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An Analysis on Aspects of Equalities with Monomial Left-hand Side Presented in Korean Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks  

Ko, Jun Seok (경인교육대학교 대학원)
Choi, Jong Hyeon (경인교육대학교 대학원)
Lee, Seung Eun (경인교육대학교 대학원)
Park, Kyo Sik (경인교육대학교)
Publication Information
Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea / v.20, no.4, 2016 , pp. 583-599 More about this Journal
In this paper, aspects of equalities with monomial left-hand side presented in Korean elementary school mathematics textbooks are analyzed focusing on the component of expressions. According to this analysis, the textbooks deal with equalities with monomial left-hand side as though the students already know them, rather than to introduce and deal with them systematically. In this paper, the following four suggestions based on this analysis are proposed as conclusions. First, A-type equalities (with one kinds of calculation symbols and two or more numbers, variables, denominative numbers in the right-hans side) and B-type equalities (with two or more kinds of calculation symbols and two or more numbers, variables, denominative numbers in the right-hans side) may need to be introduced by the explicit description. Second, it is necessary to establish clearly the order of dealing with numeric expressions, expressions with ${\Box}$(blank) expression, expressions with words, expressions with ${\Box}$(variable), expressions with variables. Third, it needs to be noted that equalities with monomial left-hand side cab be used with a variety of meanings. Fourth, it is necessary to widen the range of the number constituting equalities with monomial left-hand side to the natural number 0 and as well as fractions, decimals.
equality; equality with monomial left-hand side; meaning of equality;
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