• 제목/요약/키워드: Yu, Eui-yang

검색결과 36건 처리시간 0.022초

중국·조선철학의 성정(性情)과 동의수세보원의 성정(性情)에 관한 문헌적 고찰(考察) (A Bibliographic study between Sung-Jung in and Sung-Jung in and Sung-Jung in Chinese and Chosun's philosophy)

  • 설유경;김종원
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.51-73
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    • 1999
  • 1. 연구목적 사상의학(四象醫學)에서는 사상인(四象人)의 생리(生理), 병리(病理)의 원인이 희노애락(喜怒哀樂)으로 표현되는 성정(性情)의 작용으로 설명되어진다. 따라서 동의수세보원에 나타나 있는 희노애락(喜怒哀樂)으로서의 성정(性情)과 중국 조선철학에서의 성정(性情)에 관한 연관성을 찾아보고자 하는 것이 연구 목적이다. 2. 연구방법 먼저 중국철학에서의 성정(性情)개념의 변천과 의미를 고찰하고 그 다음 조선철학에서 성정(性情) 개념을 중심으로 한 논변(論辯)인 사단칠정론과 정제두의 양명학에서의 성정(性情)에 대해 고찰하였고 마지막으로 동의수세보원에서의 성정(性情)의 개념을 조사하였다. 3. 연구결과 이제마가 동의수세보원에 중국과 조선철학에서의 성정(性情)을 모두 포괄하면서 자신의 독특한 사심신물적(事心身物的)인 사고체계를 나타낸 것을 알 수 있었다.

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동측과 반대편의 지팡이 사용에 대한 무릎의 모멘트 분석 (Effects of Contralateral and Ipsilateral Cane Use on Knee Moment)

  • 이현옥;양경혜;권유정
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of force of ipsilateral versus contralateral cane usage on knee moments in healthy young adults. Methods: A convenience sample of 10 subjects volunteered for this study. Subjects walked over a force plate under three different conditions; unaided and ipsilateral cane and contralateral cane. Analysis of data on moment of the knee joint and ground reaction force was performed using the OrthoTrak program. Results: Flexion moment of the knee was decreased with the contralateral cane, but increased with the ipsilateral cane compared with normal gait. Extension moment of the knee was decreased with the contralateral cane compared with normal gait(p<0.05) and it was showed a greater decrease with the contralateral cane than with the ipsilateral cane gait(p=0.00). Valgus moment of the knee joint was increased with the ipsilateral cane but decreased with the contralateral cane. Vertical ground peak force was decreased with the ipsilateral cane compared with normal gait (p<0.05). Conclusion: The following conclusions were drawn from our data. Contralateral cane gait is more efficacious for persons with weakness of knee extensors, however, for a patient with varus deformity, the cane should be used in the ipsilateral hand.

표면영상유속계(SIV)를 이용한 홍수유출량 측정 (Flood Runoff Measurements using Surface Image Velocimetry)

  • 김용석;양성기;류권규;김동수
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.581-589
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    • 2013
  • Surface Image Velocimetry(SIV) is an instrument to measure water surface velocity by using image processing techniques. Since SIV is a non-contact type measurement method, it is very effective and useful to measure water surface velocity for steep mountainous streams, such as streams in Jeju island. In the present study, a surface imaging velocimetry system was used to calculate the flow rate for flood event due to a typhoon. At the same time, two types of electromagnetic surface velocimetries (electromagnetic surface current meter and Kalesto) were used to observe flow velocities and compare the accuracies of each instrument. The comparison showed that for velocity distributions root mean square error(RMSE) was 0.33 and R-squared was 0.72. For discharge measurements, root mean square error(RMSE) reached 6.04 and R-squared did 0.92. It means that surface image velocimetry could be used as an alternative method for electromagnetic surface velocimetries in measuring flood discharge.

표면영상유속계(SIV)를 활용한 홍수유출량 산정 시 주·야간영상의 정확도 비교분석 (Comparative Analysis of Day and Night Time Video Accuracy to Calculate the Flood Runoff Using Surface Image Velocimeter (SIV))

  • 김용석;양성기;류권규;김동수
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the velocimetry of runoff and measured the flood discharge by applying the SIV (Surface Image Velocimetrer) to the daytime and nighttime flow image data with special reference to Seong-eup Bridge at Cheonmi stream of Jeju during the flow by the severe rainstorm on May 27, 2013. A 1000W lighting apparatus with more than 150 lux was installed in order to collect proper nighttime flow image applied to the SIV. Its value was compared and analyzed with the velocity value of the fixed electromagnetic wave surface velocimetry (Kalesto) at the same point to check the accuracy and applicability of the measured velocity of flow. As a result, determination coefficient $R^2$ values were 0.891 and 0.848 respectively in line with the velocity distribution of the daytime and nighttime image and the flow volume measured with Kalesto was approximately 18.2% larger than the value measured with the SIV.

메가소닉 세정시 발생되는 패턴손상 최소화에 대한 연구 (Evaluate the Effect of Megasonic Cleaning on Pattern Damage)

  • 유동현;안영기;안덕민;김태성;이희명;김정인;이양래;김현세;임의수
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2008년도 추계학술대회B
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    • pp.2511-2514
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    • 2008
  • As the minimum feature size decreases, techniques to avoid contamination and processes to maintain clean wafer surfaces have become very important. The deposition and detachment of nanoparticles from surfaces are major problem to integrated circuit fabrication. Therefore, cleaning technology which reduces nanoparticles is essential to increase yield. Previous megasonic cleaning technology has reached the limits to reduce nanoparticles. Megasonic cleaning is one of the efficiency method to reduce contamination nanoparticle. Two major mechanisms are active in a megasonic cleaning, namely, acoustic streaming and cavitation. Acoustic streaming does not lead to sufficiently strong force to cause damage to the substrates or patterns. Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon of light emission associated with the cavitation of a bubble under ultrasound. We studied a correlation between sonoluminescence and sound pressure distribution for the minimum of pattern damage in megasonic cleaning.

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재난감시용 하천 CCTV를 활용한 홍수유출량 산정 (Flood Runoff Calculation using Disaster Monitoring CCTV System)

  • 김용석;양성기;류권규;김동수
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.571-584
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    • 2014
  • The present study aims to apply a surface image velocimetry(SIV) system to video images captured with CCTV and estimate the flood discharge. The CCTV was installed at the Hancheon Bridge of the Han Cheon in Jeju Island for disaster surveillance, and seven flood events occurred in 2012 were used. During the image analyses, input parameters, interrogation areas and searching areas were determined with proper calibration procedures. To check for accuracy and applicability of SIV, the velocities and flood discharges estimated by SIV were compared with the measured ones by an electromagnetic surface velocimeter, Kalisto. The comparison results showed fairly good agreements. The RMSE(Root Mean Square Error) values between two instruments showed a range of 4.13 and 14.2, and the determination coefficients reached 0.75 through 0.85. It means that the SIV could be used as a good alternative method for other traditional velocity measuring instruments in measuring flood discharges.

유방에서 발생한 선방세포암의 영상 소견: 증례 보고 (Imaging Findings of Primary Acinic Cell Carcinoma of the Breast: A Case Report)

  • 유의현;고경란;박준연;정윤양;신혁재;최현정
    • 대한영상의학회지
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    • 제85권3호
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    • pp.643-648
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    • 2024
  • 선방세포암은 침샘에서 발생하는 종양 중 약 2%-3%를 차지하는 드문 악성 종양이다. 유방에서 발생한 선방세포암은 매우 드물어 현재까지 약 70예 정도만 보고되었고, 대부분 병리학적 소견을 위주로 기술되었다. 이에 저자들은 33세 여성에서 발생한 유방 선방세포암의 증례와 영상의학적 소견에 대해 보고하고자 한다.

소음인체질병증 임상진료지침: 소음병 (Clinical Practice Guideline for Soeumin Disease of Sasang Constitutional Medicine : Lesser Yin Symptomatology)

  • 유준상;전수형;이의주
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2014
  • Objectives This research was performed to establish the clinical practice guideline(CPG) for Lesser Yin Symptomatology of Soeumin disease. Methods Dongeui suse bowon(sinchuk edition), textbook for Sasang constitutional medicine, Clinical guidebook for Sasang constitutional medicine, and standardization reports on Sasang constitutional medicine and papers concerning symptomatology of Soeumin Disease, especially Lesser Yin Symptomatology was collected and classified. Additionally experts' conference was held to make agreement on the conflicting issues on a regular basis. Results & Conclusions There was no concerning paper on Lesser Yin Symptomatology. Experts' agreement was needed to establish the CPG. Lesser Yin pattern can be classified into 2 groups; Lesser Yin severe pattern and Lesser Yin critical pattern. There are Lesser Yin pattern accompanied abdominal pain and bowel irritability pattern and Lesser Yin pattern accompanied green tinged watery diarrhea pattern in Lesser Yin severe pattern. There are Visceral syncope pattern and Exuberant yin repelling yang pattern in Lesser Yin critical pattern. Lesser Yin symptomatology has several symptoms like abdominal pain and diarrhea, thirst, oral discomfort, chest discomfort, whole body pain, articular pain and coldness of hands and feet. Additionally there are abdominal pain and diarrhea in Lesser Yin symptomatology accompanied abdominal pain and bowel irritability pattern, there is green tinged watery diarrhea in Lesser Yin pattern accompanied green tinged watery diarrhea pattern and if this symptoms exacerbate, delirious speech and constipation can occur. There are restlessness and coldness on hands and feet in Visceral syncope pattern and severe restlessness and coldness on hands and feet and symptom which the patient cannot drink water in Exuberant yin repelling yang.

소양인체질병증 임상진료지침: 음허오열병 (Clinical Practice Guideline for Soyangin Disease of Sasang Constitutional Medicine: Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) symptomatology)

  • 유준상;이의주
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.272-280
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    • 2014
  • Objectives This research was carried out to establish the clinical practice guideline(CPG) for Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) symptomatology of Soyangin disease. Methods Dongeuisusebowon(sinchuk edition) and several kinds of literatures including journal articles concerning this symptomatology of Soyangin disease were collected and classified. Sasang constitutional specialists' conference was held to make an agreement on the conflicting issues as well. Consensus was drawn as a result of the conference. Results & Conclusions 3 papers were selected as an inclusion and exclusion criteria for the relevant articles to Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) symptomatology of Soyangin disease. Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) symptomatology consists of two aspects : Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) severe pattern and Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) critical pattern. In Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) severe pattern contains 1 disease, namely, Clear Yang Depletion of Large Intestine (Daejang-cheongyang Moson) pattern (Lower wasting-thirst (Haso) pattern). In Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) critical pattern contains 2 diseases, Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) pattern and Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) advanced pattern. Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) symptomatology has several kinds of symptoms like dry mouth, disliking to drink much water, diurnal body fever, coldness on the back and nausea as well as body fever, chest discomfort, constipation or dry stool as a common symptoms of Interior Heat disease. Clear Yang Depletion of Large Intestine (Daejang-cheongyang Moson) pattern (Lower wasting-thirst (Haso) pattern) has above mentioned symptoms and much urine/turbid urine, thin thigh and knee joints and twinge of joint pain over the body. Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) pattern has symptoms like indigestion and epigastric discomfort, abdominal pain and vomiting in addition. Yin-Deficit Diurnal-Heat (Eumheo-oyeol) advanced pattern has symptoms like hematemesis as well.

한방진단설문지 DSOM (r) S.1.1의 신뢰도연구 (Reliability Study of Diagnos System of Oriental Medicine (r) S.1.1)

  • 김미진;조혜숙;엄윤경;유주희;이용태;지규용;김규곤;이인선
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.1146-1153
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    • 2005
  • This study was investigated so that reliability of disease mechanism diagnosis would be examined, the estimation about disease mechanism item of Questionnaires and the relations of disease mechanism would be inquired about 'health diagnosis program' Questionnaires which were used for the object diagnosis of Oriental medicine in the department of Oriental OB&GY, Oriental Medical hospital of Dong-Eui University. We analyzed the results of Questionnaires for 3354 outpatients who had OB & GY disease in the Oriental Medical hospital of Dong-Eui University from April 2000 to March 2004. The diagnosis Questionnaires(after DSOM (r) S.1.1) was the figures 188, the health diagnosis Questionnaires (after DSOM (r) S.1.1) was the figures 137. phiegm deficiency of qi was used in DSOM (r) R.1.1 as it is. The reliability of DSOM (r) S.1.1 was usually higher than DSOM (r) R.1.1 in deficiency of qi blood stasis insufficiency of Yang heat syndrom damp, 5 case disease mechanism. The reliability of DSOM (r) S.1.1 was usually lower than DSOM (r) R.1.1 in blood deficiency stagnation of qi coldness damp dryness liver heart spleen kidney, 8 case disease mechanism. but the great difference wasn't seen, therefore both DSOM (r) S.1.1 and DSOM (r) R.1.1 had similar result. A meeting point both DSOM (r) S.1.1 and DSOM (r) R.1.1 was above 90% in liver spleen blood stasis blood deficiency, 4 case disease mechanism with the exception of phlegm deficiency of Yim nothing of fluctuations of question. A meeting point of coldness that was 82.47% was lowest, A meeting point of the rest disease mechanism was above 85%. The effect that contributed in producing disease mechanism result and in which pure question was over relevance calculation 0.9, insufficiency of Yang damp phlegm that contributed in producing disease mechanism result was lower comparatively in DSOM (r) R.1.1. But the effect that contributed in producing disease mechanism result and in which pure question was over relevance calculation 0.9 except spleen kidney phlegm in DSOM (r) S.1.1