• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vapor phase growth

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GaN epitaxy growth by low temperature HYPE on $CoSi_2$ buffer/Si substrates (실리콘 기판과 $CoSi_2$ 버퍼층 위에 HVPE로 저온에서 형성된 GaN의 에피텍셜 성장 연구)

  • Ha, Jun-Seok;Park, Jong-Sung;Song, Oh-Sung;Yao, T.;Jang, Ji-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 2009
  • We fabricated 40 nm-thick cobalt silicide ($CoSi_2$) as a buffer layer, on p-type Si(100) and Si(111) substrates to investigate the possibility of GaN epitaxial growth on $CoSi_2$/Si substrates. We deposited GaN using a HVPE (hydride vapor phase epitaxy) with two processes of process I ($850^{\circ}C$-12 minutes + $1080^{\circ}C$-30 minutes) and process II ($557^{\circ}C$-5 minutes + $900^{\circ}C$-5 minutes) on $CoSi_2$/Si substrates. An optical microscopy, FE-SEM, AFM, and HR-XRD (high resolution X-ray diffractometer) were employed to determine the GaN epitaxy. In case of process I, it showed no GaN epitaxial growth. However, in process II, it showed that GaN epitaxial growth occurred. Especially, in process II, GaN layer showed selfaligned substrate separation from silicon substrate. Through XRD ${\omega}$-scan of GaN <0002> direction, we confirmed that the combination of cobalt silicide and Si(100) as a buffer and HVPE at low temperature (process II) was helpful for GaN epitaxy growth.

Microstructure analyses of aluminum nitride (AlN) using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) (투과전자현미경과 전자후방산란회절을 이용한 AlN의 미세구조 분석)

  • Joo, Young Jun;Park, Cheong Ho;Jeong, Joo Jin;Kang, Seung Min;Ryu, Gil Yeol;Kang, Sung;Kim, Cheol Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2015
  • Aluminum nitride (AlN) single crystals have attracted much attention for a next-generation semiconductor application because of wide bandgap (6.2 eV), high thermal conductivity ($285W/m{\cdot}K$), high electrical resistivity (${\geq}10^{14}{\Omega}{\cdot}cm$), and high mechanical strength. The bulk AlN single crystals or thin film templates have been mainly grown by PVT (sublimation) method, flux method, solution growth method, and hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) method. Since AlN suffers difficulty in commercialization due to the defects that occur during single crystal growth, crystalline quality improvement via defects analyses is necessary. Etch pit density (EPD) analysis showed that the growth misorientations and the defects in the AlN surface exist. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) analyses were employed to investigate the overall crystalline quality and various kinds of defects. TEM studies show that the morphology of the AlN is clearly influenced by stacking fault, dislocation, second phase, etc. In addition EBSD analysis also showed that the zinc blende polymorph of AlN exists as a growth defects resulting in dislocation initiator.

Photoluminescence Studies of ZnO Nanorods Grown by Vapor Phase Transport (기상이동법으로 성장한 산화아연 나노막대의 포토루미네슨스 분석)

  • Kim, Soaram;Cho, Min Young;Nam, Giwoong;Kim, Min Su;Kim, Do Yeob;Yim, Kwang Gug;Leem, Jae-Young
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.49 no.10
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    • pp.818-822
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    • 2011
  • ZnO nanorods were grown on Au-coated Si substrates by vapor phase transport (VPT) at the growth temperature of $600^{\circ}C$ using a mixture of zinc oxide and graphite powders as source material. Au thin films with the thickness of 5 nm were deposited by ion sputtering. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) was carried out to investigate the optical properties of the ZnO nanorods. Five peaks at 3.363, 3.327, 3.296, 3.228, and 3.143 eV, corresponding to the free exciton (FX), neutral donor bound exciton ($D^{\circ}X$), first order longitudinal optical phonon replica of free exciton (FX-1LO), FX-2LO, and FX-3LO emissions, were obtained at low-temperature (10 K). The intensity of these peaks decreased and their position was red shifted with the increase in the temperature. The FX emission peak energy of the ZnO nanorods exhibited an anomalous behavior (red-blue-red shift) with the increase in temperature. This is also known as an "S-shaped" emission shift. The thermal activation energy for the exciton with increasing temperature in the ZnO nanorods is found to be about 26.6 meV; the values of Varshni's empirical equation fitting parameters are = $5{\times}10^{-4}eV/K$, ${\beta}=350K$, and $E_g(0)=3.364eV$.

Characterization of epitaxial layers on beta-gallium oxide single crystals grown by EFG method as a function of different crystal faces and off-angle (EFG 법으로 성장시킨 β-Ga2O3 단결정의 다양한 결정면, off-angle에 따른 epitaxial layer의 특성 분석)

  • Min-Ji Chae;Sun-Yeong Seo;Hui-Yeon Jang;So-Min Shin;Dae-Uk Kim;Yun-Jin Kim;Mi-Seon Park;Gwang-Hee Jung;Jin-Ki Kang;Hae-Yong Lee;Won-Jae Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2024
  • β-Ga2O3 is a representative ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) semiconductor that has attracted much attention for power device applications due to its wide-bandgap of 4.9 eV and high-breakdown voltage of 8 MV/cm. In addition, because solution growth is possible, it has advantages such as fast growth rate and lower production cost compared to SiC and GaN [1-2]. In this study, we have successfully grown Si-doped 10 mm thick Si-doped β-Ga2O3 single crystals by the EFG (Edge-defined Film-fed Growth) method. The growth direction and growth principal plane were set to [010] / (010), respectively, and the growth speed was 7~20 mm/h. The as-grown β-Ga2O3 single crystal was cut into various crystal planes (001, 100, ${\bar{2}}01$) and off-angles (1o, 3o, 4o), and then surface processed. After processed, the homoepitaxial layer was grown on the epi-ready substrate using the HVPE (Halide vapor phase epitaxy) method. The processed samples and the epi-layer grown samples were analyzed by XRD, AFM, OM, and Etching to compare the surface properties according to the crystal plane and off-angle.

Thin film growth of ε-Ga2O3 and photo-electric properties of MSM UV photodetectors (ε-Ga2O3 박막 성장 및 MSM UV photodetector의 전기광학적 특성)

  • Park, Sang Hun;Lee, Han Sol;Ahn, Hyung Soo;Yang, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we investigated the structural properties of $Ga_2O_3$ thin films and the photo-electrical properties of metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetectors deposited by Ti/Au electrodes. $Ga_2O_3$ thin films were grown at different temperatures using metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The crystal phase of $Ga_2O_3$ changed from ${\varepsilon}$-phase to ${\beta}$-phase depending on the growth temperature. The crystal structure of ${\varepsilon}-Ga_2O_3$ was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and the formation mechanism of crystal structure was discussed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. From the results of current-voltage (I-V) and time-dependent photoresponse characteristics under the illumination of external lights, we confirmed that the MSM photodetector fabricated by ${\varepsilon}-Ga_2O_3$ showed much better photocurrent characteristics in the 266 nm UV range than in the visible range.

Optical(Interferometric) Measurements of Vapor Deposition Growth Rate and Dew Points in Combustion Gases (빛의 간섭현상을 이용한 증기용착 성장속도 측정법의 실험적 연구)

  • 김상수;송영훈
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 1986
  • An optical interference method was developed for measuring rapidly growing and evaporating liquid condensate films (e.g., Na$_{2}$SO$_{4}$, $K_{2}$SO$_{4}$) on solid surface exposed to flowing combustion product gases at film thicknesses well below the onset of complications due to run-off. To develop this optical system, this study investigated the optical parameters (e.g., polarization state, incident angle, target roughness, etc.) Trends for the Na$_{2}$SO$_{4}$(l) and $K_{2}$SO$_{4}$(l) deposition rates as a function of target temperature using this optical measuring system agree with the theoretical prediction of the vapor deposition. This study was able to extend the experimental range for vapor plus condensed phase transport and deposition. While previously unable to measure the evaporation rates interferometrically, these rates are estimated from the results of the investigation of polarization states.

Study on self-diffusion transport phenomena during mercurous bromide (Hg2Br2) vapor processes (브로민화수은(I)(Hg2Br2) 증착공정에서 자체확산 연구)

  • Nam Il Kim;Geug Tae Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2024
  • During the Hg2Br2 physical vapor transport process with self-diffusion, it is concluded that for 10-3g0≤ g ≤ 1g0 the thermal buoyancy driven convection is dominant in the vapor phase; at the gravitational level of g = 10-4g0, the transition region from the convection to diffusion occurs; for 10-6g0 ≤ g ≤ 10-5g0, the diffusion mode is predominant. The total molar flux of Hg2Br2 decays exponentially with the decreasing of one tenth of gravitational magnitude. For 10℃ ≤ ΔT ≤ 50℃, the total molar flux increases linearly and directly with the temperature difference between the source and crystal regions.

Vertical Growth of Amorphous SiOx Nano-Pillars by Pt Catalyst Films (Pt 촉매 박막을 이용한 비정질 SiOx 나노기둥의 수직성장)

  • Lee, Jee-Eon;Kim, Ki-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.699-704
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    • 2018
  • One-dimensional nanostructures have attracted increasing attention because of their unique electronic, optical, optoelectrical, and electrochemical properties on account of their large surface-to-volume ratio and quantum confinement effect. Vertically grown nanowires have a large surface-to-volume ratio. The vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) process has attracted considerable attention for its self-alignment capability during the growth of nanostructures. In this study, vertically aligned silicon oxide nano-pillars were grown on Si\$SiO_2$(300 nm)\Pt substrates using two-zone thermal chemical vapor deposition system via the VLS process. The morphology and crystallographic properties of the grown silicon oxide nano-pillars were investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The diameter and length of the grown silicon oxide nano-pillars were found to be dependent on the catalyst films. The body of the silicon oxide nano-pillars exhibited an amorphous phase, which is consisted with Si and O. The head of the silicon oxide nano-pillars was a crystalline phase, which is consisted with Si, O, Pt, and Ti. The vertical alignment of the silicon oxide nano-pillars was attributed to the preferred crystalline orientation of the catalyst Pt/Ti alloy. The vertically aligned silicon oxide nano-pillars are expected to be applied as a functional nano-material.

Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flows on a Foil by Using Bubble Size Distribution Model

  • Ito, Yutaka;Nagasaki, Takao
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.216-227
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    • 2004
  • A new cavitating model by using bubble size distribution based on bubbles-mass has been proposed. Both liquid and vapor phases are treated with Eulerian framework as a mixture containing minute cavitating bubbles. In addition vapor phase consists of various sizes of vapor bubbles, which are distributed to classes based on their mass. The bubble number-density for each class was solved by considering the change of the bubble-mass due to phase change as well as generation of new bubbles due to heterogeneous nucleation. In this method, the bubble-mass is treated as an independent variable, and the other dependent variables are solved in spatial coordinates and bubble-mass coordinate. Firstly, we employed this method to calculate bubble nucleation and growth in stationary super-heated liquid nitrogen, and bubble collapse in stationary sub-cooled one. In the case of bubble growth in super-heated liquid, bubble number-density of the smallest class based on its mass is increased due to the nucleation. These new bubbles grow with time, and the bubbles shift to larger class. Therefore void fraction of each class is increased due to the growth in the whole class. On the other hand, in the case of bubble collapse in sub-cooled liquid, the existing bubbles are contracted, and then they shift to smaller class. It finally becomes extinct at the smallest one. Secondly, the present method is applied to a cavitating flow around NACA00l5 foil. Liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen are employed as working fluids. Cavitation number, $\sigma$, is fixed at 0.15, inlet velocities are changed at 5, 10, 20 and 50m/s. Inlet temperatures are 90K in case of liquid nitrogen, and 90K and 1l0K in case of liquid oxygen. 110K of oxygen is corresponding to the 90K of nitrogen because of the same relative temperature to the critical one, $T_{r}$=$T/T_c^{+}$. Cavitating flow around the NACA0015 foils was properly analyzed by using bubble size distribution. Finally, the method is applied to a cavitating flow in an inducer of the LE-7A hydrogen turbo-pump. This inducer has 3 spiral foils. However, for simplicity, 2D calculation was carried out in an unrolled channel at 0.9R cross-section. The channel moves against the fluid at a peripheral velocity corresponding to the inducer revolutions. Total inlet pressure, $Pt_{in}$, is set at l00KPa, because cavitation is not generated at a design point, $Pt_{in}$=260KPa. The bubbles occur upstream of the foils and collapse between them. Cavitating flow in the inducer was successfully predicted by using the bubble size distribution.

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Growth and characteristics of HVPE thick a-plane GaN layers (HVPE 후막 a-plane GaN 결정의 성장과 특성)

  • Lee, C.H.;Hwang, S.L.;Kim, K.H.;Jang, K.S.;Jeon, H.S.;Ahn, H.S.;Yang, M.;Bae, J.S.;Kim, S.W.;Jang, S.H.;Lee, S.M.;Park, G.H.;Koike, M.
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2007
  • The structural and morphological properties of planar, nonpolar (11-20) a-plane GaN layers grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy on (1-102) r-plan sapphire substrates are characterized. We report on the effect of low temperature ($500/550/600/660^{\circ}C$) AIN buffer layers on the structural properties of HVPE grown a-GaN kayers. and for the comparison, low temperature GaN and InGaN buffer layers are also tried for the growth of a-plane GaN layers. The structural geometry of a-GaN layers is severely affected on the growth condition of low temperature buffer layers. The most planar a-GaN could be obtained with $GaCl_3$ pretreatment at the growth temperature of $820^{\circ}C$.