A Study on the Impedance Scaled Tele-Nanomanipulation in a Nanoscale Virtual Environment

나노 스케일 가상환경에서의 나노-원격 조작의 임피던스 스케일링에 관한 연구

  • 김성관 (공주대학교 기계자동차공학부)
  • Published : 2006.11.01


In a haptic interface system with a nanoscale virtual environment (NVE) using an atomic force microscope (AFM), impedance scaling is important. In order to explicitly derive the relationship between performance and impedance scaling factors, a nanoscale virtual coupling (NSVC) concept and a selection method of scaling factors of velocity (or position) and force are introduced. An available scaling factor region is represented based on Llewellyn's absolute stability criteria and the physical limitation of the haptic device. Experiments have been performed for tele-nanomanipulation tasks such as positioning, indenting and nanolithography with available force scaling factor in the NVE.



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