• Title/Summary/Keyword: model development in Korea

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The Impact of CPO Characteristics on Organizational Privacy Performance (개인정보보호책임자의 특성이 개인정보보호 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Wee, Jiyoung;Jang, Jaeyoung;Kim, Beomsoo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.93-112
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    • 2014
  • As personal data breach reared up as a problem domestically and globally, organizations appointing chief privacy officers (CPOs) are increasing. Related Korean laws, 'Personal Data Protection Act' and 'the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.' require personal data processing organizations to appoint CPOs. Research on the characteristics and role of CPO is called for because of the importance of CPO being emphasized. There are many researches on top management's role and their impact on organizational performance using the Upper Echelon theory. This study investigates what influence the characteristics of CPO gives on the organizational privacy performance. CPO's definition varies depending on industry, organization size, required responsibility and power. This study defines CPO as 'a person who takes responsibility for all the duties on handling the organization's privacy,' This research assumes that CPO characteristics such as role, personality and background knowledge have an influence on the organizational privacy performance. This study applies the part relevant to the upper echelon's characteristics and performance of the executives (CEOs, CIOs etc.) for CPO. First, following Mintzberg and other managerial role classification, information, strategic, and diplomacy roles are defined as the role of CPO. Second, the "Big Five" taxonomy on individual's personality was suggested in 1990. Among these five personalities, extraversion and conscientiousness are drawn as the personality characteristics of CPO. Third, advance study suggests complex knowledge of technology, law and business is necessary for CPO. Technical, legal, and business background knowledge are drawn as the background knowledge of CPO. To test this model empirically, 120 samples of data collected from CPOs of domestic organizations are used. Factor analysis is carried out and convergent validity and discriminant validity were verified using SPSS and Smart PLS, and the causal relationships between the CPO's role, personality, background knowledge and the organizational privacy performance are analyzed as well. The result of the analysis shows that CPO's diplomacy role and strategic role have significant impacts on organizational privacy performance. This reveals that CPO's active communication with other organizations is needed. Differentiated privacy policy or strategy of organizations is also important. Legal background knowledge and technical background knowledge were also found to be significant determinants to organizational privacy performance. In addition, CPOs conscientiousness has a positive impact on organizational privacy performance. The practical implication of this study is as follows: First, the research can be a yardstick for judgment when companies select CPOs and vest authority in them. Second, not only companies but also CPOs can judge what ability they should concentrate on for development of their career relevant to their job through results of this research. Cultural social value, citizen's consensus on the right to privacy, expected CPO's role will change in process of time. In future study, long-term time-series analysis based research can reveal these changes and can also offer practical implications for government and private organization's policy making on information privacy.

Evaluation of Stability in the Purified Wood Vinegar and Its Hair Growth Effect (목초액의 안정성 및 모발 성장 촉진 효과)

  • Cho, Young-Ho;Lee, Ju-Yeon;Lee, Jong-Hwa;Cho, Jae-Su;Lee, Gye-Won
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.1389-1395
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    • 2009
  • Generally, it takes a long time to purify wood vinegar, and it contains toxic compounds such as tar, methanol, phenol and benzopyrene. To reduce the toxicity of wood vinegar itself, we have developed a new purification method of wood vinegar using an oxidation-cohesion reaction and distillation with an active carbon. We have investigated the physico-chemical change (pH, specific gravity, refractive index and dissolved tar), the change of amount of toxic compounds (carbonyl group, phenol, benzopyrene and residual solvents) and organic acids (formic acid (FA), acetic acid (AA), propionic acid (PA)) of the purified wood vinegar under the long term and accelerated storage conditions. Also, we have evaluated the effect of the purified wood vinegar on hair growth using an alopecia model of C57BL/6 mice. As a result, we could find out that the purified wood vinegar was stable and remained without decay under the storage conditions and benzopyrene, a carcinogenic agent, was not detected in the purified wood vinegar. After topical treatment of the purified wood vinegar solution or minoxidil (MXD) for 2 weeks to dorsal skin, the hair regrowth of the mice accelerated faster than that of the control, with no clinical signs. In conclusion, we could suggest a guideline for quality control of process to reduce the toxic compounds in wood vinegar and it might be a useful hair growth promoter in the treatment of baldness or alopecia.

Review on the Three-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Modeling (MT 법의 3차원 모델링 개관)

  • Kim, Hee-Joon;Nam, Myung-Jin;Song, Yoon-Ho;Suh, Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.148-154
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    • 2004
  • This article reviews the development of three-dimensional (3-D) magnetotelluric (MT) modeling. The 3-D modeling of electromagnetic fields is essential in understanding the physics of MT soundings, and in implementing an inversion method to reconstruct a 3-D resistivity image. Although various numerical schemes have been developed over the last two decades, practical methods have been quite limited. However, the recent rapid improvement in computer speed and memory, as well as the advance in iterative solution algorithms for a large system of equations, makes it possible to model the MT responses of complex 3-D structures, which have been very difficult to simulate before. The use of staggered grids in finite difference method has become popular, conserving a magnetic flux and an electric current and allowing for realistic discontinuous fields. The convergence of numerical solutions has been greatly accelerated by adopting Krylov subspace methods, proper preconditioning techniques, and static divergence corrections. The vector finite-element method using edge elements is also free from the discontinuity problem, and seems a natural choice for modeling complex structures including irregular topography because its flexibility allows one to capture full geometric complexity.

Characteristics of Infants' Temperaments and Eating Behaviors, Mothers' Eating Behaviors and Feeding Practices in Poor Eating Infants (식사가 불량한 영유아의 기질과 식행동, 부모의 식행동과 식사지도 방법의 특성)

  • Kim Yoon-Jung;Han Young-Shin;Chung Sang-Jin;Lee Yoon-Na;Lee Sang-Il;Choi Hay-Mie
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.449-458
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of infants' temperaments and eating behaviors, mothers' eating behaviors and feeding practices in poor eating infants. The participants were 80 infants of 12-24 months (27 poor eaters and 53 matched normal controls) from a hospital and a public health center. Mothers were questioned about their eating behaviors and feeding practices, and infants' temperaments, eating behaviors, and nutrient intakes by one day food recall. Subjects were divided by mean nutrient adequacy ratio (MAR, < 0.75; poor eater). Intakes of Ca, P, Fe, Zn, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, E, folate were below 75% RDA in poor eaters, whereas protein, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B$_6$, C, folate exceeded 125% RDA in good eaters. Rhythmicity of infants' temperaments and eating behaviors, restriction of mothers' eating behaviors and feeding practices were significantly lower, whereas activity levels of infants' temperaments were higher than good eaters. In multiple logistic regression model of poor eaters, activity of infants' temperaments (T, OR: 1.19, CI: 1.05 - 1.35) and attention spans of infants' eating behaviors (A, OR: 1.18, CI: 1.03 - 1.35) were significantly positive, whereas rhythmicity of infants' eating behaviors (R, OR: 0.79, CI: 0.61-0.94) was significantly negative [E (the legit) : -6.8644+0.1712$\times$T-0.2337$\times$R+0.1641$\times$A]. Our findings suggest that examination of eating behaviors, feeding practices, and temperaments will help target interventions to improve infants' food intakes, and these variables should be examined at the time of nutrition counseling.

An Implementation of IEEE 1516.1-2000 Standard with the Hybrid Data Communication Method (하이브리드 데이터 통신 방식을 적용한 IEEE 1516.1-2000 표준의 구현)

  • Shim, Jun-Yong;Wi, Soung-Hyouk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37C no.11
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    • pp.1094-1103
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    • 2012
  • Recently, software industry regarding national defense increases system development of distributed simulation system of M&S based to overcome limit of resource and expense. It is one of key technologies for offering of mutual validation among objects and reuse of objects which are discussed for developing these systems. RTI, implementation of HLA interface specification as software providing these technologies uses Federation Object Model for exchanging information with joined federates in the federation and each federate has a characteristic that is supposed to have identical FOM in the federation. This technology is a software which is to provide the core technology which was suggested by the United state's military M&S standard framework. Simulator, virtual simulation, and inter-connection between military weapons system S/W which executes on network which is M&S's core base technology, and it is a technology which also can be used for various inter-connection between S/W such as game and on-line phone. These days although RTI is used in military war game or tactical training unit field, there is none in Korea. Also, it is used in mobile-game, distribution game, net management, robot field, and other civilian field, but the number of examples are so small and informalized. Through this developing project, we developed the core technique and RTI software and provided performance of COTS level to improve communication algorithms.

Collaborative 3D Design Workspace for Geographically Distributed Designers - With the Emphasis on Augmented Reality Based Interaction Techniques Supporting Shared Manipulation and Telepresence - (지리적으로 분산된 디자이너들을 위한 3D 디자인 협업 환경 - 공유 조작과 원격 실재감을 지원하는 증강현실 기반 인터랙션 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • SaKong Kyung;Nam Tek-Jin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2006
  • Collaboration has become essential in the product design process due to internationalized and specialized business environments. This study presents a real-time collaborative 3D design workspace for distributed designers, focusing on the development and the evaluation of new interaction techniques supporting nonverbal communication such as awareness of participants, shared manipulation and tele-presence. Requirements were identified in terms of shared objects, shared workspaces and awareness through literature reviews and an observational study. An Augmented Reality based collaborative design workspace was developed, in which two main interaction techniques, Turn-table and Virtual Shadow, were incorporated to support shared manipulation and tele-presence. Turn-table provides intuitive shared manipulation of 3D models and physical cues for awareness of remote participants. Virtual shadow supports natural and continuous awareness of location, gestures and pointing of partners. A lab-based evaluation was conducted and the results showed that interaction techniques effectively supported awareness of general pointing and facilitated discussion in 3D model reviews. The workspace and the interaction techniques can facilitate more natural communication and increase the efficiency of collaboration on virtual 3D models between distributed participants (designer-designer, engineer, or modeler) in collaborative design environments.

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Avoidance of Internal Resonances in Hemispherical Resonator Assemblies from Fused Quartz Connected by Indium Solder

  • Sarapuloff, Sergii A.;Rhee, Huinam;Park, Sang-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2013.04a
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    • pp.835-841
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    • 2013
  • Modern solid-state gyroscopes (HRG) with hemispherical resonators from high-purity quartz glass and special surface superfinishing and ultrathin gold coating become the best instruments for precise-grade inertial reference units (IRU) targeting long-term space missions. Designing of these sensors could be a notable contribution into development of Korea as a space nation. In participial, 40mm diameter thin-shell resonator from high-purity fused quartz, fabricated as a single-piece with its supporting stem has been designed, machined, etched, tuned, tested, and delivered by STM Co. (ATS of Ukraine) several years ago; an extremely-high Q-factor (upto 10~20 millions) has been shown. Understanding of the best way how to match such a unique sensor with inner glass assembly of the gyro means how to use the high potential in a maximal extent; and this has become the urgent task. Inner quartz glass assembly has a very thin indium (In) layer soldered the resonator and its silica base (case), but effects of internal resonances between operational modal pair of the shell-cup and its side (parasitic) modes can notable degrade the potential of the sensor as a whole, instead of so low level of resonator's intrinsic losses. Unfortunately, there are special combinations of dimensions of the parts (so-called, "resonant sizes"), when intensive losses of energy occurs. The authors proposed to use the length of stem's fixture as an additional design parameter to avoid such cases. So-called, a cyclic scheme of finite element method (FEM) and ANSYS software were employed to estimate different combinations of gyro assembly parameters. This variant has no mismatches of numerical origin due to FEM's discrete mesh. The optimum length and dangerous "resonant lengths" have been found. The special attention has been paid to analyses of 3D effects in a cup-stem transient zone, including determination of a difference between the positions of geometrical Pole of the resonant hemisphere and of its "dynamical Pole", i.e., its real zone of oscillation node. Boundary effects between the shell (cup) and 3D short "beams" (inner and outer stems) have been ranged. The results of the numerical experiments have been compared with the classic model of a quasi-hemispherical shell band with inextensional midsurface, and the solution using Rayleigh's functions of the $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ kinds. To guarantee the truth of the recommended sizes to a designer of the real device, the analytical and FEM results have been compared with experimental data for a party of real resonators. The consistency of the results obtained by different means has been shown with errors less than 5%. The results notably differ from the data published earlier by different researchers.

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Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of commercial button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) strains in Korea (한국의 상업적 양송이 균주의 유전적 다양성 및 집단 구조)

  • Lee, Hwa-Yong;An, Hye-jin;Oh, Youn-Lee;Jang, Kab-Yeul;Kong, Won-Sik;Ryu, Ho-jin;Chung, Jong-Wook
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2019
  • Agaricus bisporus is a functional food and among the most widely cultivated mushrooms in the world. In this study, we analyzed the genetic diversity and population structure of 23 Korean and 42 foreign A. bisporus cultivars using SSR (Simple sequence repeat) markers. Genetic diversity of A. bisporus cultivars was as follows: number of alleles was approximately 13; observed and expected heterozygosity were approximately 0.59 and 0.74, respectively; and polymorphic information content value was about 0.71. A. bisporus cultivars were divided into three groups using distance-based analysis. Genetic diversity of Group 2, which consisted of cultivars from various countries, was high. In addition, model-based subpopulations were divided into two, and the genetic diversity of Pop2 (Population 2), which had many cultivars, was high. The results of this study could be used in a breeding program for A. bisporus, such as the development of new genetic resources and securing diversity.

Educational Effects of an Appropriate Technology Engineering Design Workshop with the People in Need (제3세계 현지인과 함께하는 적정기술 공학설계 워크숍의 교육적 효과)

  • Yi, Kang;Han, Youn-Shik;Kim, Kyung-Mi
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to present the model of engineering design education workshop for appropriate technologies. Since 2008 Handong Innovation Center for Engineering Education and a Non-Profit Organization, Sharing and Technology, held engineering design workshop during every summer break. We present the contents of the workshop and analyze the educational effects of the program. The workshop is entitled "Engineering Design Academy for the other 90%" because we take it serious that most of the research and development efforts of the science and technologies in the world is just focused on the rich people while the other 90% people in the world are unreachable from the benefits of the modern technologies. By the workshop we tries to provide the college students the perspectives on the worldwide poverty problems and to encourage them to serve the 3rd world people in need through their specialties in the field of engineering profession. The evaluation results by participants are very positive. Especially, we began invite the 3rd world people to the workshop as design problem clients from 2010 summer workshop. The evaluation from them are also very positive. The analysis results on the educational effects of the workshop show that the workshop improves the students skills required by the ABEEK (Acreditation Board of Engineering Education of Korea) including not only design capability but also team work, communication skill, understanding the social impacts of engineering design, engineering ethics, and globalization.

A Study on the Implementation of an Agile SFFS Based on 5DOF Manipulator (5축 매니퓰레이터를 이용한 쾌속 임의형상제작시스템의 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Seung-Woo;Jung Yong-Rae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2005
  • Several Solid Freeform Fabrication Systems(SFFS) are commercialized in a few companies for rapid prototyping. However, they have many technical problems including the limitation of applicable materials. A new method of agile prototyping is required for the recent manufacturing environments of multi-item and small quantity production. The objectives of this paper include the development of a novel method of SFFS, the CAFL/sup VM/(Computer Aided Fabrication of Lamination for Various Material), and the manufacture of the various material samples for the certification of the proposed system and the creation of new application areas. For these objectives, the technologies for a highly accurate robot path control, the optimization of support structure, CAD modeling, adaptive slicing was implemented. However, there is an important problem with the conventional 2D lamination method. That is the inaccuracy of 3D model surface, which is caused by the stair-type surface generated in virtue of vertical 2D cutting. In this paper, We design the new control algorithm that guarantees the constant speed, precise positioning and tangential cutting on the 5DOF SFFS. We develop the tangential cutting algorithm to be controlled with constant speed and successfully implemented in the 5DOF CAFL/sup VM/ system developed in this paper. Finally, this paper confirms its high-performance through the experimental results from the application into CAFL/sup VM/ system.