Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of performance of TB control manpower in Korea and to identify the affecting factors associated with it. Methods: This study employed a quantitative observational with cross-sectional design and the subjects were consisted of 189 TB (Tuberculosis) control manpower who were working in both community health centers and private hospitals. Variables included in this study were demographic, social, work-related characteristics, aqhnd self-efficacy. A reliability of the instrument for the performance was Cronbach's ${\alpha}$=.91. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression using SPSS (19th version). Results: The mean value of the degree of work-related performance of TB control manpower was $4.4{\pm}0.49$9 and it was higher than those of general nurses working in any other health care departments. The mean differences in the degree of work-related performance were in self-efficacy, workplace, the number of full charge manpower in TB, the number of participation in in-depth education, and the willingness to job maintenance. In multiple regression analysis, factors associated with TB control manpower' work-related performance were self-efficacy (${\beta}$=.164, p=.025), workplace (${\beta}$=-.186, p=.023), the number of participation in in-depth education(${\beta}$=.339, p<.002), and the willingness to job maintenance (${\beta}$=-.157, p=.036). Conclusion: Results of this study showed that work-related performances of manpower working in private hospital were higher than those of manpower in public health centers. So, it is necessary to enhance nation's active intervention to improve effectiveness and reduction of risk factors in TB policy.