• Title/Summary/Keyword: physical and mechanical stability

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POSS/Polyurethane Hybrids and Nanocomposites: A Review on Preparation, Structure and Performance

  • Diao, Shuo;Mao, Lixin;Zhang, Liqun;Wang, Yiqing
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2015
  • Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) is an important inorganic-organic hybrid material with a three-dimensional structure. Polyurethane (PU) is a widely applied polymer that has versatile properties with the change of two phase structure. When POSS is incorporated into PU by physical or chemical methods, many properties can be greatly improved, such as mechanical properties, thermal stability, biodegradation resistance, and water resistance. This paper reviews the recent progress in preparation, structure, and performance of POSS-modified polyurethane from the viewpoint of physical blending and chemical modification.

Relations between Physical and Mechanical Properties of Core Samples from the Bukpyeong and Pohang Basins (북평분지와 포항분지 시추코어의 물리적 성질과 역학적 성질간의 관계)

  • Kim, Hyunjin;Song, Insun;Chang, Chandong;Lee, Hikweon;Kim, Taehee
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.329-340
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    • 2013
  • A geologic survey of the Bukpyeong and Pohang basins, as candidate basins for the geological storage of $CO_2$, was performed to evaluate storage capacity and security. To analyze the mechanical stability of the storage reservoir and cap rocks, we measured the porosity, seismic velocity, uniaxial strength, internal frictional angle, and Young's modulus of core samples recovered from the two basins. It is costly and sometimes impossible to conduct tests over the entire range of drill holes, and continuous logging data do not yield the mechanical parameters directly. In this study, to derive the mechanical properties of geologic formations from the geophysical logging data, we determined the empirical relations between the physical properties (seismic velocity, porosity, and dynamic modulus) and the mechanical properties (uniaxial strength, internal friction angle) of the core samples. From the comparison with our core test data, the best fits to the two basins were selected from the relations suggested in previous studies. The relations between uniaxial strength, Young's modulus, and porosity of samples from the Bukpyeong and Pohang basins are more consistent with certain rock types than with the locality of the basins. The relations between the physical and mechanical properties were used to estimate the mechanical rock properties of geologic formations from seismic logging data. We expect that the mechanical properties could also be used as input data for a modeling study to understand the mechanical instability of rock formations prior to $CO_2$ injection.

First-principles studies on mechanical, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of new multiferroic members BiLaFe2O6 and Bi2FeMnO6: Originated from BiFeO3

  • Tuersun, Yisimayili;Rouzhahong, Yilimiranmu;Maimaiti, Maihemuti;Salamu, Abidiguli;Xiaerding, Fuerkaiti;Mamat, Mamatrishat;Jing, Qun
    • Current Applied Physics
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.1473-1479
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    • 2018
  • Recently multiferroic materials have attract great interest for the applications on memorial, spintronic and magneto-electric sensor devices for their spontaneous magneto-electric coupling properties. Research and development of the various kinds of multiferroics are indispensable factor for a new generation multifunctional materials. In this research, mechanical, electronic, magnetic and nonlinear optical properties of La modified $BiLaFe_2O_6$ (BLFO) and Mn modified $Bi_2FeMnO_6$ (BFMO) were studied as new members of multiferroic $BiFeO_3$ (BFO) series by first-principles calculations, and compared with the pure BFO to discover the optimized properties. Our results show that BLFO and BFMO have good mechanical stability as revealed by elastic constants that satisfy the stability criteria. All these compounds exhibit anisotropic and ductile nature. The enhanced properties by La and Mn substitution, such as increased hardness, improved magnetism, decreased band gap and comparable second harmonic generation responses reveal that the new multiferroic members of BLFO and BFMO would get wider application than their BFO counterpart. Our study is expected to providing an appropriate mechanical reference data as guidance for engineering of high efficiency multifunctional devices with the BFO series.

Study of Fabrication and Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Mg-based Inorganic Fiber using Reflux Process and Silica Coating

  • Yu, Ri;Kim, YooJin
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2019
  • Whisker-type magnesium hydroxide sulfate hydrate ($5Mg(OH)_2{\cdot}MgSO_4{\cdot}3H_2O$, abbreviated 513 MHSH), is used in filler and flame-retardant composites based on its hydrate phase and its ability to undergo endothermic dehydration in fire conditions, respectively. In general, the length of whiskers is determined according to various synthetic conditions in a hydrothermal reaction with high temperature (${\sim}180^{\circ}C$). In this work, high-quality 513 MHSH whiskers are synthesized by controlling the concentration of the raw material in ambient conditions without high pressure. Particularly, the concentration of the starting material is closely related to the length, width, and purity of MHSH. In addition, a ceramic-coating system is adopted to enhance the mechanical properties and thermal stability of the MHSH whiskers. The physical properties of the silica-coated MHSH are characterized by an abrasion test, thermogravimetric analysis, and transmission electron microscopy.

Designing of the Beheshtabad water transmission tunnel based on the hybrid empirical method

  • Mohammad Rezaei;Hazhar Habibi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.86 no.5
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    • pp.621-633
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    • 2023
  • Stability analysis and support system estimation of the Beheshtabad water transmission tunnel is investigated in this research. A combination approach based on the rock mass rating (RMR) and rock mass quality index (Q) is used for this purpose. In the first step, 40 datasets related to the petrological, structural, hydrological, physical, and mechanical properties of tunnel host rocks are measured in the field and laboratory. Then, RMR, Q, and height of influenced zone above the tunnel roof are computed and sorted into five general groups to analyze the tunnel stability and determine its support system. Accordingly, tunnel stand-up time, rock load, and required support system are estimated for five sorted rock groups. In addition, various empirical relations between RMR and Q i.e., linear, exponential, logarithmic, and power functions are developed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Based on the significance level (sig.), determination coefficient (R2) and Fisher-test (F) indices, power and logarithmic equations are proposed as the optimum relations between RMR and Q. To validate the proposed relations, their results are compared with the results of previous similar equations by using the variance account for (VAF), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean absolute error (MAE) indices. Comparison results showed that the accuracy of proposed RMR-Q relations is better than the previous similar relations and their outputs are more consistent with actual data. Therefore, they can be practically utilized in designing the tunneling projects with an acceptable level of accuracy and reliability.

changers of Mechanical Properties of Wool Woresed fabrics with fusible Interlingings(Part II) (모직물의 접착심 접착에 의한 물성의 변화 (제2보))

  • 지주원;유효선;이대훈
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 1999
  • This paper descrived the changes of peel strength wrinkle recovery and dimensional stability after fusing 4 different wool face fabrics with 3 different fusible interlinings. The fusing condition was conducted by fusing press machine under 4kg.f/cm2 at 15$0^{\circ}C$. To determine the effect of the varous physical properties of the fused fabrics face fabrics and interlinings on the peel strength wrinkle recovery and dimensional stability(hygral expansion and relaxation shrinkage) of fused fabrics correlation among the KES values of fused fabrics face fabrics and interlinings to the peel strength rinkle recovery and dimensional stability of fused fabrics were expeerimentally analyzed,. As the results the peel strength was mainly influenced by the cover factor of face fabric and interlinings. After fusing wrinkle recovery and hygral expansion were decreased. The cover factor wrinkle recovery weight thickness shear rigidity and frictional properties of face fabric and the thickness of fused fabrics were not influence to the wrinkle recovery of fused fabrics. In addition the dimensional stabilities of fused fabrics were mainly influenced by the tensile and frictional properties of the wrinkle recovery of fused fabrics. In addition the dimensional stabilities of fused fabrics were mainly influenced by the tensile and frictional properties of the face fabrics.

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A Study on the Impedance Scaled Tele-Nanomanipulation in a Nanoscale Virtual Environment (나노 스케일 가상환경에서의 나노-원격 조작의 임피던스 스케일링에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Gaun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.11 s.254
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    • pp.1401-1407
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    • 2006
  • In a haptic interface system with a nanoscale virtual environment (NVE) using an atomic force microscope (AFM), impedance scaling is important. In order to explicitly derive the relationship between performance and impedance scaling factors, a nanoscale virtual coupling (NSVC) concept and a selection method of scaling factors of velocity (or position) and force are introduced. An available scaling factor region is represented based on Llewellyn's absolute stability criteria and the physical limitation of the haptic device. Experiments have been performed for tele-nanomanipulation tasks such as positioning, indenting and nanolithography with available force scaling factor in the NVE.

Structural Analysis of Gas Generator Regenerative Cooling Chamber (가스발생기 재생냉각 챔버 구조해석)

  • Ryu, Chul-Sung;Choi, Hwan-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.802-807
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    • 2007
  • Elastic-plastic structural analysis for regenerative cooling chamber of gas generator was performed. Uniaxial tension test was also conducted for STS316L at room and high temperature conditions to get the material data necessary for the structural analysis of the chamber which is operated under thermal load and high internal pressure. Physical properties including thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal expansion data were also measured. The structural analysis for four different types of regenerative cooling chamber of gas generator revealed that increased cooling performance decreases the thermal load and strain of the cooling channel. The results propose that in order for the regenerative cooling gas generator chamber to have high structural stability with endurance to high mechanical and thermal loads, it is important for the chamber to be designed to have high cooling performance.

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Interval finite element method for complex eigenvalues of closed-loop systems with uncertain parameters

  • Zhang, XiaoMing;Ding, Han
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2007
  • In practical engineering, the uncertain concept plays an important role in the control problems of the vibration structures. In this paper, based on matrix perturbation theory and interval finite element method, the closed-loop vibration control system with uncertain parameters is discussed. A new method is presented to develop an algorithm to estimate the upper and lower bounds of the real parts and imaginary parts of the complex eigenvalues of vibration control systems. The results are derived in terms of physical parameters. The present method is implemented for a vibration control system of the frame structure. To show the validity and effectiveness, we compare the numerical results obtained by the present method with those obtained by the classical random perturbation.

Control of the Casting Defects in the Gravity Tilt Pour Casting Process (경동식 중력주조법에 의한 주조결함 제어)

  • Yeom, Ki-Dong;Hong, Chun-Pyo
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.262-270
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    • 1998
  • Gravity tilt pour casting can effectively guarantee the reduction of various casting defects by controlling the rotation speed and the tilting angle of the mold during tilt pouring. The relationship between casting process parameters and the soundness of castings has been investigated in order to determine the optimum process variables in the gravity tilt pour casting process. In order to evaluate the effect of rotation speed on mold filling patterns, a video camera was employed to visualize the in-situ fluid flow behavior of the molten metal, and the relevant fluid velocity was also estimated. X-ray and mechanical tests were also performed to evaluate the effect of fluid velocity on casting quality. With the rotation speed lower than 0.5 r.p.m., which is nearly corresponding to the critical velocity of stability in the fluid flow, sound castings were obtained without having any casting defects. It can be concluded that the gravity tilt pour casting process is an effective process for manufacturing sound casting products with enhanced physical and mechanical properties.

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