• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sports convergence

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Exercise improves muscle mitochondrial dysfunction-associated lipid profile under circadian rhythm disturbance

  • Yu Gu;Dong-Hun Seong;Wenduo Liu;Zilin Wang;Yong Whi Jeong;Jae-Cheol Kim;Dae Ryong Kang;Rose Ji Eun Lee;Jin-Ho Koh;Sang Hyun Kim
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.515-526
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    • 2024
  • We investigated whether endurance exercise training (EXT) ameliorates circadian rhythm (CR)-induced risk factors by improving skeletal muscle (SKM) mitochondrial biogenesis, reducing oxidative stress, and modulating apoptotic protein expression. We distinguished between regular and shift workers using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and investigated the health problems caused by shift work (CR disturbance) and the potential therapeutic effects of exercise. In our animal study, 36 rats underwent 12 weeks of CR disturbance, divided into regular and irregular CR groups. These groups were further split into EXT (n = 12) and sedentary (n = 12) for an additional 8 weeks. We analyzed SKM tissue to understand the molecular changes induced by CR and EXT. NHANES data were analyzed using SAS 9.4 and Prism 8 software, while experimental animal data were analyzed using Prism 8 software. The statistical procedures used in each experiment are indicated in the figure legends. Our studies showed that CR disturbance increases dyslipidemia, alters circadian clock proteins (BMAL1, PER2), raises apoptotic protein levels, and reduces mitochondrial biogenesis in SKM. EXT improved LDL-C and HDL-C levels without affecting muscle BMAL1 expression. It also enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis (AMPK, PGC-1α, Tfam, NADH-UO, COX-I), antioxidant levels (Catalase, SOD1, SOD2), and apoptotic protein (p53, Bax/Bcl2) expression or activity in SKM. We demonstrated that shift work-induced CR disturbance leads to dyslipidemia, diminished mitochondrial biogenesis, and reduced antioxidant capacity in SKM. However, EXT can counteract dyslipidemia under CR disturbance, potentially lowering the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

Analysis of Model of Intentions of University Students to Watch Mega Sports Events with People with Disabilities Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (계획행동이론을 적용한 장애인 메가 스포츠 이벤트에 대한 대학생의 관람 의도 모형 분석)

  • Kim, Kyungjin;Kim, Jaehwa
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.433-439
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of the study was to determine the suitability of the research model on the intentions of university students to watch mega sports events for people with disabilities to which the theory of planned behavior was applied, and to examine the influence relationship between variables. Based on the items of sub-variables derived from the previous research, the questionnaire was optimally constructed through expert meetings, validity, and reliability verification. For data analysis, Cronbach's 𝛼 and exploratory factor analysis were performed using SPSS 21.0, and structural equation model analysis (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed using AMOS 18.0. The results were as follows; first, as a result of verification of the research model of intentions of university students to watch mega sports events with people with disabilities to which the theory of planned behavior was applied, the evaluation indices of CFI, NFI, and IFI met the acceptance criteria, indicating that this research model was well suited. Second, as a result of examining the influence relationship of the research model on the intentions of university students to watch mega sports event for people with disabilities, it was found that the behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs of university students had a significantly positive (+) influence to intentions. However, it was found that there was a significantly negative (-) influence on the control beliefs to intentions.

Teaching and learning(PBL) and explore the convergence of the Effects of the practical skills (교수-학습(PBL)과 실무능력의 융합 및 적용 효과 탐색)

  • Kim, Soo-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was I cultivate practical ability to solve diverse and complex issues in the field of convergence and applied learning and practical training element through problem-based learning to preliminary sports leaders. Selected students in grades 3 to 28 Sports Science S university people to them as participants and through a qualitative case study methods, such as group interviews, participant observation, open questionnaire and the following results were obtained. First, the level of satisfaction on class was high and the class was evaluated with significant contemplation. Second, it has been collecting a variety of learning materials to understand, interpret and improve the ability to solve practical problems in the process of actively reconstruct their own knowledge structure. It also gave a positive impact on the creative and divergent thinking to accelerate the promotion of autonomy. Third, opinions about teamwork, sharing your thoughts with colleagues point is that you can see yourself in other people's positions were evaluated as positive effects.

A Study on the Present Condition of Senior Sports and Activation Plan of Silver Taekwondo (노인체육의 현황과 실버태권도 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Jeong-Soo Oh
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of elderly sports both domestically and internationally, and to explore strategies for the activation of Silver Taekwondo as one of the sports disciplines for the elderly. To investigate the status of elderly sports globally, press releases and statistical data from various national public institutions and sports facilities (including the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Korean Statistical Information Service, e-National Indicators, and the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation) were collected. Comparative analysis with related papers, journals, and books led to the following findings for activating Silver Taekwondo. Firstly, elderly sports in South Korea are primarily conducted through welfare centers, with a preference for dance, yoga, and music, while martial arts, including Taekwondo, had a lower preference rate. To increase participation in Silver Taekwondo, a variety of marketing approaches, similar to those used internationally, such as experiential case studies in media, film production, distribution, and telephone promotions, are necessary. Secondly, the development of Silver Taekwondo programs tailored to the training targets and the cultivation of instructors capable of executing these programs are needed. The development of programs should involve collaboration with Taekwondo institutions, dojangs, universities, and lifelong education centers, requiring the participation of majoring students and elderly sports instructors.

The impact of sports rehabilitation education on career and employment will through psychological resistance (스포츠 재활 교육이 심리적 반발을 통해 진로 및 취업 의지에 미치는 영향)

  • Song Ki-Jae
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.187-199
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    • 2024
  • Due to the educational ecosystem in South Korea, there is a significant need to explore a new balance for students who pursue sports rehabilitation education based on their academic performance, in order to help them adapt to their majors, find career paths, and foster motivation for employment. There is a lack of related research in this crucial phase. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of sports rehabilitation education on career aspirations and employment motivation through psychological reactions. The research methodology involved conducting an online survey from December 11th to December 28th, 2023, targeting university students undergoing sports rehabilitation education, with a final collection of 212 survey responses used for analysis. The research findings indicate: firstly, that the knowledge of sports rehabilitation educators has a positive influence on voluntary psychology. Secondly, the competence of sports rehabilitation educators has a positive impact on voluntary psychology. Thirdly, the attitude of sports rehabilitation educators negatively affects involuntary psychology. Fourthly, voluntary psychology positively influences career aspirations. Finally, voluntary psychology positively influences employment motivation, while conversely, involuntary psychology negatively affects employment motivation. These research results are expected to contribute to the development of sports rehabilitation education that influences career paths and employment motivation through psychological reactions.

A Study on the Utilization of Sports Cooperatives as a Model for Creating Jobs for the Elderly (노인 일자리 창출 모델로서 스포츠협동조합의 활용방안)

  • Jung-Dong Kim;Sung-Tae Park
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how to utilize sports cooperatives that can be a pleasure to work and add living expenses through sports as a model for creating jobs for the elderly. To this end, after reviewing the literature and expert survey using Delphi techiques for 9 sports experts and 4 cooperative experts, the following conclusions were drawn analyzing with Excel, SPSS V28, and AHP analysis Dress V 1.7 program First, as a model for creating jobs for the elderly, the economic factors, social factors, institutional factors, and middle categories 10 factors and sub-categories 36 factors were derived from the major categories for the utilization of sports cooperatives. Second, through senior sports cooperatives, economic activities generate income, and volunteer and talent-sharing activities provide opportunities for physical and mental health and social participation. And, as corporations, they can expand profit-making projects through government and local government collaboration and partnership projects, contributing to solving issues related to the elderly. In the future, follow-up studies are needed to explore the needs, satisfaction, problems, improvement plans, utilization plans, and development directions of sports cooperatives in the sports field.

A Study of IT Convergence Technology For Health Exercise (건강운동을 위한 IT 융합기술의 접근 동향)

  • Kang, Seungae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.3_2
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2015
  • IT convergence has been approached from national strategic dimension with an aim to drive forward technology development and industrial advancement in other fields by taking the IT to the next advanced level, and has been the focus of intensive investment of research resources. Against this backdrop, IT convergence has emerged as a cutting-edge convergence industry that helps spur development of new growth engine being pushed forward at inter-ministerial level, as well as help turn the mainstay industries into high value-added industries and create new IT industry. Health-related convergence services have shifted its focus towards the exercise/sports and rehabilitation-oriented entertainment experiential industry away from conventional disease prevention and control-centric treatment/therapy technology industry. Thus, this study was intended to examine the trends of IT convergence technological development related to health exercise and present recommendation on the future course for development of major technologies and advancement of convergence industry, given the importance assigned to IT convergence.

Satisfaction Factor Analysis for Action Learning-based Class Operation - Focused on Students of the Department of Public Health Convergence Major - (액션러닝기반 수업운영에 대한 만족도 요인분석 - 보건학부 융합전공 학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Dae-Keun;Yang, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of action learning on the satisfaction of majors by cultivating task-solving ability through self-reflection in the form of team learning for a certain period of time in the form of team learning by using action learning for students taking convergence curriculum in universities. The subjects of the study were 40 students from the Department of Sports Rehabilitation, a convergence of the Department of Sports and Health Management and the Department of Physical Therapy located in Jeollanam-do. This was conducted to confirm the difference in the effect of satisfaction. Comparison of changes in groups of experimental groups with action learning teaching methods showed significant differences in self-directed learning skills, problem-solving skills, and major satisfaction(p<.001)(p<.05). A significant difference in self-directed learning ability, problem-solving ability, and major satisfaction was also shown in the comparison of changes in control groups that applied traditional teaching methods(p<.05). Comparison of changes between groups showed significant differences in self-directed learning skills, problem-solving skills and major satisfaction(p<.05). Applying the action learning teaching method to the level of students in the convergence course will improve self-directed learning skills, problem-solving skills, and major satisfaction, and further research will be needed to expand the target and add variables to combine qualitative research.

Environmental analysis and strategy to jointly host the 2027 Chungcheong Summer World University Games (2027 충청 하계세계대학경기대회 공동유치를 위한 환경분석 및 전략)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Hwa-Ryong;Jeon, Sang-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.333-346
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    • 2022
  • This study proposes a strategy to attract visitors by analyzing the justification for hosting the 2027 Summer World University Games in Chungcheong, Korea, as well as by assessing the internal and external factors to promote regional development. Using Environmental Analysis as the diagnostic approach, we focus on strength/opportunity (SO), strength/threat (ST), weakness/opportunity (WO), and weakness/threat (WT) analyses. SO analysis show that a matching strategy of mid- to long-term cooperation among the four cities and provinces in Chungcheong and development of local sports by promoting its linkages to science, and industry offer best strategic use-value. ST analysis shows that optimal infrastructure development and establishment of competition management strategies in preparation for non-face-to-face engagement make balanced regional development possible. WO analysis shows the need for rearrangement and renovation of outdated sports facilities, development of programs linked to convergence sports tourism products, efficient and strategic attraction activities, and promoting sustainable development of bed town cities. WT analysis suggests that the imbalance in regional development due to expansion of sports facilities, insufficient cultural contents in tourism, and tourism demand fluctuation are potential problems. Follow-up studies can focus on deeper analysis of the possibility and attractiveness of hosting the Summer World University Games in Chungcheong, Korea using qualitative methods such as focus group interviews and in-depth interviews with stakeholders and local residents.

An Effective Method for Blocking Illegal Sports Gambling Ads on Social Media

  • Kim, Ji-A;Lee, Geum-Boon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose an effective method to block illegal gambling advertisement on social media. With the increase of smartphone and internet usage, users can easily access various information while sharing information such as text and video with a large number of others. In addition, illegal sports gambling advertisements are also continue to be transmitted on SNS. To avoid most surveillance networks, users are easily exposed to illegal sports gambling advertisement images by including phrases in the images that indicate illegal sports gambling advertisements. In order to cope with these problems, we proposed a method to actively block illegal sports gambling advertisements in a way different from the conventional passive methods. In this paper, we select words frequently used for illegal sports gambling, classifies them into three groups according to their importance, calculate WF for each word using weighted formula by degree of relevance and frequency, and then sum the WF of the words in the image. Blocking, warning, and passing were determined by cv, the total of WF. Experimenting with the proposed method, 193 out of 200 experimental images were correctly judged with 96.5% accuracy, and even though 7 images were illegal sports gambling advertisements. Further research is needed to block 3.5% of illegal sports betting ads that cannot be blocked in the future.