• Title/Summary/Keyword: road section

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Calibration of a Network Link Travel Cost Function with the Harmony Search Algorithm (화음탐색법을 이용한 교통망 링크 통행비용함수 정산기법 개발)

  • Kim, Hyun Myung;Hwang, Yong Hwan;Yang, In Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2012
  • Some previous studies adopted a method statistically based on the observed traffic volumes and travel times to estimate the parameters. Others tried to find an optimal set of parameters to minimize the gap between the observed and estimated traffic volumes using, for instance, a combined optimization model with a traffic assignment model. The latter is frequently used in a large-scale network that has a capability to find a set of optimal parameter values, but its appropriateness has never been demonstrated. Thus, we developed a methodology to estimate a set of parameter values of BPR(Bureau of Public Road) function using Harmony Search (HS) method. HS was developed in early 2000, and is a global search method proven to be superior to other global search methods (e.g. Genetic Algorithm or Tabu search). However, it has rarely been adopted in transportation research arena yet. The HS based transportation network calibration algorithm developed in this study is tested using a grid network, and its outcomes are compared to those from incremental method (Incre) and Golden Section (GS) method. It is found that the HS algorithm outperforms Incre and GS for copying the given observed link traffic counts, and it is also pointed out that the popular optimal network calibration techniques based on an objective function of traffic volume replication are lacking the capability to find appropriate free flow travel speed and ${\alpha}$ value.

The Effect of Staggered Pedestrian Crossings at Wide Width Intersections (광폭교차로에서 2단 횡단보도 설치 효과분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Nyong;Hong, Yoo-Min
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2011
  • The pedestrian green time is usually long at wide width intersections. This sometimes causes the increase of delay on the whole intersection because of long cycle length and thus small g/C ratio on some direction. In this paper, to improve these problems, staggered pedestrian crossing was evaluated on the vehicular and pedestrian aspects. The results were gained by using both TRANSYT-7F and VISSIM model. The vehicle control delay of the staggered pedestrian crossing was estimated to be decreasing than that of the general pedestrian crossing by 14.9% to 85.6%. The pedestrian average delay of two pedestrian crossing systems was examined by analytical method and VISSIM. According to the analytical method there was no significant difference between each pedestrian crossing system. The pedestrian delay of staggered pedestrian crossing was from 13.4% to 22.3% than the general pedestrian crossing by VISSIM. In conclusion, the staggered pedestrian crossing was more effective than general pedestrian crossing for both the vehicle and the pedestrian. However this conclusion was resulted from micro simulation where traffic volume condition, v/c, was from 0.8 to 1.1.

Study of the Behavior of Concrete Slab Track on Earthwork According to the Variation of Train Axle Load and Speed (열차하중, 속도변화에 따른 토공상 콘크리트 슬래브궤도의 거동특성연구)

  • Chun, Hee-Kwang;Kang, Yun-Suk;Park, Yong-Gul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.6788-6798
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    • 2015
  • In recent high speed rail way, the operating speed of train is enhanced and the introduction of EMU train vehicles is increased. In addition, as expected the demand of the concrete slab track and the trend of design cross-section reduction, the clear behavior of evaluation of internal slab layer is demanded about the variation of design load and speed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and identify the mechanical behavior pattern of concrete slab track and track-road bed with the variation of axle load and train speed. To this end, the behavior of TCL and HSB was evaluated in according to the variation of axle load and speed. And the analysis results and the data measured TCL strain sensor, which was embedded in TCL slab under installation on Honam high speed railway, was analyzed. The analysis result shows that the strain are increasing in according to the speed-up of train, and line regression was obtained from measured data. Analysis data of the state of bonding condition of slab layer and measured data was analyzed. It is conducted that the TCL layer stress of HEMU 430X, which of axle load, is lighter was similar to the stress of KTX-Honam, the standard deviation of measured stress is dramatically increased.

A Study for Roughness of Joungbu Expressway (중부고속도로 평탄성 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Ho;Suh, Young-Chan;Cho, Yoon-Ho;Park, Kyung-Boo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2 s.8
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2001
  • Concrete pavement of Jungbu Expressway composed of CRCP(Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement) and JCP(Jointed Concrete Pavement). The CRCP was firstly constructed and applied to new expressway in Korea. It is a good source of the study to analyze the performance of CRCP and JCP because it experiences same amount of traffic and environmental loading. Up to the present, condition survey has conducted several times during 13 years but roughness measurement has not been carefully conducted. Through comparisons among several types of pavement(CRCP, JCP, Asphalt) by roughness, CRCP is superior to JCP. In addition, connected sections in the highway such as bridges and tunnels that have higher IRI values, about 5mm/m, than normal sections should be considered appropriated maintenance such as diamond grinding. The relationship between IRI and distresses carried out by Korea Highway Cooperation in 1999 skewed that the number of crack is related to IRI value in JCP, while other distresses of JCP and CRCP are not shown clearly. The comparison study with IRI values between Jungbu Expressway and GPS-3(JCP) and GPS-5(CRCP) of LTPP data also showed that roughness of Jungbu Expressway is not inferior to that of the state. Some of section showed larger values of IRI are linked with under-9round structures for passages and drainages. The overall performance considering only roughness, the CRCP is also superior to JCP in sections with under-ground tunnels.

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A Study on the Spacing Distrubution based on Relative Speeds between Vehicles -Focused on Uninterrupted Traffic Flow- (차량간 상대속도에 따른 차두거리 분포에 관한 연구 -연속류 교통흐름을 중심으로-)

  • Ma, Chang-Young;Yoon, Tae-Kwan;Kim, Byung-Kwan
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzes traffic data which are collected by VDS(Vehicle Detection System) to research the relationship between spacing distribution and vehicles' relative speed. The collected data are relative speed between preceding and following vehicles, passing time and speed. They are also classified by lane and direction. For the result of the analysis, in the same platoon, we figure out that mean of spacing is 40m, which can be a value to determine section A to D. To compare spacing according to time interval, this study splits time intervals to peak hour and non-peak hour by peak hour traffic volume. In conclusion, vehicles in peak hour are in car following because most drive similar speed as preceding vehicle and they have relatively small spacing. On the other hand, non-peak hour's spacing between vehicles is bigger than that of peak hour. This implies driver's behaviors that the less spacing, the more aggressive and want to reduce their travel time in peak hour, whereas most drive easily in non-peak hour and recreational trip purpose because of less time pressure.

Methodology for Calculating Surrogate Safety Measure by Using Vehicular Trajectory and Its Application (차량궤적자료를 이용한 SSM 산출 방법론 개발과 적용사례 분석)

  • PARK, Seongyong;LEE, Chungwon;KHO, Seung-Young;LEE, Yong-Gwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.323-336
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    • 2015
  • Estimating the risks on the roadway using surrogate safety measures (SSM) has an advantage in that it focuses on the vehicle trajectory directly involved in conflicts. On the other hand, there is a restriction on estimating the risks of continuous segments due to the limited data collected from a location. To overcome the restriction, this study presents the scheme of acquiring the vehicular trajectory using real time kinematics-differential global positioning system (RTK-DGPS) and develops a methodology which contains the considerations of the problems to calculate the SSM such as time-to-collision (TTC), deceleration rate to avoid collision (DRAC) and acceleration noise (AN). By using the methodology, this study shows a result from an experiment executed in a section where the variation of vehicular movement can be observed from several continuous flow roadway sections near Seoul and Gyeonggi Province in Korea. The result illustrated the risks on the roadway by the SSM metrics in certain situations like merging and diverging, stop-and-go, and weaving. This study would be applied to relate the dangers with characteristics of drivers and roadway sections, and prevenst accidents or conflicts by detecting dangerous roadway sections and drivers' behaviors. This study contributes to improving roadway safety and reducing car-accidents.

Development of Long-Life Asphalt Pavements Method Using High Modulus Asphalt Mixes (고강성 기층재를 적용한 장수명 아스팔트포장 공법 개발)

  • Lee Jung-Hun;Lee Hyun-Jong
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3 s.29
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2006
  • This study suggests long-life asphalt pavement method which can save maintenance cost by increasing the design and performance period of pavements. The high modulus asphalt binder developed and then various physical tests are performed. Laboratory performance tests and accelerated pavement test are conducted for the high modulus and conventional mixtures. The test results show that dynamic modulus values of high modulus mixtures are higher than those of the conventional mixtures, The high modulus mixtures yield better fatigue, rutting and moisture damage performance than conventional mixtures. Structural analysis is performed and a database is built up for long life asphalt pavement design. Pavement response model is developed through a multiple regression analysis program, SPSS using the database. A design software for the long life pavements is developed based on the pavement response model and laboratory and field performance tests results. In addition, optimum pavement sections and materials are suggested. The suggested AC thickness of long life asphalt pavement is 29cm. A Life cycle cost analysis(LCCA) is conducted to check the economical efficiency of the long life pavement section. The LCCA result shows that initial construction costs of long life and conventional pavements are almost equal, but long life pavement is more profitable in terms of the LCCA.

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Structural assessment of Anti-Freezing Layer with use of Falling Weight Deflectormeter Deflection (Falling Weight Deflectormeter를 이용한 동상방지층의 구조적 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Moon-Sup;Kim, Boo-Il;Jeon, Sung-Il;Park, Hee-Mun
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2010
  • Until now, the thickness design of anti-freezing layer has been empirically conducted using the frost depth determined from the freezing index. This approach cannot consider the structural properties of anti-freezing layer, which can cause the over-design of pavement structure. This paper presents results of structural evaluation of anti-freezing layer using the Falling Weight Deflectormeter (FWD) deflections. The FWD testing was directly conducted on top of the subbase layer located at the embankment, cutting, and boundary area of each section. It is observed from this testing that the center deflections of pavement structure with anti-freezing layer are smaller than those without anti-freezing layer. The deflection reduction rates are 15~55% in the embankment, 11~64% in the cutting, and 2~38% in the boundary, respectively. It was also found that the use of antifree zing layer enables to reduce the Surface Curvature Index (SCI) values up to 24 percent. Fatigue lives show that pavement structure with antifreezing layer are about two times higher than the those without anti-freezing layer. This fact indicates that the anti-freezing layer should be considered as a structural layer in the asphalt pavement system.

A Study of the Analysis on the Accident Reduction Effect of the Median (중앙분리대의 사고감소효과 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 김경석;강승림
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 2003
  • A median is a safety feature most commonly used to separate opposing traffic on a divided highway. In designing highways, the selection and installation of a median can be a critical part from a safety viewpoint because road crossing accidents are definitely more serious than other accidents. In regard to the important function of the median. the proper countermeasure ought to have been provided and thorough study should have been carried out. In this paper, traffic accident data are analyzed to examine the accident reduction effect of the median, which are gathered from all over 4-lane national roads in Korea. The traffic accident data were categorized into two groups by the existence of a median. For more effective analysis, the data have been classified by accident type, severity. and occurrence time. To compare the effectiveness of median installation, not only the accident frequency but also the accident severity, EPDO. and the occupancy rate of specific accidents have been used as a mode of effectiveness. The analysis of the effectiveness of medians shows that both the accident frequency and the accident severity could decrease by providing a median. Also the section where a median was supplied showed the improvement of overall safety through fewer serious and fatal crashes as well as fewer head-on crashes. Therefore, conclusions can be drawn from results of this study that the median installation is an important means to increase the safety of over 4-lane national roads. This study is expected to provide the reasonability of the median installation by identifying the reduction of traffic accident after the median installation and to play a major role in selecting sections where the median is to be offered.

A Study on the Signal Progression System for the Disaster Prevention of Traffic Facilities - A case study of Dong Moon Ro in Kwangju City - (교통시설 재해방지를 위한 신호체계 연동화에 관한 연구 - 광주시 동문로를 중심으로 -)

  • Hwang, Eui Jin;Ryu, Ji Hyeob;Lim, Ik Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2008
  • The most influential facility causing traffic disaster on the urban road is intersection. Accordingly, this study elected a region for case study from seabang three-way junction, partial section of Dongmoon Ro in Kwang-Ju city, to the intersection of Mudeung Library Entrance. It is believed that the signal progression is very effective on the basis of short interval of intersection and massive traffic volume. The signal progression was simulated by using TRANSYT-7F model. The following is summary of the simulation: According to the change of cycle length, P.I. delay and fuel consumption showed the tendency of being increased in case that cycle length becomes long or short, centering around the best cycle length. In the event of progressing the cycle length, the average speed per vehicle is increased by 11.39Km per hour and P.I value is improved by 40.65% so that it resulted in 42.86% improvement in the total travel time. Moreover, the fuel consumption in line with the progression practice produced fuel saving of 31.04%.

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