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Analysis System of School Life Records Based on Data Mining for College Entrance  

Yang, Jinwoo ((주)바론)
Kim, Donghyun ((주)바론)
Lim, Jongtae (충북대학교 정보통신공학부)
Yoo, Jaesoo (충북대학교 정보통신공학부)
Publication Information
The Korean curriculum and admission system have evolved through numerous changes. Currently, the nation's college entrance rate stands at nearly 70 percent, and it is the highest among OECD members. Amid this environment, the importance of school life records is increasing among students who are interested in going to college and who have the highest percentage in the nation's education system. Happiness is not the order of grades, but I can find my future and happiness at the same time through active school life. Through the analysis system of school life records, you can find interests and career paths suitable for yourself, and analyze and supplement factors suitable for the university and department you want to go to, so that you can take a step further in successful advancement. Each item in the school records is divided into three categories to analyze the necessary and unnecessary words. By visualizing and numericalizing the analyzed data, an analysis system is established that can be supplemented in school life. An analysis system through data mining can be utilized by concisely summarizing sentences of different elements and extracting words by applying the multi-topic minutes summary system using word frequency and similarity analysis as an existing prior study.
Data Mining; College Entrance Examination; School Life Record Book; Analysis System; Big Data;
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  • Reference
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