• 제목/요약/키워드: Rural Revitalization Support Center

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농촌중심지 마을만들기를 위한 계획수립과 모니터링 개선 방안 (A Study on the Improvement of Planning and Monitoring for the Rural Center Village Development Project)

  • 강신길;최영완;김근호;김영주
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2018
  • After it was reorganized as the rural center revitalization project recently, there is an opinion that the nature of the project was changed to solve long-time aspired projects of some districts unlike various projects according to the previous project purposes. Therefore, this study analyzes the current status of revitalization project plans and operation monitoring to make rural center villages, establishes plans that can be applied to the rural center village revitalization project and suggests the improvement plans for monitoring. With the necessity of connectivity with centrality analysis for long-term and sustainable growth of the rural center revitalization project, the analysis on the 8 districts' centrality analysis and the function of the master plan were compared and analyzed, but there is not enough interrelation. Regarding the consulting methods for weak districts to activate facility operation after the project is implemented, the field consulting performed by the collaboration of Gyeongsangnam-do government, Gyeongnam Rural Revitalization Support Center and Gyeongnam branch of Korea Rural Community Corporation shows 87.6% of satisfaction level, which indicates it is the most effective. Based on the above results, it is necessary to reinforce the methods on resident demand survey, dimension and the reflection process of the project when preliminary plans are established for effective implementation of the rural center village revitalization project. It is also necessary to revise relevant standards not to change preliminary plans excessively during the master plan establishment process, and to oblige preliminary investigation of experts. The joint monitoring and consulting systems of experts and local governments should be applied from the establishment stage of the master plan, so that it can be sustainable rural center village revitalization project.

농촌활성화지원센터의 업무 중요도 설정에 관한 연구 (A Study on Function Weighting Values for the Rural Revitalization Support Center)

  • 김두순;김성록;배성의
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.937-952
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    • 2013
  • 농촌지역개발정책은 기존 하향식 개발방식에서 상향식 개발방식으로 변화가 이루어지고 있다. 이에 따라 주민의 적극적인 개발에 대한 참여가 농촌지역개발정책 추진에 있어서 매우 중요한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 농촌활성화지원센터는 지역인적원의 육성, 정보교류, 네트워크 구축 등과 같은 주민역량강화 측면의 업무와 함께 정책지원, 조사연구, 현장포럼 지원과 같은 농촌지역개발정책의 중간지원 기능을 수행한다. 이 연구는 AHP분석방법을 활용하여 농촌활성화지원센터가 수행하는 업무의 중요도를 판단하여, 효율적 운영을 도모하는데 있다. 분석결과, 현장포럼 지원과 인적자원 개발 및 운영이 센터의 중요 업무로 분석되었다. 따라서 농촌지역개발정책의 효과적인 추진을 위해서는 센터의 기능의 효율적 집중과 더불어 지역내의 유관기관과의 거버넌스체제 구축이 필요하며, 또한 각 지역의 센터들이 서로 보유 인력이나 처한 상황이 다르기 때문에, 이를 통합관리 할 수 있는 상위조직이 필요하다.

농촌 마을 역량의 축적 - 역량단계별 지원 체계를 중심으로 - (The Accumulation of Rural Village Capacity - Focusing on the Support Structure of the Capacity Phase -)

  • 김두순
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.431-439
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    • 2016
  • There are rural development policy for creating liveable rural. The support structure of the capacity phase of the Master Plan of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project would that one. The support structure of the capacity phase has implied the assumption that the accumulated capacity of the village to the previous step will have a significant impact on the business to the next level. Rural development should be understood that simple: rather than for business applications, processes community is going to build capacity through continuous learning and practice. Its accumulated capacity should be possible to predict and then steps must be developed continuously for a long time, looking at the previous phase. Thus, according to the support structure of the capacity phase, it should be applied a causal relationship between the front and rear phase.

농촌 공동체 협업활동의 사회연결망분석 - 충남 홍성군 홍동 지역을 중심으로 - (Social Network Anaylsis of Collaborative Activity in Rural Community - Case study of Hong-Dong area in Chungman Province, South Korea -)

  • 황바람
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2017
  • Rural development policy has changed from hardware based development to community revitalization. The purpose of this study is to analyze social network of collaborative activity among rural organizations as fundamental of community. The material used in this study is a record of collaborative activites in the community newsletter of Hong-Dong area. 161 of collaborative activities (links) and 75 of organizations (nodes) are investigated in network. 6 collaborative activity type ('Education', 'Socializing', 'Meeting', 'Culture', 'Event' and 'Labor') is classified. 'Socializing' is inclusive of approximately half of whole network (50.67%). Closeness centraization, degree centralization and betweenness centralization are measured on top in 'Education', 'Meeting' and 'Event' type. Scatter plot analysis using degree and betweenness centrality index, 'Maeul Revitalization Center', 'Balmak Library', 'Woori-Maeul Medical Co-op', 'Support Center for Female Farmers', 'Hongdong Middle School' and 'Mundang Sustainable Agriculture Education Center' are resulted as the core organization in network. Geographical distribution of collaborative activity is not only concentated in Hong-Dong Myeon but also networked with adjacent administrative district. This study finds its purpose in the detailed analysis of network characteristics of collaborative activity within Hong-Dong area which is representative developed rural community in Korea.

마을사업의 지역역량강화사업에 대한 주민 인식 변화 분석 - 농촌마을과 어촌마을의 주민 인식 변화 비교 - (Analysis of Residents' Perception Changes on Regional Capacity Empowerment Project in the Village - Comparison of Changes in the Perception of Residents in Rural and Fishing Village -)

  • 양민호;김기성;고진영;김명일
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제65권3호
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2023
  • The Korean government has promoted rural development projects aimed at bridging the gap between cities and rural areas. However, prior research in assessing available rural projects was mainly focused on only part of the agricultural area, evaluation of project types and improvement measures, analysis of operating management policies, and measuring levels of importance by sub-project categories, and yet the study found a little study on residents' satisfaction of the project who is the direct and fundamental beneficiary. In particular, comparative studies on rural and fishing village residents were insufficient. Thus, the present study chose village residents from Chodo-ri where the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries held the Customized Capacity Empowerment Project from the Gangwon Fishing Village Specialized Support Center and Songgye-ri where was the project area for rural revitalization project to navigate changes on both perception and satisfaction of the village residents before and after the education.

농촌폐교 활용 정책수립을 위한 그린투어리즘 접근성 평가 - 충청남도를 대상으로- (Green Tourism Accessibility Evaluation for Policy Making of Rural Closed School - Case By Chungcheongnamdo Province -)

  • 장우석;정남수
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.293-306
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    • 2013
  • According to the increase of rural experience, that is important in satisfying needs of green tourism and vitalizing rural economy to use closed school in rural area as experience facility. For using closed school as experience facility, political and institutional assistants are needed in effective equipments and stable operation based on multi-perspective approach and analysis. In this study, we try to evaluate green-tourism accessibility of rural experience facility remodeled from closed school considering regional population and spatial characteristics. In evaluating process, gravity potential model are adapted with considering group size of customer and distance-friction coefficient. Distance-friction coefficient is a function of user restriction which depend on possible activity in each experience facility. Green tourism accessibility of experience facility is calculated with summation of accessibility to each region, and we analyzed it as a group by closed school type and location with application in Chungcheongnam-do. We found a correlation between green tourism accessibility of rural closed school and their income.

농촌 지역사회 주민역량이 지역사회 만족에 미치는 영향 - 지역사회 애착도의 조절효과 - (Factors of Community Capacity Influencing Rural Community Satisfaction - Moderating Effects of Community Attachment -)

  • 김두순;김성록;박덕병
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.279-293
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    • 2017
  • Community attachment is an important variable for affecting community satisfaction. The study aims to identify the factors influencing community satisfaction on rural community capacity. Particularly, the study examine the moderating effects of the community attachment between community capacity and community satisfaction. Data were collected from 289 residents of rural villages through questionnaires. Results of a factor analysis yielded four dimensions of community capacity which are learning opportunity and technique, leadership, grasping problem, and community attitude. Results show that learning opportunity and community attitude among four dimensions of community capacities have significance for community satisfaction. And community attachment among community capacity factors has a positive effects as a moderator between community capacity and community satisfaction. Results also indicated that community attitude has an interactional effects with moderator. It was suggested that community attachment should be considered in rural community development policy.

농촌 지역 빈집 발생의 영향 요인 (Factors affecting the Occurrence of Rural Vacant Houses)

  • 김성록;김두순
    • 지적과 국토정보
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2018
  • 빈집 연구에 있어 발생 영향 요인 파악은 매우 중요하다. 연구의 목적은 농촌 지역의 빈집 발생에 영향을 주는 요인을 분석하는 것이다. 121개 연구 대상 지역을 설정하고, 8개의 독립변수(노후 주택 비율, 주택 거래 비율, 주택 보급률, 지역 소멸 지수, 순 이동률, 지역 노령화 지수, 인구 대비 종사자수, 재정자립도)와 1개 종속변수(빈집 비율)를 선정하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 일반농산어촌 지역 전체를 대상으로 하는 모형 1과 군 지역을 대상으로 하는 모형 2는 모두 통계적으로 유의미하였으며, 잔차의 독립성에 문제가 없었다. 둘째, 지역 소멸 지수 및 노후 주택 비율의 경우 모형 1과 모형 2에서 모두 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)의 관계가 있는 것으로 분석되었으며, 셋째, 주택 보급률의 경우, 모형 1에서만 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)의 관계가 있는 것으로 분석되었고, 주택 거래 비율의 경우, 모형 2에서 통계적으로 유의미한 반(-)의 관계가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 연구의 시사점가 도출되었다. 첫째, 가구 및 인구 증가가 없는 주택 보급률의 상승은 지역 내 빈집의 발생 확률을 높이는 것을 시사하고, 노후 주택 비율이 높을수록 빈집 발생 확률이 높아진다. 둘째, 주택 거래 활성화를 위해서는 지역의 중장기 발전을 위한 투자 유입이 필요하다. 셋째, 지역 소멸 지수는 빈집 비율과 유의미한 관계를 가지므로, 지역의 영속성을 위해 장기적인 시각에서 지역 활성화 정책이 도입되어야 한다.

제주도의 농촌관광 이미지 유형별 선호 체험활동에 관한 연구 (A Study on the rural Tourism Image Types based Segmentation on Preference Activities : A case of Rural village in Jeju Province)

  • 강하나;이진희
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2016
  • The role of rural towns as a leisure space has recently been increasing with changes in the consumption trends in domestic tourism. Based on the tourists visiting the town of Sunheul-ri, Jocheon-eup, a rural Village in Jeju Island, this study categorized the market according to the images formed by the tourists of rural towns, and analyzed the preferred mode of participation in rural field activities for each category. We analyzed the characteristic factors of the images of rural tourism formed by the tourists, extracted three factors for cluster analysis, and then formed three groups: "Group of Rural Experience Activity" "Group of Rural Environment and Service" and "Group of Rest in the Rural" After analyzing the preferred activity in each image-category group, we found no significant differences among the groups in ordinary activities such as viewing the scenery, experiencing and learning about the natural environment, and culinary experiences. However, there were significant differences among the groups regarding participation in experiential tour programs with the purpose of active tourism. The "Group of Rural Experience Activity" sought to actively participate in various activity programs, whereas the "Group of Rest in the Rural" comparatively had a weaker preference for such active programs. We thus learnt that tourists' preferred activities are different according to the types of images formed by the tourists visiting rural towns. Therefore, to strengthen the competitive advantage of the rural tourist destinations of Jeju Island, it is necessary to provide various activity programs that are appropriate for the rural regions of Jeju and to accord with the expectations associated with each market segment category by positioning the programs according to the characteristics of the images held by the tourists.

농촌주민의 역량이 농촌개발의 참여확대에 미치는 영향분석 (An Impact Analysis of Rural Residents' competence in Expansion of Participation of Rural Development Projects)

  • 고진영;김지용;양민호;김명일;김기성
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제60권1호
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2018
  • This study is aims to voluntary participation in rural development projects, voluntary participation by analyzing the individual competence factors, how the what and how much influence affect the continued involvement and participation as a concept of strengthening community capacity the plan for it to present. The results of survey, through factor analysis and reliability analysis for extracting the components of individual competence areas and life satisfaction, self acting capacity, was extracted with recognized competence, was the factor analysis and reliability analysis for ongoing involvement and participation. Personal competence was a multiple regression analysis, the participation of three elements as independent variables as dependent variables to evaluate the impact of continuing involvement, and the resulting Regional and life satisfaction (${\beta}=0.301$) have the greatest impact It showed. In addition, regional analysis and life satisfaction (${\beta}=0.247$) on the impact of enlargement on the individual capabilities showed the highest participation. The elements of local life satisfaction and personal competencies exerts the greatest influence on the continued involvement and participation in the study was obtained. It based on the results in rural development for the voluntary participation and participation of the population should be considered with a plan to enhance the regional and life satisfaction, "the software business, which is carried out in rural areas developed for them by local residents the measures to increase life satisfaction will be provided.