• Title/Summary/Keyword: Child class

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Learning the Civilization of Modern Science and Technology through Animation Film: Focusing on Michel Ocelot's (애니메이션 감상을 통한 근대 과학기술 문명 탐구 - 미셸 오슬로의 <세 명의 발명가>를 중심으로)

  • Youn, Kyung Hee;Choi, Jeongyoon;Park, Yooshin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.267-297
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    • 2017
  • This paper attempts a close-reading of Michel Ocelot's short animation film, (1979), and proposes it as an available text in art appreciation class for young students. stimulates the students' attention and intellectual curiosity thanks to the exotic and fantastic atmosphere, beautiful mise en scene, and intriguing plot. Ocelot's technique of decoupage used in this film rejuvenates both the traditional folk art and Lotte Reiniger's early experiments in the history of animation film. Ocelot subverts the ideal of modern male adult subject as unique possessor of scientific knowledge and technology, by adopting a female figure and a young child, who is also female, as main characters. The imaginative and subversive power of animation contributes to creating posthuman beings beyond the homocentric figure of Vitruvian Man. The posthuman condition supposes that human beings have the equal relationship of continuum with not only other humans but also non-human beings like all living things and inanimate matters. In order to teach and learn the posthuman condition, it is necessary to conceive an interdisciplinary and integrated curriculum including art, science, philosophy, history, and social sciences. Animation film serves excellently as educational text for the integrated curriculum of the posthuman.


  • Kong, Seok-Bae;You, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2007
  • Compomer that release fluoride could be used on proximal caries of child effectively. But oral cavity is always wet, so saliva inhibits bonding of tooth and compomer. When the saliva exist on bonding, it can be occured microleakages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of salivary contamination on compomer restoration and degree of microleakage according to restoration methods. Dyract $AP^{(R)}$ and prime and $bond^{(R)}$ NT was applied by the manufacture s instructions. Elipar Trilight was applied for light curing. Saliva pool was made for reconstruction of oral cavity. Two premolar was embedded in acrylic resin. After class II cavity preperation, Dyract $AP^{(R)}$ was restored under several condition, the specimen was thermocycled 500 times with 30 second dwell time. 0.5% methylene blue was used for microleakage test. Micoleakage was measured by the ratio of the infiltration length to occlusal and gingival side interface. Data were analyzed statistically using Kruskal Wallis Test, Mann-Whitney Test. The Result were as follows ; 1. In occlusal side, there were no statistical differences. 2. In gingival side, there were no statistical differences in Group III ($ContactMatrix^{TM}$, Rubber dam, $Oraseal^{(R)}$), Group IV (No saliva contamination). 3. In gingival side, there were no statistical differences in Group I$(ContactMatrix^{TM})$, II($ContactMatrix^{TM}$, Rubber dam). 4. In gingival side, there were statistical differences in Group I$(ContactMatrix^{TM})$, II($ContactMatrix^{TM}$, Rubber dam).

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The Effect of Crossover Musical Activities: Applying the Traditional Korean Jang-dan on the Multicultural Perception of Young Children (국악장단을 적용한 크로스오버 음악활동이 유아의 다문화 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Khil Hoe;Youn, Hea Ja
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.21-41
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of his study was to explore the effect of crossover musical activities applying the traditional Korean Jang-dan on the multicultural perception of young children. The subjects of this study were one class of 21 5-year-old children(experimental group) in J kindergarten and two classes of 5-year-old children (20 children in comparative group and 20 children in control group) in S kindergarten located in Y city, totaling 61 children (31 male children and 30 female children). Twenty sessions of Crossover musical activities applying the traditional Korean Jang-dan (rhythmic patterns) developed by the author were applied to the experimental group, musical activities focusing on traditional Korean music to the comparative group and musical classes from Nuri curriculum for 5-year-olds to the control group, respectively. The result of this study showed the following, among the sub-factors of multi-cultural perception, the scores of post-cultural openness and post-cultural acceptability showed a significantly higher level in statistical terms in the experimental group, for which crossover musical activities applying the traditional Korean Jang-dan were conducted, than those in the comparative group and the control group. The comparative group which participated in musical activities of traditional Korean music exhibited a significantly higher level of post-cultural respectfulness statistically (than other groups). The result of this study implies that crossover musical activities applying the traditional Korean Jang-dan have the effect of enhancing the perception of cultural openness and cultural acceptability which are the sub-factors of young children's multi-cultural perception.

A study on behavior response of child by emotion coaching of teacher based on emotional recognition technology (감성인식기술 기반 교사의 감정코칭이 유아에게 미치는 반응 연구)

  • Choi, Moon Jung;Whang, Min-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 2017
  • Emotion in early childhood has been observed to make an important effect on behavioral development. The teacher has coached to develop good behavior based on considering emotional response rather than rational response. This study was to determine significance of emotional coaching for behavior development according emotion recognized by non-verbal measurement system developed specially in this study. The participants were 44 people and were asked to study in four experimental situation. The experiment was designed to four situation such as class without coaching, behavioral coaching, emotion coaching, and emotion coaching based on emotional recognition system. The dependent variables were subjective evaluation, behavioral amplitude, and HRC (Heart Rhythm Coherence) of heart response. The results showed the highest positive evaluation, behavioral amplitude, and HRC at emotion coaching based on emotional recognition system. In post-doc analysis, the subjective evaluation showed no difference between emotion coaching and system based emotion coaching. However, the behavioral amplitude and HRC showed a significant response between two coaching situation. In conclusion, quantitative data such as behavioral amplitude and HRC was expected to solve the ambiguity of subjective evaluation. The emotion coaching of teacher using emotional recognition system was can be to improve positive emotion and psychological stability for children.

Development of a Gifted Behavior Checklist Based on the Observation Probability and Importance of the Behavior in Class (관찰가능성과 중요도를 고려한 관찰·추천용 초등 영재 행동 특성 체크리스트 개발)

  • Lee, In-Ho;Han, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.817-836
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    • 2015
  • This research focuses on the development of gifted child behavior checklist which feasibly has application on the nation-wide gifted children observation-recommendation method. Corresponding measure has significance as it reflects actual observations of teachers teaching gifted children first-hand and involves measure of importance regarding each characteristic. An open survey on gifted children behavior characteristics lists and specific behavior patterns has been acquired from teachers in gifted education, and the checklist was developed through expert group review, pre-test, and confirmatory factor analysis process. The former checklists have shown several difficulties on application of observation-recommendation on the field due to behaviors that can't be observed in school, less important behaviors, and collide and duplicate behaviors etc. With regard to such problems, problematic clauses were removed based on the observation probability and importance of the behaviors. Ultimately, total of 32 behavior characteristic checklist consisting of ten sub factors(logical thinking, high achievement, originality, perfectionism, creative problem solving, curiosity, task commitment, conversation ability, creativity, passion) and two to three questions on each factor had been drawn. Through internal consistency test and item-total score correlation, each item of the measure has been analyzed to be consistently evaluating corresponding variables. In addition, the result of confirmatory factor analysis showed every item to be weighed appropriately on its sub-factor, strongly suggesting its feasibility on observation-recommendation of elementary gifted children as an appropriate checklist.

A Study on the Development and Effect of Korean Language Education Program Based on Multiple Intelligences (다중지능에 기초한 국어교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증)

  • Ku, Ji-Hye;Park, Seong-Ok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.69-94
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and apply a Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences in a bid to foster the multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation of elementary schoolers in regular language arts class. It's basically meant to create the educational conditions for every child to exert his or her abilities. Two research questions were posed: 1. What should be the objectives, content and teaching-learning methods of a Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences? 2. What effect does a Korean education program based on multiple intelligences have on children's multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation? The subjects in this study were 58 Students in two different third-grade classes in M elementary school in the city of Daejeon. A Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences was implemented during a 4month period of time, and an inclusive approach of multiple intelligences and cooperative learning were applied. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, in order to develop a Korean education program based on multiple intelligences, the kinds of themes that could cover multiple intelligences in an inclusive way were selected in consideration of the learning objectives of the major units of a third-grade language arts textbook(second semester) of the 7th national elementary language arts curriculum. And then an inclusive Korean education program was prepared, which consisted of four stages: problem awareness, problem-solving planning, problem solving, and reflection/application/development. Second, the Korean education program based on multiple intelligences had a positive effect on the children's multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation and suggested some of new directions for school education that typically stressed linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences only.

A comparative study of domestic and international research trends of mathematics education through topic modeling (토픽모델링을 활용한 국내외 수학교육 연구 동향 비교 연구)

  • Shin, Dongjo
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed 3,114 articles published in KCI journals and 1,636 articles published in SSCI journals from 2000 to 2019 in order to compare domestic and international research trends of mathematics education using a topic modeling method. Results indicated that there were 16 similar research topics in domestic and international mathematics education journals: algebra/algebraic thinking, fraction, function/representation, statistics, geometry, problem-solving, model/modeling, proof, achievement effect/difference, affective factor, preservice teacher, teaching practice, textbook/curriculum, task analysis, assessment, and theory. Also, there were 7 distinct research topics in domestic and international mathematics education journals. Topics such as affective/cognitive domain and research trends, mathematics concept, class activity, number/operation, creativity/STEAM, proportional reasoning, and college/technology were identified from the domestic journals, whereas discourse/interaction, professional development, identity/equity, child thinking, semiotics/embodied cognition, intervention effect, and design/technology were the topics identified from the international journals. The topic related to preservice teacher was the most frequently addressed topic in both domestic and international research. The topic related to in-service teachers' professional development was the second most popular topic in international research, whereas it was not identified in domestic research. Domestic research in mathematics education tended to pay attention to the topics concerned with the mathematical competency, but it focused more on problem-solving and creativity/STEAM than other mathematical competencies. Rather, international research highlighted the topic related to equity and social justice.

Changes in Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of the Disabilities, Attitudes toward Inclusive Education, and Teacher Efficacy through Capstone Design-based Disability Teaching Materials Production Classes (캡스톤 디자인 기반 장애교재교구 제작을 통한 예비보육교사의 장애 인식, 통합교육에 대한 태도 및 교사효능감의 변화)

  • Park, Mi-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.793-805
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify changes and differences in perceptions of disabilities, attitudes toward inclusive education, and teacher efficacy in Early childhood pre-service teachers through capstone design-based disability teaching material production classes. The study participants were 50 third-year child care majoring students (25 experimental group, 25 comparison group) who participated in capstone design class for one semester in 2020 at 3-year K university. Looking at the results of the study, the experimental group, which produced teaching materials for the disabilities, showed significant changes in disability awareness, attitude toward inclusive education, and teacher efficacy than the comparative group. there was a positive change in the perception of disability due to an increase in the overall understanding and knowledge of the disabilities. It is judged that these positive changes in the perception of people with disabilities gave positive changes to the attitude toward inclusive education and teachers' efficacy. This positive change of early childhood pre-service teachers will serve as an opportunity to improve the quality of teaching behavior and various roles of teachers when interacting with children with disabilities in the inclusive education field.

Qualitative study on the connection-assemblage of interest area and early childhood (유아와 어린이집 흥미 영역 환경과의 접속-배치에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Yoonmi Kim;Eunju Yun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.927-934
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    • 2023
  • This study explored the process of how children are connected to and placed in the daycare center's interest area environment. Focusing on the process of getting to know, we tried to understand it through Deleuze's concept of connection-placement, which emphasized the power between materials and humans, to see how the familiar environment called the area of interest affects children's behavior. For this purpose, 20 children in the mixed class aged 4-5 years at B Daycare Center in Seoul were observed for a total of 2 hours each through 2 preliminary observations and 5 research observations from March to May 2023. First, the results of the study showed that infants' true interest could be found in the infant's gaze, not in the adult's gaze. Second, the space and play materials of the interest area environment are structurally arranged in accordance with the order of play types, but the boundaries become ambiguous as they are connected to children. Third, although the children's play seemed to be play without deviating from each area of interest, the space itself was a single mass in which interest was expressed. We hope that this study will help instructors in their practice of constructing an environment for areas of interest, and that we will become instructors who ask questions at every moment about what kind of traces will be left on children's thinking as the environment of space and media.

A Study on the Current Status and Needs of Nutrition Education on Children's Sugar Intake Reduction among the Center for Children's Foodservice Management and Child Care Facilities (어린이급식관리지원센터와 보육시설의 유아 당류 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 실태 및 요구도)

  • Kim, Mi-Hyun;Kim, Nam-Hee;Yeon, Jee-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.539-551
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated the current status and needs for nutrition education to help reduce children's sugars intake at the Center for Children's Foodservice Management (CCFM, n=115), and Child Care Facilities (CCF, n=646) through an online survey conducted from October $5^{th}$ to $30^{th}$ 2015. A total of 14.8% of CCFM respondents and 31.9% of CCF respondents provided nutrition education on sugars intake to young children as a main topic (p<0.001). A higher percentage (CCFM 47.8%: CCF 42.4%) delivered nutrition education on sugars intake to young children as a sub-component (p<0.001). Over 90% of the CCFM and CCF participants agreed on the necessity of providing nutrition education on sugars intake to children. The most common reasons given for delivering nutrition education on children's sugar intake were "there are many more urgent nutrition education topics" for CCFM, and "insufficient nutrition education information and materials" for CCF. The percentage of nutrition education on children's sugar intake provided to the children's parents was low showing about 20% in the both groups. The percentage of CCFM participants providing nutrition, education on children's sugar intake to the teachers in CCF was also low, showing about 14.8%; however, 68.0% of the CCF participants wanted to received teacher's education on guiding children's sugar intake. Regarding ideas about a nutrition education program on children's sugar intake for young children, most respondents in both groups answered "sugar intake and dental cavities or obesity" for appropriate education contents, "story telling or puppet show" for appropriate education methods, and "dietitian from CCFM and class teacher together" for appropriate educator. For appropriate education time, there was a significantl difference between the CCFM responses (average 2.7 times) and the CCF responses (average 4 times). Based on the above results, we found that implementing nutrition education on children's sugar intake at the CCFM and CCF, was low; however, awareness of the need for nutrition education on children's sugar intake and the program development and supply was very high. Also, the opinions of CCFM and CCF participants about a nutrition education program on children's sugar intake for young children can provide foundation data to develop and implement the CCFM-based nutrition education program.