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A quantitative study on the minimal pair of Korean phonemes: Focused on syllable-initial consonants (한국어 음소 최소대립쌍의 계량언어학적 연구: 초성 자음을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Jieun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2019
  • The paper investigates the minimal pair of Korean phonemes quantitatively. To achieve this goal, I calculated the number of consonant minimal pairs in the syllable-initial position as both raw counts and relative counts, and analyzed the part of speech relations of the two words in the minimal pair. "Urimalsaem" was chosen as the object of this study because it was judged that the minimal pair analysis should be done through a dictionary and it is the largest among Korean dictionaries. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, there were 153 types of minimal pairs out of 337,135 examples. The ranking of phoneme pairs from highest to lowest was 'ㅅ-ㅈ, ㄱ-ㅅ, ㄱ-ㅈ, ㄱ-ㅂ, ㄱ-ㅎ, ${\ldots}$, ㅆ-ㅋ, ㄸ-ㅋ, ㅉ-ㅋ, ㄹ-ㅃ, ㅃ-ㅋ'. The phonemes that played a major role in the formation of the minimal pair were /ㄱ, ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅂ, ㅊ/, in that order, which showed a high proportion of palatals. The correlation between the raw count of minimal pairs and the relative count of minimal pairs was found to be quite high r=0.937. Second, 87.91% of the minimal pairs shared the part of speech (same syntactic category). The most frequently observed type has been 'noun-noun' pair (70.25%), and 'vowel-vowel' pair (14.77%) was the next ranking. It can be indicated that the minimal pair could be grouped into similar categories in terms of semantics. The results of this study can be useful for various research in Korean linguistics, speech-language pathology, language education, language acquisition, speech synthesis, and artificial intelligence-machine learning as basic data related to Korean phonemes.

A Study on the Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture Construction Principles by the Type Outside Relics (발굴유적 외부공간의 유형별 경관계획 및 조경시공 원칙 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to present specific standards for landscape planning and construction applicable to landscaping areas in various historical sites. The results are as follows: First, the types of historical sites are classified according to their preservation status and processing techniques, and the classification according to their status is divided into those that have been buried underground, such as those that have been exposed to the ground, such as buildings and structures, and those that have a reputation or a record of the sites. The classification according to the wartime processing technique was classified by such techniques as closures that isolate the site, penetration that can be seen on the site, and overlays where a separate protection facility is installed on the site. Second, the principles of landscape planning for display of historical sites are divided into the items that make up the historical site, surface treatment of the sites, tree planting, and installation of facilities. If the site is not a circular space, the area separating the space by different materials between the components is required. In the event that preservation of the historical site is required, it is deemed desirable to use the soil, and to do so, the use of grasses and shrubs is effectively considered to be effective. The introduction of plants and plants should be considered according to the nature of the space. Depending on the area and nature of the monument, the facility is required to take a cautious approach by reviewing its influence on the landscape and the additional excavation of the monument. Third, the readjustment method derived as a result of looking at the landscaping principle in the historical site space was classified as conservation of status, installation of protection facilities, burial, restoration, relocation, and reproduction. Preservation of the status quo is essential for limited landscape planning and should not affect the prototype of existing relics. The protection facility shall be installed where necessary to protect the relics, and when the soil is formed, the surface treatment shall be required to remove trees that could damage the site and prevent soil and soil oil from being lost after the site. The restoration shall establish a landscaping plan according to the circular preservation based on the clues to the circle. The transfer requires a landscaping plan to create an environment similar to the outer space of an existing site and should be able to highlight the value or location of the original site. The reenactment should have a landscaping plan to revive the landscape and atmosphere of the past for the now-defunct remains. Fourth, landscaping can simultaneously satisfy the preservation of excavation sites and the increase in exhibition effects. In order to protect the traces of the past and vitalize the site of the ruins today, specific measures are required, the creation of a park for historical sites that preserve the functions and value of the relics, and the formation of a shape of linked contents can be suggested as alternatives.

A Study on the Decisive Factors Influencing the Career Preparation Activities of North Korean Adolescent Defector (탈북 청소년 진로준비행동에 영향을 미치는 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seob;Chae, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.501-513
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    • 2019
  • In this study, which is based on the findings of the preceding studies, the researchers determined social support and Career Decision Self-efficacy as the key influencing variables for the successful Career Preparation Activities, to analyze the relationship between Career Preparation Activities and these variables, while identifying the mediating effect of Career Decision Self-efficacy in the relationship between social support and Career Preparation Activities. In addition, there is an objective to provide effective career counseling materials. For this study, a total of 174 North Korean adolescent defectors, who were in their middle and high schools, were interviewed and the resultant data were analyzed the data based on the questionnaire data of 204 copies from March 12 to 19, 2019. For the analysis of the data, SPSS and AMOS statistical suites were used to verify the hypothesis. The result of the analysis showed that, first, in the relationship between the social support, Career Decision Self-efficacy, and Career Preparation Activities of the North Korean adolescent defectors social support, Career Decision Self-efficacy, and Career Preparation Activities were all positively related. Especially, Career Decision Self-efficacy has been identified as the variable that is highly related to Career Preparation Activities. Second, rather than social support(${\beta}=.107$), Career Decision Self-efficacy(${\beta}=.388$) turned out to have more profound direct influence on Career Preparation Activities. Third, social support did not influence Career Preparation Activities directly(${\beta}=.107$, p>.05) but completely intermediated Career Decision Self-efficacy to influence Career Preparation Activities(Indirect effect=.307, p<.05, Z-value=2.924, p<.01). The findings of this study show that, in order to enhance the Career Preparation Activities of the North Korean adolescent defectors, it is necessary to examine how they perceive the emotional, informational, material, and evaluative supports from the surrounding environment are perceived and identify the abilities, values, and career desires of themselves through a behavioral planning that can establish a professional and value system in accordance with them.

Verification the Systems Thinking Factor Structure and Comparison of Systems Thinking Based on Preferred Subjects about Elementary School Students' (초등학생의 시스템 사고 요인 구조 검증과 선호 과목에 따른 시스템 사고 비교)

  • Lee, Hyonyong;Jeon, Jaedon;Lee, Hyundong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2019
  • The purposes of this study are: 1) to verify the systems thinking factor structure of elementary school students and 2) to compare systems thinking according to their preferred subjects in order to get implications for following research. For the study, pre-tests analyze data from 732 elementary school students using the STMI (Systems Thinking Measuring Instrument) developed by Lee et al. (2013). And exploratory factor analysis was conducted to identify the factor structure of the students. Based on the results of the pre-test, the expert group council revised the STMI so that elementary school students could respond to the 5-factor structure that STMI intended. In the post-test, 503 data were analyzed by modified STMI and exploratory factor analysis was performed. The results of the study are as follows: First, in the pre-test, elementary school students responded to the STMI with a test paper consisting of two factors (personal internal factors and personal external factors). The total reliability of the instrument was .932 and the reliability of each factor was analyzed as .857 and .894. Second, for modified STMI, elementary school students responded a 4-factor instrument. Team learning, Shared Vision, and Personal Mastery were derived independent factors, and mental model and systems analysis were derived 1-factor. The total reliability of the instrument was .886 and the reliability of each factor was analyzed as .686 to .864. Finally, a comparison of systems thinking according to preferred subjects showed a significant difference between students who selected science (engineering) group and art (music and physical education). In conclusion, it was confirmed that statistically meaningful results could be obtained using STMI modified by term and sentence structure appropriate for elementary school students, and it is a necessary to study the relation of systems thinking with various student variables such as the preferred subjects.

A model for enhancing the academic excellence of adult college students (성인대학생의 학업수월성 강화를 위한 모형)

  • Kim, Eun Young;Kim, Jin Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to present a model for enhancing the academic excellence of adult college students. For this purpose, 408 adult college students attending 2-year and 4-year colleges in Busan, Daegu, and Gyeongbuk were surveyed and analyzed. The components of the model are curriculum, educational methods, evaluation of education, educational administration, educational environment, and institutional support and the results are as follows. First, the curriculum preferred by adult college students was to acquire diverse academic knowledge for a degree, to acquire knowledge and skills to develop skills for the workplace, and to acquire new information and knowledge regarding issues in society as a whole. Second, the professors' qualification among the educational methods preferred by adult college students was professional competence of the professors based on their theoretical and practical skills. The preferred teaching methods were lecture, discussion, action learning, and the project learning method in that order and video and PowerPoint were preferred as effective teaching mediums. Third, the preferred course for adult college students is operated on weekends, and three years was preferred to get a bachelor's degree. The possible hours of learning per day is 3~6 hours, indicating the necessity of e-learning, B-learning, and prior learning experience recognition systems. Fourth, the education evaluation method preferred by adult college students was a compromise method which is a mixture of absolute evaluation and relative evaluation, and it also showed the need for Pass or Non Pass evaluation method. Fifth, the internal factors of college selection preferred by adult college students were the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and the external factors were desire to receive many opportunities related to employment and job improvement. The classroom, which provides an effective environment, was a fixed seat classroom and an indoor classroom environment was emphasized for desired educational environment. Sixth, institutional support preferred by adult college students was computer-related programs and learning club support services.

Nutrition Knowledge and Eating Behavior of Middle School Students in Gwangju Area (광주지역 중학생의 영양지식 및 식습관)

  • Han, Dae-In;Jung, Lan-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.41-63
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutritional knowledge and eating behavior of middle school students in Gwangju area in order to provide basic data for the development of home economics curriculum that can help the students form healthy eating habits. For this purpose, a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to middle school students in Gwangju area. A total of 330 questionnaires were collected by convenience sampling and analyzed using SPSS(Statistics Package for the Social Science) Version 20.0 for Windows. Results of this study are as follows. First, school curriculum session ranked top(31.82%) on the list of sources for middle school students to acquire nutrition knowledge. Second, the mean score of nutrition knowledge of all respondents was moderately high(14.33 points out of maximum 20 points). In terms of nutrition knowledge by gender, female students had a higher level of nutrition knowledge in the 'Food' domain than their male counterparts(p<0.05). With regard to nutrition knowledge by grade, Grade 9 showed a higher score than Grade 7 and 8(p<0.001). Third, the mean score of eating behavior of all respondents was at an average level(69.75 out of 100 points). In terms of eating behavior by gender, male students showed a higher score than their female counterparts(p<0.05). In particular, male students had higher scores than female students for the following items: "I exercise regularly after school"(p<0.001); "I regularly eat meal three times per day"(p<0.01); "I don't skip breakfast"(p<0.01); and "I don't eat sweet food often"(p<0.01). In terms of eating behavior by grade, Grade 9 showed higher scores than Grades 7 and 8 for the following items: "I eat meal out of thankfulness for those who have prepared food"(p<0.01) and "I eat grains for every meal"(p<0.01). Finally, with regard to eating behavior depending on the level of nutrition knowledge, the 'Upper' and 'Middle' groups had higher scores for eating behavior than the 'Lower' group, indicating that a lower level of nutrition knowledge resulted in a lower score in eating behavior. Based on the above results, home economics teachers responsible for dietary education should have a greater sense of mission and pride and make more efforts to improve nutrition knowledge and eating behavior of middle school students.

Reassessment on the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project and the Weirs Management (4대강 살리기사업의 재평가와 보의 운용방안)

  • Lee, Jong Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.225-236
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    • 2021
  • The master plan for the Four Rivers Restoration Project (June 2009) was devised, the procedure of pre-environmental review (June 2009) and environmental impact assessment (Nov. 2009), and post-environmental impact survey were implemented, and 4 times audits also inspected. and finally the Ministry of Environment's Four Rivers Investigation and Evaluation Planning Committee proposed the dismantling or partial dismantling of the five weirs of the Geum River and Yeongsan River. But controversies and conflicts are still ongoing. Therefore, this study intend to reestablish the management plan for the four major rivers by reviewing and analyzing the process so far. The results are as follows. First, a cost-benefit analysis should be performed by comparing the water quality impact of weir operation and weir opening. Therefore, it is inevitably difficult to conduct cost-benefit analysis. Second, according to the results of cost-benefit analysis on the dismantling of the Geum River and the Yeongsan River, the dismantling of the weir and the regular sluice gate opening was decided. However, there is a problem in the validity of the decision to dismantle the weir because the cost-benefit analysis for maintaining the weir is not carried out. Third, looking at the change in water quality of 16 weirs before and after the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, COD and Chl-a were generally deteriorated, and BOD, SS, T-N, and T-P improved. However, in the cost-benefit analysis related to water quality at the time of weir dismantling, only COD items were targeted. Therefore, the cost of BOD, SS, T-N, and T-P items improved after the project were not reflected in the cost-benefit analysis of dismantling weirs, so the water quality benefits were exaggerated. Fourth, in the case of Gongju weir and Juksan weir, most of them are movable weirs, so opening the weir alone can have the same effect as dismantling when the water quality deteriorates. Since the same effect can be expected, there is little need to dismantle the weirs. Fifth, in order to respond to frequent droughts and floods, it is desirable to secure the agricultural water supply capacity to the drought areas upstream of the four majorrivers by constructing a waterway connected to the weir. At present it is necessary to keep weirs rather than dismantling them.

A Study on the Development of Middle School History Curriculum Standards for Revitalization of Cultural Property Education (문화재 교육 활성화를 위한 중학교 역사교육과정기준 개발 방안 연구)

  • AHN, Daehyun;HONG, Hoojo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.150-167
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    • 2021
  • Since the advent of tertiary curriculum, middle school history education has been focused on political history, but many students perceive history as a simple memorization subject and complain about difficulties in abstract learning. The researcher saw this problem as caused by the history curriculum, and carried out this study for the purpose of proposing a revitalization of cultural property education in the middle school history curriculum. First, through the analysis of prior research, the usefulness of cultural property education, such as nurturing creative talent and realizing interactive history classes, was revealed, and the problems of the current political history-centered middle school history curriculum were pointed out. Afterwards, as a result of conducting an opinion survey on middle school 3rd grade students and social studies teachers, it was found that first, both middle school students and their teachers thought that the current political history-centered history had much room for improvement. Second, all groups agreed on the necessity of cultural property education in history education. However, in reality, it was found that it was not easy to sufficiently educate students about cultural property in a political history-centered curriculum. Third, teachers thought that it was necessary to improve the current history curriculum in order to enhance cultural property education. Based on these findings, the researcher suggested an improvement plan for the 2015 revised history curriculum. First, in the 'nature of the subject' section, cultural properties and historical materials should be included, and in the 'objective' section, politics, economy, society, and culture should be included. Contents related to cultural properties should be added to the sub-themes in the 'content system and achievement standards', and cultural properties-related contents should be further reinforced in the achievement standards, 'teaching, learning and evaluation'. It was suggested that this section should include cultural property learning and historical material learning, and guidance on teaching and learning methods of cultural property education should be added. If these aspects are reflected in the 2022 revised curriculum that is currently being developed, cultural property education will be improved, and more lively history education will be provided to students.

A Study on Deriving Process of a Design Alternative to the Forest Experience Center for Children through Preschooler Participatory (유아참여를 통한 유아숲체험원 설계안 도출과정에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Tae-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • This study is to derive a design alternative to the FECC (Forest Experience Center for Children) that meets the preschooler's preferences. For this purpose, preschooler participation is included in each phase of the FECC, the site perception phase, the deriving design elements phase, and the deriving design alternative phase. In this study, the process of the deriving design alternative phase was carried out with kindergarteners and preschoolers (6, 7 years olds; all 41 students) at Songsan-mulbit FECC in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju. In order to derive the design alternatives, three detailed design processes (preschooler participation 2 times, researcher analysis 1 time), tool construction, and a preschooler participation workshop were conducted. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of the preschooler's design process, 41 designs were drawn, and an average of 7.66 spaces were drawn by each preschooler. The 6-year-old males designed the least (average 6.80 spaces) and the 7-year-old females designed the most (9.0 spaces). The physical and adventure play spaces were most common (38.9% to 48.7%) regardless of gender or age. To analyze the feasibility of the preschooler's design using a base map, the appearance of the physical environmental characteristics (7 items) in the site were analyzed in each of the 41 designs. As a result, the environmental characteristics were apparent a total 72 times overall. Similar environmental characteristics appearing more than once were apparent in 87.8% (26 designs) of designs. Second, three design alternatives were derived: APS- types (intensive planning of active play facility spaces) was presented in 15 designs, NS-types (planning focused on nature spaces) was presented in 14 designs, and SPS-types (planning focused on static play facility spaces) were presented 12 designs. Third, NS-type, which were finally selected through a preference assessment (5-point scale) and a comparative assessment of the three alternatives, has mainly natural spaces (forest space, forest path, shelter, natural exploration space, and ecological pond) and active play facility spaces, water play space and soil (sand) play spaces was appropriately designed. Therefore, the NS-type was analyzed as the design alternative that can fully accomplish all types of cognitive development through developed through play (functional play, constructive play, dramatic(symbolic) play).

Numerical modeling of secondary flow behavior in a meandering channel with submerged vanes (잠긴수제가 설치된 만곡수로에서의 이차류 거동 수치모의)

  • Lee, Jung Seop;Park, Sang Deog;Choi, Cheol Hee;Paik, Joongcheol
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.10
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    • pp.743-752
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    • 2019
  • The flow in the meandering channel is characterized by the spiral motion of secondary currents that typically cause the erosion along the outer bank. Hydraulic structures, such as spur dike and groyne, are commonly installed on the channel bottom near the outer bank to mitigate the strength of secondary currents. This study is to investigate the effects of submerged vanes installed in a $90^{\circ}$ meandering channel on the development of secondary currents through three-dimensional numerical modeling using the hybrid RANS/LES method for turbulence and the volume of fluid method, based on OpenFOAM open source toolbox, for capturing the free surface at the Froude number of 0.43. We employ the second-order-accurate finite volume methods in the space and time for the numerical modeling and compare numerical results with experimental measurements for evaluating the numerical predictions. Numerical results show that the present simulations well reproduce the experimental measurements, in terms of the time-averaged streamwise velocity and secondary velocity vector fields in the bend with submerged vanes. The computed flow fields reveal that the streamwise velocity near the bed along the outer bank at the end section of bend dramatically decrease by one third of mean velocity after the installation of vanes, which support that submerged vanes mitigate the strength of primary secondary flow and are helpful for the channel stability along the outer bank. The flow between the top of vanes and the free surface accelerates and the maximum velocity of free surface flow near the flow impingement along the outer bank increases about 20% due to the installation of submerged vanes. Numerical solutions show the formations of the horseshoe vortices at the front of vanes and the lee wakes behind the vanes, which are responsible for strong local scour around vanes. Additional study on the shapes and arrangement of vanes is required for mitigate the local scour.