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Case comments on the Korean Supreme Court's Judgment Involved in a Vessel Not to Impede. (Supreme Court Case No.2000 chu 43 Dated 28 November 2000) (통행불방해의무선박 관련 대법원 판결에 대한 평석 (대법원 2000. 11. 28, 선고 2000추43판결))

  • 김인현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2001
  • There are two different groups of vessels which have a duty to avoid the other vessel in the Collision Regulations; one is a vessel to keep out of the way and the other is a vessel not to impede the passage. The definition and duty of a vessel not to impede was clarified by IMO's adoption of rule 8(f) of 1972 COLREG in 1987 revision. However, the Korean government has not inserted rule 8(f) of 1972 COLREG into Korean national collision regulations to date and so the definition and application for a vessel not to impede has not been discussed in even academic circle. Recently Korean Supreme Court rendered a verdict on a collision case involved with a vessel not to impede. The writer expresses his view on the duty of a vessel not to impede and criticizes the Supreme Court's judgment, consulting with foreign scholar's article and the relevant IMO's papers.

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The research about mediating effect of perceived organizational obstruction in the relationship with job insecurity and EVLN (직무불안성성과 EVLN과의 관계에 있어서 조직방해인식의 매개효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Roung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between EVLN and job insecurity of workers and to establish the mediating effect of perceived organizational obstruction in the relationship with job insecurity and EVLN. For the proof analysis of this research, a survey was done on 350 people on/off line. Summary of the result of the research is as follows. Perceived organizational obstruction has mediating effects in the relationship with job insecurity, exit, voice and neglect. This study contributes to the understanding of perceived organizational obstruction by developing an theoretical model, incorporating the role of job insecurity and EVLN. In conclusion, this study suggests that in the organization developing EVLN, job insecurity and improving workplace spirituality of employees needs to be considered for adaptation.

Criminal Law Issues in Epidemiological Investigations Under the INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION ACT (감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률상 역학조사와 관련된 형사법적 쟁점)

  • Jang, Junhyuk
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.3-44
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    • 2022
  • As a result of a close review focusing on the case of obstruction of epidemiological investigation by a religious group A in Daegu, which was a problem when the pandemic of Covid-19 infection began in Korea around February 2, 2020, when an epidemiological investigator requested a specific group to submit a list, While there have been cases where an act of not responding or submitting an edited omission list was sentenced to the effect that the act did not fall under an epidemiological investigation, in the case of non-submission of the visitor list for the B Center, even though a 'list of visitors' was requested. Regarding the fact of refusal without a justifiable reason, 'providing a list of persons entering the building is a key factual act that forms a link between epidemiological investigations accompanying an epidemiological investigation, and refusing to do so is also an act of refusal and obstruction of an epidemiological investigation. There are cases where it is possible to demand criminal punishment. Regardless of whether the request for submission of the membership list falls under the epidemiological investigation, there are cases in which the someones' actions correspond to the refusal or obstruction of the epidemiological investigation. A lower court ruling that if an epidemiological investigation is rejected or obstructed as a result of interfering with factual acts accompanying an epidemiological investigation, comprehensively considering whether or not the list has been diverted for purposes other than epidemiological investigation, the logic is persuasive. Epidemiological investigations such as surveys and human specimen collection and testing are conducted for each infectious disease patient or contact confirmed as a result of the epidemiological investigation, but epidemiological investigations conducted on individual individuals cannot exist independently of each other, and the This is because the process of identification and tracking is essential to an epidemiological investigation, and if someone intentionally interferes with or rejects the process of confirming this link, it will result in direct, realistic, and widespread interference with the epidemiological investigation. In this article, ① there are differences between an epidemiological investigation and a request for information provision under the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, but there are areas that fall under the epidemiological investigation even in the case of a request for information, ② Considering the medical characteristics of COVID-19 and the continuity of the epidemiological investigation, the epidemiological investigator the fact that the act of requesting a list may fall under the epidemiological investigation, ③ that the offense of obstructing the epidemiological investigation in certain cases may constitute 'obstruction of Performance of Official Duties by Fraudulent Means', and ④ rejecting the request for information provision under the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act from September 29, 2020 In this case, it is intended to be helpful in the application of the Infectious Disease control and Prevention Act and the practical operation of epidemiological investigations in the future by pointing out the fact that a new punishment regulation of imprisonment or fine is being implemented.

Use of Feeding Site by Wintering Population of White-naped Crane in Han-river Estuary, Korea (한강하구에서 월동하는 재두루미 개체군의 취식지 이용)

  • Lee, Hwa-Su;Kim, Jung-Soo;Koo, Tae-Hoe
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2009
  • The aims of this study were wintering individuals, usage of foraging sites, potential food availability, daily activity and disturbance factors of White-naped Cranes Grus vipio on the wintering site, Han-river estuary, Goyang and Gimpo city, Korea. We want to provide basic data to conserve the cranes. Maxium population was identified 162 individuals at the middle of February in the river side and mud flat of this study area. Spring migration for breeding was started at the first week of March and finished for two weeks later. White-naped Cranes were used four feeding sites in winter; agricultural area in Hongdopyong, Yihwa-dong, Pyong-dong and Songpo-dong. Expected carrying capacity (ECC) was 334 days (121~909 days). White-naped Cranes departed from roosting site to feeding site at every morning for foraging. If they were disturbed by some factors at feeding sites, they moved to mud flat in the Han river to forage and take a rest. Daily activity was consisted of six category; feeding, alert, locomotion, preening, comfort, social and other behaviors. Feeding was the highest portion among behaviors in the wintering area. Feeding, alert, locomotion and preening in daily activities significantly differed among feeding sites. We watched total 348 times of disturbances in the wintering sites. Artificial disturbances were vehicles, humans, bicycles and motorcycles. Natural disturbances were noises, animals and others. Disturbances in all wintering sites were highest in Yihwa-dong (134 times) and followed by Hongdopyong (109 times), Songpo-dong (64 times) and then Pyong-dong (44 times). And artificial disturbances (228 times) were more than natural disturbances (120 times). Especially, vehicle was one of the most checked factor in the wintering area.

Exploring Cognitive Biases Limiting Rational Problem Solving and Debiasing Methods Using Science Education (합리적 문제해결을 저해하는 인지편향과 과학교육을 통한 탈인지편향 방법 탐색)

  • Ha, Minsu
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.935-946
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to explore cognitive biases relating the core competences of science and instructional strategy in reducing the level of cognitive biases. The literature review method was used to explore cognitive biases and science education experts discussed the relevance of cognitive biases to science education. Twenty nine cognitive biases were categorized into five groups (limiting rational causal inference, limiting diverse information search, limiting self-regulated learning, limiting self-directed decision making, and category-limited thinking). The cognitive biases in limiting rational causal inference group are teleological thinking, availability heuristic, illusory correlation, and clustering illusion. The cognitive biases in limiting diverse information search group are selective perception, experimenter bias, confirmation bias, mere thought effect, attentional bias, belief bias, pragmatic fallacy, functional fixedness, and framing effect. The cognitive biases in limiting self-regulated learning group are overconfidence bias, better-than-average bias, planning fallacy, fundamental attribution error, Dunning-Kruger effect, hindsight bias, and blind-spot bias. The cognitive biases in limiting self-directed decision-making group are acquiescence effect, bandwagon effect, group-think, appeal to authority bias, and information bias. Lastly, the cognitive biases in category-limited thinking group are psychological essentialism, stereotyping, anthropomorphism, and outgroup homogeneity bias. The instructional strategy to reduce the level of cognitive biases is disused based on the psychological characters of cognitive biases reviewed in this study and related science education methods.

Impact of Job Rotation Stress in Nurses on Psychological Well-being: Focusing on Mediating Effect of Challenge Assessment and Hindrance Assessment (간호사의 직무순환 스트레스가 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향: 도전적 평가와 방해적 평가의 매개효과 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hanna;Kim, Jung Min;Han, Jeong Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to establish and verify a theoretical model that explains the factors and pathways influencing the psychological well-being of nurses. The subjects of this study were nurses working in four general hospitals with over 200 beds in B city and G province. The results of verifying the path coefficient of the nurses' job rotation stress showed that job rotation stress had a significant effect on challenge stress, hindrance stress, and nurses' psychological well-being, while hindrance stress had a negative effect on nurses' psychological well-being. Nurses' job rotation stress had direct effects on challenge stress, hindrance stress, and psychological well-being. Hindrance stress had a direct effect on psychological well-being. In addition, nurses' job rotation stress had an indirect effect on psychological well-being through hindrance stress. Nurses who experienced job rotation showed challenge and hindrance stress. Since hindrance stress interferes with the psychological well-being of nurses, it is necessary to manage stress and make efforts in the nursing organization. Therefore, nursing organizations should establish a positive organizational environment and develop systematic strategies so that job rotation can be a challenging stress factor for nurses.

A Review on the Improvement of the Meaning and Composition Requirements of Interference with Fire Protection Activities - Focusing on Interference with 119 EMS Activities - (소방활동방해죄의 의미와 구성요건 개선에 관한 검토 -119구급활동 방해를 중심으로-)

  • Young Pyo Hong
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.105-124
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    • 2023
  • Modern society is facing an unstable environment due to unexpected accidents and hazardous situations. For example, incidents such as the collapse of the Bundang Bridge and the crushing accident in Itaewon could serve as examples. In addition to these, critical emergencies like sudden cardiac arrests and strokes frequently occur, requiring swift actions and smooth transfers to specialized medical institutions for effective responses. In response to these risks, the country has been establishing various systems to protect the lives and safety of its citizens. Among these, the 119 First Aid Activities plays a crucial role within the emergency medical system. Its goal is to promptly respond to critical emergency situations involving severe trauma patients or patients with serious illnesses, minimizing damage and safeguarding lives by swiftly transferring them to emergency medical institutions for specialized treatment. The core activity related to this is emergency rescue operations. In particular, the 119 First Aid system serves as a crucial institution responsible for the hospital transportation of emergency patients. However, rescue personnel still encounter cases of interference with their activities during their duties. Despite efforts from the police, these interference cases persist, and they share similarities with the crime of obstructing official duties. Interference with emergency activities exhibits a comparable nature to instances such as physical assaults and equipment damage against emergency medical practitioners working within the emergency medical system. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding and improvement efforts regarding the issues of interference that arise during the process of emergency medical activities, including the 119 First Aid system, are necessary. The solution to these problems is to establish and improve the conditions for obstruction of first aid activities, focusing on the "Framework Act on Firefighting" and the "Act on 119 Rescue and Emergency."

연간기획: 자연에서 찾은 건강_그림 테라피: 열대야 불면증 물리치는 시원한 그림

  • Lee, Yun-Mi
    • 건강소식
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.12-13
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    • 2011
  • 기온이 높고 습한 여름이면 불면증이나 수면장애를 호소하는 사람이 많다. 또한, 스트레스, 불안감 등으로 인한 심리적인 이유로 밤에 잠 못 이루는 사람들도 많다. 수면을 위해 수면제를 먹는 것은 일시적인 도움은 될 수 있으나 수면제 장가복용으로 이어질 수 있다. 음주는 오히려 수면을 방해할 뿐이고 샤워를 하는 것도 수면에 방해될 뿐이다. 그렇다면 수면을 돕는 색채와 명화의 도움을 받아보는 것은 어떨까.

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충주부근 활석 광상의 성인

  • 김형식;조동수
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 1993
  • The geology of the talc ore deposits in the Chungju area consists of the Kyemyeongsan Formation, the Munjuri Formation, the Daehyangsan Quartzite, the Hyangsanni Dolomite, and the basic rocks of the Ogcheon belt. The talc ore occurs in the Hyangsanni Dolomite near the Daehyangsan Quartzite The mineral assemblages in the Hyangsanni Dolomite are \circled1calcite-tremolite-talc-quartz, \circled2calcite-talc-quartz, \circled3tremolite-calcite-dolomite, and \circled4calcite-dolomite-phlogopite-chlorite. Talc has almost the ideal composition($X_{Mg}$=Mg/(Fe+Mg)=0.98). Talc was formed in siliceous dolomite by the medium-pressure type regional metamorphism. The evidences for contact metamorphism and/or hydrothermal reaction are not clear. The metamorphic grade of the Hyangsanni Dolomite and its adjacent pelitic or basic rocks near the deposits corresponds to epidote-amphibolite facies or greenschist facies based on the, mineral assemblages of \circled1hornblendebiotite-muscovite-epidote-quartz \circled2biotite-chlorite-quartz, and \circled3hornblende-actinolite-plagioclasequartz. The formation of the talc deposits were caused by the following reactions due to greenschist facies metamorphism of siliceous-dolomitic rocks in the Hyansanni Dolomite. (I) 3 dolomite+4 quartz+$H_2O$= talc+ 3 calcite +3 $CO_2$; (11) 3 tremolite+ 2 $H_2O$+ 6 $CO_2$= 5 talc+ 6 calcite + 4 quartz. The minimum temperature of the talc-tremolite-quartz assemblage is about $434^{\circ}C$ from calcite thermometry and the carbon dioxide mole fraction in metamorphic fulid($X_{$CO_2$}$) is about 0.1 at assumed pressure, 3 kbar.

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