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Storyboard of Immortal Land in Gugok-Wonlim - A Special Reference to Goisan - (구곡원림(九曲園林)에서 찾는 신선경(神仙境)의 경관 스토리보드 - 괴산 갈은구곡(葛隱九曲)을 대상으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Park, Joo-Sung;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.90-104
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    • 2011
  • This study identified the scenic characteristics in Gugok and symbolism reflected in titles of the scenery of the season in Gugok from a perspective of Sundoism concentrated on Galeun Gugok in Goisan which is influenced most greatly by Sundoism hermit ideas in Korea, along with Seonyudong-Gugok. In addition, it suggested a measure for arrangement and narrative Storyboard of Galeun Gugok structure corresponding with promotion and propagation of Gugok cultural scenes and educational goals. According to analysis and interpretation of the various Gugoks forming Galeun Gugok in terms of their titles, names engraved in surrounding elements and the coherent symbolic meanings of its scenery and place through comparison with secenery of near Seonyudong-Gugok, the result shows that Galeun Gugok comprises wishes for eternal life in the forms of Taoist hermit-related scenery of the season within the range of stream and old stories based on environmental affordance. In figurative way, it ultimately presents the Wonyung(圓融) idea which seeks a harmonious combination of God and humankind. In particular, consciousness of longevity without problems is deeply inherent in the background of eternalness of plants, divinity of animals and natural homeostasis. Also, 9 Gok Seongukam set up at visual terminal reflect noticeably that a game Go is the amusement of the immortals, which describe 9 ranks of GO figuratively. Galeun Gugok is formed in a unity structure, which is hermit-oriented Sundoism and motif, such as longevity and immortality, divinity and enjoyment of Sundoism hermit rather than used as a method to achieve taste for the arts or ethics. Given the fact, it presents eternal longevity and atmosphere of seclusion in very strong way. Development of spatial Storyboard structure based on this is interpreted as 'Entering the world of hermits(Introduction)'-'Looking the world(Development)'-'Living with hermits(Turn)'-'Becoming hermit(Conclusion).' Finally, the scenery image of Galeun Gugok presented in surface structure is based on beauty of the immortal land scenery as well as beauty of pre-achieved space in Gugokdongcheon and arranged the vertical narrative structure as divine space of 9 ranks of GO. Taking those into account, scenery story board of Galeun Gugok was suggested in accordance with a theme of 6 cuts; Gnagsun(降仙)-Sungyeong(仙境)- Sunyak(仙藥)-Sunhak(仙鶴)-Sunyu(仙遊)-Eunsun(隱仙). It is obvious that hermit which live an eternal life as a representative of Sundoism, should be the main motif of scenery planning in a filed of modem landscaping. Therefore, the most valuable component in designing Korean landscape must be the homeostasis of surrounding landscape which supports the characteristics of invariability and divinity of nature.

Effect of Dry Surface Treatment with Ozone and Ammonia on Physico-chemical Characteristics of Dried Low Rank Coal (건조된 저등급 석탄에 대한 건식 표면처리가 물리화학적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Changsik;Han, Gi Bo;Jang, Jung Hee;Park, Jaehyeon;Bae, Dal Hee;Shun, Dowon
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.532-539
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    • 2011
  • The physical and chemical properties of the dried low rank coals (LRCs) before and after the surface treatment using ozone and ammonia were characterized in this study. The contents of moisture, volatiles, fixed carbon and ash consisting of dried LRCs before the surface treatment were about 2.0, 44.8, 44.9 and 8.9%, respectively. Also, it was composed of carbon of 62.66%, hydrogen of 4.33%, nitrogen of 0.94%, oxygen of 27.01% and sulfur of 0.09%. The dried LRCs was surface-treated with the various dry methods using gases such as ozone at room temperature, ammonia at $200^{\circ}C$ and then the dried LRCs before and after the surface treatment were characterized by the various analysis methods such as FT-IR, TGA, proximate and elemental analysis, caloric value, ignition test, adsorption of $H_2O$ and $NH_3-TPD$. As a result, the oxygen content increased and the calorific value, ignition temperature and the contents of carbon and hydrogen relatively decreased because the oxygen-contained functional groups were additionally generated by the surface oxidation with ozone which plays a role as an oxidant. Also, its $H_2O$ adsorption ability got higher because the hydrophilic oxygen-contained functional groups were additionally generated by the surface oxidation with ozone. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the dried LRCs after the surface treatment with $NH_3$ at $200^{\circ}C$ have the decreased oxygen content, but the increased calorific value, ignition temperature and contents of carbon and hydrogen because of the decomposition of oxygen-contained functional groups the on the surface. In addition, the $H_2O$ adsorption ability was lowered bucause the surface of the dried LRCs might be hydrophobicized by the loss of the hydrophilic oxygen-contained functional groups. It was concluded that the various physico-chemical properties of the dried LRCs can be changed by the surface treatment.

The Possibility of Making a Play out of Jindo Ssitgimgut through the Pantomime Empty Hands (무언극 <빈손>을 통해 본 진도씻김굿의 연극화 가능성)

  • Kim, Mi-kyung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.18
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    • pp.171-199
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    • 2009
  • This paper started with my effort to find connections between Empty Hands, which was put on the stage at the Mime House in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, and Jindo Ssitgimgut. The mimist Yu Jin-gyu(58) adopted so many elements from Jindo Ssitgimgut for his performance that I felt that it was the pantomime version of Jindo Ssitgimgut. Of course, the pantomime took the form of gut based on shamanism in terms of story. Watching the pantomime, I once again saw the possibility of developing Korea's cultural archetypes into cultural contents. Helen Lannaghan, the art director of London International Mime Festival of 2005, saw his performance at the conference of Chuncheon International Mime Festival and invited it to the London International Mime Festival praising that it's full of Korean elements, minimalist, and modern at the same time. In fact, Empty Hands, which boasts great harmony among the Korean objet, Oriental thoughts, Samulnori, and Western contemporary mime, was invited to many foreign festivals including the Mimos International Mime Festival in 2000, Polish International Mime Festival in 2001, Mongol's International Mime Festival in 2002, and Belgium's International Mime Festival in 2003. In addition, it's recognized for its artistic values and had a chance to shine in another international setting at the London International Mime Festival whose reputations have been worldwide. All those achievements are the result of Yu's constant effort to reflect Korean elements through his movements. What I saw in his pantomime was the possibility that plays based on Korea's cultural archetypes such as Jindo Ssitgimgut could play an important role as a global content of performance culture. Pursuing the possibility further, I analyzed the factors that brought the worldwide recognition to Empty Hands and searched for the ways to create solid storytelling with Jindo Ssitgimgut and make a huge hit on the international stage. It should be noted once more that the pantomime Empty Hands launched Korea's unique performance culture to the world stage by making great use of the traditional Korean cultural contents.

Legal Issues and Tasks for the Establishment of National Contract for Peace and Unification ('평화통일국민협약' 추진의 법제도적 과제)

  • Choi, Cheol-Young
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.55
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    • pp.57-94
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    • 2018
  • Crisis of trust in Korean society, especially south-south conflicts among Korean political circle, civil society and peoples on the issue of the Korean peninsula policy driven by south Korean government, have weakened the sustainable and consistent energy of the policy for peace and unification of Korea peninsula. At the moment of drastic change of south-north relation in Korean peninsula, National agreement as a foundation of sustainable peace and unification policy has very important meaning. Because of this, national contract of unification as a kind of social concertation, has been demanded. National contract for peace and unification is an unprecedented process for making unofficial legal norm because it authorize quasi-legislative binding force on the agreement which is concluded by the Korean political circle, civil society and peoples for the peace and unification of Korean peninsula. National contract for peace and unification includes 'agreed aim and principles' for peace, prosperity and unification as well as process and result. And National contract for peace and unification, also is characterized long duration of aim achievement and openness of participating subjects. In terms of law, it will be legitimate source for comprehensive modification of international and internal law. In addition, The nature of National contract for peace and unification, as a people's law, should be considered as soft law which has the power to realize its contents through the enactment of legislation and policy. In order to guarantee the establishment and effectiveness of National contract for peace and unification, the setting of organization is need to determine the range of representatives, who participate in the process of contract making, procedure of contract and to carry out the contract after the conclusion of National contract for peace and unification. For the reason, the Council of National Contract for Peace and Unification as a independent administrative government committee and 'Act on National Contract for Peace and Unification' is needed.

A Study of Effecting Factors on Job Satisfaction of the Elderly Care Social Workers (노인 돌봄 서비스관리자의 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 요인연구)

  • Kim, Keun-Hong;Park, Joon-Ki
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.195-220
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    • 2010
  • This study is to examine the job satisfaction of the social workers who manage the elderly care service in country, in order to find political alternatives and practical strategies for improving job satisfaction. The Factors to effect on job satisfaction are categorized as three groups ; personal factors, working environment factors and service related factors. The survey was conducted by 231 social workers who participated in a national seminar among 244 elderly care facilities in country, and 220 effective data were collected. Which factors effected on the job satisfaction of social workers and how much effected on it by them were mainly analyzed. The mean of job satisfaction status was 3.01, which was slightly higher than average(2.5). Men had higher job satisfaction than women. The unmarried than the married, permanent workers than contract workers, and workers who didn't execute other jobs had higher job satisfaction also. And The main factors which effected on job satisfaction were sex among personal factors, the manager willingness and not executing other jobs among working environment factors, and service attitude among service related factors. Particularly, the manager willingness was shown to effect on job satisfaction the most, and then service attitude, not executing other jobs and sex effected on it in order. The result showed that the elderly care facilities which had stronger manager willingness and better service attitude provided higher job satisfaction, and men who didn't execute other jobs than women had higher job satisfaction. The job satisfactions of payment and benefits, employment stability, appropriateness of working amount and working time, working environment and welfare conditions were lower than average. Therefore, the strategies to improve the lower job conditions are promptly required. Above all, the low payment strategy that has not been increased at all for 3 years has to be changed. In addition, it is important for the social workers not to execute other jobs as much as possible in order to reduce working amount and working time appropriately. In conclusion, it is required to try to improve the job satisfaction of the social workers who are the core of human service continually, which will make the elderly care service successful and effectiveness improved.

The multi-level understanding of Shamanistic myth Princess Bari as a narrative: focusing on levels of story, composition, and communication (무속신화 <바리공주> 서사의 다층적 이해 - 이야기·생성·소통의 세 층위를 대상으로)

  • Oh, Sejeong
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.119-145
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    • 2018
  • This paper attempts to divide the narrative into three levels and review the approach methodology to understand Princess Bari as a narrative. If the stratification of the narrative, the analysis of each levels, and the integrated approach to them are made, this can contribute to suggesting new directions and ways to understand and study Princess Bari. The story level of Princess Bari, the surface structure, is shaped by the space movement and the chronological sequential structure of the life task that started from the birth of the main character. This story shows how a woman who was denied her existence by her father as soon as she was born finds an ontological transformation and identities through a process. Especially, the journey of finding identity is mainly formed through the events that occur through the relationship with family members. This structure, which can be found in the narrative level, forms a deep structure with the oppositional paradigm of family members' conflict and reconciliation, life and death. The thought structure revealed in this story is the problem of life is the problem of family composition, and the problem of death is also the same. In response to how to look at the unified world of coexistence of life and death, this tradition group of myths makes a relationship with man and God. This story is mainly communicated in the Korean shamanistic ritual(Gut) that sent the dead to the afterlife. Although the shaman is the sender and the participants in the ritual are the receivers, the story is well known a message that does not have new information repeated in certain situations. In gut, the patrons and participants do not simply accept the narrative as a message, but accept themselves as codes for reconstructing their lives and behavior through autocommunication. By accepting the characters and events of as a homeomorphism relationship with their lives, people accept the everyday life as an integrated view of life and death, disjunction and communication, conflict and reconciliation, and the present viewpoint. It can not change the real world, but it changes the attitude of 'I' about life. And it is a change and transformation that can be achieved through personal communication like the transformation of Princess Bari into god in myth. Thus, Princess Bari shows that each meaning and function in the story level, composition level, and communication level is related to each other. In addition, the structure revealed by this narrative on three levels is also effective in revealing the collective consciousness and cultural system of the transmission group.

A Comparative Study on Confirmation Hearings for Secretary of Education in South Korea and the United State - Focus Cases on Administrations of Myungbak Lee and Barack Obama - (한국과 미국 교육부 장관 인사청문회 비교 - 이명박 정부와 오바마 정부의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo, Dong-Hoon;Jin, Sun-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.103-132
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to suggest ways of improving the quality of confirmation hearings for the Secretary of Education in South Korea by: 1) comparing the confirmation process by the presidents in South Korea and the United States; and 2) contrasting procedures and contents of hearings for Education Secretary nominee in South Korea and the United States. As the process of selecting a nominee to be the Secretary of Education started, the Blue House Office of Secretary conducted an investigation on the nominee's personal details, family matters, and etc within a week. The investigation, with very limited time frame, led the selection process to be a mere verification on the nominee's morality. On the other hand, the White House Office of Presidential Personnel carried out a thorough investigation on the nominee collectively with the White House Council, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Internal Revenue Service, taking from two to three months. In terms of contents of the hearings, the members of the ruling party mainly asked the nominee for clarification, and his ideas on certain policies, whereas the opposition party focused mostly on verifying his morality. In addition, the committee members led the hearing whilst strongly expressing their own political ideologies. However, in the case of the hearings in the United States, the committee members did not ask any questions to verify the nominee's morality but questions that could help them to get an understanding of the nominee's experience, professionalism, and perspective on nation- wide issues regarding education and federal education policy. As for the procedural characteristics of South Korean hearings, the Committee on Education conducted the hearing with a week of advanced preparation. However, submission of required reports by the nominee, performing confirmation hearings, and reports on the hearing were not mandatory in order to appoint the nominee as the Secretary of Education. On the contrary, in the United States, the members of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pension spent about a month preparing for the confirmation hearing. For the nominee to be appointed, submission of reports and the committee's approval on the President's nomination were required. Based on the results, this research suggests that it is important to develop a policy that can strengthen the substantiality of the nomination process, to establish a professional agency for personnel investigation, to make a mandatory submission of personal reports before hearings, to extend the time frame for hearing preparation, to secure enough time slot for nominees to respond, and to increase the member's autonomy.

Rationalization Processes in the Entertainment Business on the Modern Theatrical Field - Concerning the Financiers and the Agents from 1907 to the early 1920s - (한국 초기 문화산업사에서 흥행의 합리화 과정에 대한 연구-1907~1920년대 초까지 흥행 주체를 중심으로-)

  • Kwon, Do-hee
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.35
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    • pp.9-59
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    • 2017
  • This article describes the entertainment business system from 1907 to the first half of the 1920's. The entertainment business began at the time of Empire of Korea with the Imperial Theater called Hyeomnyulsa, which was supported by the emperor's authority and national system and run by the imperial court, especially Gungnaebu. However, after closing the imperial theater, many commercial theaters have been born since 1907, the role of the subject who dominate the entertainment business has been subdivided into financialist and agent. The financialist was replaced by civilians and the capacity of the agent has been strengthened after the introduction of Yeongeukgaeryanglon. In this condition the entertainment business had to be rationalized. In addition, before and after 1912, as the businessmen took part in the entertainment business instead of the government officials and social leaders, the role of entertainment business developed and became equipped with a modern system. Financialist who utilized economic capital was subdivided into the proprietor of a theater, investors, and bosses in the process of mobilizing the necessary funds for the construction, renovation, and repair of the theater, and agents who used cultural capital to practice and maintain performances, on the other hand played a role in expanding the diversity of the show in and outside the theater. In the theatre there was Chongmoo, Johapjang, Chwiche, and Jwadang of Gisaengjohaps, Sinpageukdans, Gyeongseonggupabaeujohap and various XXX Ilhaeng were outside the theater. They participated in the their own way. The financialist and agent used to set up cooperative relations and conflicts. The entertainment business was deepened and developed in the process of resolving the conflicts. However, Performance market could not grow as well as the possibility of a system equipped after 1915. This is because the Japanese imperialists limited the growth of the economic capital and cultural capital of the Koreans and even the composition of social capital. For this reason, Chosun's entertainment business system has grown in proportion to the absolute growth of the box office industry, but it has not developed as much as its potential capacity.

The Determinants of Consumption Characteristics and Patterns of Elderly Households (고령자 가구의 소비특성 및 소비패턴 결정요인)

  • Kim, Jinhun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.905-926
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    • 2016
  • Although the concept of the elderly varies depending on scholars and laws, as consumption expenditure is deeply associated with income due to the nature of this study, 55 years old was set as the low limit standard for the elderly according to Prohibition of Discrimination on Age in Employment and Employment Promotion for the Aged Act and the elderly households were limited to single-elderly person household and an elderly couple family household for this study. It is considered consumption characteristics as a significant analysis subject in terms of social welfare because it could be understood as an expressed need which was a reflection of desire. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the consumption characteristics of the elderly households by stereotyping the consumption pattern of the elderly households, and find the determining factors for consumption patterns and thus contribute to the establishment of related policies through the expressed needs of the elderly households. K-means of cluster analysis was performed by putting the consumption expenditure of the elderly households to investigate inherent structural type of consumption pattern of the elderly households, which were the investigation subjects. As a result, four groups were stereotyped and named as below: 'health care-centered type', 'saving-centered type', 'livelihood-centered type', and 'food expenses-centered type' Binary Logistic Regression analysis was used to identify the factors that influence the decision of consumption pattern of the elderly households. The result of study showed that the elderly households faced all different needs and problems and thus there is a need for various approach plans to solve this situation. In particular, although the elderly have been viewed as economically poor people so far, the study showed that there were also kind of prepared households through saving. Overall, livelihoodcentered type accounted for the highest portion and, as a factor that influenced this, marital state and household income played an important role. Therefore, it is considered that more active efforts to increase the income of the elderly households are needed. In addition, age, owning of house and subjective health state were found to also have significant influence. Through these results of the study, the elderly's own improvement of awareness on health, presentation of overall standard for health state of the elderly, securement of the elderly's access to cultural life, and financial management coordination for improvement of quality of life, development and dissemination of jobs suitable for the elderly, and dissemination of communal life household, which is a cooperation residential type, were presented as institutional task in the conclusion.

Influences of the Composition on Spectroscopic Characteristics of AlxGa1-xN Thin Films (AlxGa1-xN 박막의 조성이 분광학적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Dae Jung;Kim, Bong Jin;Kim, Duk Hyeon;Lee, Jong Won
    • New Physics: Sae Mulli
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    • v.68 no.12
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    • pp.1281-1287
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    • 2018
  • In this study, $Al_xGa_{1-x}N$ films were grown on (0001) sapphire substrates by using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The crystallinity of the grown films was examined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. The surfaces and the chemical properties of the $Al_xGa_{1-x}N$ films were investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), respectively. The optical properties of the $Al_xGa_{1-x}N$ film were studied in a wide photon energy range between 2.0 ~ 8.7 eV by using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) at room temperature. The data obtained by using SE were analyzed to find the critical points of the pseudodielectric function spectra, $<{\varepsilon}(E)>=<{\varepsilon}_1(E)>+i<{\varepsilon}_2(E)>$. In addition, the second derivative spectra, $d^2<{\varepsilon}(E)>/dE^2$, of the pseudodielectric function for the $Al_xGa_{1-x}N$ films were numerically calculated to determine the critical points (CPs), such as the $E_0$, $E_1$, and $E_2$ structure. For the four samples (x = 0.18, 0.21, 0.25, 0.29) between a composition of x = 0.18 and x = 0.29, changes in the critical points (blue-shifts) with increasing Al composition at 300 K for the $Al_xGa_{1-x}N$ film were observed via ellipsometric measurements for the first time.