• Title/Summary/Keyword: start-up education satisfaction

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Analysis of Factors that Influence Job Choices and Start-ups of Youth - Comparative Study among 7 Countries - (청년층 직업선택과 창업의 영향요인 분석 - 7개국 국가 간 비교연구 -)

  • Oh, Se-Ho;Nam, Jung-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.268-280
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    • 2020
  • This research conducted an empirical analysis of factors that influence the process of job choices and start-ups among the youth. By conducting a comparative analysis on 6 countries with adequate career systems and booming startup industries (China, Indonesia, the UK, Germany, Israel, the US.). The statistical sample is based on the Global Entrepreneurship Trend Ratio and covers a total of 7,082 youth across 7 countries. Multivariate variance analysis and correlational analysis were conductedto compare the average figures among different countries and analyze the regulation effect of parental influence. Job satisfaction, parental influence, and willingness to change future job were selected as the factors that influence job choices. Korea's job satisfaction was the lowest among 7 countries and a willingness to change future job was the highest. Meanwhile, Korea's parental influence was at a medium level among 7 countries. It was proven that job satisfaction had a quasi-control effect on the process of influencing willingness to change future job. Entrepreneurial education, willingness to start-up, job satisfaction, and parental influence were chosen as the factors that influence start-up. Two-way ANOVA were conducted to comparatively analyze each country's average, mutual influence among different factors, and analyze the regulation effect of parental influence. In all countries, start-up education has the effect of raising the willingness to start-up. Also, it was verified that parental influence had a quasi-control effect in the process of career satisfaction influencing the willingness to start-up. The research results will provide meaningful implications for the government and educational institutes including universities when designing policy directions to guide overall career for the youth in the future.

The Effect of Active Senior's Career Orientation and Educational Entrepreneurship Satisfaction on Entrepreneurship Intention and Entrepreneurship Preparation Behavior (액티브 시니어의 경력지향성과 창업교육 만족이 창업의지와 창업준비행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Joungbum;Yang, Youngseok;Kim, Myungseuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.285-301
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    • 2020
  • Looking at the problem of aging in the nation from a demographic perspective, it is not a problem of the overall population, but of the structure of the population. It is the baby boomer and post-baby boomers, the largest population in the country. Baby boomers were born between 1955 and 1963, and currently have a population of 7001,333, which is 13.6 percent (as of 2015). The Post-Baby Boomer generation was born between 1964 and 1974, with a total population of 9,567,171, accounting for 18.8 percent of the total population. In particular, baby boomers and post-baby boomers (32.4% of the total population) have begun to retire or will retire soon. The average life expectancy continues to increase due to the development of medical technology, and the falling birth rate of newborns and the declining population of the production population are darkening the domestic economy. In a policy proposal aimed at easing the nation's falling economic growth rate, women's participation rate is as high as Sweden and men's efforts to increase it as high as Japan's, while the elderly rate is desirable to maintain Korea's high level. This is because the expansion of the elderly generation's participation in economic activities could ease a sharp drop in economic growth and reduce the burden of supporting the elderly population. The study, based on this social problem awareness and problem solving plan, looks at the relationship between career orientation and satisfaction in start-up education based on the diverse career base of active seniors, and also suggests the importance of customized start-up education on the diversity of active seniors by clarifying the relationship between them, and suggests the desirable direction of senior start-up policy design, funding, and start-up education. Based on the theoretical background, the concept of five factors was defined: active senior, career-oriented, satisfaction level of start-up education, willingness to start a business, and the concept definition of an active senior, which is particularly key to the baby boomers in their 50s and 60s, is generally regarded as a source of consumption or welfare benefits, but in this study, the concept of active start-up is reflected in the domestic start-up market by young people in their 40s, 50s and 60s. As a result of a hypothesis test. Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 5: Career orientation has been verified to affect the willingness to start a business and the behavior of preparation for a start-up. Hypothesis 3: The willingness to start a business has been verified as having an effect between startup preparation actions. Hypothesis 4: The satisfaction level of start-up education has been verified to affect start-up preparation behavior. However, hypothesis 2: The satisfaction level of education for start-ups does not affect the willingness to start a business. Such results can be inferred that satisfaction in start-up education does not have a direct effect on the will to start a business and increases the will to start a business through the influence of personal career orientation.

Effects of Startup Motivation, Startup Competence, and Startup Support Policy on Startup Satisfaction in Early Startup Companies : Moderating Effect of Social Support (창업동기, 창업역량 및 창업지원 정책이 창업 초기기업의 창업 만족도에 미치는 영향 : 사회적지지의 조절효과)

  • Kang, Young-chul;Ha, Kyu-soo
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2022
  • Entrepreneurship has been emphasized in social and national importance. However, survival rate of domestic startups is relatively low. Therefore, it is urgent to come up with a plan to increase the survival rate by improving the satisfaction level of early start-ups. In this study, we investigated the effect of start-up motivation, start-up competence, and start-up support policies of early start-up companies on start-up satisfaction and the moderating effect of social support. Startup motivation were divided into economic motivation and self-actualization motivation in detail. Start-up competence was divided into experience competency and marketing competency in detail. The start-up support policy was divided into start-up fund support and start-up consulting support. An empirical analysis was conducted by receiving online and offline questionnaires from 250 managers of early start-up companies within 7 years of founding. As a result, economic motivation, self-actualization motivation, experience competency, marketing competency, and start-up fund support had a significant positive (+) effect on start-up satisfaction. However, start-up consulting support did not have a significant effect. In addition, the size of the influence on startup Satisfaction was in the order of self-actualization motivation, experience competency, marketing competency, startup fund support, and economic motivation. The moderating effect of social support was found in economic motivation, self-actualization motivation, and experience competency. However, the moderating effect of marketing competency, start-up fund support, and start-up consulting support was not tested. Through the research results, the academic implications that self-actualization motivation and experience competency are key factors in enhancing start-up satisfaction were suggested. In addition, practical implications were suggested that it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education programs and entrepreneurship consulting support systems that can maximize the self-realization and experience capabilities of early entrepreneurs.

A Study on the Support Direction for Start-up Company in Incubation Center through IPA Analysis: Focusing on the Youth Cube in Ansan (IPA분석을 통한 창업보육센터 입주기업의 지원 방향 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Hyeong Eun Kwon;Chang Hee Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2023
  • In order to support start-ups effectively with limited resources, it is necessary to provide support tailored to start-up companies. Businesses that are operating in local incubation centers may have different demands for the support depending on the region characteristics. This study was worked on companies that have entered into the incubation center 'Youth Cube', which is operated by Ansan City. We investigated the perception of importance in the field of support to identify support policy priorities, and the satisfaction level of each field of support currently supported. Then We conducted an IPA analysis to derive the direction of support. The Ansan area has regional characteristics that it is located in the metropolitan area with well-equipped start-up infrastructure and many innovative institutions, As a result of the importance survey, technology commercialization was recognized as the most important, and education/mentoring was recognized as the least important. Satisfaction with the space and facilities that can be used free of charge was the highest, and the satisfaction was the lowest for entrepreneurship education/mentoring, as was the degree of importance. In addition, according to each quadrant, we derived support that should be maintained, support that should be intensively improved, support that should be given a low policy priority, and support directions that should be kept in mind to avoid excessive support.

Impact of Start-Up Incubator Service On the Start-up Performance (창업기업 성과에 미치는 창업보육 지원 서비스 연구)

  • Hwangbo, Yun;Kim, Jae Hyoung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2016
  • The study aims to examine the impact of Start-Up Business Incubator System on Performance of the Start-up Graduated from the Business Incubator. This has analyzed 813 startups which had supported by Seoul Metropolitan City in particular from 2009 to 2010. Empirical analysis has choosed business room for free, startup grant for operation, education & coaching support, consulting support by practitioner, promotion & new market opening support and collaboration support among startups in the business incubator as independent variables and also implemented startup success satisfaction degree as a depentent variable. The results shows that the degree of satisfaction on start-up activity support fund for entrepreneur and the degree of satisfaction on collaboration support among firms in the business incubator have statistical significant impact on start-up success satisfaction degree. The study has an implication that it provides a basic data on policy support strategies by central and local autonomous governments that facilitate entrepreneurs to achieve start-up business goals by understanding the factors that affect the business performance of entrepreneurs. In addition, the study offers new directions for entrepreneurs in a way that promotes the start-up performance by business room for free, education & coaching support, consulting support by practitioner, promotion & new market opening support which were investigated as statistical insignificant constructs, so that the author expects new studies about more effective business incubator system to enhance the performanc of start-up in business incubator.

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A Study on the Improvement the Start-up Support Policy: Focused on the ICT Start-up (창업기업 지원 정책 개선 방안 연구: ICT 창업기업을 중심으로)

  • Gil, Wungyu;Bae, Hongbeom;Sim, Yongho;Kim, Seokyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2018
  • Various government support policies are being promoted in order to stimulate growth of SMEs. The government is striving to provide effective support through direct methods of tax, finance and indirect methods through support programs. However, the view on the government's startup policy is still tense. We are sympathetic with the need for support, but discussions continue to be made on the effectiveness of support projects and support projects. Therefore, this study evaluates the importance and satisfaction of the government start-up support project. For this purpose, we conducted questionnaires on ICT start-ups who have experienced government start-up support projects. Of these, 128 were analyzed for GAP analysis and ISA. As a result of the GAP analysis of the government start - up support project, the degree of satisfaction (4.408) was lower than the degree of importance (5.221), confirming that the beneficiary's evaluation on the start-up support project was negative. As a result of the importance-satisfaction analysis, 'R&D' and 'commercialization' are located in the maintenance area, and 'government funding', 'marketing, overseas advancement' projects are included in the concentrated area. In the low-ranking areas, there are 'entrepreneur events and networks' items. Finally, there are 'facilities and spaces', 'mentoring and consulting', and 'entrepreneurship education' in the surplus areas. As a result of multiple regression analysis, it was found that 'R&D', 'entrepreneurial education', and 'government funding' influenced satisfaction. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it will contribute to improving the quality level of the government start-up support project by establishing the support policy for the ICT start-up enterprises and improving the system.

Effects of Entrepreneurship Education Based on Relative Policies Link (창업교육연계의 효과측정모형 및 정책제안)

  • Seol, Byung-Moon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2012
  • This paper integrates elements from the theory of agency, the entrepreneurship education, the start-up policies. Entrepreneurship education is demanded to enhance success of business candidate for business establishment and to increase start-up survival. Three researches are made by this study. First of all, Educational performance is measured and it explains why linked policies is needed. To explain linked performance, this paper introduces several hypothesis. These are about a rate of start-up failure caused by agency problem and a rate of education effect decreasing agency problem. Secondly, operation performance of it can be increased by linking among policies and should be for the original goals of start-up policies. Finally, several ideas including start-up certification is proposed. Start-up certification has role of contact point of different entrepreneurship policies. As a result, level of satisfaction of policies will increase and specially of education program by linked effects.

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A Study on the Effectiveness of Government Start-up Support Project Satisfaction and Business Capabilities by Start-up Growth Stage (창업성장단계별 정부의 창업지원사업 만족도와 창업가의 사업화역량의 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Bok-man;Jang, Young-hye
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2024
  • This study confirms the relative influence of satisfaction with the government's start-up support project at each growth stage of start-up companies and entrepreneurs' commercialization capabilities on start-up commitment. The start-up growth stage was divided into start-up stage, initial growth stage, stagnation stage, and high growth stage, and the government's start-up support project was divided into eight types(entrepreneurship education, mentoring/consulting, facility space, commercialization support, policy funds, sales channels/marketing/overseas expansion, R&D support, and start-up events/network) and satisfaction was evaluated. The data used was the results of the Daegu Creative Economy Innovation Center's survey on entrepreneurship conditions. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the entrepreneur's commercialization capabilities are more effective in increasing the entrepreneur's commitment to starting a business than the satisfaction with the government's start-up support project. Additionally, it was confirmed that relatively important factors in entrepreneurship immersion differ depending on the start-up stage. During the start-up period, the government's start-up support project was found to be an important factor in increasing entrepreneurs' commitment to starting a business, but it was confirmed that the government's start-up support project had no effect on the start-up commitment after the start-up growth stage. In addition, this study confirmed the relatively important government start-up support projects by start-up growth stage and found that satisfaction with start-up facilities can increase start-up commitment during the start-up stage, and that start-up facilities and commercialization support are important during the early growth stage. And in the Death Valley stage, startup facilities, commercialization support, and policy funds were confirmed to be relatively important factors, and in the high growth stage, mentoring was confirmed to be an important factor in increasing entrepreneurship immersion. The results of this study not only contribute theoretically to building entrepreneurship theory, but also determine the size and effective support plan for the government's entrepreneurship support project for each growth stage of startup companies, and help organizations that operate entrepreneurship policy and institutional support and startup support programs. It will have a significant contribution to management measures.

The Effects of Entrepreneurship Mentoring on Entrepreneurial Will and Mentoring Satisfaction: Focusing on Opus Entrepreneurship Education (창업 멘토링 기능이 창업의지와 멘토링 만족도에 미치는 영향: 오퍼스 창업교육을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ki-Hong;Lee, Chang-Young;Joe, Jee-Hyung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.211-226
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    • 2023
  • As we transition into the post-COVID era, economic activities that were stagnant are regaining momentum. In particular, there is a growing trend of technology entrepreneurship driven by the opportunities of digital transformation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. However, entrepreneurship education content is struggling to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change. This study aims to emphasize the importance of entrepreneurship mentoring as a crucial component of entrepreneurship education content that requires adaptation and advancement due to the increasing demand for technology entrepreneurship. This study redefines startup mentoring, which is differentiated from general mentoring, at the present time when the demand for startups, which increases with the declining employment rate, increases, and the development of quality startup education contents and securing professional startup mentors are required. According to the start-up stage, it is divided into preliminary entrepreneurs and early entrepreneurs, and the effect of entrepreneurship knowledge and self-efficacy among start-up mentoring functions on entrepreneurial will and mentoring satisfaction is improved by empirically researching the effects of start-up mentoring functions in the case of initial entrepreneurs as a moderating effect. To confirm the importance of entrepreneurship mentoring effect for. To this end, among the mentoring functions, entrepreneurship knowledge and self-efficacy were set as independent variables, and entrepreneurial will and mentoring satisfaction were set as dependent variables. The research model was designed and hypotheses were established. In addition, empirical analysis was conducted by conducting a questionnaire survey on trainees who received entrepreneurship mentoring education at ICCE Startup School and Opus Startup School. To summarize the results of the empirical analysis, first, among the entrepreneurship mentoring functions, entrepreneurship knowledge and self-efficacy were analyzed to have a significant positive (+) effect on entrepreneurial will. Second, among the entrepreneurship mentoring functions, entrepreneurship knowledge and self-efficacy were analyzed to have a significant positive (+) effect on mentoring satisfaction. Third, it was analyzed that entrepreneurship had no significant moderating effect on entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial will. Fourth, it was analyzed that entrepreneurship had no significant moderating effect on mentoring satisfaction. Fifth, it was found that entrepreneurship had a significant moderating effect between self-efficacy and will to start a business. As a result of the research analysis, the first implication is that the mentoring function in start-up education is analyzed to produce meaningful results for both the initial entrepreneurs and the prospective entrepreneurs in the will to start a business and satisfaction. . Second, it was analyzed that there was no significant relationship between whether a business was started and the mentoring function and effect. However, it was analyzed that the will to start a business through improvement of self-efficacy through mentoring was significantly related to whether or not to start a business. turned out to be helpful. Many start-up education programs currently conducted in Korea educate both early-stage entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs at the same time for reasons such as convenience. However, through the results of this study, even in small-scale entrepreneurship mentoring, it is suggested that customized mentoring through detailed classification such as whether the mentee has started a business can be a method for successful entrepreneurship and high satisfaction of the mentee.

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A Study on the Types and Characteristics of Tech Start-up Preparation of Middle-Aged Entrepreneurs (중장년 기술창업가의 창업 준비 유형 및 특성에 대한 연구)

  • Sungpyo, Hong;Minhee, Kim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.125-140
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    • 2023
  • Careful preparation for a start-up can lower the risk of failure and create a successful business model. However, there are still challenges for middle-aged entrepreneurs, as start-up services and policies are often not readily accessible or fully utilized. Despite active research on middle-aged start-ups, previous studies have not delved deeply into the demographics of start-up preparation and various preparation behaviors. In response to this, a study was conducted to identify which start-up support services middle-aged entrepreneurs use, and how start-up preparation can be classified based on this. Data from 324 middle-aged tech start-up owners, based in Seoul and who started their businesses within the past 7 years, was collected and analyzed. The results showed that middle-aged entrepreneurs had moderate start-up preparation, with the greatest focus on the preparation period and the least focus on start-up education. Latent Profile Analysis revealed three groups of start-up preparation types among middle-aged entrepreneurs: "Overall Tribal Type," "Lack of Start-up Education Type," and "Comprehensive Preparation Type." BCH was performed on start-up satisfaction, start-up competence, fear of failure, access to start-up services, and support needs for middle-aged entrepreneurs based on the preparation type. The results showed that "Overall Tribal Type" had statistically lower start-up satisfaction, competence, and service accessibility compared to the other groups. Meanwhile, "Comprehensive Preparation Type" had a statistically lower fear of failure than the other types. "Overall Tribal Type" also had lower accessibility to middle-aged start-up services. All types had a high recognition of the need for support for specialized middle-aged start-ups. The findings highlight the need for more comprehensive support for middle-aged entrepreneurs. This could include expanding support projects to enhance their level of preparation, providing customized support based on their level of preparation, and improving the visibility and accessibility of start-up support services for middle-aged individuals. Additionally, specialized education that addresses the characteristics of middle-aged individuals should be provided.

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