The Accumulation of Rural Village Capacity - Focusing on the Support Structure of the Capacity Phase -

농촌 마을 역량의 축적 - 역량단계별 지원 체계를 중심으로 -

  • Kim, Doo-Soon (The Rural Revitalization Support Center of Chungcheongnam-do)
  • Received : 2016.09.18
  • Accepted : 2016.12.16
  • Published : 2016.11.22


There are rural development policy for creating liveable rural. The support structure of the capacity phase of the Master Plan of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project would that one. The support structure of the capacity phase has implied the assumption that the accumulated capacity of the village to the previous step will have a significant impact on the business to the next level. Rural development should be understood that simple: rather than for business applications, processes community is going to build capacity through continuous learning and practice. Its accumulated capacity should be possible to predict and then steps must be developed continuously for a long time, looking at the previous phase. Thus, according to the support structure of the capacity phase, it should be applied a causal relationship between the front and rear phase.



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