Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among self-efficacy, collective efficacy, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of nurses working in general hospitals. Methods: Data were collected from 239 nurses working in five general hospitals of a local area by self-reported questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and hierarchial multiple regression. Results: Self-efficacy, collective efficacy, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment showed significantly positive correlations. Hierarchial multiple regression analysis showed that self-efficacy was the main factor of affecting job satisfaction, which explained 14.3% of the variance for the nurses' job satisfaction together with collective efficacy and weekly working time. In addition, the primary factor of affecting organization commitment was self-efficacy, which accounted for 17.2% of the variance for the nurses' organizational commitment together with hospital size and shift work. Conclusion: Self-efficacy and nursing working condition such as working time or hospital size contributed to the job satisfaction and organizational commitment and collective efficacy contributed to the job satisfaction. Therefore, the strategies for improving self and collective efficacy should be considered. Further study is also needed to investigate the concept of collective efficacy and its' measurement, and the relationship between collective efficacy and organizational commitment.