Purpose: This study aimed to identify the effects of organizational culture, organizational silence, and organizational commitment on the intention of retention as perceived by nurses Methods: The research model was designed on the basis of the PROCESS Macro model 6 proposed by Hayes. The participants were 142 nurses from general hospitals. Measurements included the scales of organizational culture, organizational silence, organizational commitment, and intention of retentione. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, and Hayes's PROCESS macro method for mediation. Results: Retention intention showed a significantly positive correlation with relationship-orientated culture (r=.32, p<.001), innovation-orientated culture (r=.30, p<.001), and organizational commitment (r=.48, p<.001). However retention intention showed a significantly negative correlation with organizational silence (r=-.42, p<.001). Furthermore, organizational silence and commitment had a mediating effect on the relationship between organizational culture and intention of retention. Conclusion: The impact of organizational culture on intention of retention in general hospitals was mediated by organizational silence and organizational commitment. Considering the mediating effects of organizational silence and organizational commitment on the relationship between nursing organizational culture and retention intention, a strategy should be developed to enhance organizational commitment and weaken organizational silence by strengthening related and innovative nursing culture.