Thie study examines MIS researchers, research themes, methodology, and intellectual structure in order to analyze general research patterns in the field of MIS. The methods used for this study are subject analysis of the journal articles, citation analysis, and author co-citation analysis, The source articles are all the papers in $\lceil$Journal of Korean MIS Society$\rfloor$ and MIS papers in $\lceil$Korean Management Review$\rfloor$ and $\lceil$Journal of Korean MS/OR Society$\rfloor$. In results, core journals in MIS are MIS Quarterly, Management Science, and Communications of ACM. Core authors inlcude Ives, DeSanctis, Ginzberg, Lucas, Rockart, and Davis. The major areas in Korean MIS research turn out to be information system management, DSS/GDSS strategic information systems and AI applications.