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The Effect on Participating in the Urban Farming in the Farm Village Experience Tourism of Urbanite  

Lee, In-Hwan (HANDSEL GREEN Co. Ltd.)
Lee, Hyo-Jeong (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, The University of Seoul)
Lee, Seul-Bi (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, The University of Seoul)
Jeon, In-Cheol (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, The University of Seoul)
Kim, Yong-Geun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, The University of Seoul)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture / v.40, no.6, 2012 , pp. 79-88 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study were to classify the Y/N in participating the urban farming and to analyze the intention in farm village experience tourism, reason to participate and non-participation, the positive image and negative image between the urbanite group experience in urban farming and the other group that does not experience it. Questionnaire was implemented to the metropolitan urbanite who visited exemplary field farmhouse and urban recreation space to analyze the comparison of groups that experience or do not experience urban farming. The result of this research is as follows: first, experiencing urban farming are relatively less in willingness to participate in the farm village tourism experience than those who do not experience it. Second, the largest reason to participate in farm village tourism experience is found to be the natural environment of farm village tourism experience that is different from that of the city and the effect on children's education. Third, most answers on the reason for not participating in farm village tourism experience is because of the busy daily life. Fourth, urbanite have positive image in general about farm village tourism experience. Especially, when the comparison between the groups was made, it was showed that the difference in understanding the crops growing and the natural environment difference in the city. Fifth, about the negative image on the farm village tourism experience, it showed the difference in understanding the unfamiliar scenery, shortage of eye catching and fun, and the necessity and cost between the groups. Consequently, this study may be significant in the recognition of the farm village tourism experience on urbanite were checked, it was revealed that Y/N experience in the urban farming made negative influence to the willing.
Metropolitan Urbanite; Y/N in Participating the Urban Farming; Intention to Participate in Farm Village Experiencing Tourism; Recognition of Farm Village Experiencing Tourism;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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