• Title/Summary/Keyword: Number of elementary school students

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An Analysis on the Level of Evidence used in Gifted Elementary Students' Debate (초등과학 영재의 논증활동에서 사용된 증거의 수준 분석)

  • Cho, Hyun-Jun;Yang, Il-Ho;Lee, Hyo-Nyong;Song, Yun-Mi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of evidence used in gifted elementary students' argumentation. The subjects were 15, 5th and 6th grade students selected in the Science Education Institute for Gifted Youth in K University. After the argumentation task was given to students 2 weeks ago, the students grouped themselves in the affirmative and negative and took part in a debate for 2 hours. Their argumentation process was observed, recorded and transcribed for analysis. Transcribed data was given a Protocol Number according to priority and was examined to find out what were the characteristics when students participated in the task. The evidence used in argumentation was graded from level 1 to level 6 according to Perella's Hierarchy of Evidence and the rate of frequency classified by the level was expressed in graph. Students used Level 1- Level 2 evidence above 50% without for or against task. They had weak argumentation making use of low-level evidence such as individual experience, opinion and another person's experience rather than objective evidences. On the other hand, students commented on the lack of opponent's evidence when they could not trust an opponent's evidence. If one team asked the other to present more evidence but could not, they disregarded the question and turned to another topic. And in cases where the opponent team refuted with evidences of high level, the other team just repeated their claim or evaded the rebuttal. The students tended to complete the argument without the same conclusions with some interruptions. The results show that we need an educational programs including scientific argumentation for science-gifted elementary school students.

1학년 수와 연산 영역에서 학습자의 오류 분석을 통한 교과서 재구성 방안

  • Choi, Ho-Hee;Choi, Chang-Woo
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to look for the plan of reconstructing a textbook through error analysis and the process of its correction in numbers and operations of the first grade. The Research materials are collected and analyzed through the journal about every lessons, the recording sheets of students' activity, the recording videotapes during lessons, the individual interview and observation. This study investigated 4 errors which are useful for reconstructing textbook, the errors of understanding relation between numerical expression and number line, the errors of drawing-strategy, the errors of understanding relation between additive expression and subtractive expression, the errors of subtraction has to be regrouped. The errors are classified into some types and analyzed focusing on content of each error. Reinstructing are carried out based on material analyzed for correcting errors.

Study on Nutritional Contents of Lunchboxes Carried by 5th Grade Students in Jinju (진주지역 국민학교 5학년 아동의 도시락에 의한 영양섭취에 관한 조사연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.317-328
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    • 1990
  • This reseach was undertaken to investigate the nutritional contents of lunchboxes of 5th grade students in the elementary school living in Jinju city. The survey was conducted from July 4 to July 7, 1988. Cereals and side dishes in the lunch box were weighed and nutrients were analyzed from the food composition table. Questionaires were used to determine family background and the food preference. The results were summarized as follows : 1) The average education of mother was 10 years and the average number of children in the family was 2.8. 2) The average food weight of 151 boys was 289g and that of 164 girls was 253g. The average number of side dishes was 1.7. 3) The average nutritional value and the percentage of Recommended Dietary Allowances of boys were calorie 578 Cal, 75%, protein 24.6g, 113%, calcium 128mg, 55%, iron 3.89mg, 78.0 %, vitamin A 807IU, 122 %, thiamin 0.32mg, 81 %, riboflavin 0.26mg, 56 %, niacin 4.07mg, 81 %, ascorbic acid 6.33mg, 38%. 4) The average nutritional value and the percentage of Recommended Diatary Allowances of girls were calorie 547 Cal, 82 %, protein 23.0g, 113 %, calcium 135mg, 58 %, iron 3.37mg, 56 % ,vitamin A 911IU, 137 % , thiamin 0.27m9, 732 % , riboflavin 0.26mg, 64 % , niacin 4.03mg, 93 % , ascorbic acid 7.40mg, 44 % . 5) The calorie ratios of carbohydrate, protein and fat from boys and girls were 75 : 18 : 7 and 76 : 17 : 7, respectively. 6) The favorite food for cereals were plain rice, breads, noodles, rice with beans and the favorite food for side dishes were ham, sausage, beef and chicken.

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An Analysis on Aspects of Equalities with Monomial Left-hand Side Presented in Korean Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks (우리나라 초등학교 수학 교과서에서 제시하는 좌변이 단항식인 등식의 양태 분석)

  • Ko, Jun Seok;Choi, Jong Hyeon;Lee, Seung Eun;Park, Kyo Sik
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.583-599
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, aspects of equalities with monomial left-hand side presented in Korean elementary school mathematics textbooks are analyzed focusing on the component of expressions. According to this analysis, the textbooks deal with equalities with monomial left-hand side as though the students already know them, rather than to introduce and deal with them systematically. In this paper, the following four suggestions based on this analysis are proposed as conclusions. First, A-type equalities (with one kinds of calculation symbols and two or more numbers, variables, denominative numbers in the right-hans side) and B-type equalities (with two or more kinds of calculation symbols and two or more numbers, variables, denominative numbers in the right-hans side) may need to be introduced by the explicit description. Second, it is necessary to establish clearly the order of dealing with numeric expressions, expressions with ${\Box}$(blank) expression, expressions with words, expressions with ${\Box}$(variable), expressions with variables. Third, it needs to be noted that equalities with monomial left-hand side cab be used with a variety of meanings. Fourth, it is necessary to widen the range of the number constituting equalities with monomial left-hand side to the natural number 0 and as well as fractions, decimals.

Allowance Usage Practices and Saving Behavior among Children

  • Kim Hyo-Chung
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the allowance usage practices and factors affecting saving behavior from 291 elementary school students in Susan. Frequency distributions, Pearson product-moment correlations, and logistic regression analysis were conducted by SPSS Windows. Two-fifths of the respondents did not regularly receive allowance. Many parents did not guide what children spent their money on before using it. Children spent their allowances on buying snacks, stationary, and playing in the game room. Only a small number of the respondents kept a record, but many children saved money. On the other hand, in the logistic regression analysis, the significant variables explaining children's saving behavior were parents' guidance before using allowance, record-keeping, and doing household work for an allowance. These results imply that parents are in the best position to give children positive experiences towards financial management.

Differences in Snacking Behavior and General Characteristics of High School Students in Some Areas in Seoul and Kyonggido (서울, 경기 일부지역 고등학생의 간식 섭취 실태와 일반사항과의 차이)

  • Kim, Geum-Ran;Kim, Mi-Jung
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.11-27
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate snacking behavior of high school students. The subjects were 1,587 students (684 male, 903 female) in Seoul and Paju. The highest number of eating snacks was 'once(39.9%)' per day, and they preferred 'milk and cookies' and 'fruit.' For the result of reasons for choosing a snack, they chose 'what I want to have (59.6%)' most and 'snacks don't affect eating meals (48.0%).' Also, compared with the ones with 'an elementary school diploma,' the percentage of those with 'a middle school diploma' was higher in 'having snacks once or three times' according to father's education level(p<0.05). In snack types and general characteristics, they chose 'milk and cookies' when their expenses range 'under 50000 won' and '100,000 won' and 'fruit' when '70,000won' and 'over 100,000 won (p<0.05).' In the reasons for choosing a snack, younger mothers(30-50ages) said 'what I want to have' while elder mothers($$\geq_-51ages$$) 'depending on my mood.' Also, the respondents whose mothers had 'a high school diploma' answered 'what I want to have' the most (p<0.05). Especially, in case of effects after eating snack, they answered 'poor meals (35.5%)' whose mother's job was professional. These results suggest that the general characteristics of family environment may affect snacking behavior among high school students. They need a guideline to help select healthy snacks for desirable eating behavior.

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Gender differences in Korean elementary students: An analysis of TIMSS 2011 and 2015 fourth grade mathematics assessment (한국 초등학생들의 성차: TIMSS 2011 2015 수학 학업성취도 평가를 통한 분석)

  • Hwang, Sunghwan;Yeo, Sheunghyun
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.217-235
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    • 2020
  • This study examined Korean fourth-grade students' performance by gender on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study(TIMSS) 2011 and 2015 mathematics assessment. We first identified items which had significantly higher mean scores by gender to decide which gender did better on a certain domain(domain-level analysis). Then, we examined the content of items(item-level analysis) to understand which items lead to gender differences in mathematics achievement. Our findings showed that about 80% of the items on both assessments did not show statistically significant differences between males and females. However, there were meaningful gender differences in the other 20% items. On both assessments, females had more items with significantly higher mean scores than males on the Shapes domain, and males had more those items on the Numbers and Measurement domains and all cognitive domains(Knowing, Applying, and Reasoning). In particular, females outperformed males on items related to identifying two- and three-dimensional shapes and drawing lines and angles and identifying them. Conversely, males had higher performance than females on items related to the pre-algebraic thinking, fractions and decimals, estimation of number differences, unit of length, and measuring time, height, and volume. The effect sizes for each item ranged from .12 to .33 and the mean effect size of all items across both assessments was .20, which indicated significant gender differences but small.

Dieticians' Perceived Performance Level and Obstructive Factors of HACCP System among Elementary School Food Services in Gyeongbuk Province (경북지역 초등학교 영양(교)사의 학교급식 HACCP 시스템 수행 수준 및 장애요인 인식)

  • Yang, Ji Hye;Sung, Bo Mi;Kim, Mi Hwa;Jung, Hyun Sook;Cha, Myeong Hwa;Ryu, Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.11
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    • pp.1774-1784
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to determine obstructive factors and performance level of the HACCP system among elementary schools in Gyeongbuk province. E-mail survey targeted 320 dieticians, and recovery rate was 74.1%. Consequently, 227 responses were analyzed. The questionnaire was composed of 58 items under four sections (general characteristics, dieticians' perceived HACCP performance level, dieticians' perceived CCP performance level, and obstructive factors of HACCP system implementation). The item with the highest rate of HACCP performance level was 'HACCP training for foodservice employees in schools ($4.02{\pm}0.70$)' while the lowest counterpart was 'implementation of HACCP team meeting, reporting, and maintenance ($2.74{\pm}0.99$)'. The performance level of the item 'HACCP training for foodservice employees in schools' was perceived as highest when the number of students eating school meals was greater than 1,101 (P<0.05). Moreover, CCP 4 ($4.44{\pm}0.53$) and CP 5 ($4.44{\pm}0.51$) showed the best performance, whereas CCP 1 showed the lowest performance level ($3.90{\pm}0.60$). Therefore, reinforcement of hygiene instruction in menu planning is perceived as necessary. CCP 1, CCP 6 (P<0.05), and CCP 3 (P<0.001) showed significant differences in performance based on the number of students eating school meals. Further, according to results regarding obstructive factors of HACCP system execution, 'general factor' was the most severe obstructive factor in the application of HACCP ($3.46{\pm}0.62$). Among the 'factors pertaining to dieticians', the item 'hardship of proper monitoring and micro-management due to overwhelming workload' was most influential ($3.46{\pm}0.96$). Furthermore, the item 'low budget allocation by educational offices ($3.90{\pm}0.88$)' was influential among the 'factors pertaining to school administrations'. In conclusion, the results of this research can help solve obstructive factors of elementary school food services and provide knowledge that is essential for the proper implementation of HACCP.

The Trends of Research on Children Art Therapy Program Intervention in Korea (한국 아동 미술치료중재 프로그램 연구 동향)

  • Kim, Won-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.790-802
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    • 2017
  • Purpose. This study was designed to analyze recent trends in Children Art Therapy Program Intervention research in Korea and suggest future research directions in this area. Methods. Studies(29) selected from http://www.riss4u.net for last 15 year were used. They were analyzed by publication type, field and design of the study, study participants and outcome variables used in intervention studies. Results. 1. As for academic field, there are 15 art therapy academic journals(51.72%), which made up the largest proportion. 2. As for subjects of the study, there are 17 articles of Elementary (58.6%) education, which made up the largest proportion. As for the subjects of sex, 8 articles (27.59%) are for male students, 7 (24.14%) articles are for female students and 14 articles (48.28.%) are for both male and female students. 3. As for 7 articles of Art therapy(24.14%), 7 articles of Group Art therapy (24.14%) made up the largest proporton 4. As for the intervention study method according to the subjects of suicide intervention program, there are 15 articles of monoclonal Pre and post design (51.72%),which made up the largest proportion. 5. As for the sample size, there were 16.79 persons in the treatment group on average, 13.28 persons in the control group have average and the total persons were 10 on average. The treatment period was 12 weeks on average and the average number of treatment times was 18. The places of treatment were 3 schools (10.38%), which made up the largest proportion. 19. The results of the experimental study support the research hypothesis of all 29 programs. Conclusions. As the above, the studies on the art therapy intervention program for children are increasing but the subjects are overly weighted toward elementary school students. Although the content of the art therapy intervention program was varied, it was found that the development of the program using various art media which can induce the motivation of the child was lacking. In addition, the place of experimental mediation was concentrated on psychology center as 12(41.38%), indicating that there are not enough places to connect with community organizations such as schools and hospitals. The variables of experimental study were focused on psychological variables and it was found that there were insufficient application of various variables including coping method, social support, and physiological variables.

The Effects of Counselling Program using Children's Poem on Maladapted Children in School - A Case Study on Self-Esteem and School Adjustment (동시를 활용한 상담 프로그램이 학교 부적응 아동의 자아존중감 및 학교적응에 미치는 영향에 관한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Kyeung-Ok;Choi, Byung-Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is investigate what effects of counseling program using children's poem on maladapted children in school on the children's self-esteem and school adjustment. For this, counseling programs using children's poem was developed and this counseling sessions were implemented to maladapted children in school and the research question to analyze the effect is as follows. First, what effect does the counseling program using children's poem have on the improvement of self-esteem of the maladapted children in school? Secondly, what effect does the counseling program using children's poem have on the school life of the maladapted children in school? The research target were maladapted children in school who are enrolled in the 4th grade in Elementary school. Through two different case studies, these students were selected after reflecting the opinions of the students' current homeroom teacher, parents, and friends. The counseling program using children's poem were conducted from June 2010 to July 2010, twice a week for a total number of 12 sessions. Each session consisted of 40 minutes and client's change process was explored. Through the counseling program using children's poem, this study collected data and examined the effectiveness of the program through comparing the results of the evaluated results of the language and behavior the target children responded, depth interviews with parents, friends, and teachers, behavior observation checklist, and the pre and post test results of the measurement tools. The results of this study is as follows. First, the counseling program using children's poem improved the self-esteem of the maladjusted child in school. Especially, among the sub-region of self-esteem, it was able to improve the domestic, social and academic self-esteem. Secondly, the counseling program using children's poem had a positive effect on the school adjustment of the maladjusted child in school. Among the sub-region of school adjustment, it had a positive change in the teacher relationships, peer relationships, and attitude. In addition, children's poem which was the reading material for the counseling program using children's poem was proven to work effectively in the counseling progress. Recitation and content of the children's poem promoted self-open of the client and as a result, it had a positive effect on improving relations with the counselor and this became the media that led to a successful counseling session. Therefore, I anticipate that this counseling program using children's poem will be actively used in counseling sessions through applying the results of this study and after revising the program so the counseling program could have a more efficient effect on self-esteem and school adjustment.

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