station~Whasim Intersection), on the national highway No. 26. For the dangerous driving felt by the driver when a driver is driving on the curves, lateral acceleration and yaw rate were analyzed. And then, the reference value of lateral acceleration and yaw rate was computed. Through observing the driving speed and the characteristics of ordinary drivers using the applicable roads or following them as they drive, the driving test was performed again and the section exceeding the reference value set as above was computed. On the dangerous driving area, exceeding the reference value, total 10 accidents took place from 2006 till 2010, and slipping caused by speeding accounted for more than 70% of the accidents. It was concluded that the result of an analysis through recording drivers' driving characteristics, was reliable.

Stabilization Loop Design Method on Dynamic Platform

  • Kwon, Young-Shin;Kim, Doh-Hyun;Kim, Lee-Han;Hwang, Hong-Yeon
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.156.5-156
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    • 2001
  • Stabilized tracking platform in a missile consisting of a flat planar antenna, pitch/yaw gimbals, gear trains, and current controlled DC drive motors for pitch and yaw gimbal must have a capability to track a target as an inertial sensor in the presence of missile body motion such as maneuvering and vibration. Because of this reason, tracking a target from dynamic platform requires a servo architecture that includes a outer tracking loop(position loop) and inner rate loop that stabilizes the line of sight(LOS). This paper presents a gimbaled platform model including nonlinear phenomena due to viscous and Coulomb friction based on experimental data and torque equilibrium equation, the design concept for the inner tacholoop having P controller structure ...

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A study of Power Performance for 50kW Wind Turbine (50kW 풍력발전기의 출력 성능에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Gil;Kong, Jeong-Sik;Kwon, Ki-Jin;Oh, Jin-Hun;Moon, Chae-Joo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2015.07a
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    • pp.1068-1069
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    • 2015
  • Wind turbines have an enormous potential for decentralized electricity generation. In recent years, there has been an increasing worldwide interest in small/medium wind systems. This paper presents the results of power performance testing conducted on a 50 kW turbine located in Yeonggwang test-bed. The turbine system is a pitch, active yaw, variable speed, upwind, three blade with a direct drive PMSG. This thesis covers the operation of variable speed wind turbines with pitch-yaw control. The system considered is controlled to generate maximum energy while minimizing loads. The data include power, wind speed, and direction from meteorological towers, and nacelle anemometer readings and output from turbine. The analysis concentrates on the effect of the load on the power-wind speed curve of the turbine.

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A study on Quadrature error Reduction of Design Methodology in a Single Drive 3-Axis MEMS Gyroscope (단일 구동 3축 MEMS자이로스코프의 구적 오차 저감을 위한 설계 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ji Won;Din, Hussamud;Lee, Byeung Leul
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.132-137
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we have studied the quadrature error reduction for the single drive 3-axis MEMS Gyroscope. There was a limitation of the previous study which is the z-axis quadrature error was large. To reduce this value, design methodologies were presented. And the methodologies included a different mesh application, z-rate spring structure change, and mass compensation for balancing of the structure. We conducted the modal analysis, drive mode analysis and sense mode analysis using COMSOL Multiphysics. As a result, a drive resonant frequency was 26003 Hz, with the x-sense, y-sense, z-sense being 26749 Hz, 26858 Hz, 26920 Hz, respectively. And the Mechanical sensitivity was computed at 2000 degrees per second(dps) input angular rate while the sensitivity for roll, pitch, and yaw was computed 0.011, 0.012, and 0.011 nm/dps respectively. And z-axis quadrature error was successfully improved, 2.78 nm to 0.95 nm, which the improvement rate was about 66 %.

Lateral Stability Control for Rear Wheel Drive Vehicles Using Electronic Limited Slip Differential (전자식 차동 제한장치를 이용한 후륜구동 차량의 횡방향 안정성 제어)

  • Cha, Hyunsoo;Yi, Kyongsu
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.6-12
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents a lateral stability control for rear wheel drive (RWD) vehicles using electronic limited slip differentials (eLSD). The proposed eLSD controller is designed to increase the understeer characteristic by transferring torque from the outside to inside wheel. The proposed algorithm is devised to improve the lateral responses at the steady state and transient cornering. In the steady state response, the proposed algorithm can extend the region of linear cornering response and can increase the maximum limit of available lateral acceleration. In the transient response, the proposed controller can reduce the yaw rate overshoot by increasing the understeer characteristic. The proposed algorithm has been investigated via computer simulations. In the simulation results, the performance of the proposed controller is compared with uncontrolled cases. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the vehicle lateral stability and handling performance.