• 제목/요약/키워드: Mothers of Infant and Toddler

검색결과 29건 처리시간 0.033초

영아.걸음마기 자년 양육신념의 세대간 비교연구 -상호의존성과 독립성을 중심으로- (A Comparative Study of Mothers' and Grandmothers' Infant/ Toddler Reading Beliefs - Examined by Interdependence and Independence -)

  • 이완정;현온강
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to examine Korean mothers' child rearing beliefs for their infant/toddlers and to compare young mothers' child rearing beliefs with grandmothers'. The subject was composed of 130 pairs of young mothers whose first child is 2 - 2 and half years old and their mothers(grandmothers) in Taegu city area. The major results of findings were as follows : 1. The Korean mothers' Infant/toddler Rearing Beliefs had four subfactors in both area of Interdependence and Independence. 2. Korean young mothers and grandmothers had higher infant/toddler rearing beliefs of interdependence than those of independence. 3. Korean grandmothers had higher infant/toddler rearing beliefs of interdependence than young mothers. 4. Korean young mothers had higher infant/toddler rearing beliefs of independence than grandmothers. 5. While Korean grandmothers had mainly infant/toddler rearing beliefs of interdependence, Korean young mothers had both infant/toddler rearing beliefs of independence and those of interdependence.

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저소득 가정 영유아 건강 프로그램이 어머니의 양육지식, 행동, 자신감 및 가정환경에 미치는 효과 (Effects of an Infant/Toddler Health Program on Parenting Knowledge, Behavior, Confidence, and Home Environment in Low-income Mothers)

  • 이경주;양수;장미희;염미정
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제42권5호
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    • pp.671-679
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a mother/infant-toddler health program developed to enhance parenting knowledge, behavior and confidence in low income mothers and home environment. Methods: A one-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used. Sixty-nine dyads of mothers and infant-toddlers (aged 0-36 months) were provided with weekly intervention for seven session. Each session consisted of three parts; first, educating to increase integrated knowledge related to the development of the infant/toddler including nutrition, first aid and home environment; second, counseling to share parenting experience among the mothers and to increase their nurturing confidence; third, playing with the infant/toddler to facilitate attachment-based parenting behavior for the mothers. Results: Following the programs, there were significant increases in parenting knowledge on nutrition and first aid. A significant improvement was found in attachment-based parenting behavior, but not in home safety practice. Nurturing confidence was not significantly increased. The program led to more positive home environment for infant/toddler's health and development. Conclusion: The findings provide evidence for mother-infant/toddler health program to improve parenting knowledge, attachment-based parenting behavior and better home environment in low income mothers. Study of the long term effectiveness of this program is recommended for future research.

영유아발달 척도의 개발을 위한 기초 연구: 1-36개월 영유아를 중심으로 (A Preliminary Study on the Development of Infant-Toddler Developmental Scale : 1 to 36 Months)

  • 송진숙
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.405-419
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a Korean infant-toddler developmental scale and to examine the demographic variables and infant-toddler development. The subjects were 167 mothers who have infant and toddler from 1 to 36 months of age in Seoul, Daejeon, Chungju, Yeasan, and llsan in Korea. The subscales consisted of language development, social and emotional development, physical development, and cognitive development. The significant variables which are influenced the infant-toddler development were age of infant-toddler and age of father.

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근린생활권의 육아환경 요소에 대한 영유아 어머니의 중요도-만족도 분석 - 서울시 송파구를 대상으로 - (Importance-Performance Analysis of Early Childhood's Mothers on the Child-rearing Environment Elements in the Neighborhood - Focused on Songpa-gu, Seoul -)

  • 이주림;구자훈
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to estimate the perception of mothers of infant and toddler on the child-rearing environment and compare the recognition of parents who live in APT and multi-family housing. This study investigates the mothers in order to survey the level of importance and satisfaction on the neighborhood environment factors for child-rearing. The result of questionnaire is analyzed by Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). According to the result of IPA by housing types, it was found that the improvement of pedestrian environment, separation of pedestrian and vehicle, natural environment and playground is required particularly in the multi-family housing area. the mothers need soundproofing of house and management of unwanted facilities in neighborhood in common. In the apartment, improvement of child-care facilities and children's library is required. The results of IPA on the mothers of infant and toddler may be important foundation for future strategies for child-rearing environment improvement.

영아기질에 대한 양육자의 지각 차이 및 기질과 양육자와의 상호작용 관계 (Relations Between Infant Temperament by Caregivers' Perceptions and Infant-Caregiver Interactions)

  • 박수빈;김숙령
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2005
  • Subjects were 78 12- to 35- month old infants, their mothers, and their teachers. Instruments included the Revised Toddler Temperament Questionnaire(Y. H. Choi 1990) and the Assessment Profile for Early Childhood Programs(M. K. Hong 1997; S. K. Kim 1999). There was no significant difference in perceptions of infant temperament between mothers and teachers. Infant-mother interaction differed by infant temperament in that mothers had high scores with easy infants but low scores with difficult children. On the other hand teachers maintained high interactions with difficult infants in the case of infant's rhythmicity. Infant-teacher interaction correlated with such teacher variables as teacher-infant ratio, teachers' academic backgrounds and working hours.

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가정문해활동, 어머니의 언어적 행동 및 영아-어머니 간 공동주의와 영아의 언어·인지 발달간의 관계 (The Home Literacy Activities, Mothers' Verbal Behavior, and Toddler-mother Joint Attention : The Relationship to the Language-cognitive Development of Toddlers)

  • 김명순;한찬희;유지영
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.199-213
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted in order to identify the relationship between the home literacy activities, mothers' verbal behavior, toddler-mother joint attention and the language-cognitive development of toddlers. The language-cognitive development of toddlers was assessed by means of the Mental Scale from the Korean Bayley Scale of Infant Development II (K-BSID-II). The home literacy activities were measured by means of the questionnaire used by You (2009), which was partly modified from Shapiro (1979). Lee & Kim (2004)'s categories was used to observe the mothers' verbal behaviors during shared book reading; joint attention episodes were observed by classification categories for engagement condition (Bakeman & Adamson, 1984). One of the more important conclusions of this study is our suggestion that mothers' verbal behaviors and the toddler-mother coordinated joint attention were significantly related to the language-cognitive development of toddlers as it takes place within low-income families.

영아기 기질의 발달적 변화와 영아기 사회적 부적응 행동 간의 관계 : 초기 기질 특성과 기질의 변화 패턴을 중심으로 (The Relationship of Developmental Change of Temperament and Problem Behaviors During Infancy: Early Characteristic of Temperament and Developmental Patterns)

  • 김수정;곽금주
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.183-199
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    • 2007
  • This longitudinal study investigated developmental changes in temperament and examined social adjustment problems by early temperamental characteristics and developmental patterns of temperamental change during infancy. Subjects were 153 six-month-old infants and their mothers. Infant temperament and toddler's problem behavior were measured by the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised (Garstein & Rothbart, 2003) and the Toddler Behavior Checklist (Larzelere et al., 1989), respectively. Results showed that distress to limitations, high pleasure, perceptual sensitivity, and approach increased with age, while activity level, cuddliness, and vocal reactivity decreased. Infants with high scores in activity level, fear, sadness, and approach at 6 months showed more problem behaviors at 18 months. Infants showing abrupt developmental change of high pleasure and perceptual sensitivity developed more negative behavior.

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영아기 기질 및 부모의 양육행동에 따른 2-4세 아동의 행동억제에 관한 단기종단연구 -8개국 비교문화연구를 위한 기초 연구- (A Short-term Longitudinal Study on Infant Temperament, Parenting Behavior and 2-4 Year Behavioral Inhibition: A Korean sample for 8 cross-cultural studies)

  • 정옥분;;박성연;윤종희;도현심
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2003
  • A three-year longitudinal design was employed to ascertain whether different types of behavioral inhibition(i.e. traditional, peer-social) were stable from toddler to preschool age(2-4 year), and whether inhibited temperament and/or parenting style would independently and interactively predict children's subsequent social and behavioral outcomes. At time 1, 113 toddlers (55 males, 58 females) and their mothers were observed in the traditional inhibition paradigm. At time 2, 36 4-year-old children were observed with unfamiliar peers in the nontraditional inhibition paradigm. Maternal ratings of psychological functioning of children and maternal behaviors were also obtained for both time 1 and 2. Results showed that behavioral inhibition was not stable from toddler to preschool age. Maternal authoritative behaviors at age 2 were negatively associated with preschooler's social reticence. Toddler's behavioral inhibition was negatively associated with maternal authoritative behaviors at age 4. In a cross-lag correlation analysis, maternal authoritative behaviors appeared to affect child's behavioral inhibition more strongly than the other way around.

0-8세 아동의 사회정서 발달과 어머니의 심리적 특성 : 보령 베이비패널 자료를 중심으로 (0-8 Children's Socio-Emotional Development and Mothers' Psychological States : Based on Boryung Baby Panel Data)

  • 박혜준;한경혜;박새롬;장미나;전을정
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.11-27
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the overall developmental characteristics of Korean children ages 0 to 8, and then explore specifically how children's social and emotional developmental levels are related to mothers' psychological states. This study was part of newly launched Boryung Baby Panel Study using web-based survey in 2011. The subjects were all mothers of 940 infants(0-2 years), 654 toddlers(3-5 years), and 484 school-age children(6-8 years) The mothers were asked to administer the web-based standardized developmental checklist for their child and fill out the questionnaires of psychological variables(life satisfaction, depression, parenting attitude, parenting efficacy, and parenting stress). The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis, t-test, and logistic regression for SPSS 20.0 windows. Major findings were as follows: 1. Infants(0 to 2) showed higher developmental level in cognition and fine motor skill domain compared to other domains. 2. Most toddlers(3 to 5) showed normal development in the most domain such as gross motor skill, fine motor skill, language, letter, number, self-help behavior. 3. In socio-emotional development domain, the ratio of risk or delay group were highest at both infant and toddler. 4. The 6-8 years old children that belong to risk group by the result of SDQ(emotion and behavior assessment) were also relatively high. 5. The relation of the children's socio-emotional developmental level and the mother's psychological variables were reciprocal. Based on these findings, the implications and the limitations of current study were discussed.

2세 영아의 어머니와 보육교사에 대한 복합 애착과 사회·정서적 행동 (Effects on Socio-Emotional Behaviors of Multiple Attachments to Mothers and Child Care Providers in 2-year-olds)

  • 신지연;최석란
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.137-154
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    • 2005
  • The socio-emotional behaviors of 2-year-olds were examined by multiple attachments to mothers and child care providers in the context of home and child care centers. Participants were 100 children (mean age: 30.2 months), their mothers, and 27 child care providers. Attachment security was assessed with attachment Q-set. Children's social interaction with peers and teachers were rated every 10 seconds during 10 minute observation periods for 4 days, totaling40 minutes per child. Mothers and child care providers completed the Infant Toddler Socio-Emotional Assessment (ITSEA). Results showed that secure attachment relationships with child care providers partly compensated for insecure attachments with mothers at home. In the context of the child care center, secure attachments with child care providers were more important determinants of the development of socio-emotional behaviors than secure attachments with mothers.

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