• 제목/요약/키워드: Professionalism factor

검색결과 171건 처리시간 0.021초

물리치료사의 개인 및 직무특성, 전문직업성, 집단응집성이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향 (Influence of Individual and Job Characteristics, Professional Job Perception, and Group Cohesiveness on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Physical Therapists in Hospitals)

  • 임정도;이기효;김원중
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.70-92
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    • 2003
  • The main objective of this paper is to investigate the factors affecting organizational citizenship behavior of hospital employees, and based on the investigation, to suggest some implications for effective human resources management of hospitals. For this purpose, physical therapists were selected as the subject of the research. Using their individual characteristics, job characteristics, professionalism and group cohesiveness as the variables affecting organizational citizenship behavior, an empirical model was constructed and tested. A survey was conducted through structured and self-administered questionnaire for the physical therapists working at hospitals of Busan-Kyongnam area, and data from 240 therapists were utilized in the final analysis. Major results of the empirical analysis are as follows: First, perception on professionalism and the degree of organizational citizenship behavior were higher for male, older, relatively more-educated and higher-grade employees. It is necessary to develope some measures to educate and motivate the employees who are in lower state of professionalism and organizational citizenship behavior. Second, among the individual characteristics, need for growth was found to have significant, positive influence on professionalism and group cohesiveness, but no direct effect on organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, extroversion had direct, positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, as well as on professionalism and group cohesiveness. This result suggests that personnel selection and personality education should be conducted carefully. Third, job characteristics appeared to have very large, positive effect on professionalism, but not directly on organizational citizenship behavior. Fourth, professionalism was found to have very large, positive influence on group cohesiveness and direct, positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. This implies that enhancing professionalism of physical therapists can strengthen organizational citizenship behavior in hospitals, and hence top management should actively support the programs for job re-design, skill education and quality improvement to enhance professionalism of their employees. Fifth and last, as an intervening factor, group cohesiveness appeared to have the largest, direct, positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. It is, therefore, important for top management to improve group cohesiveness by exploring ways toward greater harmony and solidarity among the members of physical therapy department.

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초등학교 스포츠강사의 전문가주의와 직무소진, 이직의도의 구조적 관계 (Structural Relationship among Professionalism of Elementary School Sport Instructors, Job Burnout and Turnover Intention)

  • 문제민;정병근
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.527-539
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    • 2016
  • 이 연구의 목적은 초등학교 스포츠강사의 전문가주의와 직무소진, 이직의도의 구조적 관계를 규명하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 전문가주의를 독립변수로, 직무소진을 매개변수로 선정하고, 이직의도를 종속변수로 각각 구성 하였다. 자료수집은 편의표본추출법을 이용하여 초등학교 스포츠강사를 대상으로 수집하였으며, 총 253부의 자료가 연구에 활용되었다. 자료처리는 IBM SPSS Ver. 20.0과 AMOS 18.0을 이용하여 빈도분석, 신뢰도분석, 상관분석, 확인적 요인분석, 그리고 구조방정식 모형분석을 하였다. 모형의 적합도를 확인한 후 개별 가설들을 검증하여 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 전문가주의는 직무소진에 부적인 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 직무소진은 이직의도에 정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 전문가주의는 이직의도에 통계적으로 영향을 미치지 않았다.

판매원의 유니폼과 체형에 따른 이미지가 고객만족 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향 (The effect of images of saleswomen on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention by uniform and body type)

  • 유은성;박길순
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.166-179
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify images of saleswomen by uniform and body type and to determine if the images have an effect on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention. This study was conducted between February 10th and February 23rd 2015, using a questionnaire to collect data from 608 adults from Seoul, Deajeon, and Chungnam Province. A $2{\times}2$ (body $type{\times}clothes$) factorial experimental design was used. Frequency, factor, and reliability analysis, analysis of variance, one-way ANOVA, Tukey test, and multiple regression analysis methods were used to analyze data. The study results were as follows: First, images of saleswomen with different uniform and body types were classified based on the following three factors: professionalism, kindness and attractiveness. Second, the saleswomen's uniforms had significant impact on perceived attractiveness, with women who wore skirt suits being identified as more attractive than women with pant suits. The saleswomen's body types had significant effect on professionalism, kindness and attractiveness. Women with average body types were perceived positively in terms of professionalism and attractiveness, whilst women with large body types were perceived positively in terms of kindness. Third, the combination of uniform and body type had a significant effect on perceived professionalism. Women with average body types wearing pant suits were perceived to have high degree of professionalism and women with large body types wearing skirt suits were evaluated to have high professionalism. Fourth, the images described as attractive and kind for both uniform and body type had a positive influences on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention.

COVID-19로 인한 비대면 교육환경에서 간호대학생의 전공만족도와 간호전문직관이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향 연구 (A Study on the Effect of Nursing Students' Major Satisfaction and Nursing Professionalism on Career Preparation Behavior in a Non-face-to-face Educational Environment Caused by COVID-19)

  • 박주현
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2024
  • Background: Career preparation behavior is a challenge among nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing students' adaptation to a non-face-to-face educational environment, lack of interaction with others, and fear of infectious disease may affect career preparation behavior. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify factors that influence the career preparation behavior in the non-face-to-face educational environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Data were collected in October 2022 from 130 nursing students from a college in City A. A total of 119 questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, a one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: The findings show that major satisfaction had a significant positive correlation with career preparation behavior (r=0.56, p<0.001). Nursing professionalism showed a significant positive correlation with career preparation behavior (r=0.57, p<0.001). The factors influencing career preparation behavior included major satisfaction, nursing professionalism, and satisfaction with clinical practice. Nursing professionalism was the most influential factor (β=0.35), followed by major satisfaction (β=0.33). Together they had an explanatory power of 37%. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that nursing college students who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic should search for ways to increase their major satisfaction and nursing professionalism programs should be increased to improve career preparation behavior.

팬데믹 시대의 피부관리숍 선택요인이 고객만족도와 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향 (Customer satisfaction and skin care shop selection factors in the pandemic era impact on revisit intention)

  • 이병옥;홍수남
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of skin care salons' decision factors on customer satisfaction and revisit intention during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subjects of this study were 220 women in their 20s to 50s who reside in Seoul and the Gyeonggi-do area and are users of skin care salons. The data was statistically analyzed using SPSS V.25.0 and detailed research results are as follows. For the analysis of this study, frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability verification, independent sample T-Test, one-way analysis of variance, post hoc test, Duncan test, and regression analysis were conducted. First, as a result of examining whether skin care salon decision factors during the pandemic have a positive (+) effect on customer satisfaction, hygienic environment satisfaction and service environment satisfaction, which are sub-factors of customer satisfaction, had a significant effect on professionalism, kind service, and distance, which are sub-factors of decision factors, and are independent variables. Second, as a result of examining whether skin care salon decision factors during the pandemic have a positive (+) effect on revisit intention, decision factors, which are independent variables, including professionalism, kind service, price, and distance showed significant effects on human revisit intention, As for physical revisiting intention, only kind service, distance, and professionalism showed significant effects, while price did not have a significant effect. Third, as a result of examining whether customer satisfaction during the pandemic has a positive (+) effect on revisiting intention, the service environment satisfaction and hygienic environment satisfaction, which were sub-factors of independent variables, showed significant results for human and physical revisit intentions. In this study, service environment and hygienic environment satisfaction were important variables for skin care salon decision factors. Professionalism and kind service were important for human revisit intention. Therefore, overall service environment, hygiene, and safety should be prioritized to increase revisit intention and efforts must be made to retain and improve customer satisfaction

외래병동간호사와 병동간호사의 의사소통능력과 간호전문직관, 업무환경 및 직무만족도 비교 (A Comparative Study on Communicatioin Competence, Nursing Professionalism, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction between Outpatient Nurses and Ward Nurses)

  • 김금옥;고미숙;최은희;김혜정
    • 의료커뮤니케이션
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare communication competence, nursing professionalism, work environment and job satisfaction between outpatient nurses and ward nurses, and to identify the correlation among variables. Methods: The participants were 90 outpatient nurses and 98 ward nurses at the two general hospitals. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2-test$, independent t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: There were statistically significant differences between two groups in nursing professionalism, possibilities for development, commitment to the workplace, social support from colleagues, social community at work and job satisfaction, outpatient nurses showed higher level than ward nurses except commitment to the workplace. The work environment variables and nurses' job satisfaction were mostly correlated. Job satisfaction showed significant negatively correlated with quantitative demands, emotional demands and role conflicts in both groups nurses. Conclusion: These findings showed that nursing work environments were the most important factor for job satisfaction of both group nurses. Therefore, it is necessary to put efforts in improving nursing work environment and to develop diverse strategies for human resource management.

간호대학생의 임상실습만족도와 간호사 이미지가 간호전문직관에 미치는 영향 (Influence of Satisfaction with Clinical practice and Image of nurses on Nursing professionalism of Nursing students)

  • 임경민;조은주
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.556-566
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 간호대학생의 임상실습만족도, 간호사 이미지와 간호전문직관의 관계를 파악하고, 간호전문직관에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위한 서술적 조사연구이다. 대상자는 B광역시 소재 4개 대학의 임상실습경험이 있는 간호대학생 184명이며, 자료수집기간은 2014년 11월 15일부터 2014년 12월 15일까지였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS/WIN 18.0 program을 이용하여 t-test, ANOVA, Scheff's test, Pearson's correlation coefficients와 multiple regression으로 분석하였다. 연구결과 대상자의 임상실습만족 정도는 평균이 108.10점, 평균평점은 3.48점, 간호사이미지 정도는 평균이 108.40, 평균평점은 4.01이었고, 간호전문직관 정도는 평균이 72.00점, 평균평점은 4.0점 이었다. 대상자의 간호전문직관 정도는 성별, 종교유무, 연령, 성적에 따라 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 간호전문직관은 임상실습만족도와 약한 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 통계적으로 유의하였다. 간호전문직관은 간호사 이미지와는 강한 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 통계적으로 유의하였다. 간호전문직관을 설명하는 유의한 변수는 임상실습 만족도의 하위요인 중 실습내용만족도, 간호사 이미지, 임상실습만족도의 하위요인 중 실습교과만족도, 실습환경만족도, 성적 순 이었으며, 전체 설명력은 75.8%이었다. 따라서 간호대학생의 간호전문직관을 높이기 위해서는 임상실습만족도와 간호사이미지를 높이는 교육프로그램과 제도적인 접근전략의 개발과 학생들의 체계적인 성적관리 방안의 마련이 필요하다.

병원행정직종사자의 포괄적 전문직업성을 위한 측정도구 개발 (Development of Comprehensive Professionalism Measurement Tools for Hospital Administration staffs)

  • 박기혁;정용모
    • 융합정보논문지
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    • 제10권11호
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    • pp.340-350
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 병원행정직에 적합한 직업 및 직무가치와 자신의 능력에 대한 개인의 주관적 인식인 포괄적 전문직업성 측정도구를 제시하고자 실시하였다. 연구는 부산·경남 지역 종합병원 및 병원에 근무하는 행정직 종사자들을 대상으로, 선행연구들에서 사용된 개인의 심리적·태도적 속성과 관련된 측정도구를 이용하였다. 분석은 직업 및 직무수행과 관련된 심리적·태도적 속성 측정내용의 타당성과 내적일관성을 확인하기 위하여 요인분석과 신뢰도 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 타당성과 내적일관성이 확보된 5개 성분은 전체 신뢰도가 94.4%로 병원행정직 종사자들의 포괄적 전문직업성 측정도구로 매우 타당하다는 결론을 얻었다. 따라서 각 성분은 측정내용의 공통성과 명확한 의미전달이 될 수 있도록 직무수행 자신감, 보수 적절성, 직무 자부심, 업무목표 달성 능력, 업무수행 자율성으로 정의하였다. 현대적 관점에서의 전문직업성은 전통적 전문직업성 보다 넓은 개념으로 자격 및 면허 여부와 관계없이 직업 및 직무가치와 자신의 능력에 대한 개인의 주관적 인식 등에 대한 가치를 포함하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서 제시된 포괄적 전문직업성 측정도구는 병원행정직 종사자들의 직업 및 직무수행과 관련된 심리적·태도적 속성을 측정하는데 매우 적합하고 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

재활의료서비스 전문성을 위한 물리치료의 직무특성과 임파워먼트 및 조직몰입 간의 관계 (The Relationships between Job Characteristics and Empowerment, Organizational Commitment of Physical Therapist to Professionalism of Rehabilitation Service)

  • 임정도;장막숙;이용철;정용모
    • 대한물리의학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : This study purposes to suggest some basic data for the efficiency of a hospital management by drawing out the efficient ways to manage manpower to professionalism of rehabilitation service. Methods : The study used the questionnaire written by respondents themselves, and conducted the regression analysis on the relationships among the job characteristics, the empowerment and organizational commitment. Rusults : Among job characteristics, the wage was the influential factor on the empowerment(psychological, structural), and the specialty physical therapist license was the factor affecting on the psychological empowerment. Among the psychological empowerment factors, the higher meaning of his/her existence, the lower self-decision level, the higher structural empowerment are, the higher organizational commitment was. Conclusion : There were not identified any significant job characteristics influencing on the organizational commitment. Among the structural empowerment factors, the apply of job performance was the largest factor affecting on the organizational commitment.

수술실 간호사의 경력몰입과 전문직관이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Career Commitment and Professionalism of Perioperative Nurses on the Organizational Commitment)

  • 윤계숙
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제15권12호
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    • pp.7193-7203
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 수술실 간호사의 경력몰입과, 전문직관이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구대상은 병원 수술간호사회 보수교육에 참석한 수술실 간호사 315명이며, 자료 분석은 SPSS/PC 18.0을 이용하여 기술통계, ANOVA, 단계적 다중선형 회귀분석(Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression)으로 분석하였다. 대상자의 조직몰입의 정도는 평균 $3.04{\pm}.42$, 평균 경력몰입은 $2.89{\pm}.67$. 전문직관은 $3.04{\pm}.29$로 나왔으며, 간호사의 경력몰입과 전문직관의 정도가 높을수록 수술실 간호사의 조직몰입도가 높아지는 것으로 나타났고 이들 변수가 조직몰입을 설명하는 설명력의 정도는 37.3%로 나타났으며 경력몰입(${\beta}$=0.395)이 전문직 관(${\beta}$=0.298)보다 조직몰입에 더 많은 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 수술실 간호사들의 조직몰입을 통한 인적자원관리의 기초자료를 마련하기 위한 근거자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.