• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topological group

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  • Kim, Sang Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2019
  • Recently, Chung and Lee [2] introduced the notion of topological stability for a finitely generated group action, and proved a group action version of the Walters's stability theorem. In this paper, we introduce the concepts of continuous shadowing and continuous inverse shadowing of a finitely generated group action on a compact metric space X with respect to various classes of admissible pseudo orbits and study the relationships between topological stability and continuous shadowing and continuous inverse shadowing property of group actions. Moreover, we introduce the notion of structural stability for a finitely generated group action, and we prove that an expansive action on a compact manifold is structurally stable if and only if it is continuous inverse shadowing.


  • Park, Jong-Suh;Lee, Keon-Hee
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 1984
  • Let X be a topological space. We consider a groupoid G over X and the quotient groupoid G/N for any normal subgroupoid N of G. The concept of groupoid (topological groupoid) is a natural generalization of the group(topological group). An useful example of a groupoid over X is the foundamental groupoid .pi.X whose object group at x.mem.X is the fundamental group .pi.(X, x). It is known [5] that if X is locally simply connected, then the topology of X determines a topology on .pi.X so that is becomes a topological groupoid over X, and a covering space of the product space X*X. In this paper the concept of the locally simple connectivity of a topological space X is applied to the groupoid G over X. That concept is defined as a term '1-connected local subgroupoid' of G. Using this concept we topologize the groupoid G so that it becomes a topological groupoid over X. With this topology the connected groupoid G is a covering space of the product space X*X. Further-more, if ob(.overbar.G)=.overbar.X is a covering space of X, then the groupoid .overbar.G is also a covering space of the groupoid G. Since the fundamental groupoid .pi.X of X satisfying a certain condition has an 1-connected local subgroupoid, .pi.X can always be topologized. In this case the topology on .pi.X is the same as that of [5]. In section 4 the results on the groupoid G are generalized to the quotient groupoid G/N. For any topological groupoid G over X and normal subgroupoid N of G, the abstract quotient groupoid G/N can be given the identification topology, but with this topology G/N need not be a topological groupoid over X [4]. However the induced topology (H) on G makes G/N (with the identification topology) a topological groupoid over X. A final section is related to the covering morphism. Let G$_{1}$ and G$_{2}$ be groupoids over the sets X$_{1}$ and X$_{2}$, respectively, and .phi.:G$_{1}$.rarw.G$_{2}$ be a covering spimorphism. If X$_{2}$ is a topological space and G$_{2}$ has an 1-connected local subgroupoid, then we can topologize X$_{1}$ so that ob(.phi.):X$_{1}$.rarw.X$_{2}$ is a covering map and .phi.: G$_{1}$.rarw.G$_{2}$ is a topological covering morphism.

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Fundamental Groups of a Topological Transformation Group

  • Chu, Chin-Ku;Choi, Sung Kyu
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 1991
  • Some properties of a path space and the fundamental group ${\sigma}(X,x_0,G)$ of a topological transformation group (X, G, ${\pi}$) are described. It is shown that ${\sigma}(X,x_0,H)$ is a normal subgroup of ${\sigma}(X,x_0,G)$ if H is a normal subgroup of G ; Let (X, G, ${\pi}$) be a transformation group with the open action property. If every identification map $p:{\Sigma}(X,x,G)\;{\longrightarrow}\;{\sigma}(X,x,G)$ is open for each $x{\in}X$, then ${\lambda}$ induces a homeomorphism between the fundamental groups ${\sigma}(X,x_0,G)$ and ${\sigma}(X,y_0,G)$ where ${\lambda}$ is a path from $x_0$ to $y_0$ in X ; The space ${\sigma}(X,x_0,G)$ is an H-space if the identification map $p:{\Sigma}(X,x_0,G)\;{\longrightarrow}\;{\sigma}(X,x_0,G)$ is open in a topological transformation group (X, G, ${\pi}$).

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  • Huang, Yu;Zhong, Xingfu
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.1157-1175
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    • 2018
  • For a switched system with constraint on switching sequences, which is also called a subshift action, on a metric space not necessarily compact, two kinds of topological entropies, average topological entropy and maximal topological entropy, are introduced. Then we give some properties of those topological entropies and estimate the bounds of them for some special systems, such as subshift actions generated by finite smooth maps on p-dimensional Riemannian manifold and by a family of surjective endomorphisms on a compact metrizable group. In particular, for linear switched systems on ${\mathbb{R}}^p$, we obtain a better upper bound, by joint spectral radius, which is sharper than that by Wang et al. in [42,43].

A Study on the Characteristics of Topological Invariant Expression in the Space of Digital Architecture (디지털건축공간에 나타난 위상기하학적 불변항의 표현특성에 관한 연구)

  • Bae Kang-Won;Park Chan-Il
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.14 no.3 s.50
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a topological design principles and to analyze the space of digital architecture applying topological invariant expressive characteristics. As this study is based on topology as a science of true world's pattern, we intented to explain the concepts and provide some methods of low-level and hyperspace topological invariant Properties. Four major aspects are discussed. Those are connection theory, boundary concept, homotopy group, knot Pattern theory as topological invariant properties. Then we intented to make understand topological characteristics of the Algorithms, luring machine, cellular automata, string theory, membrane, DNA and supramolecular chemistry. In fine, the topological invariant properties of the digital architecture as genetic algorithms based on self-organization and heterogeneous networks of interacting actors can be analyzed and used as a critical tool. Therefore topology can be provided endless possibilities for architecture, designers and scientists intended in expressing the more complex and organic patterns of nature as life.


  • Zand, Mohammad Reza Ahmadi;Rostami, Salimeh
    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.661-669
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we introduce and study the notion of a pseudonorm on a generalized group. Let G be a topological generalized group and let the family $\{G_x\}_{x{\in}e(G)}$ be locally finite. Then, we show that G is completely regular. Also, some well known results are generalized.


  • Han, Sang-Eon;Lee, Sik
    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.695-706
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    • 2014
  • Various properties of digital covering spaces have been substantially used in studying digital homotopic properties of digital images. In particular, these are so related to the study of a digital fundamental group, a classification of digital images, an automorphism group of a digital covering space and so forth. The goal of the present paper, as a survey article, to speak out utility of digital covering theory. Besides, the present paper recalls that the papers [1, 4, 30] took their own approaches into the study of a digital fundamental group. For instance, they consider the digital fundamental group of the special digital image (X, 4), where X := $SC^{2,8}_4$ which is a simple closed 4-curve with eight elements in $Z^2$, as a group which is isomorphic to an infinite cyclic group such as (Z, +). In spite of this approach, they could not propose any digital topological tools to get the result. Namely, the papers [4, 30] consider a simple closed 4 or 8-curve to be a kind of simple closed curve from the viewpoint of a Hausdorff topological structure, i.e. a continuous analogue induced by an algebraic topological approach. However, in digital topology we need to develop a digital topological tool to calculate a digital fundamental group of a given digital space. Finally, the paper [9] firstly developed the notion of a digital covering space and further, the advanced and simplified version was proposed in [21]. Thus the present paper refers the history and the process of calculating a digital fundamental group by using various tools and some utilities of digital covering spaces. Furthermore, we deal with some parts of the preprint [11] which were not published in a journal (see Theorems 4.3 and 4.4). Finally, the paper suggests an efficient process of the calculation of digital fundamental groups of digital images.

Ergodic properties of compact actions on $C^{+}$-algebras

  • Jang, Sun-Young
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.289-295
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    • 1994
  • Let (A,G,.alpha.) be a $C^{*}$-dynamical system. In [3] the classical notions of ergodic properties of topological dynamical systems such as topological transitivity, minimality, and uniquely ergodicity are extended and analyzed in the context of non-abelian $C^{*}$-dynamical systems. We showed in [2] that if G is a compact group, then minimality, topological transitivity, uniquely ergodicity, and weakly ergodicity of the $C^{*}$-dynamical system (A,G,.alpha.) are equivalent.alent.

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  • Seong-Kun Kim
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2023
  • The motivation in this paper comes from the recent results about Bell inequalities and topological insulators from group theory. Symmetries which are interested in group theory could be mainly used to find material structures. In this point of views, we study group extending by adding one relator which is easily called an equation. So a relative group extension by a adding relator is aspherical if the natural injection is one-to-one and the group ring has no zero divisor. One of concepts of asphericity means that a new group by a adding relator is well extended. Also, we consider that several equations and relative presentations over torsion-free groups are related to zero divisors.


  • Oh, Yong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.795-834
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    • 2016
  • The main purpose of this paper is to propose a scheme of a proof of the nonsimpleness of the group $Homeo^{\Omega}$ ($D^2$, ${\partial}D^2$) of area preserving homeomorphisms of the 2-disc $D^2$. We first establish the existence of Alexander isotopy in the category of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms. This reduces the question of extendability of the well-known Calabi homomorphism Cal : $Diff^{\Omega}$ ($D^1$, ${\partial}D^2$)${\rightarrow}{\mathbb{R}}$ to a homomorphism ${\bar{Cal}}$ : Hameo($D^2$, ${\partial}D^2$)${\rightarrow}{\mathbb{R}}$ to that of the vanishing of the basic phase function $f_{\underline{F}}$, a Floer theoretic graph selector constructed in [9], that is associated to the graph of the topological Hamiltonian loop and its normalized Hamiltonian ${\underline{F}}$ on $S^2$ that is obtained via the natural embedding $D^2{\hookrightarrow}S^2$. Here Hameo($D^2$, ${\partial}D^2$) is the group of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms introduced by $M{\ddot{u}}ller$ and the author [18]. We then provide an evidence of this vanishing conjecture by proving the conjecture for the special class of weakly graphical topological Hamiltonian loops on $D^2$ via a study of the associated Hamiton-Jacobi equation.