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Converting Lands that are damaged by Graveyards into Tree Burial Sites in order to Restore Green Areas (산지묘지의 훼손지 복원을 위한 수목장지로의 전환)

  • Woo, Jae-Wook;Byun, Woo-Hyuk;Kim, Hak-Beom;Park, Won-Kyoung;Kim, Min-Su;Norsyuhada, Norsyuhada
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this paper was to study the issues related to converting the graveyards within forests into spaces intended for tree burials by means of planting, given the situation that the graveyards have encroached on land and damaged the environment. For the reason, a field survey was performed to determine the width, length, and distance to the nearest tree of 205 graveyards in the capital area. Through this, it was determined that the domestic lands damaged by graveyards amounted to 862km2, including the areas that were deforested to manage the graves. This only confirms that land encroachment by graveyards is a serious issue. The methods for making tree burial sites were examined from the perspective of how to meet public demands given the graveyard's spatial distinctiveness. As a result, this study suggested different methods to establish tree burial sites according to the degree of transformation and the term of its formation. This study also classified the graveyards into three types, and identified the planting methods that harmonized the safe growth of trees and the scenic beauty of memorial places based on the standard. This is in order to plant trees that are shade-tolerant and suitable to the forest line, along with which other tree line was and also, to plant aesthetic trees around the empty space. Through applying the developed methods, this study established and monitored two exemplary sites in Yongin and Boryeng. Aesthetic trees were planted in Yongin site which was located in an open area, aod the shade-tolerant trees were planted in Boryeong, which was located in a forest area. As a result, the image of a garden appeared at Yongin site and the image of a tree colony harmonized with the near forest emerged at Boryeong site. Therefore, it is confirmed that the method of planting according to the distribution status of neighboring trees was effective. As a result of monitoring, mulching wood chips were suitable for sites that were small or easy to approach. This is because the weeds were controlled in Yongin site by mulching. Furthermore, by monitoring the growth of 11 species of vegetation, this study confirmed that low and cover-type vegetations were suitable for tree burial sites. In Boryeong site, the wild cherry trees, which were planted as adult trees, all died, and the tilling of snake's beard, which were planted as cover vegetation, was slow. Therefore, this study found that seedlings were more suitable to plant in forest graveyards than adult trees, which were large and difficult to approach, and it was effective to use the remaining lawn and form a low vegetation after the crown of trees had expanded to such places.

Weed Occurrence and Competitive Characteristic under Different Cultivation Types of Rice(Oyriza sativa L.) - 2. Competition for Community Space of Rice and Weed (수도(水稻) 재배유형별(栽培類型別) 잡초발생양상(雜草發生樣相)과 경합특성(競合特性) - 제(第) 2 보(報). 군락공간(群落空間)에 대한 벼와 잡초(雜草)의 경합(競合))

  • Im, I.B.;Guh, J.O.;Lee, S.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 1993
  • Differences in community space of weed and rice were investigated among five types of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation. The five types employed were three transplanting cultivations such as conventional hand transplanting, machine transplanting with 30-day-old seedling, and machine transplanting with 10-day-old seedling and two direct-seedlings such as flood direct-seeded rice by pregerminated seed and dry direct-seeded rice by dry seed. The greatest competition between rice and weeds as determined by growth rate of rice was found in between 10 and 11 weeks after transplanting (WAT) and/or seeding, irrespective of cultivation types. Competition injury due to weeds was greater in transplanting with 10-day-old seedling than with 30-day-old seedling. The greatest injury in growth of rice was found in direct-seeded cultivation. In transplanting cultivations space occupation by rice in lower than 80 cm height level was low as compared with that by weeds. Plant heights of dominant weeds such as E. crus-galli and E. kuroguwai were shorter by heading date, but taller after the heading date than those of rice. In direct-seeding community space was mainly occupied by the weeds. The pattern of community structure and competition injury caused by weeds showed a similar tendency obtained on the basis of species distribution, number, and dry weight of the occurred weeds.

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The Development of Vulnerable Elements and Assessment of Vulnerability of Maeul-soop Ecosystem in Korea (한국 마을숲 생태계 취약요소 발굴 및 취약성 평가)

  • Lim, Jeong-Cheol;Ryu, Tae-Bok;Ahn, Kyeong-Hwan;Choi, Byoung-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2016
  • Maeul-soop(Village forest) is a key element of Korean traditional village landscape historically and culturally. However, a number of Maeul-soops have been lost or declined due to various influences since the modern age. For this Maeul-soop that has a variety of conservation values including historical, cultural and ecological ones, attention and efforts for a systematic conservation and restoration of Maeul-soop are needed. The purpose of the present study is to provide information on ecological restoration and sustainable use and management of Maeul-soops based on component plant species, habitat and location characteristics of 499 Maeul-soops spread throughout Korea. Major six categories of threat factors to Maeul-soop ecosystem were identified and the influence of each factor was evaluated. For the evaluation of weight by threat factors for the influence on the vulnerability of Maeul-soop ecosystem, more three-dimensional analysis was conducted using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis method. In the results of evaluation using AHP analysis method, reduction of area, among six categories, was spotted as the biggest threat to existence of Maeul-soops. Next, changes in topography and soil environment were considered as a threat factor of qualitative changes in Maeul-soop ecosystem. Influence of vegetation structure and its qualitative changes on the loss or decline of Masul-soop was evaluated to be lower than that of changes in habitat. Based on weight of each factor, the figures were converted with 100 points being the highest score and the evaluation of vulnerability of Maeul-soop was conducted with the converted figures. In the result of evaluation of vulnerability of Maeul-soops, grade III showed the highest frequency and a normal distribution was formed from low grade to high grade. 38 Maeul-soops were evaluated as grade I which showed high naturality and 10 Maeul-soops were evaluated as grade V as their maintenance was threatened. Also in the results of evaluation of vulnerability of each Maeul-soop, restoration of Maeul-soop's own area was found as top priority to guarantee the sustainability of Maeul-soops. It was confirmed that there was a need to prepare a national level ecological response strategy for each vulnerability factor of Maeul-soop, which was important national ecological resources.

Reconsideration of Prunus sargentii complex in Korea - with respect to P. sargentii and P. takesimensis - (형태형질을 근간으로 한 Prunus sargentii complex의 재고 - 산벚나무와 섬벚나무의 실체 -)

  • Chang, Chin-Sung;Choi, Ho;Chang, Kae-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.221-244
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    • 2004
  • Prunus sargentii complex of subgenus Cerasus is an Eastem Asiatic plant group that exhibits a broad range of morphological variation and includes P. takesimensis, P. yedosensis, P. verecunda, and P. sargentii. In this study, a morphological analysis was undertaken to determine whether the observed morphological variation was primarily attributable to morphological discontinuities among the taxa. P. sargentii, which distributed eastem area in Korea, northern area in Japan and far east Russia had umbel like inflorescence and additionally was characterized by sticky bud and leaf twigs, compared with P. serrulata complex. Also, P. verecunda in Korea and Japan was characterized by umbel like inflorescence and presence of hair in leaf, petiole and pedicel, and was treated as a variety of P. sargentii. Evidence obtained from multivariate morphometric analyses indicated that the entity of P. takesimensis formed a cohesive group somewhat distinct from P. sargenti.. Especially, P. takesimensis was characterized by relatively small flowers (26-32mm in diameter) and many flowers [(2)3-5] per umbel inflorescence, compared with P. sargentii (34-48mm and 2(3) per inflorescence) and should be recognized as an independent and endeImic taxon in Korea. Additionally, P. yedosensis, which was known to have umbel inflorescence (short peduncle type) with pubescent style based on the type specimen, was comprised of corymb inflorescence (long peduncle type) as well. The morphological differentiation between these two types of P. yedosensis was not considered sufficient to warrant recognition of specific status because of the putative hybrid origin, no distinctive geographical distribution pattern, and existence of various peduncle length on Island Jeju-do of Korea.

Studies on the Soil Properties and Fertilizer Recommendation for Grass Lands to be Established (산지초지(山地草地) 조성대상지(造成對象地) 토양특성(土壤特性)과 시비추천(施肥推薦))

  • Lee, Hyub-Sung;Hur, Bong-Koo;Yoon, Kwan-Hee;Son, Eung-Ryong;Um, Ki-Tae;Noh, Dae-Chul;Kim, Young-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 1989
  • For the agricultural utilization of Korean forest land resources, which constitutes most of country, the distribution of environment and soil physico-chemical properties of establishable grass lands were clarified. The surveyed data were analized for the reasonable utilization and management of establishable grass land. The results were as follows ; 1. About 50.2% of the grass lands to be established were located under the 200m in altitude. The higher the altitude was, the more the organic matter content. 2. Tall type grass species such as Miscanthus purpurascens, Purple eulalia, and Themeda Japonica covered 71.3% of the natural vegetation in the soils of grass land to be established. 3. The extent of sandy and clayey soils which might be limited in the establishment of grassland was only 3.3%, meanwhile majority of the soils were in the favourable condition for grassland that is about 94% have more than 20cm in available soil depth and about 60.5% of the soils have less than 10% of gravels and stones in the soil profiles. 4. The chemical properties of the prearranged grassland soils were worse than the established grasslands, especially in the content of available P2O5. 5. The amount of fertilizer recommended for meadow were 286kg of nitrogen per hectare, 271kg of phosphorus, 224kg of potassium and 2040kg of calcium per hectare, but for grazing land were 201, 204, 136 and 1920kg/ha respectively.

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Thermal Effects on the Development, Fecundity and Life Table Parameters of Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Yardlong Bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis (L.)) (갓끈동부콩에서 아카시아진딧물[Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae)]의 온도발육, 성충 수명과 산란 및 생명표분석)

  • Cho, Jum Rae;Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Choi, Byeong-Ryeol;Seo, Bo-Yoon;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Ji, Chang Woo;Park, Chang-Gyu;Ahn, Jeong Joon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.261-269
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    • 2018
  • The cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a polyphagous species with a worldwide distribution. We investigated the temperature effects on development periods of nymphs, and the longevity and fecundity of apterous female of A. craccivora. The study was conducted at six constant temperatures of 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25, 30.0, and 32.5C. A. craccivora developed successfully from nymph to adult stage at all temperatures subjected. The developmental rate of A. craccivora increased as temperature increased. The lower developmental threshold (LT) and thermal constant (K) of A. craccivora nymph stage were estimated by linear regression as 5.3C and 128.4 degree-days (DD), respectively. Lower and higher threshold temperatures (TL, TH and TH-TL, respectively) were calculated by the Sharpe_Schoolfield_Ikemoto (SSI) model as 17.0C, 34.6C and 17.5C. Developmental completion of nymph stages was described using a three-parameter Weibull function. Life table parameters were estimated. The intrinsic rate of increase was highest at 25C, while the net reproductive rate was highest at 20C. Biological characteristics of A. craccivora populations from different geographic areas were discussed.

Distribution and Diversity of Airborne Fungi in Wooden Cultural Heritages Located at Different Geographical Condition : Cases Studies on Seonamsa Temple, Suncheon and Bupjusa Temple, Boeun (입지조건에 따른 목조 문화재의 부유 진균의 분포 및 다양성에 관한 비교 연구: 보은 법주사와 순천 선암사)

  • Hong, Jin Young;Lee, Jeung Min;Kim, Young Hee;Kim, Soo Ji;Jo, Chang Wook;Park, Ji Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2019
  • The Bupjusa and Seonamsa temples are located at places with geographically different condition, and therefore, differ with respect to building's structure and layout. In addition, evident difference can be appeared by the regional climate. For the 2 years, we studied the concentration and diversity of the seasonal airborne fungi inside and outside of the 2 temples. In Seonamsa temple, airborne fungi concentration in the indoor and outdoor air was higher and the species diversity in the indoor air was lower, whereas, concentration variation was larger than that of Bupjusa temple. A total of 173 fungal isolates (including 54 genera) and 162 isolated (including 49 genera) were obtained from the indoor air of Bupjusa and Seonamsa temple, respectively. Whereas, 80 fungal isolates (including 33 genera) and 74 isolates (including 39 genera) were collected form the outdoor air of Bupjusa and Seonamsa temple, respectively. However, more fungal varieties were observed to be distributed inside Bupjusa and outside Seonamsa temples. Amongst all the fungi identified, ascomycetes were more dominant (plus or minus 90% points), followed by basidiomycetes and zygomycetes; which more presented in outdoor air than in indoor air. The airborne fungi concentration in spring (month of April) and autumn was higher than in any other season, for Seonamsa and Bupjusa temples, repectively. Genus Cladosporium was isolated from each site and season, with its dramatic increase noted in autumn. In addition, the highest basidiospore(s) number was obtained after the rain. Consequently, the results suggest that Seonamsa temple was more susceptible to biological damage than Bupjusa temple was.

Reduction effects of N-acetyl-L-cysteine, L-glutathione, and indole-3-acetic acid on phytotoxicity generated by methyl bromide fumigation- in a model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (모델식물 애기장대에 대한 훈증제 메틸브로마이드의 약해발생 및 N-acetyl-L-cysteine, L-glutathione, indole-3-acetic acid의 약해억제 효과)

  • Kim, Kyeongnam;Kim, Chaeeun;Park, Jungeun;Yoo, Jinsung;Kim, Woosung;Jeon, Hwang-Ju;Kim, Jun-Ran;Lee, Sung-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 2021
  • Understanding the phytotoxic mechanism of methyl bromide (MB), an essential fumigant during the quarantine and pre-shipment process, is urgently needed to ensure its proper use and reduce international economic losses. In a previous study, two main MB-induced toxic mechanisms such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and auxin distribution were selected by analyzing transcriptomic analysis. In the study, a 3-week-old A. thaliana was supplied with 1 mM ROS scavengers [N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) or L-glutathione (GSH)] and 1µM indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) three times every 12 h, and visual and gene expression assessments were performed to evaluate the reduction in phytotoxicity by supplements. Phytotoxic effects on the MB-4h exposed group were decreased with GSH application compared to the other single supplements and a combination of supplements at 7 days post fumigation. Among these supplements, GSH at a concentration of 1, 2, and 5mM was suppled to A. thaliana with MB-fumigation. During a long-term observation of 2 weeks after the fumigation, 5 mM GSH application was the most effective in minimizing MB-induced phytotoxic effects with up-regulation of HSP70 expression and increase in main stem length. These results indicated that ROS was a main key factor of MB-induced phytotoxicity and that GSH can be used as a supplement to reduce the phytotoxicity of MB.

A Study on the Vascular Flora and its Management Plan at The Forest Genetic Resource Reserve of Mt. Munsu (Gimpo) (문수산(김포) 산림유전자원보호구역 관속식물상 변화 및 관리방안)

  • Yun, Ho Geun;Lee, Ah young;An, Jong Bin;Hwang, Tae Young;Lee, Jong Won
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.311-338
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    • 2021
  • This study was investigated to find out the distribution of vascular flora and remarkable plants and its factors and management plan in the forest genetic resource reserve of Mt. Munsu, located in the DMZ and DMZ border area in Gimpo, Gyeonggi-do province. The survey was carried out 17 times from April 2019 to October 2020. First of all, in the forest genetic resource reserve of the Mt. Munsu, a total of 444 taxa in 95 families, 276 genera, 395 species, 13 subspecies, 33 varieties and 3 forms. This result was found to be about 9.09% of the total 4,881 taxa of vascular plants in Korea. In addition, endemic plants were classified as 6 taxa. Floristic special and rare plants were identified as 39 taxa and 3 taxa, respectively. Lastly, the invasive alien plants that appeared in Mt. Munsu of the forest genetic resource reserve were observed in 58 taxa. Moreover, the naturalization rate was 13.1% and the urbanization index was calculated to be 18.0%. As a result of comparing the vascular flora at the forest genetic resource reserve on Mt. Munsu identified in this study with previous studies, it was found the number of taxa was decreased compared to the previous studies, despite the fact that the recent survey section was wider and more varies routes were investigated. In particular, it was confirmed that the number of rare and endemic plants decreased significantly, and the number of invasive plants greatly spread to forest roads and hiking trails. Therefore, it is considered that the forest rest year system should be introduced for the conservation and management of native plants in the forest genetic resource reserve.

Diagnosis of Real Condition and Distribution of Protected Trees in Changwon-si, Korea (창원시 보호수의 분포현황과 실태진단)

  • You, Ju-Han;Park, Kyung-Hun;Lee, Young-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to present raw data to systematically and rationally manage the protected trees located in Changwon-si, Korea. This study investigated about the present condition and the information of location, individual, management, health and soil. The results are as follows. The protected trees were located in 26 spots, and species of trees were 9 taxa; Zelkova serrata, Celtis sinensis, Aphananthe aspera, Ginkgo biloba, Carpinus tschonoskii, Pinus densiflora for. multicaulis, Quercus variabilis, Pinus densiflora and Salix glandulosa. In protected tree types, shade trees were the most, and the majority of theirs were 200 years or more in age. The range of altitude was 14~173m, and the number of trees located in flat fields was the most. For location types, village and field and mountain were presented in the order and, in land use, land for building was the most. The range of height was 8.0~30.0m, 0.6~5.1m in crown height, 240~700cm in diameter of breast and 210~800cm in diameter of root. In case of crown area, Zelkova serrata of No.5 was most large. The status boards were mostly installed except No.23 and No.26. The sites with fence were 9 spots, and the site with stonework were 14 spots. The sites with the support beam were 5 spots, and most sites were not covered up with soil. The materials of bottom were soil, gravel and vegetation in the order. The range of withering branch rate was 0~40%, and peeled bark rate was 0~60%. The sites made holes were 23 spots, and the hole size of Aphananthe aspera of No.12 was the largest. The sites disturbed by human trampling were 7 spots, the sites by disease and insects of 2 spots, the sites by injury of 23 spots and the sites by exposed roots of 13 spots. In the results of soil analysis, there showed that acidity was pH 4.5~8.0, organic matter content of 3.5~69.8g/kg, electrical conductivity(EC) of 0.11~2.87dS/m, available P2O5 of 3.0~490.6mg/kg, exchangeable K of 0.10~1.05cmol+/kg, exchangeable Ca of 1.41~16.45cmol+/kg, exchangeable Mg of 0.37~1.96cmol+/kg, exchangeable Na of 0.25~2.41cmol+/kg and cation exchange capacity(C.E.C) of 8.35~26.55cmol+/kg.