• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학생 진로

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The Effect of Case-Based SBAR Communication Training Program on Critical Thinking Disposition, Communication Self-Efficacy and Communication Competence of Nursing Students (사례기반 SBAR 의사소통 교육프로그램이 간호대학생의 비판적 사고성향, 의사소통 자기효능감, 의사소통능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Su-Jin;Choi, Hyo-Sin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.426-434
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of case-based SBAR communication training program on critical thinking ability, communication self-efficacy and communication competence of nursing students. 112 sophomore students majoring in nursing were recruited from one university located in D city, and the data collection commenced on 18 December 2017 and was completed on 4 January 2018. The case-based SBAR communication training program consisted of pre-education, a pre-survey, a three-section program, and a post-survey. A one-group pretest-posttest design was used to collect the data, and frequency and paired t-test were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 program. The rate of satisfaction for interpersonal relationship was 75.0% and satisfaction rate for improvement on their major was 54.5%. Compared with before the program, critical thinking ability and communication competence were significantly improved after completion of the case-based SBAR communication training program (t=-4.237, p<.001; t=-2.734, p=.007). Communication self-efficacy was also improved after the case-based SBAR communication training program, but the difference was not significant. In conclusion, the case-based SBAR communication training program improved critical thinking ability and communication competence.

Insufficient Sleep and Visuospatial Memory Decline during Adolescence (청소년기 수면 부족과 시공간 기억력 저하)

  • Lee, Chang Woo;Jeon, Sehyun;Cho, Seong-Jin;Kim, Seog Ju
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between insufficient sleep and visuospatial memory in adolescents using a computerized neurocognitive function test. Methods: A total of 103 high school students (26 males and 77 females; mean age 17.11±8.50years) without a serious psychiatric problem was recruited. All subjects were requested to complete a self-report questionnaire about weekday total sleep time and weekend total sleep time. The epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) and the beck depression inventory (BDI) were administered to measure daytime sleepiness and symptoms of depression. Seven subsets of the Cambridge Neuropsychological test automated battery were examined to assess visuospatial memory. Results: After controlling for age, sex, ESS, and BDI, longer weekend total sleep time was correlated with poor performance on delayed matching to sample (r = -0.312, p = 0.002) and immediate recall on pattern recognition memory (r = -0.225, p = 0.025). Increased weekend catch-up sleep time was correlated with poor performance of delayed matching to sample (r = -0.236, p = 0.018), immediate recall on pattern recognition memory (r = -0.220, p = 0.029), and delayed recall on pattern recognition memory (r = -0.211, p = 0.036) after controlling for age, sex, ESS, and BDI. Conclusion: This study showed that increased weekend catch-up sleep time reflecting insufficient weekday sleep were associated with poor performance in delayed recall tasks of visual memory. This finding suggests that insufficient sleep during adolescence might produce a decline of visuospatial memory.

Effects of Nursing Students' Knowledge, Attitude and Nursing Professionalism on Confidence in Performance of Patient Safety (졸업학년 간호대학생의 환자안전 지식, 태도 및 간호전문직관이 환자안전 수행자신감에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Su-Jin;Choi, Hyo-Sin;Kim, Jeong-Yun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2019
  • This research study was conducted to investigate the effect of knowledge, attitude and nursing professionalism on the confidence of the performance of nursing students who had experience with clinical practice and also to provide basic data for the development of nursing students' curriculum. The subjects who participated in this study were 286 students in the 4th year of nursing at two colleges in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions. The research data was analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 program. Confidence in performance of patient safety was higher for the women than for men, and for the students of an older age and higher academic achievement. Confidence in performance of patient safety was positively related to knowledge (r=.25, p=.000), attitude (r=.39, p=.000), nursing professionalism (r=.33, p=.000) and all these had statistical significance. On the multiple regression analysis, the coefficient of determination (R2) was .49 and the explanatory power of the model was 49.2% (F=24.04, p=.000). The most important factor affecting confidence in performance of patient safety was the experience of having undergone patient safety education. Based on these results, it is necessary to seek various educational methods to expand the concept of patient safety from the beginning of the undergraduate course work. Especially, we think that various education strategies such as simulation education methods or information videos are needed to develop scenarios related to patient safety.

Evaluating usability of and satisfaction with two types of dental CAD software (두 종류 치과 임플란트 캐드 소프트웨어의 사용자 편의성 및 만족도 비교)

  • Kim, Seong-Min;Lee, Wan-Sun;Son, Keunbada;Lee, Kyu-Bok
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study evaluated the usability of and satisfaction with two types of computer-aided design (CAD) software among users who had experience with dental implant CAD software and those who did not. Materials and Methods: Dental technicians (n = 20) who had previous experience with dental implant CAD Software and students from the College of Dentistry (n = 12) who had never designed implant custom abutments were asked to evaluate two types of CAD Software, Exocad and Deltanine. In addition, the participants were asked to fill out a structured questionnaire (Section 1: Entering basic information and retrieving files; Section 2: Setting conditions before abutment design; Section 3: Setting abutment design; and Section 4: Overall satisfaction). For the statistical analysis of the collected data, Mann-Whitney U test was used (α=.05). Results: The ease of design and satisfaction with the implant CAD Software, evaluated with respect to 21 statements divided into four Stages, were significantly higher for Exocad in both groups for Secion 1. For Sections 2 and 3, participants with experience evaluated Deltanine to be significantly better. For Section 4, both groups evaluated Exocad Software to be better. Conclusion: Overall, the Exocad Software was evaluated as having better usability and offering greater satisfaction. However, in terms of performance in the core of the design process, i.e. Sections 2 and 3, Deltanine was rated higher by the experienced users. Thus, if the user interface design parts are supplemented, Deltanine CAD Software could be put to a wider use in clinics.

Research on the current status and curriculumn management of colleges of applied music -with the focus on applied music departments based in Busan - (실용음악대학 현황과 교과목 운영에 관한 연구 -부산소재 실용음악대학을 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Jeong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.529-538
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    • 2021
  • This research provides suggestions for development in colleges of applied music by studying their current curriculum management status and by analyzing the curricula. To that end, this research focuses on comparing cases from four-year universities and vocational colleges. Analysis of the curricula of three departments based in Busan reveal that the curricula of applied music departments bear some resemblance to those of fine music departments, but they also have significant differences. In Busan, applied music departments have curricula influenced by fine art, but they seek differentiation in whatever ways they can. Educational institutes for applied music should expand their curricula to be more on-point, and should seek interdisciplinary courses that embrace other majors, and that promote the improvement of educational environments. Nowadays, there is a need to break away from previous discourse that happens only within the boundaries of music. For example, applied music departments could join business or media departments in launching interdisciplinary courses on music production or policies. Students would benefit from such courses as they expand the scope of their career options to consider not only being a musician but also being producers or policymakers in the arts. People from various sectors could join public discussions to jointly seek ways to promote such collaboration. Now is the time for fundamental reflection on the development of applied music in Korea.

Analysis System of School Life Records Based on Data Mining for College Entrance (데이터 마이닝 기반 대학입시를 위한 학교생활기록부 분석시스템)

  • Yang, Jinwoo;Kim, Donghyun;Lim, Jongtae;Yoo, Jaesoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2021
  • The Korean curriculum and admission system have evolved through numerous changes. Currently, the nation's college entrance rate stands at nearly 70 percent, and it is the highest among OECD members. Amid this environment, the importance of school life records is increasing among students who are interested in going to college and who have the highest percentage in the nation's education system. Happiness is not the order of grades, but I can find my future and happiness at the same time through active school life. Through the analysis system of school life records, you can find interests and career paths suitable for yourself, and analyze and supplement factors suitable for the university and department you want to go to, so that you can take a step further in successful advancement. Each item in the school records is divided into three categories to analyze the necessary and unnecessary words. By visualizing and numericalizing the analyzed data, an analysis system is established that can be supplemented in school life. An analysis system through data mining can be utilized by concisely summarizing sentences of different elements and extracting words by applying the multi-topic minutes summary system using word frequency and similarity analysis as an existing prior study.

A Planning Framework of BIM-based Work-Type Packaging for Educational Facility Maintenance (교육시설 유지관리 BIM 기반 공종 패키지 플래닝 프레임워크)

  • Bae, Chang-Joon;Park, Sang-Hun;Yoon, Sun-Jae;Lee, Mi-Young;Koo, Kyo-jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.200-210
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    • 2020
  • The maintenance of educational facilities was assembled in 12 project classifications of the Educational Improvement Program. The priorities were decided by the evaluation scores derived from the condition investigation, and maintenance works were budgeted in the order of priorities. These priorities were a schedule for conducting maintenance and an important criterion for obtaining a construction order. Several restrictions in the condition investigation exist, which derives budgets and conducts maintenance separately based on the priorities. An educational facility manager has a restriction in quantity take-off, which results in an incorrect budget. Discomfort would occur in an educational environment, and a period of infringing safety would increase. This study proposes applying a BIM in the condition investigation and the planning framework for work-type packaging. A BIM supports a budget calculation and derives evaluation scores by linking a repair and an inspection result. The work-type packaging algorithm divides a budget allocation range and derives the result of a grouped work-types applied in an equivalent space and element. As a result of applying cases, it could shorten the duration by approximately 37.4%. Its usability in selecting a grouped work-type was evaluated through an assessment with workers.

Clinical Practicum Experiences of Local Nursing College Studentsat a University Hospital in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (일 지방 간호대학생의 수도권 대학병원 임상실습 경험 )

  • Jo, Hyun-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.651-661
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to examine the experiences of nursing students during a clinical practicum at a university hospital in the Seoul metropolitan area. The participants of the study were 12 senior nursing students from J city, and the data was collected from September 29 to October 12, 2017, using interview questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis method. As a result of this study, there were three categories and nine theme clusters. In the category of 'high-quality practical education', 'the participants had high expectations prior to the practicum' and 'satisfaction with the practical instruction of education' as well as identified 'the opportunity to consider for future career'. In the category of 'experiences with independent social life', the participants described about their 'freedom away from everyday life', 'challenges of problem-solving alone', and identifying 'the importance of human relationships' in unfamiliar surroundings. In the category of 'lack of support system in practicum', the participants reported 'difficulties in preparing for practicum due to lack of information', 'lack of financial support' and 'the fear of living in an unsafe environment'. The results of the study will be used to as a basic data to find a high-quality clinical practice education environment by identifying what clinical practice students experience at university hospitals in the metropolitan area.

Effect of verbal and nonverbal communication of middle school sports club instructor on trust of instructor and class commitment (중학교스포츠클럽 지도자의 언어적·비언어적 의사소통이 지도자신뢰 및 수업몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Chae-ouk;Seo, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2021
  • This study was done with collected and analyzed data using the convenient sampling method on 349 middle school students located in the metropolitan area in order to verify the effect of instructors verbal and nonverbal communications on instructor trust and class commitment in middle school sports clubs. As a result of analyzing the collected data, First, as a result of correlation analysis using the total number of items between sub-factors of latent variables, all correlation coefficients showed a positive (+) significant relationship. Second, as a result of the effect of verbal and nonverbal communications on instructor trust, it was found that the influence of spatial language, appearance language, body language, and linguistic factors were significantly explained in order. Third, as a result of the effect of verbal and nonverbal communications on class flow, it was found that class commitment was significantly explained in the order of appearance language, spatial language, and linguistic factors. Fourth, as a result of the influence of instructor's trust on class commitment, it was found that only the exercise capacity factor significantly explained class commitment. This study provides basic academic data to plan and create interactions with school sports club instructors and students.

Depictions of Scientists and Teachers' Perceptions of the 2015 Revised Elementary School Science Authorized 3rd-4th Grade Textbooks from the Perspective of Gender Equality (양성평등의 관점에서 살펴본 2015 개정 초등학교 과학과 3~4학년군 검정 교과서의 과학자 제시 실태 및 교사의 인식)

  • Chae, Heein;Noh, Sukgoo
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.770-782
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzes the depictions of scientists and teachers' thoughts on the 2015 revised elementary school science authorized 3rd-4th grade textbooks from the perspective of gender equality, and suggest improvements for the 2015 elementary school science authorized 5th-6th grade textbooks as well as a 2022 revised elementary school science curriculum. The data consist of representations of scientists found in seven elementary science textbooks provided to 3rd- and 4th-grade students in 2022 as well as in-depth interviews conducted with three elementary school teachers and responses from 32 teachers in Gyeonggi-do. Of the 23 scientists depicted in the textbooks, three (13.0%) are female and 10 (43.5%) worked in the inquiry domain, which was the largest group. When the teachers were asked about their perceptions of the gender ratio of scientists in the textbooks, their answers revealed that they had lower perceptions of female scientists compared to male scientists; moreover, they had no or very little teaching experience concerning female scientists. Furthermore, the teachers' thoughts on improving the gender ratio of scientists depicted in the textbooks differed considerably by the teachers' gender. Based on these findings, it was concluded that during the process of producing textbooks, writers and members of society need to agree on the gender ratio of scientists to be represented, and a social consensus is needed to identify and introduce the achievements of previously unknown female scientists towards gender equality.