This study investigates internet shopping behavior of consumers. The rapid growth of the internet shopping markets is solely dependent on the voluntary adoption of internet shopping medium by the personal users. But the studies on this topic are very limited. Based on these facts, this study, recognizing the internet shopping medium as an innovation, studies how consumers understand and use innovative internet shopping medium by applying and extending the technology acceptance model proposed by Davis et. al.(1989). The results of the survey on 947 consumer panel reveal that compatibility, system quality have positive impact on the formation of perceived ease of use. And it is also shown that the perceived ease of use, system quality, and compatibility have positive influence on perceived usefulness, but computer-efficacy has no effect on perceived usefulness. Meanwhile, it is confirmed that perceived usefulness and compatibility have positive effect on attitude toward internet shopping behavior, but perceived ease of use has no effect. In addition, perceived security and social norm, as opposed to the hypotheses, are shown to have no effect on internet shopping behavior. Lastly, applications and related limitations are discussed.