• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preschool children education

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Effect of Oral Health Education with Q-Scan in Preschool Children (Q-Scan을 이용한 학령전기 아동의 구강보건교육 효과)

  • Kim, Na-Yeon;Lee, Su-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.696-702
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of oral health education with Q-scan for preschool children. The 59 children were divided into two groups, one with Q-scan and the other with dentiform, and they were evaluated by interview questionnaire and measurement of dental plaque index using Quigley-Hein index. Using SPSS ver. 18.0 for statistical analysis, paired t-test and Independent t-test were carried out for dental plaque index change and chi-square independence test for change between before and after oral health education. The result of this study revealed that the dental plaque index of the children showed significant decrease of 12% more in the experimental group (p<0.001). Both groups showed significant difference in knowledge about fluorine (p<0.05) and the percentage of correct answers showed significant increase in questions about bad food for teeth (p<0.05). In attitude toward oral health, the experimental group showed significant difference in every variable (p<0.05), and the control group showed significant difference in regular oral examination and frequency of toothbrushing (p<0.05). The experimental group showed significant result (p<0.05) with increase in the percentage of correct answers for the question about how to hold a toothbrush and decrease in the percentage of correct answers for the question about how to apply toothpaste, while the control group did not show significant difference in any variable. Therefore, Q-scan as an appropriate tool for motivation, provides effective educational methods in oral health education.

Effect of Traditional Play based Physical Activity Program on Social Competence of Young Children (전통놀이를 활용한 신체활동 프로그램이 유아의 사회적 유능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Yong-Jae;Jang, Hyon-Ky;Lee, Hee-Yeong
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.198-209
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to test effects of traditional play based physical activity program on social competence. To obtain this purpose, the following research hypotheses were established. First, experimental group will show higher level of social activity than control group. Second, experimental group will show higher level of stability than control group. Third, experimental group will show higher level of cooperation than control group. Fourth, experimental group will show higher level of hypersensitiveness than control group. Forty eight four year children participated in this study. Iowa Social Competency Scale(Preschool Form) was used to measure children's social competence. Collected data were analyzed using t-test and analysis of covariance. The results of this study showed that program was effective in improving children's socal competence. These results were discussed in relation to previous study. Finally research questions for future study were suggested with comment on limitations of this study.

A Case Study on Preschool Children-Robot Pet Play Interaction: Pilot Study (학령전기 아동과 로봇애완동물의 놀이 상호작용 사례분석: 예비연구)

  • Lim, Nan-Young;Oh, Jin-Hwan;Kang, Hyun-Sook;Park, Young-Sook;Ahn, Dong-Hyun;Song, Jung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the behavioral responses to a robot pet in pre-school children. Method: This activity for children was conducted for 5 days at a kindergarten and each session lasted 30 minutes. In order to measure children's temperament, Chun Heeyoung's Temperament Rating Scale was used. In addition, to investigate the behavioral responses to a robot pet, each session was videotaped. The videotape data was analyzed according to child-robot interaction. Result: On the average, subjects scored highest in emotionality and lowest in activity for the temperamental subscale. The videotape data revealed verbal, positive nonverbal, and negative nonverbal interaction. Conclusions: These results suggest that child-robot interaction reflects temperamental characteristics, therefore, to develop a nursing intervention program using a robot, it is necessary to consider individual differences and recreational factors to grab children's interest.

Effect of Mothers' Weaning Attitudes on Their Children's Food Habits and Development (어머니의 이유식 준비 태도가 유아의 식습관 및 성장 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Joo-Hee;Kim, Chang-Im
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.551-561
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of mothers' attitudes on preparing baby foods for their children's food habits and development. The subjects were allocated to 419 preschool children, aged 3 - 5 years. This study surveyed by questionnaire, which was answered by the children's mothers. Subjects were classified by two groups, active and passive, based on their mothers' weaning attitudes. In the active group, mothers tried to make a variety of foods for preparing the baby foods, whereas mothers in the passive group didn't try to make it too much. Family income was higher in the active group and the subject' mothers had more jobs than those in the passive group, whereas their parent's education levels showed no differences. According to Rohrer index, 2.6% of subjects were obese in the active group, whereas 7.7% in the passive group. These data were shown significantly different between the groups. There were no differences in mother's food habits and breast-feeding versus formula feeding between the two groups. However, children's food habits were shown statistically different between the two groups. Higher regularity of meals, higher frequencies of snacks at home, higher frequencies of fruit, com, sweet potato as a snacks and less instant foods were revealed in the active group more than in the passive group. The major problem of children's food habits was an unbalanced diet (52.7%) and the major reasons for unbalanced diet were the taste (58.7%) and the texture (23.2%). The active uoup used more fruits and vegetables than the passive group. Also there were significant differences to solve problems of children's unbalanced diets. In the positive group, 14.4% of mothers tried to develop new cooking methods for solving the problem of an unbalanced diet, but 8.2% did in the passive group. furthermore, 2.3% of mothers in the positive group removed unpleasant items of the food, whereas 6.9% did in the passive. The average nutritional knowledge scores on a 10 scale were 7.2 and 6.9 in active and passive groups, respectively, and they were statistically different. Mothers among the active group explained the knowledge for food and nutrition to their children more than those in the passive group. These results suggest that mothers' attitudes for baby food are an important factor for forming their children's food habits. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a nutritional education program, materials and new recipes for a variety of baby foods to mothers.

Patterns of Maternal Attachment and Social Competence in Kindergarten Children (유치원 유아의 모자녀간 애착과 유아의 사회적 능력과의 관계)

  • Hong, Kye Ok;Choi, Kyung Soon
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 1996
  • This study examined the relationship between kindergarten children's maternal attachment and their social competence. A total of 76 kindergarteners and their mothers were observed and videotaped in a strange situation. The modified ISCS(Iowa Social Competency Scales: Preschool Form) was administered to 76 mothers to assess their children's social competence. The data were analyzed by percentiles, Pearson's correlations, and t-test. The results showed a significant correlations between children's social competence and attachment to their mothers. Significant sex and sibling status differences in attachment were found. Social competence differed by demographic variables of sex, sibling status, and level of father's education.

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A Study on the Development and Implementation of Refugee Education Programs for Early Childhood (유아 대상 난민교육 프로그램 개발 및 실행)

  • Sera Kim;Sungeun Yang
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2024
  • Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a refugee education program for early childhood and apply it in daycare center settings to examine the reactions of children aged 5. Methods: Referring to Kemmis and McTaggart(1988) action research model, the refugee education program recommended by UNHCR, and linking it with the national Nuri-curriculum in Korea, a total of five sessions of a refugee education program for early childhood were developed and applied to 20 children aged 5. Results: The application of the preschool refugee education program resulted in positive changes in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects. These changes provided opportunities for early childhood to practice respect towards others, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. Conclusion/Implications: This study holds significance in contributing to the discourse on the necessity and direction of refugee education through the development and application of a refugee education program for early childhood. It is anticipated that this research will stimulate in-depth discussions on educational approaches that foster early childhood interest in global issues and cultivate a sense of global citizenship and attitude in the future.

Impact of the Parental Beliefs, Parental Attitude and Parental Behavior of Parents on the Multiple Intelligences of Preschoolers (부모의 양육신념, 양육태도 및 양육행동이 유아의 다중지능에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha, Soon Ryun;Seo, Hyun Ah
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.131-156
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the importance of parental beliefs, parental attitudes and parental behaviors of parents with preschool children and the relationship of the variables in an attempt to help preschoolers to gain multiple-intelligence experiences in an integrated manner in consideration of their interests, needs, strengths and weaknesses. A survey was conducted on the selected parents who had preschool children, and a multiple regression analysis was carried out to look for connections among the variables. The findings of the study were as follows: First, the preschool girls were ahead of the preschool boys in linguistic intelligence, musical intelligence and spatial intelligence, and the latter surpassed the former in logical-mathematical intelligence. Second, whether there would be any differences among the preschoolers in multiple intelligences according to age was analyzed, and those who were at the Western age of five were ahead of the four-year-olds in logical-mathematical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and naturalist intelligence. Third, the parental attitude of the parents was identified as the most influential variable for the multiple intelligences of the preschoolers, followed by parental behavior. Parental beliefs just had a very small impact on their multiple intelligences. The findings of the study imply that parents should be helped to improve their parental attitude and parental behavior to boost the multiple intelligences of their preschool children.

Study on the factors affecting dental caries of preschool children. - Study focused on preschool children in province, Chugcheongnam-do - (학령전기 아동의 치아우식증 발생에 영향을 미치는 요인 조사 - 충남 일부지역 아동을 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Sung-Suk;Noh, Hie-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore relationship among dft index, diet and oral health behavior, parental awareness in oral health care and social status. Methods: This study was conducted from 8 January, 2009 to 11 June, 2009 in Asan city and Seosan city in Chungnam area. 4 kindergratens, 3 preschools and 1 children language academy were randomly selected to research on dft index, diet and oral health behavior. cross-sectional study conducted among 561 valid samples out of 641 samples collected using the survey was and then followed by oral examination. Throughout the research, numerus SPSS 15.0 statistical techniques, T-test and ANOVA and Spearman correlation coefficients were used for analysis. Results: Key results of the study are as follows: Age was found to be statistically very significant to dft index(p=0.036). Age of mother, especially between 30 to 49, was found to be statistically significant to dft index rate(p=0.001). Occupation of father was also found to be statistically significant to dft index(p=0.036). High parental awareness in oral health care led to low dft index rate, which also was found to be statistically significant(p=0.036). Conclusions: In conclusion, as Spearman correlation coefficient demonstrates, occupation of father affects most on long-term healthy oral behavior followed by parental awareness in oral health care and age of mother.

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Moderating Effects of Negative Emotionality on the Association Between Maternal Attitude Toward Children's Emotional Expression and Empathy Based on the Differential Susceptibility Model (차별적 민감성 모델에 기초한 어머니의 정서표현수용태도와 유아의 공감능력 간의 관계에서 부정적 정서성의 중재효과)

  • Shin, Yoolim;Kim, Yoonsoo
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.241-255
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this research was to examine the moderating effect of children's negative emotionality on the relationship between maternal attitude toward children's emotional expression based on the differential susceptibility model. Methods: Participants were 216 preschool children including 116 boys and 100 girls from day care centers and preschools located in Chungchung province and Seoul. EAS was used to measure the children's negative emotionality. The children's empathy quotient was used to measure empathy. Mothers reported their attitude toward children's emotional expression. Results: The results revealed that the association between empathy and maternal suppression of children's emotional expression was significant only for the children with high levels of negative emotionality. Moreover, the magnitude of association between empathy and maternal acceptance of children's emotional expression was greater for high levels of negative emotionality. Conclusion/Implications: It was concluded that these findings supported the differential susceptibility model.

A Survey of Parent's Oral Health Perception for the Oral Health Promotion of the Preschool Children (유아의 구강건강증진을 위한 보호자의 구강건강 인식도 조사)

  • Park, Hyang-Sook;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2007
  • 1. Recognition of subjects on oral health education, About the question if they know oral health education, those who said yes were 241(70.7%) and those who said no were 100(29.3%). And, about the question how they get to know oral health education, 161(47.2%) told they knew it by a kindergarten or a nursery, 115(33.7%) told by neighbors, 30(8.8%) told by a public health center, 28(8.2%) told by a dental clinic and 7(2.1%) told that they learned it by other methods. 2. The perception of subjects on oral health education, About the question if they executed oral health education in a kindergarten or a nursery, 254(74.5%) said yes and 87(25.5%) said no. And, about the question if they have ever executed oral health education out of a kindergarten or a nursery, 70(20.5%) said yes and 271(79.5%) said no. 3. Subjects' oral health behaviors and attitudes toward children, About the question if they have ever visited a dental office, 249(73.0%) said yes and 92(27.0%) said no. And, about the question if they watch their children's toothbrushing, 321(94.1%) said yes and 20(5.9%) said no. About the question if they examine if their children have decayed teeth, 213(62.5%) said yes and 128(37.5%) said no. And, about the question if they are interested in their children's oral health, 244(71.6%) said yes and 97(28.4%) said no. 4. It appeared that unemployed mothers executed oral health education to their children more compared with employed mothers(p < .01). 5. Execution of oral health education according to the recognition of oral health education and previous experiences of subjects, The execution of oral health education according to the recognition of oral health education was statistically significant(p < .001). 6. Execution of oral health education according to the subjects' oral health behaviors and attitudes toward children. The execution of oral health education according to the experience of visiting a dental office, watching children's toothbrushing and watching children's teeth was statistically significant(p < .01, p < .001).

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