• Title/Summary/Keyword: 방문자 경험

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A study on Brand Experience of Complex Cultural Space by Life Style -Focusing on Sounds Hannam- (라이프 스타일에 따른 복합문화공간의 브랜드 경험 연구 -사운즈 한남을 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Da-in;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.333-339
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    • 2020
  • The lifestyle of the new consumer class of people with diversified social structures and tastes is affecting society as a whole. As of now, emerging lots of complex cultural space with unique sensibility and individuality, this paper is about proposing the branding of a complex cultural space. I selected Sounds Hannam as a cultural complex and conducted in-depth interviews about brand experience and Ethnography. The study found that Sounds Hannam needs sense of hearing and smell because the sensory factors of the Sounds Hannam are concentrated in the visual field, and also, there is a need to create an appropriate communication channel through SNS. The Sounds Hannam had the characteristic factors of sensibility, relaxation and content based on a diversity different from the existing one. Throughout research, it was derived that planning space as a place to inspire people through spatial composition that triggers behavior and creative thinking is the goal of a complex cultural space and at the same time, an effective way to reflect the lifestyle of those in 20s.

Two Pediatric Cases of Dengue Fever Imported from Philippines (필리핀에서 유입된 소아 뎅기열 2례)

  • Oh, Mi Ae;Shim, Jae Won;Kim, Duk Soo;Jung, Hye Lim;Park, Moon Soo;Shim, Jung Yeon
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 2013
  • Dengue fever is an important health problem for international travelers to all endemic areas. The steadily increasing numbers of tourists visiting endemic areas raise the risk of exposure, and imported dengue cases are increasingly observed in nonendemic area. Dengue has a wide spectrum of clinical presentations, often with unpredictable clinical evolution and outcome. While most patients recover following a self-limiting, non-severe clinical course, a small proportion progress to severe disease such as dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome. Therefore, it is important to suspect dengue fever in every febrile patient returning from the tropics. Whenever it is suspected, a quick diagnosis and adequate managements are essential to avoid complications. We report two cases of imported dengue fever in Korean children presenting with fever, headache, nausea, and rash.

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The Effect on Participating in the Urban Farming in the Farm Village Experience Tourism of Urbanite (도시민의 도시농업 경험이 농촌체험관광에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, In-Hwan;Lee, Hyo-Jeong;Lee, Seul-Bi;Jeon, In-Cheol;Kim, Yong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study were to classify the Y/N in participating the urban farming and to analyze the intention in farm village experience tourism, reason to participate and non-participation, the positive image and negative image between the urbanite group experience in urban farming and the other group that does not experience it. Questionnaire was implemented to the metropolitan urbanite who visited exemplary field farmhouse and urban recreation space to analyze the comparison of groups that experience or do not experience urban farming. The result of this research is as follows: first, experiencing urban farming are relatively less in willingness to participate in the farm village tourism experience than those who do not experience it. Second, the largest reason to participate in farm village tourism experience is found to be the natural environment of farm village tourism experience that is different from that of the city and the effect on children's education. Third, most answers on the reason for not participating in farm village tourism experience is because of the busy daily life. Fourth, urbanite have positive image in general about farm village tourism experience. Especially, when the comparison between the groups was made, it was showed that the difference in understanding the crops growing and the natural environment difference in the city. Fifth, about the negative image on the farm village tourism experience, it showed the difference in understanding the unfamiliar scenery, shortage of eye catching and fun, and the necessity and cost between the groups. Consequently, this study may be significant in the recognition of the farm village tourism experience on urbanite were checked, it was revealed that Y/N experience in the urban farming made negative influence to the willing.

A Study on the Dental Hygienist's Awareness on the Elderly Long-Term Care Insurance System (치과위생사의 노인장기요양보험제도에 대한 인식도 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Ran;Kwon, Sun-Hwa
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2009
  • This research targeted 253 dental hygienists who are working in parts of the South Gyeongnam Province to identify their Degree of Recognition on the Elderly Long-term Care Insurance System executed on July 1,2008 according to their awareness. The following conclusions were obtained. 1. Experience in managing elderly patients' oral cavity and specialized education on the elderly patients while studying dental hygiene (department) manifested statically significant difference with the appropriate age of the Long-term care worker(p<0.01, p<0.05). Moreover, there was significant difference in the level of understanding on the Elderly Long-term Care Insurance System depending on the experience of volunteering and on whether they got specialized education on the elderly patients while working(p<0.01). 2. There was significant difference in the awareness of the Elderly Long-term Care Insurance System following interest in the health of the elderly patients' oral cavity(p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001).

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The Effects of Interpersonal Relationships on Job Satisfaction of Home-visiting Care Helpers (방문 요양보호사의 대인관계가 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Na, Mi-Jeong;Mo, Seon-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.234-245
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    • 2015
  • This study was to investigate the effects of interpersonal relationships on job satisfaction of home-visiting care helpers and the category of interpersonal relationships was subdivided into elderly clients, guardians, colleagues and directors considering the person-to-person nature of home-visiting care helper's job characteristics. A group of 336 care helpers who engaged in home-visiting care service providing facilities in Daejeon City was selected as a research subject, and the data were analyzed with SPSS 22.0 program using reliability, frequency, correlation and hierarchical multiple regression. The results for the final analysis revealed that the effect of socio-demographic features was not significant while, among characteristics of job performances, work priority, turnover experience, and career choice reasons turned out to have significant impacts on job satisfaction. In particular, interpersonal relationships except the one with guardians were found to be the most influential variables and the effects of those relationships on job satisfaction were significant. The influencing power was stronger in relationships with director, elderly clients, and colleagues in order, and the job satisfaction level was higher as they were in better relationships with director, elderly clients, and colleagues. The results of this research shows that it is necessary to set an atmosphere where harmonious interpersonal relationships can be formed inside and outside of facilities in order to improve job satisfaction of home-visiting care helpers.

Studies on Hilly Pasture Landscape Expectancy, Satisfaction of Tourist on Grassland Facility: A case Study of Yangtae Farm Visitor (산지목장 방문자의 목장 경관 기대와 목초지 및 초지시설 만족도에 관한 연구 : 양떼목장 방문객의 경우)

  • Kang, Dae-Koo;Lee, Hyo-Jin;Lee, Hyowon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.68-79
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    • 2017
  • The objective of study was to find the relationship in hilly pasture landscape expectancy and tourist's satisfaction on grassland facility. It was followed by literature reviews and visitors' survey in Daegwallyeong Yangtte Farm on 31, July, 2014. 367 respondents were analyzed by F-test, t-test, Chi-square and Fisher's Exact Test at 0.05 level after data screening process. Computing factors were sex, marital status, age, academic career and occupation. The results was as followed; First, major respondents group of survey were in oder of woman, forty years old group, married office worker, and university graduate. Second, the expectancy for grassland was significant difference in age, but pasture color expectancy was not significant difference in gender, age, educational background, marital status, and there was significant difference in favorite grassland type with age, marital status. Third, favorite fence type was not significant difference along with all group of participants. However, color and material of fence was significant difference in marital status. Fourth, preferred ranch road was significant difference with occupation and marital status. There was significant difference in favorite grassland type near ranch road along with age and occupation type. Fifth, the mean satisfaction was 3.6 point in 5.0. Therefore, all respondents were generally satisfaction in visited. Tourists were more interested in ranch landscape than experience or contacts to animal.

A Survey of University Students' Perception of Kindness over Dental Staff in Using Dental Care Services in an Area (일부지역 대학생의 치과의료서비스 이용시 의료진의 친절인식정도 조사)

  • Lee, Chun-Sun;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2010
  • This study purposed to survey D university students' perception of kindness in their use of dental care services in an area of Gyeonggido. For this purpose, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 502 students from October 2, 2008 to March 6, 2009 and analyzed the data. Results obtained from this study are as follows. 1. Of the subjects, 71.3% were female, 67.7% were at the age of 20 or younger, and 89.2% had experience in visiting a dental clinic. Among the subjects who had experience in visiting a dental clinic, 31.1% replied that they were highly interested in oral health, and to the question on the selfperceived current oral health condition, 35.1% replied that there was something wrong in their oral health condition. 2. With regard to correlation between general characteristics and interest in oral health, 79.9% of the male subjects and 83.2% of the female ones were highly interested in oral health. According to age, interest in oral health was highest among those aged 26 or older 92.0%. 3. With regard to correlation between general characteristics and oral health condition, if the presence of dental caries or periodontal disease was considered an indicator of poor oral health, 66.0% of the male subjects and 70.9% of the female ones appeared unhealthy, 72.0% of students aged 26 or older showed satisfaction. 4. The most frequent reason for not visiting a dental clinic was 'Not sick' 34.6%, and among those who had experience, the most frequent reason for visiting was 'To get treatment of sick teeth' 63.0%. With regard to the perceived kindness of dentist and dental hygienist, 40.6% and 45.8% of the subjects, respectively, were highly satisfied. The most frequent reason for satisfaction was 'Comfortable with patient reception' 34.4% and the most frequent reason for dissatisfaction was 'Explain treatment insufficiently' 30.7%. 5. As to perceived kindness according to gender, 60.9% of the male subjects and 56.1% of the female ones were satisfied with dentist's kindness, and 66.9% and 59.6%, respectively, were satisfied with dental hygienist's kindness. According to age, 62.5% of students aged 26 or older showed satisfaction with dentist's kindness and 78.3% of them with dental hygienist's kindness. 6. As to perceived kindness according to correlation between interest in oral health and current selfperceived oral condition, the kindness of dentists(68.0%) and hygienists(67.8%) was perceived higher when interest in oral health was high and not very interested and the kindness of dentists(50.0%) and hygienists(66.78%) when selfperceived oral condition was healthy, and the difference was statistically significant (p<.022 and p<.023, respectively).

The Study on Factors for Successful Urban Regeneration -Compared the Relative Importance between External and Internal Factors- (성공적인 도시재생사업을 위한 요인에 관한 연구 -외부 요인과 내부 요인의 상대적 중요도 비교-)

  • Lee, Chan-ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to find out key factors of successful urban regeneration based on previous studies and relationships between those factors and revisit intention. To draw a conclusion, this study makes surveys including the variables of success factor(External environment factors, Internal environment factors, Internal cultural factors), degree of satisfaction, and degree of revisit intention. And it collects the data from respondents who had been to Gamcheon culture village in Busan. The data is analyzed by applying an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis. The result of these analysis describes that the Internal environment factors and Internal cultural factors affect the satisfaction degree positively and the degree of satisfaction has positive effects on the revisit intention. The study finds out that unique resource properties should be considered when underdeveloped cities are regenerated. Future study is to generalize the theory through the sampling covered the whole country.

A Study on the Status of Oral Health & Oral Health Attitude of Workers in Industries (근로자의 구강건강실태와 구강건강관리행동에 관한 조사)

  • Park, Hong-Ryurn
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain baseline data for establishing oral health policy and developing oral health among industrial workers. A question was used to question paper 226 workers of D heavy industrial company in Sacheon-City. The result obtained were as follows: 1.Generally dental patients asked to not prevention treatment but treatment of dental disease. 2.Most of workers respondent that their oral health is so so.(52.2%). 3.Respondents reported 76.1% of dental calculus, 55.8% of sensitive to cold and hot things. 4.Oral health attitude is tooth brushing experience (39.8%), scaling experience (75.7%), when brushed area all teeth, gingiva and tongue(47.3%). 5.81.8% of respondents received no teeth pain when brushing time is over 3 minutes and 83.7% of smokers had calculus.

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Related Factors and Oral health Status of Some Manufacturering Workers (일부 제조업 생산직 남성근로자들의 구강건강상태 및 관련요인)

  • Cha, Jeong-Dan;Jang, Kyeung-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.4959-4967
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    • 2011
  • The Purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting oral health status of some workers. Answer sheets for questionnarie for 178 workers at Changwon city, Korea, were collected and analyzed using SPSS 19.0. The number of respondents who have visited dental clinic is lower among group with dental caries than group without dental caries. The respondents who have scaling corresponds to 31.3% in the group with dental caries and a little bit lower percentage is shown in the group without dental cares(p<.05). Among those with dental caries, the respondents who experienced tooth pains are to 51.3% and those who had frequent blooding in gum 48.7% and those who had ordors inside the mouth 53.8%. The number of respondents who had scaling within last one year among the group with gingival inflammation is lower than those without it(p<.001). In the group with gingival inflammation, no smokers are corresponding to 13.9%(p<.01) and those with more than 3 times brush of tooth 4.7% and those with oral hygiene devices are to 5.9%. Important variables which have effects on dental caries are understood as self-evaluation for dental health, dental floss or interdental brush, ordors in the mouth. Also variables related with gingival inflammation are considered as tooth brush before bed time, tongue pain, orders in the mouth, the cold as ice tooth and tooth scaling experience. In summary, Oral health education is needed to increase the motivation of industrial workers to control their basic dental disease.