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Changes in Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of the Disabilities, Attitudes toward Inclusive Education, and Teacher Efficacy through Capstone Design-based Disability Teaching Materials Production Classes  

Park, Mi-Kyung (경복대학교 아동상담보육과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study was to identify changes and differences in perceptions of disabilities, attitudes toward inclusive education, and teacher efficacy in Early childhood pre-service teachers through capstone design-based disability teaching material production classes. The study participants were 50 third-year child care majoring students (25 experimental group, 25 comparison group) who participated in capstone design class for one semester in 2020 at 3-year K university. Looking at the results of the study, the experimental group, which produced teaching materials for the disabilities, showed significant changes in disability awareness, attitude toward inclusive education, and teacher efficacy than the comparative group. there was a positive change in the perception of disability due to an increase in the overall understanding and knowledge of the disabilities. It is judged that these positive changes in the perception of people with disabilities gave positive changes to the attitude toward inclusive education and teachers' efficacy. This positive change of early childhood pre-service teachers will serve as an opportunity to improve the quality of teaching behavior and various roles of teachers when interacting with children with disabilities in the inclusive education field.
Capstone Design; Disability Teaching Materials; Attitudes of Inclusive Education; Teacher Efficacy in Inclusive Education;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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