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A Visual Methods Approach to the Formation of Class Identity and Practices of Everyday Life -A Case Study on Youths of 'Gangbuk' ('강북' 청소년들의 일상생활 문화와 계급 정체성 형성에 대한 영상방법론적 연구)

  • Lee, Sangkyu;Hong, Seok-Kyeong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.68
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    • pp.87-129
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    • 2014
  • This paper addresses questions on the marginalized position of youths of 'Gangbuk' and elucidates how they construct their own identities in the individual trajectories of everyday life. Three years of research, including participatory observation and in-depth interviews, was conducted on nine students from Northeastern district of Seoul. The research also adopted reflexive photography interview method in order to encourage the informants to actively participate in the research. The result illustrates the diversity of the everyday life experiences. More 'marginalized' youths from middle to lower class background had to endure the burdens of their daily lives without programs. Still, they were elaborating their own cultural taste and positive self-narratives at the periphery of the mainstream culture, by practicing music, online community activities and bodily performances. They had to negotiate the crucial turn of life after their graduation, when they entered into the harsh social competition with limited resources. We observed how they gradually assimilate the identity of the 'working youth', some of them developing a positive valorization of their experiences labor. Findings underline the active role of the cultural practices in the making of class identity of the youth and the necessity of researches situating the making of class identity and the reproduction of the class for the youth in the larger geography of class culture in the contemporary Korean society. Lastly, it is argued that these youths should not be considered as determined subjects, who reproduce already established class identities, but as active agents of their lives who deserve more respects and attentions from the society.

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Development and Usage of Interactive Digital Linear Algebra Textbook (대화형 수학 디지털교과서 개발과 활용 사례 연구 - 선형대수학을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jae Hwa;Park, Kyung-Eun
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.241-255
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    • 2017
  • The 4th industrial revolution is coming. In order to prepare for the new learning environment with it, we may need digital mathematics textbooks that fully utilize all possible technologies. So various attempts have been made in elementary and middle school mathematics education. However, despite the importance of higher mathematics, we haven't seen a best possible math digital textbooks yet in Korea. In this paper, we introduce our new model of interactive math digital textbook about Linear Algebra/ Calculus/ Differential Equations/ Statistics/ Engineering Math. Especially, this manuscript focuses on our experience of using digital contents and interactive labs for developing a new model for linear algebra digital textbook. We introduce our works on linear algebra digital textbooks which include pdf e-book, web contents, video clips of lectures, interactive lab. Using this linear algebra digital textbook, students can freely use any mobile devices to access diverse learning materials, lessons, and hands-on exercises without any limitations. Also, times saved in the computation, coding, and typing process can be used to have more discussions for deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. This type of linear algebra digital textbook, which contains all interactive free cyber-lab with codes and all lectures for each sections, can be considered as a new model for the next generation of math digital textbook.

Visual Evaluation Factors of Pork Loin and Korean Consumer's Preference Choice (돈육 등심의 육안적 평가조건과 한국소비자들의 기호도 성향 분석)

  • Cho, S.H.;Park, B.Y.;Byun, J.S.;Kim, J.H.;Ahn, J.N.;Yun, S.G.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.415-426
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    • 2004
  • Digital photographs of 16 pork chops were taken and modified images to give 16 treatments: two levels of each of fat cover, color, marbling and drip. Consumers(n = 1,014) were randomly selected and a questionnaire asking for socio-demographic information was completed. Each consumer was asked to select preferred type from 16 treatments and this selection was repeated eight times. There were significant differences in pork selection among age, sex and occupation groups only except income levels. Pork preference choices were different in meat color, fat cover and drip depending on age group. Student consumers aging from 18 to 24 years preferred pork chop having darker color, thinner fat cover and more drip when compared to the other groups(p < 0.05). Male preferred pork having darker and more drip than female(p < 0.05). Marital status had a effect on the preference in meat color and drip. The consumers had different choice in color, fat cover and drip depending on occupation(p < 0.05). This results can provide a fundamental information for industries or processors to develop or produce pork that satisfy each target consumer group in the future.

Exploring the Characteristics of Environmental Catalysts of the Disadvantaged Gifted in Music (사회적 배려대상 음악영재의 환경요인 특징 탐색)

  • Kim, Sunghye;Lee, Kyungjin
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.629-655
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to explore the characteristics of environmental catalysts which have affected the development of music giftedness of the disadvantaged students. For this purpose, this study deals with nineteen disadvantaged gifted in music and examines their self-evaluation test, personal statement, and interview. Based on Gagnˊe's environmental catalysts of differentiated model of giftedness and talent(DMGT), the analysis of the interviews conveys the milieu of the disadvantaged gifted hardly exerts positive influences on their musical activities and studies. While concerning music and supporting their children financially and emotionally, parents unintentionally tend to exert negative influences on their children for their misapprehension of giftedness and incompetent advice. On the whole, the disadvantaged gifted hardly admit their teachers as experts in music. In relation to provisions, most students participate in extra school and local program and none of them participates in music gifted program. They are not satisfied with the quality in education. Despite the importance of the events such as crystallizing experience, award-winning, and performance, most students don't have enough events for inspiring their giftedness. As a conclusion, this study gives a proposition for a strategy to improve the environmental catalysts for the disadvantaged gifted in many different ways: the improvement of social recognition, the enhancement of parent consulting and teachers training programs, and the development and diffusions of more qualified gifted programs and so on.

The Effect of Project Method on the Girl Student's Task Performance Ability in the Unit of 'Energy and Transportation Technology' of Technology.Home Economics Subject in High Schools (고등학교 기술.가정과 '에너지와 수송기술' 단원에서 프로젝트법이 여학생의 과제 수행 능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Young-Ryu;Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Lee, Yong-Jin
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.159-181
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to verity effects of project method on the girl students' task performance ability in the unit of 'Energy and Transportation Technology' of Technology' Home Economics Subject in High schools. The task performance ability are composed of collecting information, performing achievement, planning of solving the task, and performance evaluation. The results of this research conducted for girl students of two classes of H high school located in Gyeong-gi Province are as follows: First, the group with the project method was more effective, in general, in learning ability of performing the tasks of 'Energy and Transportation Technology' than the group with traditional teaching. Second, the group with the project method was more effective than the group with traditional teaching in ability of task performance of subordinate elements of performing tasks in the unit of 'Energy and Transportation Technology', such as collecting information and performing achievement. However, in the fields of another subordinate elements of planning of solving the task and performing evaluation, the degree of effectiveness was unknown. After examining the results of all the cases, it was found that project method was more effective than the traditional teaching method in increasing the performing task abilities of the students in the lesson of 'Energy and Transportation Technology' in high schools.

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The Effect of Basic Mathematical Ability Improvement Program on Scholastic Achievement and Scholastic Motivation - A Case Study on Engineering Freshmen in D University - (수학기초학력 향상프로그램이 학업성취도와 학습동기에 미치는 영향 - D대학교 공과대학 신입생을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jung-Rye;Lee, Sung-Jin;Kwon, Hyuk-Hong;Lee, Gyeong-Hee
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.167-184
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    • 2011
  • In D university, 2010 year engineering freshmen were taken basic mathematical ability test and were given basic mathematical ability improvement program based on the test. In order to study the effect of this program for scholastic achievement, we analyse basic mathematical ability test score and college mathematics score among student groups. And to study the effect of this program for scholastic motivation, we survey the mathematical inclination, the recognition of mathematics, and classes of mathematics. As results, engineering freshmen in D university were poor at basic mathematical ability and basic mathematical ability improvement program effected scholastic achievement and motivation in mathematics, greatly. For the success of college mathematics in engineering college, this study suggests basic mathematical ability test and the survey for engineering freshmen's mathematical background. Finally, we suggest that college mathematics must be focused on the improvement of basic mathematical abilities.

Understanding of the Linguistic Features of Earth Science Treatises: Register Analysis Approach (지구과학 논문의 언어 특성 이해: 레지스터 분석)

  • Maeng, Seung-Ho;Shin, Myung-Hwan;Cha, Hyun-Jung;Ham, Seok-Jin;Shin, Hyeon-Jeong;Kim, Chan-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.785-797
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    • 2010
  • This study identified the linguistic features of Earth science treatises through the analysis of the register. Data included three Korean treatises that were in geology, atmospheric science, and oceanography. The register of Earth science treatise was as follows: First, there were semantic, referential connections between Themes and Rhemes, that the messages and main points of the texts were expressed coherently and cohesively. Second, some predicates were used which were related to deductive inference, abductive inferences, or causal relation according to the genre elements of each text. The logical relations were not represented by the conjunctions but by the types of predicates. Third, most texts in the treatises showed interpersonally weak relationship using mental predicates related to possibilities, which meant scientists expressed indirectly their interpretation, explanation, or arguments. From these results, we argued that some activities of unpacking the language of science be included in science curriculum in order to improve students' literacy of science texts and understanding scientists' knowledge construction.

Child Health Behaviors and Health Education about Atopic Dermatitis in Ulsan Area (울산지역 초등학생들의 아토피 피부염과 천식 관련 생활습관과 보건교육 실태)

  • Moon, Ki-Nai;Jung, Jong-Hyeon;Pae, Hyang-Sun;Seo, Bo-Soon;Joo, Dong-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.135-148
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: In this study, knowledge of environmental disease, experience of environmental health education and necessity of environmental health education of elementary school pupils were compared and analyzed. Methods: The population of this study was from grade 1 to 6 elementary school pupils in Ulsan city, Korea. Five elementary schools were randomly selected from Ulsan City. Seven hundred and twenty-eight responses from the five schools were analyzed (seventy-two were excluded). A self-administered questionnaire measuring sociodemographic variables, Knowledge of environment related disease(atopic dermatitis, asthma etc), as well as educational experience and necessity of environmental health education was analyzed. The survey results were analyzed using SPSS-PC Program 12.0 and the following results by implementing Frequency Analysis, Cross-tabulation Analysis and ANOVA are as follows. Result: Pupils of lower grades more informed than those of higher grades about atopic dermatitis. Among asthma sufferers, many responded that symptoms occurred or improved during the lower grades of elementary school. In terms of the lifestyles of patients with atopic dermatitis or asthma, female pupils, especially those in the lower grades, tended to make changes in their daily habits based on their disease. Also, parents tended to intervene/mediate more in the dietary habits and personal hygiene habits of lower-grade pupils compared to their higher-grade counterparts. Personal hygiene education is currently not provided in schools, and upper-grade pupils have more experience with personal hygiene education compared to lower grade pupils. 430 (59.0%) of pupils replied that education about personal hygiene is necessary in their curriculum. 490 (67.3%) of elementary pupils are aware of the close connection between education in hygiene and human health. When asked if education in hygiene should also be undertaken by teachers and parents, 406 (55.7%) students said that it should be done. Conclusions: Developing a concrete health education program and raising instructors' awareness of the necessity for education in hygiene. Placement of professionals in the personal hygiene education field, is important to provide good health education for elementary school pupils.

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Development of Practical Arts Textbook of 'Real Life's Electricity and Electronics' unit for Creative Problem Solving Abilities (창의적 문제해결력을 기르는 초등학교 실과 교과서 '생활 속의 전기.전자' 단원의 개발)

  • Bak, Hyoung-Seo
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.151-180
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the study was to develop a practical arts textbook for creative problem solving abilities in elementary school. In this study the practical arts textbook and teacher's guide has the following characteristics: they were developed to promote creative problem-solving ability, and to instill curiosity and interest about the subject matter. The procedure for the development of the practical arts textbook for creative problem solving abilities is composed of 4 steps; the planning and preparation stage, the research and developmental stage, the writing and compilation stage and the deliberation and improvement stage. This procedure for the development of a textbook can apply to both government published textbooks and to authorized textbooks. The validity of the writing and compilation stage's practical arts textbook developed model is the highest at 4.21, followed by the research and developmental stage's average, at 4.14. Among the textbook's stages of development, the importance of the deliberation and improvement stage averages the lowest, at 3.50.

A Research on Dental Health Knowledge and Awareness of Dental Hygiene Students' Parents (치위생학과 학부모의 구강건강지식 및 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Seoul-Hee;Kim, Ji-Sun;Bang, La-Young;Bae, Ji-Hyun;Lee, Kyung-Joo;Lee, Da-Yeon;Hong, Soo-Jin;Jeong, Mi-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.255-266
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    • 2016
  • Oral health knowledge, awareness and attitude towards parents of the dental hygiene students is giving a mutual influence over their children enrolled in the dental hygiene department. Therefore, the university is a situation that requires students to oral health education that can be caused by changes in attitudes and behavior, rather than a simple knowledge transfer. This study was performed to compare the differences in oral health knowledge and awareness of dental hygiene department parents. Research method was used to survey the SPSS v19.0 through the Google study has used a total of 200 in the final analysis to the National Dental Hygiene Department of the lower grades (first grade) and seniors (fourth grade), the student's parent. The results child's impact as a student in the dental hygiene department is older group were more statistically significant than the younger group. Oral Health Knowledge average of the parents of the grade your child is younger parents, older parents, cognitive average younger parents, older parents, education, whether through a child younger parents older parents, the impact is younger parents was higher in the upper grades to both parents of older parents. Therefore, the older the child the more it can be seen that grade their knowledge and habitual behavior affects the oral health knowledge and awareness of their parents.